Blood tax

Chapter 147 Griffith's Shocking Strike in Control of the Iris Flag

Chapter 147 Griffith's Shocking Blow in Control of the Iris Flag

The rebel central army of more than 1000 people is slowly advancing.They lined up in a staggered and curved formation, and they were attacking the south and west defense lines of the ferry with all their strength.As they retreated or alternated over puddles and gentle slopes, the ranks split inexorably.

Mage Reed watched the battle ahead.The fighting was going on there, but it wasn't going well.

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke appeared to the west of him, and an army rushed in his direction.

"The idiot Fang Fang Huo Lan came back with his troops?" Reid said to himself, "Why did they come back? Didn't they let them intercept the army fleeing west? Just come back. There are almost no guards here. The follow-up troops haven't arrived yet. Come here and ask!"

The gray army was getting closer and closer, and the rebels who had gathered on the Platchen low hill gradually saw them clearly, and realized something was wrong for a moment.

"Official army! The official army is here!"

Reed was shocked.There were not many troops around him. After the frontal attack failed, Lance mobilized many troops to the front line for reinforcements.There are less than two hundred miscellaneous soldiers gathered around him now, and some follow-up troops are coming one after another from the south, and this meeting has not arrived yet.

"Attack! Prepare to fight!" Reed yelled, "Go and tell Lance to send someone to support me! Immediately, immediately!"


Lana is leading the team to fight back.

The rebels had no match for him, and the lines were torn, driven back again from the positions they had just taken.

Thousands of rebels were crowded in the depression under the gentle slope, colliding in disorder, crowded, some of them tried to expand to the periphery, but were immediately attacked by Miyo.

Suddenly, a powerful breath appeared.

Lance was impatient with the slow progress.He appears on the battlefield wielding a mighty bow.

Lifting the bow, nodding the arrow, and drawing the string all in one go, and the heavy arrow shot straight away like a shooting star.The Eternal Patriarch in Lana's hand moved again, completing the automatic defense before the sword-bearer noticed the danger.

The heavy arrow flew out, piercing through the gauntlet, left arm, and mail armor of a nearby punishment battalion soldier, entering the left chest and exiting the chest.

The legionnaire opened his mouth to say something, but he could only spit out blood foam, and fell limply to the ground.He instinctively made a movement to cover the wound, and the person had already fallen backwards, the blood sprayed into the air like a fountain, and then turned into blood drops, drenching Lana's helmet wet.

Lance snorted softly, and turned to look for other Xiutorals.The majestic LS and the far-sighted Mijo ran away with their heads in their arms, and Warren Haydn shrank himself under the thick shield.

One is more cunning than the other.

Lance had no choice but to bend his bow and shoot two city defense sergeants one after another.The defensive team faltered for a moment.

"Kill!" Lance put away his bow and arrow, holding a mace with a mace in his left hand and a mace in his left hand, and took the lead to kill towards the ferry.The rebels immediately followed behind clamoring.

A team of city defense troops was facing the impact of Lance. They also received a little training and immediately formed a defensive formation.The three of them squatted down, and the two of them stood behind each other, each holding a long spear and waiting in full force, as hard as a curled up porcupine.

Lance ran forward with a smirk on his face, and when he got close, he turned his left hand and put away the mace, took out a throwing knife and threw it at the city defense army in the middle.The soldier was caught off guard and was thrown to the ground with his throat pierced.The other four were panicked and at a loss. Lance had already approached, and the flail hammer swept over like a gust of wind. The militiaman who was hit on the head immediately had his brains burst, and the one who was hit on the chest had a big hole in his chest , reach in and take out the heart.

The five militiamen were beaten into several balls of meat in an instant, and all the nearby soldiers fled in all directions, throwing away their armor and armor.

Facing the defense, he used heavy arrows and flying knives to break through the formation, and after approaching, he used heavy weapons such as flails and maces to sweep across. Even wearing heavy armor could not resist such a powerful attack.Lance himself is also wearing heavy armor, with amazing defense all over his body, and he is good at both long-distance and close combat.

