Blood tax

Chapter 146 Marching to Victory

Chapter 146 Marching to Victory
"Squadron, go forward!"

Griffith raised the flag of the Iris, led his squadron off the battlefield, and marched west.Gérard, Reyer, and Mira led the squadron to follow him, forming a temporary Griffith brigade, and left the Boulogne Ferry without looking back.

After adjustments, the squadrons of L.S. Hall, Millau, and Warren Haydn stayed at the ferry, and with the cooperation of four ballistas, they formed the Boulogne Brigade to hold their positions.Lana, Murat, Nona and Kulala all stay here to strengthen their defenses.

As early as the day after Maglius' camp was attacked by floods, Griffith was already conceiving this battle.

The siege and counter-siege of Beit Manor and Castle over several days, the flooding of Magrius' troops and the raid on Earl Syndra's reinforcements, and a series of short but intense raids, raids, and outposts were all part of the campaign. inseparable part.These large and small battles revolved around the same goal, the siege and siege of the noble heirs of Bayeran who were besieged in Beit Castle.

The coming battle at the Ferry de Boulogne was the final climax of the campaign.

Through several days of fighting and reconnaissance, as well as the information provided by Fiona, Griffith clearly grasped the terrain of the entire battlefield and the strength of the enemy and the enemy. His psychological sketch of the rebel commander Lance also became It became increasingly clear that a huge and well-thought-out plan had already been prepared.

After repeated calculations and thinking, Griffith completed a careful campaign plan.The development of the battle situation is under his control.

Through this battle, he will prove to Earl Lamour, Homewatts and Sidious that he is not a pawn with a simple mind who only knows how to charge, but a rare elite who can plan and command large-scale battles.If they plan any more conspiracy involving Griffith, the other end of the scale is worth more consideration.

His only concern is the safety of Sonia and everyone. If they want to abandon the army and flee to a safe place, he will not stop them, even if it means the complete collapse and destruction of the reinforcements.

Now, the determination to fight has been made, and the battle of Boulogne will be carried out according to his prediction and preparation.

Griffith is marching towards the final victory.

On March 1444, 3, at 23:11 noon, the main rebel army in Reims approached the Boulogne Ferry.Along the way, he accommodated several rebels who broke up and defected to him, so the arrival time was later than originally planned.

After a long march, more than 2000 of his more than 500 men were sent to block the road to the west, and the others marched along the road in bad condition, which has become the shape of a sledgehammer.The four squadrons, all composed of veterans of the Veronese Legion, and other elite rebel soldiers are the hammerheads, and the other bandits, horse thieves and recruited militia are the long handles.

Lance's tactics are very clear. He wants to capture the ferry as soon as possible and block the exit for the nobles and young ladies to escape to the east bank.Even if he couldn't stop those noble sons, he would still wipe out more than 1000 city defense troops on the west bank.

A burst of bugles sounded, and the longbowmen of the rebel army came out first. They bent their bows and threw arrows like locusts at the position of the ferry.They fired five volleys one after another, raining arrows on the ferry and on the ruins of the village.

After the long-range firepower was prepared, the rebels blew the horn to march, and Theseus, the former senior centurion, led two squadrons to attack.

They were coming down from the Platchen low hills with regular steps, they had to cross a muddy depression, and then they attacked the higher ferry and village.Wearing golden helmets, wearing silver gleaming chain mail, and holding large shields, they spread out on both sides of the road leading to the ferry like rolling waves.

Although the floodwaters have receded, mud and water still make the roads in terrible condition.Even with the gathering and mobilization of troops at Prachen Low Hill, the rebels were still limited in how many troops they could charge in a single charge.

The legion veterans lined up neatly, walked slowly and firmly across the slippery and muddy ground, and marched 200 meters to the defense line of the ferry. There was no noise in the middle, and the formation was not chaotic.

Lance watched from a distance on the low hill that the army was divided into two, one part was staying at the ferry, and the other was rushing westward.After a moment of thought, he issued an order:
"The officers and soldiers wanted to disperse and flee, they must have known that this small ferry would not be able to escape so many troops.

"Inform Huo Lan immediately, and tell him to restrain the army fleeing west, not to fight, not to let them go, and wait for me to lead the army to support.

