Blood tax

Chapter 102 The Unstoppable Griffith Will Throw Thunderous 7 Strikes Today

Chapter 102 The Unstoppable Griffith Will Throw Thunderous Seven Strikes Today

The horse's hooves stepped across the ground, like thunder and rolling, directly touching the soul.

The violent acceleration of the horse almost threw Griffith off the horse.

He broke through the smoke like a storm, his whole body trembling with the rhythm of the horseshoes.

In addition to the solemn and focused mood, a long-lost surge of pride went straight to the marrow, trembling and resonating in the heart:
"I got you, cultists!

"This blow proclaims your doom,

"My iron hoof punishes you!"


A female archer on the outermost edge suddenly saw a cavalry appearing from the smoke, and at the same time she let out a scream and bent her bow to shoot an arrow.

There was a muffled sound on Griffith's breastplate.The sharp arrow hit the sloping breastplate and bounced off.

Griffith didn't even look at it, grabbed the round shield with his left hand, and swept the female archer's face with the sprint of the horse.He didn't even have to exert force, and the sharp edge of the buckler sliced ​​through the archer's face, knocking off half of her head and ponytail.

He retracted the round shield, and the blood thorn had been flattened, and he pointed at one of the most threatening wizards, stabbing head-on.

The attacked cultist wizard still had an expression of disbelief.

During the high-speed impact, the blood thorn accurately pierced through his eye sockets, and pierced through the back of his head. However, there was no usual blockage from the lance, but a slight bend, and then suddenly bounced off, blowing the entire skull out.


Medihus suddenly found that he was within walking distance from the Lancers, and one of his caster companions not far away had been killed.He quickly chanted a spell, and several sharp ice cones immediately rose from the ground, blocking in front of him.

Griffith held the horse lance in his hand and swung it like a long sword.The lance cuts through the hard ice pick and cuts off the sharp tip instantly.

The icicles that stood in front of Medi Hughes turned into harmless and comical icicles in an instant.Before he could utter the next spell, the armored cavalry had already stepped over on their horses.

"No!" Seeing that he was about to be run over by iron hooves, Phil hurriedly bit his fingers and drew a simple magic pattern in the air.

The horse's hooves crushed the icicle, knocked Medicius down before he could scream, and then ran over.

At this moment, there was a jerky blocking force from the horse's hoof, and Griffith saw a layer of pale golden halo suddenly emerge, protecting the wizard.

Is it the same type of ability as my soul contract?What's the use.

Ripples of psychic energy clearly linked the shield to a nearby woman who must have been another part of the contract.How childish to be so close.

Griffith flipped his right hand, and Ma Qian had already adjusted the angle and posture in his hand, and stabbed head-on at the beautiful woman who was one of the parties to the contract.

Ma Qian pierced Phil's mouth, which was still singing, and penetrated her throat.Griffith shredded her neck with just a light push, then withdrew his strength and pulled the horse out and swung it towards another fleeing enemy, tearing off half of his shoulder.

"Phil!" Medi Hughes, who was seriously injured, looked at him with tears in his eyes.Before he could make the determination to take revenge, the light shield on his body was gone, and the armored cavalry in gallop leaned on their horses and turned rapidly.

"Protect Medi Hughes!"

The reef rushed over with the melee team, and the lunatic ran in the front, roaring anxiously.

Griffith was turning quickly. He drew a throwing gun from the side of the saddle and threw it at Medicius.With the speed of the galloping horse, the spear stabbed made a sound of tearing through the air.

Medihus tore open a scroll in despair, and his figure immediately became nothingness.Throwing a gun passed through the shadow, but the real body was nowhere to be seen.

"Don't let him get away!" cried another wizard. "Stop him."

Griffith's blade-like eyes swept across the audience, and the blood thorn in his hand fluctuated with strange light.He slammed the spear on the ground, and an invisible shock swept over.

The spellcasters present suddenly felt nauseated and suffocated, accompanied by a severe headache.The figure of Medi Hughes immediately appeared not far away, kneeling down on the ground with a decadent expression on his face.

"Breaking the demon? His lance has the power to dispel magic in a range!" Medicius shouted in despair.

Griffith's horse came over in a blink of an eye, stabbed at his throat, and cut off his head.


The members of the reef and the melee team were all stunned.