He is a skilled commander and an unstoppable fighter.

"Stop him!"

Lana raised the Zhanma sword and rushed over, only to be repelled in one round. LS Er brandished two swords to stop Lance, and one saber was interrupted in one round.

Murat, who had been on guard for a long time, raised his halberd to meet him, and rescued L. L. from under the shackle, whose head was almost smashed.Here Nona has rushed over holding the sword and shield.

The retreating Lana joined the battle group with Xialong's twin swords, but Lser threw away the useless saber and took a long halberd to fight.

The four surrounded Lance and fought, and it was inseparable for a while.

After more than ten rounds of confrontation between the two sides, Lance slapped LS away with a sheep bone shield, and he was slapped by Murat.The two sides retreated a little, each adjusted their breath and prepared to fight again immediately.

"You fought well," Lance wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "but that's all, your end is in sight."

"Good idea!" Nona yelled, "You can't even say that when you look behind your back, idiot!"

"Look at my back? Such an old-fashioned trick, did you learn it from fighting with children?" Lance laughed angrily, "You are a good girl, I will keep you."

As soon as the words fell, a loud bugle sound suddenly sounded from the direction of the pratina behind him!
This was the bugle of the city defense army, but it appeared behind the rebel army, and it came from the low hill of Prachin overlooking the battlefield.

Lance thought he was hallucinating, and turned his head away in horror.


At 3:23 on March 14, General Griffith threw the flag to Paxiu who followed him, and took the halberd he handed over.

"Follow me to attack!"

He took the lead in the charge, and Pashuu followed with the flag aloft, roaring.Four squadrons rushed towards the terrified Wizard Reed and the panicked rebels.

Griffith forcibly carried two unsuitable attacking spells, and chopped off Reid's legs with one halberd.His battalion overwhelmed the few rebels on the low hills in a blink of an eye, unfurling banners of irises against the incredible thousand rebels in the hollow below.

The panicked rebels dispersed in a rush, giving up the most critical position.

4 squadrons assembled at Prachen Low Hill and were about to launch an attack on the rebels from the flanks and rear.

Griffith came before the army, and took over the iris flag again under the eyes of the rebels and the officers.

The noisy battlefield froze, and everyone was watching the army on the gentle slope, waiting for them to launch a thunderous blow.The main force of the rebels panicked.They were stuck in a muddy depression, looking back anxiously at the army that suddenly appeared behind them.

The rebels were caught between the two armies at the ferry and the low hill, unable to advance or retreat, and the panic spread at an alarming speed.Some people even had a premonition that something was wrong, and began to escape from the queue and run towards the west.

Lance was frantically running towards his central army, preparing to mobilize troops to meet the enemy.

If it is a regular army, it is not necessary.However, this time, it is still necessary.Griffith stood with the flag up, looked at the neatly lined squadrons, and said in a passionate and passionate voice:

"Soldiers, did you see that?
"The enemy is trembling at your feet! They are in fear, panic, looking up to you, waiting for you to pronounce their death.

"Soldiers, look at me! You know me!
"I am Griffith of the Lamor family, the knight who killed Mosmoke and broke the army, you follow me to fight, and no one can stop you wherever you go!"

The soldiers in the formation nodded one after another. Everyone knew Griffith. They either followed him to win rewards in the past few days, or followed his banner to march. Obedience has been rooted in their hearts.

"Soldiers, follow my banner and cast destruction on the heads of the rebels! Just as I and you have done in the past few days. Crush them, destroy them, tread them in the mud!

"Soldiers, follow my banner! Victory and riches, glory and triumph await us, let the history of Verona be remembered!
"Soldiers, follow my banner! Gods new and old in the heavens, watch us! Rejoice for our roar, for our flag, for our victory!"

Even the dullest people can see the rebels shaking their hearts under their feet.The Griffith brigade is condescending, and it is sure to be invincible.The city defense soldiers all had red eyes, clenched their teeth, panting and roaring like beasts.