"Our army is attacking with all its strength."

After issuing the order, Lance turned to the two fallen mages who had just met and asked:
"Master, how are you?"

"We guard here," Wizard Reed pointed to the village where he was. "Plachen is the assembly point, and I will guard here. In addition, I suggest that the troops led by Holland and Lupin be called back and attack from the west. Ferry, cover our left flank."

"It's not necessary," Lance waved his hand, disagreeing to recall the army,

"The goal of my campaign is to wipe out the city defense forces in this area. If they are allowed to merge with the nobles in the west, they will pose a threat in the rear of our army and hinder my next battle.

"I want to block the retreat route of the officers and soldiers to the west. If they escape into the noble territory there, this battle will be completely meaningless."

Master Reed still wanted to argue, but the battle cry of swallowing mountains and rivers suddenly burst out from the bottom of the slope.

"Get ready to shoot!"

"Three shots in a row!"

Theseus raised his sword and pressed down, throwing guns like a storm, setting off a murderous aura, and attacking the position of the city defense army.

Lanar and Warren Haydon's squadrons hurriedly raised their shields to resist.They have built a low earth wall in front of them to strengthen their defense.

The sound of ping-pong-pong impact and tearing of flesh and blood can be heard endlessly.After three rounds of earth-shattering volleys from the heavy armor-piercing throwing guns at a distance of less than 30 meters, the squadron commanded by the two men was shaken.

"This earthen wall is really in the way," Theseus said disdainfully, "Charge, kill them!"

The rebel legionnaires drew their swords and began to storm the defenses of L.S. Earl and Warren Haydn.As soon as they came up, they pressed the front line of the city defense army and pushed in, fighting from the outside of the small village at the ferry all the way to the village, and the situation was precarious.

LS Er immediately sent to the punishment battalion.Two legionaries clashed among the ruins.The rebel veterans proved to be even better.Pressing the line of defense, they continued to advance slowly.Although it went well, the rebel veteran's left flank was also exposed as the fighting progressed.

Before the second wave of rebel soldiers could catch up, a resounding bugle sounded from the ruins.Mijo seized the exposed gap on the left flank of the rebel veterans and charged his squadron from the right side of the village to storm the legionary's left flank.

The pressure on Theseus increased greatly, and the veteran squadron on the left was flanked and threatened to collapse.While holding his ground, he called for reinforcements to the rear.

At this moment, a berserk black shadow flickered on the broken wall and broken house, crossed the crowd of people's heads, and smashed in the direction of Theseus.

The rebel veteran who was in the middle of the battle felt as if he had been hit by a thunderbolt, and his feet were numb.

Wearing black armor and carrying a terrifying sword on his shoulder, Lana rushed into the queue of rebel veterans.He wore a ferocious helmet like a wolf's head, pressed his hand on the hilt of his sword, and swept towards his side.

The black gust swept across the knees of the veterans, and they were cut down in pieces before they could react.

Lana raged like a mythical monster behind the veteran's lines, opening a huge gap in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that his subordinates were shattered by the sudden counterattack, Theseus rushed forward with a loud roar.Holding a sword and shield in his hand, he faced Lana head-on.


The two collided like thunder and bounced back at the same time.Theseus' great shield blocked Lana's beheading, and even stabbed him in the arm with a sword.

"Yo! It's hard!" Lana nodded in satisfaction, "I wish for it."

The icy Zhanmajian whispered in his hand, astonishing power was poured into the blade, and the next blow would carry astonishing power and destructive power.

Just when Theseus mobilized all his attention to guard against the sword, Kulala flashed out from a nearby tree and shot a precise arrow at Theseus.The arrow pierced his gaiter and lodged in his throat.

Before he could retreat, Lanar's blow followed, breaking Theseus' sword and cutting him in two.

The veterans of the rebel army were caught off guard, and their commander was killed as soon as they fought, and the rest could not withstand the fierce counterattack, and lost their positions and retreated.

The other two veteran squadrons had already caught up. They gathered the defeated soldiers from the first wave, and launched another assault with almost no need for the entire team.The densely packed swords and shields made it impossible for Lana to find a gap to strike. The two sides fell into a stalemate, sawing repeatedly near the low wall and the ruins.