The sudden armored cavalry had ravaged the back row of wizards and archers, half of the only four spellcasters had been killed, and the head of the team leader had already rolled around on the ground.Wherever the Bayelan fine armor goes, it is like the wind blowing the wheat waves, and its power is like a broken bamboo.

The people who were attacked were not without protection and spell protection, but under the attack of that terrible lance, the armor and defense were gone, and as long as they were hit, they would either die or be injured.

"Go!" Reef yelled fiercely, roaring loudly.But before the melee group around him completely dispersed, Griffith had already arrived on horseback.He held a horse spear in his hand, and stabbed his shoulder towards the reef.

The sharp eight-edged lance pierced into the flesh of the reef and severed his shoulder blade.The force of the impact bounced back, and if it was an ordinary lance, it would definitely break on the spot.But Ma Chan's Tuomu was extremely flexible, and it bent into an arc at the moment of impact, and the power leaked out to both ends.

There was a tremor in Griffith's hand, and the shield warrior who was stabbed in front of him had been picked up by Ma Qiang and fell to the ground helplessly.

Griffith in horse armor ran headlong into the chaotic crowd, sweeping with a bloodthorn in his hand.The blood and flesh of the evil cult that Leng Feng touched were flying everywhere, and another warrior with a two-handed sword was killed on the spot.

The surviving wizard and Jurgen looked at each other, and the two began to chant unspeakable spells frantically.

Pieces of mud appeared on the ground near Griffith, and even muddy palms protruded from it, grabbing at the horse's hooves.

Without stopping, Griffith galloped his horse away from the two cultists, left his muddy hands behind him, and galloped into the smoke.

In the first round of charge, 5 cultists were killed and 15 remained.


"Collect!" Reef shouted, "Protect the caster! The defense team moves closer to me!"

Except for those who were killed on the spot, several wounded struggled to take out the potions and bandages, and others ran towards the only two casters from all directions.

This armored cavalry will definitely attack the spellcaster who can restrict movement first. As long as his route is blocked, things will turn around.

A moment later, the hurried horse's hooves knocked on the ground again.

Griffith emerged from the smoke again, but instead of jumping at the wizard and Jurgen who were surrounded by the crowd, he ran over a running giant axeman.

"Why me!?" The giant axeman yelled, "Lord Reef, save me!"

"Steady, don't move!" Reef gritted his teeth and shouted, "Don't get into his rhythm, stick to the caster."

As soon as the words fell, Griffith stabbed with a spear, directly piercing the giant axe through the chest.

The giant axeman was thrown away by the flexible lance, but he didn't die on the spot. He rolled a few times on the ground, calling for help to others with his last breath.

"help me."

Griffith had already run over his horse, and the horse's hooves stepped into the hole in his chest and came out through his chest.The giant axeman hung on the horse's hooves like this and was taken ten paces away, with lungs and intestines scattered all over the ground.

Several women among the cultists vomited on the spot, and the others also had sad expressions.

"Hold on, no matter what happens, don't disperse." Reef growled, "Long-range group, attack him."

Griffith led the horse to kick on the spot, throwing the corpse hanging from the horse's leg.Four arrows shot at him, piercing his breastplate and waistcoat with a muffled sound.

"Attack, don't stop!" All the cultists holding melee weapons shouted, and the remaining wizards and Jurgen also began to chant.

Griffith turned his horse's head and charged the cultist's flank.He pushed forward the vanguard shield next to the saddle, and there were several piercing whistles in the air, and a series of dense sounds came out from the shield like hailstones.

He retracted his horse, flipped his hand over and took out his throwing spear, then galloped forward and threw it at the group of archers who were bowing their bows.


An archer who was shooting rapidly was hit by a spear, inserted from the left shoulder, pierced through the right chest, and directly smashed into the crowd behind him, almost shattered into two pieces.

Blood and viscera splattered all over the faces of the nearby cultists. A melee assassin rushed forward with a scream, and the armored cavalry who was galloping towards him just rolled, and the two bloody short swords fell on the horse's legs. chop off.

His agility is unmatched, and his determination is far superior to others.But with one blow, he stopped just a few feet away from the horse's leg.An extremely cold air swept across his body and froze him.The blood thorn followed closely, piercing the eye socket and piercing the brain.

Griffith flitted past and disappeared into the smoke again.

Second charge.Eight cultists have been killed and 8 remain.


"No, no! We will all die here if we fight like this!"

"His spear skills are very good, he only looks for soft places to stab!"