Griffith drew his sword out of its sheath and asked loudly, "Soldiers, can we fight?"

"War—!" Paxiu clenched his fists high and shouted hoarsely.

Griffith swept across the army with his sword: "Soldiers, can we fight!"

"Fight!" Gérard, Reye, and Mira raised their swords and shouted fiercely, rolling like a tide.

Griffith raised the fleur-de-lis flag over his head, and the hazy sky was thunderous, as if the gods were praising heroes on the top of seven mountains.

He shouted to the Brigade of Prachin and the Brigade of Boulogne at the ferry:

"Soldiers, can-no-a-war!!!"


The whole army was full of fighting spirit and shouted in unison on Prachen Hill.They raised their spears and axes high and roared in unison with a shocking momentum.All the troops at the ferry echoed in unison:


Griffith waved the military flag and pressed on the rebels who were in panic all day long.

"A total army attack!"

Griffith took the lead in the charge with his flag raised, and his battalion rushed down the ramp to face the rebels, uttering deafening shouts.

The main force of the rebels disintegrated instantly under Griffith's charge like snow meeting boiling water.They were attacked from the front and rear, shouting defeat, and countless people fled in all directions.

"Counterattack!" Lance's eyes were tearing apart, and he uttered a battle cry in vain.However, he lacked officers, so he was unable to assemble a powerful and reliable counterattack for a while, and could only drive some soldiers to turn around, which accelerated his own chaos and collapse.

Lana, L. Le, Mijo, Murat, Nona, and Kulala lead the city defenders to counterattack from the ferry. They joined the battle group and fought fiercely.

The rebels huddled in the mud collapsed and disintegrated.The remnant was caught between the two armies, one fled to the west, and the rest screamed and routed towards the rolling Beit River.


"Counterattack! Counterattack!" Lance had completely lost control of the army. He jumped on a horse, waved the flag and shouted vigorously, trying to save the army from disintegration.

He and his veterans are still fighting desperately in the chaos, gathering the rebels under the banner and reorganizing.

"I found you!" Griffith stopped from the fight, his eyes sparkled, and he shouted coldly, "Blow the bugle."

Three loud bugles echoed on the battlefield, and some of the Shutorals rushing down from the ferry stopped immediately and gathered towards the west.Lana and LS didn't move, they continued to attack, diverting Lance's attention.

Griffith's army wiped out the rebels on the outskirts and surrounded the four crippled regiment squadrons and part of the rebels.

While trying to restore his own organization, Lance cast his eyes on the military flag that Paxiu held high, ready to move.

At this time, Griffith and the Xiutorals had already gathered together, watching Lance who was in command of the battle in the depression.

Griffith threw away the halberd, took the throwing spear from Nona, and shouted to his comrades in a low voice:
"Snipe the enemy general!"

Nona, Reye, Kulala, and Mira put on their shields and moved forward slowly.Their steps were steady and slow, and they adjusted their positions according to the movement of the battle line from time to time, as if they were standing still.

Griffith, Murat, Gérard, and Miyo are hiding behind them, each holding a gleaming armor-piercing spear in their hands.

The target was directed at Lance in the encirclement.

Lance didn't notice it. He just easily repelled a challenge from Lana and LS. He rode on a steed and raised the general flag high, commanding the troops to form a square formation.He was waiting, waiting for Fang Horan's army to appear to the west, or for a follow-on force to retake Prachen Lowlands.As long as any support army arrives, he hopes to reverse the situation.

The rebel army has not yet been completely defeated. As long as Lance and his flag are there, the morale and courage of the rebel army will gradually cheer up.

Suddenly, there was a sharp and chilling chill in the air.The four armored soldiers with shields suddenly squatted down. At this moment, the four spears shot out quickly, almost whizzing past Nona and the others' helmets.

A series of silvery flashes like a shower of stars.Surprised, Lance blocked it with his saber.

"Boom, poof, poof - poof!" After a series of strange roars, the blade trembled violently, followed by the sound of tearing metal and flesh.