Lance immediately sent follow-up reinforcements, and the troops attacking the ferry and following it had exceeded 800 people.But Xiutoral's counterattack was very tenacious. Even if some positions were captured, it would be difficult for the rebels to form a breakthrough.

"Reed, send the reserve team up." Seeing that the veterans he had placed high hopes on could not attack the position, Lance immediately said to the mage.

Wizard Reed disagreed and still had to stick to the low hill: "No, we must leave at least 400 people to protect the low hill and the village. Our follow-up troops are coming, and they will go for reinforcements after they arrive."

With a cold snort, Lance went straight past Reed and gave orders to his subordinates to leave 200 men to guard the Prachen Low Hill and the village, while the others advanced quickly to support the rebels who were blocked from attacking.

At 13:20 in the afternoon, Lance gathered all the legionnaires and troops. The 1000 or [-] rebels lined up in a dense formation. The main force advanced layer by layer against the river bank, while the other part began to outflank the right wing of the city defense army.


Griffith and four squadrons marched across the wilderness.They gradually left the battlefield and could no longer see the battle at the ferry.Farther in front of them, a rebel brigade could be faintly seen moving.They carefully maintained a distance from Griffith's troops, neither attacking nor approaching.

That's pretty clear.Lance sent them here not to outflank our right flank with superior numbers, but to stop our flight to the west.Griffith was completely relieved.

If he was still uneasy and nervous at the beginning of the battle, as well as uncertain about the future development of the battle situation, then up to this moment, he has firmly believed that he will win.

"The whole army stops!" Griffith raised the banner and ordered the whole army, "Turn left!"

The marching column advanced about 400 meters to the south in a horizontal line. Griffith once again received the team and raised the flag.With the assistance of the squadron leader and Shutorals, the city defense troops of the four squadrons took the left wing of the team as the fulcrum, and the center and right wings accelerated to rotate to the left, forming a horizontal line facing east.

"What are they doing?" Fang Fang Huo Lan and his more than 500 soldiers gathered together and had already set up a formation waiting for the official army to attack.However, the official army suddenly adjusted its direction, first marching south, and then turning around again.

It's almost time.Griffith estimated the time. During the time they were maneuvering, the main force of the rebel army should have all pressed on and was storming the defense line at the ferry.

"Squadrons, speed up!"

Griffith came to the center of the entire brigade, twenty steps in front of everyone, and lowered the military flag forward. The four squadrons followed him and rushed towards the battlefield to the east.The inexplicable rebel army was immediately left far behind.

His aim was directly at the center of the rebel army - the Prachen Low Hill, which was used to gather and mobilize the army and overlooked the depression below the ferry.

The oppressive haze once again enveloped the battlefield, and Fiona's prayer seemed to be time.

The brigade followed Griffith's flag and marched quietly.

He took a deep breath of moist air.

It's been a long time since I felt this way, it feels like an era is far away.

Surrounded by his comrades and infantry in line, the battle flag was flying in the wind, as if he had returned to the familiar eastern battlefield.

Over the past few days, in the non-stop fighting, Griffith has obtained great satisfaction and enrichment.No enemy can stand against his charge.He even stepped into battle like a mythical hero, stripped of his armor, and single-handedly crushed hundreds of men.

This is not the thrill you get from fighting goblins.

It's simply, it's so exciting!

The familiar frantic energy of the armored cavalry named Griffith charging seemed to be back.

He was one of the best cavalrymen in the regiment, known to the officers and admired by his comrades.On the remote and desolate battlefield, his honor and self-esteem have been most satisfied. He is a born elite fighter, destined to become a unparalleled warrior.

His strong and brave companions trust him, and as long as he leads the charge, they will all go forward.What a proud honor!

Krista relied on him, even the broken and incomplete memories were so warm.Even though so many noble young people admired her, Christa still wanted to go to Byeland with Griffith, to his seaside cottage.What happy and wonderful memories!

The beautiful, mature and powerful Erza approached him as the most reliable lieutenant in the squadron, which made him extremely satisfied, and sometimes even wanted her.

That's right, that's how it feels.Very real.

Today, that temptation has become clear again.