The cultists are in disarray.Many people screamed wildly, while others wiped the blood and pieces of flesh on their faces and giggled.

In a very short time, 2 spellcasters, 3 archers, 2 warriors and 1 assassin were killed, and the cruel and cunning armored cavalry once again hid in the mist.

"Can't disperse, can't disperse." The reef and the only remaining wizard were sweating anxiously, "he must be surrounded."

Jörg lowered his head, ignored his teammates, and didn't know what he was singing.

"Lord Reef, let's launch an attack," Angus, the defense deputy, said suddenly, "Leave the wizard's safety to me. I will use the power bestowed by the Creator."

I don't know how long it took, but all the people present hadn't figured out the chaos, and the terrifying sound of horseshoes descended from the smoke again.

Reef gritted his teeth: "Okay, everyone will attack with all their strength, Angus, the rear protection is up to you."

Griffith reappeared in blurred vision.As soon as he appeared, fireballs, bows and arrows, and throwing knives slammed right at him.

He only felt his shoulders sink, and a piece of shoulder armor was thrown off.There was blow and pain on the breastplate, too.

The cultist's ranged attackers had spread out and were concentrating on attacking him from all directions.

Griffith's goal is very clear, and the caster hiding behind must give priority to killing.Relying on his long spear, heavy armor and fast horse, he rushed towards the wizard.

The formation of the cultists has dispersed, everyone is attacking, and guards with shields are also surrounding them to try to intercept them.

At the same time, he felt a strong air current blocking his movement and slowing him down, which was the result of the wizard's determination.Although Griffith has resistance to magic and blood thorns, it is also very difficult to completely save the effect or activate it in rapid succession.

Very determined, but without the defense of the shield guards, you are the next target.

Griffith took out his throwing spear, and threw it at the wizard as he passed the edge of the cultist team.


A tall figure suddenly appeared in front of the originally empty wizard.Angus flickered for a distance, appeared out of thin air on the line of throwing the gun, and caught the inevitable blow with his shield.The lance pierced the shield and pierced his chest, even bending under the violent impact.

"His throwing guns are exhausted!" Reef cheered up, "Attack, kill him!"

A good idea, intentionally create the illusion of a random charge, and use the hidden special ability of the shield guard to block when I attack the wizard, consuming my last spear.

However, this plan has to be based on the fact that I have no other means of long-range attack.

Griffith's blazing gaze immediately locked on to the last wizard, the power of the black horn necklace had been activated, and a roaring mountain monster phantom appeared behind him, pouring into his body surging rage and strength, The next attack will deal double damage.

Reef desperately saw that a sharp and ferocious ice spear had taken shape in the hands of the armored cavalry, and the terrifying aura that people dare not look directly at was embodied behind him, locking the wizard who was about to avoid the crowd.

"Stop his projection!"

It was too late, Griffith's mobility was unmatched.He had already completed the detour with the help of horse speed, opened the gap between the crowd and threw it at the wizard with all his strength. The stern wind pressure brushed against the head of Angus who was chasing desperately, and a stern scream exploded behind him.Spots of warm blood splashed onto his face.

The last wizard did not escape Griffith's hands after all.

A scream sounded undoubtedly to the ears of the cultists as a prophecy of doom.The gust of wind that blocked Griffith has also dissipated.

"The only wizards who can control his actions are all wiped out. There is nothing to do. I will retreat first," Jorgen said in a low voice, "Griffith, the armored horse, I remember you, and I will definitely take you away next time." life."

As soon as he finished speaking, a certain accessory on his body shone with illusory light, and disappeared without a trace like foam on the seashore.

Charge for the third time.Nine cultists have been killed, one escaped, and 9 remain.


Zealots ran frantically across the battlefield with the others.The plan was completely out of order.

Their team was able to fight back and forth with the armored cavalry at first, but suddenly the target turned into a puddle of mud, and the real body appeared from the smoke, and their speed, strength, and skills were greatly improved. It shattered their defenses and killed the team leader and key members.

Even the mysterious Jurgen fled despite the Creator's punishment.

After a short period of calm, Griffith burst out of the smoke for the fourth time, and the remaining ten people were in a mess.After each charge he quickly left, dove into the smoke to hide, and then relied on his horse speed to charge into the weak angle of the defense.

Angus, the defensive deputy who fought bravely in the battle just now, was killed first. He had already been injured in the chest, and he was targeted before he recovered. Transparent.