Lance's saber was broken by the thrown spear, which cut open his arm.His chest and left lower abdomen were pierced by three javelins, and even nailed into the horse's back.

Lance felt his strength and blood spurting out of his body, and he subconsciously reached out to touch his wound.

The sharp whistling that tore through the air interrupted the shouts on the battlefield. Whether it was the officers and rebels in the fierce battle, almost everyone saw Lance being shot into a sieve.

He was so stiff on the steed, the spear pierced through his chest and waist, nailed into the horse's back, twisted and deformed in the flesh and blood.

After a while, he brought his general flag and his mount collapsed with a bang.


The faces of the veterans of the rebel army were ashen, as if they were the ones who were shot through by the spears.

The battlefield fell silent.

Griffith glanced at the surrounded veterans, gritted his teeth, and shouted to the trumpeters beside him, "Blow four bugles."

Four bugles are a special arrangement, specially made for this temporary mixed team.

This is an order for shelling.

Four consecutive bugles sounded to start the bombardment, and four bugles were sounded again to stop the bombardment.

Senamon, who had no sense of participation in the battle, heard four bugles.According to the task assigned, he should save ammunition and save the giant crossbow for the moment when it is most needed.

It's now.

Senamon glanced uneasily at the legionnaires who had gathered into a group and stood still like targets.His engineers and catapults were finishing up the fight.

"Load the crossbow,
"Three shots in a row!"

He hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and gave the order to attack.The four bed crossbows, which had already adjusted their positions, lowered their shooting angles and aimed at the veterans who were exposed to the firing range.


With a roar more terrifying than before, a crossbow shot through three veterans.Then came the second shot, the third shot...

The thick crossbow shot at an astonishing speed, and the soldiers who were hit were even torn in half.The undiminished crossbow gun then shot through the second person, and then plunged into the ground unshakably.

Squeezed into the depression near the ferry by the city defense army, the legionnaires who lost their command screamed and let out a dying roar of anger.They left the position, some of them rushed towards the ballista along the muddy bank, and others scattered and rushed to the position of the city defense army.

The last resistance of the rebels collapsed less than 2 minutes after Lance was sniped.

Some legionnaires rushed into Senamon's position in a chaotic manner.But they had no organization and cooperation, and they were wiped out by Lana and LS in a blink of an eye.

Most of the rest were besieged by the main force commanded by Griffith, and were forced back into the Beit River a little bit.

"Make them surrender."

Griffith said coldly.

There was no point in continuing to fight, and even the shelling was over after only two rounds.The remaining hundreds of legionnaires stood knee-deep in the water, holding up their shields and swords to resist.

"Surrender! Surrender quickly!" the city guards shouted.

"Come and lick my toes!" The legionnaire cursed back and forth with inexplicable words, refusing to surrender.

"Mira," Griffith patted Miss Shutoral who was in a daze, "bring the archers over and finish them off with bows and arrows and throwing stones."

"I don't," Mira whispered, biting her lip, "don't make me do this, you, or Lana, do it!"

"I'll do it," Nona took her companion's strong bow, "get out of the way, the longer you delay, the more people will die."

The Xiutorals retreated one after another, and Nona, who was in armor and holding a bow, pushed away the wall of the city defense army and came to the city defense army crowded in the river.She threw away her helmet and shook her black hair that had been dyed red: "Surrender, soldiers."

"We don't surrender, bitch who kneels and licks every night!" shouted a legionnaire.

"Bang!" As soon as the words fell, Nona's strong bow shot through the shield and pierced the neck of the shouting legionnaire.

"Surrender, soldiers." She called out again in her indifferent voice, and before waiting for an answer, she bent her bow and shot another man.

"Surrender, soldiers."

Nona ordered over and over again, and after each order, she randomly shot and killed one person.The cruel words and the terrifying strings broke everyone's hearts.

Some legionnaires rushed forward and were immediately wiped out by Griffith.

After Nona gave the order for the seventh time, there was a splashing sound in the river.The legionnaire finally laid down his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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