What a nostalgic feeling. After leaving the East, he realized that he had long been addicted to the life he wanted to escape.

Griffith led the brigade forward.

The battle situation is under control, and the final contest will soon be ushered in... But his mind began to fly to a distant place.

After walking for a while, his enthusiasm suddenly faded inexplicably.That satisfying passion came and went quickly, even faster than ever before.

His mind became a little ethereal, and memories of cruelty, unspeakable loneliness, and pain flooded his heart.He began to miss the East, or could not help falling into the memories of the past, wanting to get that comfortable sense of satisfaction again.

Like a scum addicted to diazine, he began to look for the short-lived pleasure just now anxiously and restlessly.

He began to fantasize about the power of surging catharsis, wanting to destroy everything and plunder everything, trying to use this passion to let him find his own identity, named Griffith, a cavalryman, warrior and butcher respected and feared by everyone .

However, this short-lived passion will suddenly subside like a devil, and he feels extremely empty and hesitant.

The surging power, killing, passion and pleasure seemed to really fill his heart, and suddenly left him like a psychedelic fog without any reason, leaving only the empty heart and irresistible desire after the ebb tide. panic.

In a daze, he suddenly realized a problem...

He couldn't find the pleasure and madness he needed in that gorgeous, soft and sweet place in Byerland.

He wanted to enrich himself, and couldn't help but want to seek more power and blood, arm himself with madness, mysterious rings and sealed items, wrap himself with thick armor, so that the people of Bayeran can't underestimate him , hiding from the strange gazes of Byjeland's gorgeous drawing room and ball.

It was okay at first, but gradually, he found that his heart could not be satisfied at all.Once the passion from the battlefield is lost, it will make him even more empty, and the passion and safety that he was once so familiar with can not be found in the living room and ball of Byelland.

The armor protecting him became more and more fragile, and even became a joke.

Everything in Bai Yelan is different from the past, everything seems fake.Which ones are false?
where am i?
Against the gray sky and pale ground, Griffith was full of wild thoughts as he advanced.Fortunately, he didn't need to speak or issue orders for the time being, otherwise the four squadrons would definitely think their commander was crazy.

Just when there is confusion.

Griffith saw a beautiful red.He originally thought it was a battlefield where a battle had just broken out, but when he got closer, he realized that it was a field of roses that had survived the flames of war.

The intoxicating fragrance of the distance is blown by the afternoon breeze.A strange feeling enveloped him, sweeping away the exhaustion and depression.

That kind of familiar warmth came out from the bottom of my heart with piles of small memories.

Obviously it’s just trivial things that are not a big deal and it’s embarrassing to say, hidden biscuits, confiscated small picture albums, scrambled mutton, and messy chocolates, but it makes people feel so beautiful, so real and full, Filled every corner of his mind.

Any little memory is so happy.

Griffith's mood became high again.He walked briskly, as if he had received the blessing from the highest. An indescribable joy and enrichment drove away the dark and hideous memories and desires, caressing his soul.

"Ah! If I can let you share the beauty of my experience at this moment, even if it's an expedition to the end of the world, I am willing.

"Galadia, what are you doing now?"

Griffith subconsciously touched his pocket, trying to find if he had a gift from the elf girl on him.

He found the vision crystal that was a gift from Frost Day.Even though they have known each other for so long, there is only one gift from the Frost Festival, and it is still a daily tool.Although this is not bad, but I always feel that it is not enough and something is missing.

"Okay, I've decided, I'm going to bring back a gift for Galadia.

"As a reward, she must give me some small presents that I can carry with me! If she doesn't, I'll grab this silly roe deer's pointed ears and pull out a strand of hair.

"Well, one strand may be too much, she will probably be heard by the whole school. I still can't beat her brother, so let's pull out two strands!"

Prachin Knoll is just around the corner.

All right, all right, get your spirits together!Griffith, who had been distracted all the way, cheered up with incomparable concentration and fighting spirit.

I'll strike through the heart of the rebels, crush their resistance, and meet Galadia quickly!
 There's another chapter soon, and Griffith is about to launch a triumphant charge.How should I put it~ I think this chapter is one of the best chapters in the book.

(End of this chapter)

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