"Fight with him!" Hidden Cricket yelled, leading someone to fly forward.

What a ferocious cultist!Wouldn't they be afraid and discouraged?
Griffith was a little shocked, it seemed that the cultists were determined to fight to the last.

A sharp knife pierced through the chain mail in his thigh, nearly causing him to fall from his horse.His breastplate was full of arrows, and he charged like a porcupine.

Griffith held back the pain and threw an ice gun that hadn't dissipated.Not far away, a shooter who was aiming at him was shot through the stomach and flew backwards.He then drew out his long sword and slashed head-on at a warrior who was about to pull him off his horse.The sword blade split the warrior's helmet, and with a bang, it broke into two pieces and embedded in the warrior's head.

The bloodthorn in his hand is screaming frantically, carnivaling for the rich sacrifice.

Manic, cruel, and tyrannical thoughts began to flood into Griffith's brain one after another, driving him to trample the corpses all over the ground, turn around and slaughter the young soldiers who were still guarding the entrance, burn the civilians on the mountain to death, and then put the beautiful and The mysterious Alandelle abused to her heart's content.

"What are you waiting for? Why are you dawdling! With such power, who else would dare to stand in front of you?"

Griffith felt that he was losing a lot of blood, and the dense attacks of the cultists had already left him with more than a dozen wounds.The blood of the enemies killed in the battle was continuously healing him, but gradually, he found that this amount of healing could no longer satisfy him.

Need more, more blood and strength!
Bloodthorn's voice had turned into a muddy raving echo, tempting him to let go of himself completely and accept this weapon.

"What are you hesitating about? After all, it's a mortal body, and it's almost at its limit with my strength!"

Bloodthorn whispered endlessly: "You will be killed. Although you have severely injured these cultists, they also have their own gods watching. You must be the one who is exhausted and dies in the end!"

"Accept me, accept me!"

"There will be no time!"

Griffith's brain is already a little fuzzy.The unstoppable impact of him and his steed overturned a shooter, who was trampled to pieces in an instant.However, the other cultists finally caught up and surrounded him, beckoning him with various weapons.

The war horse under the crotch was also covered with bruises. It raised its front hooves high and stood up, throwing Griffith out.


Griffith fell heavily to the ground.

This hit him hard enough.When he stood up with difficulty, the blood-stained weapon fell to the ground unwillingly, making a trembling buzzing sound.

The war horse rushed out of the crowd, lowered its head and bit the blood thorns on the ground, raised its hooves, took the cavalry shield forward, and fled in the direction of Cangyue Mountain like flying.

"Hey! Slow down!" Griffith only had time to stretch out his hand, but he couldn't stop the fleeing horse.

His physical and mental strength had been exhausted in the battle just now, and he was already somewhat unable to hold on.

This is great, he was left alone on the bloody battlefield, not only without the main weapon, shield and horse, but also troubled by bouts of dizziness.


The remaining seven cultists surrounded them.

They held giant axes, short knives, and daggers, and all of them had fierce looks on their faces, and there was a hint of pleasure in their eyes that they finally saw hope.

"Finally, finally dismounted." Yin Ji's face was cut with a deep gash, and he looked extremely cruel.

They also have 2 Shield Guards, 1 Archer and 2 Warriors and 2 Assassins.

Griffith shook his body and got up from the ground, straightened his armor, picked up the fallen helmet and put it on again, barely showing a smile:
"So, gentlemen and ladies, let's start the fifth round. I wish you all good luck."

A long sword of ice condensed in his hand, and Griffith greeted the enemy with the posture of holding a saber and ice sword.


A shield guard took the lead in attacking, holding up his shield and slamming into him fiercely.

Griffith dodged to the side to avoid his impact, parried the hatchet in the shield guard's hand with his saber, and stabbed him in the jaw with the ice sword.

A sharp pain almost tore Griffith's back, and the two assassins had already circled behind him and stabbed him twice unceremoniously.The reef also took over the fallen shield guards, pressing down like mountains.

Griffith turned around and struck an assassin's neck with a sword. The ice sword and saber were interlocked, and he swung towards the reef to block his attack. He wiped his hands hard.The assassin's head was left with only a layer of skin and flesh attached to its body, and it fell against the shield of the reef.

"Kill!" A soldier slashed with his sword, and just hit the ice sword, splitting it into pieces of ice.

"He's dying! Kill him!"

An archer in the distance shouted loudly, and then an arrow shot diagonally through the breastplate and pierced Griffith's shoulder socket, almost nailing his throat.

Griffith had a fierce look in his eyes, swung his saber down against the warrior's greatsword, and with his left hand drew out a corroded feathered fencing sword and stabbed it into his eye socket.

"Uh, woo~"

The soldier widened his other eye almost in disbelief, and slowly fell backwards.


"Huh, huh—"

Everyone is gasping.

The confrontation just now added three more corpses to the ground.

However, the cultists are still determined to fight on.

Then let's fight!

Griffith dropped his helmet.In the battle just now, whoever hit his head hard with a mace would have been knocked down if he hadn't been wearing a refined iron helmet.

Half of his face was smeared with blood, mixed with sweat and rough breath, which made it difficult for him to tell the direction.

"He can't do it, kill him!"

The cultists once again swarmed up.

Griffith pressed down with his right hand holding the sword, and immediately there was a gust of freezing air that froze the three people close to him. He took out the medicine bottle and threw it down, then turned and went straight to the last archer.

The last archer was an agile woman. When she saw Griffith rushing forward, she did not panic. At the last moment, she shot an arrow that pierced his shoulder before she rolled to the right swiftly. She dropped the bow and arrow and drew out a short knife to stab Come.

At the same time, Hidden Thorn somehow broke free from the shackles of the deceleration, and rushed to his side, forming a pincer attack.

Griffith gave the archer a sword, but the four short knives of the two men also stabbed up.


The pain almost knocked him to the ground.

However, a liquidation triggers.Griffith swung his saber and his corrupted fencing with lightning speed.

The saber and ice chopped half of the archer's face into pieces.

The feather fencing sword wrapped in violent shadow damage smashed Yinthorn's belly, blood and flesh flew everywhere!
The hidden stab who succeeded in the sneak attack survived on the spot, but was slashed until he let out a heart-piercing scream.His figure suddenly turned into phantoms, holding two short knives and dancing wildly like a storm.

Griffith could only feel the shadows of swords and swords around him, and the flames splashed on the breastplate, and he was beaten all over his body by this series of attacks in an instant.

The horrific attack lasted several seconds and ended abruptly.The hidden thorn was like a gray wax figure, losing its vitality and falling backwards, muttering to himself: "It was almost killed."

The smoke had cleared, and only Griffith, Reef, and another soldier were still standing.They looked at each other but didn't move.


Griffith took out a bottle of life potion and drank it.His armor and body were wounded in more than a dozen places, and the boots were covered with blood. Even drinking the life potion now can only stop the bleeding and heal, and the exhaustion of physical strength and energy cannot be resolved.


The only remaining warrior rushed forward with a desperate roar, and slashed at Griffith with all his strength.But he had already lost his mind, the knife deflected to the vital point and was easily dodged, and then the corrupted feather fencing pierced his throat.

An Jiao watched his companion's corpse fall to the ground with a plop, dropped the shield in his hand, took down the Zhanmajian behind his back and walked slowly.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful, 20 people to one person have come to this field." The breath of the reef became steady and powerful, approaching slowly.

"You are also very tenacious." Griffith stood on the spot holding two weapons. The blood and injuries made him only able to open one eye. "Why did you fight to this point? If you were an ordinary person, you should have fled long ago."

"The will of the Creator is absolute," Reef said in a low voice, "We are here to fight you, and your tragedy is already doomed."

A killing intent flashed in Griffith's eyes, and he raised the saber in his hand above his head.The reef also stepped forward quickly, and raised his sword to slash at Griffith.

Griffith did not dodge or dodge, and used his saber to block the horse-slashing epee.At the moment when the swords intersected, An Jiao still couldn't help being ecstatic in his heart.

If you succeed, your saber will be cut in two by my horse-chopping sword, and then your shoulders and ribs!
As soon as the idea came up, Reef suddenly saw Griffith's saber slanting downward. Instead of resisting with the sword, he used the curved blade to unload Reef's attack to his right shoulder.

Before the reef yelled badly, Griffith stepped forward sideways, throwing the sword edge and all the power of the reef beyond his right shoulder.


The rotten feather fencing pierced Reef's chest, and then the saber ran across his neck, robbing him of all life.

Griffith held onto the enemy's body like an old friend, and let him fall slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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