Blood tax

Chapter 101 The Frightening Armored Cavalry Comes from the Mist

Chapter 101 The Frightening Armored Cavalry Comes from the Mist

The steed under his crotch was indeed extremely obedient.Griffith avoided the front mountain road and turned to the flanks.The living corpses there are few and scattered.

Even so, they blocked the way down the mountain on this side, and if they tried to break through here, they would be immediately surrounded.

The moment he appeared, a large group of living corpses frantically rushed up from all sides.

Griffith observed the situation of the living corpse, and rode his horse to trot along the foot of the mountain.A large group of black-brown monsters pulled into a straight line in a blink of an eye, rolling towards him like a tide.

"Yes, this is very good."

Griffith lightly tapped the reins with his fingers, engulfed the heavy armor with frosty air, held a lance, and accelerated towards the swarming tide of corpses.

Relying on the speed of his horse, he repeatedly pulled the angle of the corpse tide from left to right, until the living corpses gathered together and crowded each other, then he chose a weak direction and began to charge with all his strength.

The living corpses were almost crushed one by one, howling like a wall.Griffith rode his horse and held his gun, stepping head-on towards the wave of corpses.


Amid the shattered ice and the sweeping cold air, the tide of corpses shattered into splashing foam as if hitting a rock.Armored horses ran over their limbs, and wherever they went, there were scattered limbs and broken flesh.

After smashing through the tide of corpses, Griffith immediately accelerated, leaving the living corpses behind him, and rushed towards the ritual direction where the psychic ripples gathered.


Thick smoke is drifting towards the location of the ritual and the evil green crystal.The 20 cultists headed by Medi Hughes and Reef also faintly felt that something was wrong, but they were bound by their mission and could not leave this key position.

The living corpses have followed the queen and pressed them up.However, this place was also swept away by the tide of corpses, and there were no other living people.

"Xili Lili!"

In the dim and dead smoke, the collision of iron armor and the sound of horseshoes approached from far to near, and an armored cavalry with a gun on a horse slowly appeared.

Even though there were hordes of living corpses in front of him, he didn't know what method he used to appear in this place.

Obviously it has reached the last moment, but he is still strolling in the garden.

The right hand of the armored cavalryman held a blood-colored spear, and the blood-like breath lingered on the spear head, steaming up, as if countless innocent souls were begging for mercy.

The colorful ribbons fluttered in the wind on the lance that was held high. It was obviously extremely beautiful, but it made people shake more cruelly.

He wore silver plate armor with red stripes, sloping shoulder pads, gauntlets and greaves, and a cavalry buckler with light blue light hanging on the left side of the saddle.In the drawstring bag next to the saddle are three gleaming armor-piercing throwing guns.

The blood-colored eyes behind the visor are chilling. At first glance, they just feel ferocious and ferocious, but after a few more glances, they are deep and strange, staring at you like an abyss all the time.

The cultists present almost gasped in unison.Although there is only one person and one horse in front of him, the oppressive force is like a great burden, making people want to scream and run for their lives from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's him, that armored cavalryman. I said I would kill him first! The guardian in the oracle is here." Yinthorn said fiercely, "Now we have no choice but to fight. We can only be trapped in this Fight on flat ground."

Medihus found that his hands were trembling uncontrollably, and his palms were sticky with sweat, but he still gritted his teeth and gave the order: "My lord Reef, please serve as the core of defense.

"Angus, you're second, Rose third, hammer, shield, fourth.

"Hidden Thorn, you lead the melee group, I command the long-range group, wait for the defense group to contain the guardian, and after I give the order, each group will start attacking.

"Everyone, take your seats."


Seeing Griffith's actions, the cultists near the altar showed a trace of confusion and wavering, and the personnel with different equipment slowly dispersed.

Twenty cultists with unknown origins are moving. They have a faint spiritual energy ripple connection with the ritual crystal. Obviously, they cannot leave the crystal very far, and can only form a formation nearby.

The smoke from the people of Hepu Town is spreading from a distance, and will soon cover the nearby blocks and ruins.

Griffith observed the movements of the armed crowd in front of the altar.Among them, 4 strong men with shields came out in a row, facing the direction of Griffith.Behind them, there are another 6 people equipped with two-handed swords, sharp axes, or two-handed daggers, and they are turning to the two sides.

Further behind are archers who are bending their bows and setting arrows, and there are even three wizards and a spellcaster dressed as a warlock.

Most of them's psychic energy ripples are at the level of Sequence 9, with killing intent flashing in their eyes, and their movements are quite vigorous.They guard evil rituals and believe in a Creator they have never heard of.

However, their abilities are varied, even summoning terror golems that attack mage towers and kill the garrisoned mages.These abilities presumably come from special items or blessings they hold.There is indeed a difference in the Creator they believe in.

"Forget it, it's not important. As long as you are still standing in front of me and guarding this disgusting ceremony, even the gods and Buddhas in the sky will break through for you to see."

Griffith lightly tapped his visor, his blood-red eyes flickered like will-o'-the-wisps in the wilderness, his lance was raised high on his shoulder, but his actions were not in a hurry, approaching step by step like a knight parading in triumph.


"Smoke? There are still people surviving around here, and they want to use this method to interfere with our sight." The reef stood proudly at the front line, and the large shield in his hand had already been plunged into the ground.Just as he and his companions were preparing to fight, thick smoke had already drifted over from a distance.

"The living corpses certainly didn't clean up the Aboriginal people," shouted a cultist. "The wind is against us now."

"It doesn't matter what the wind direction is," Reef said, shaking his head. "If it was another wind direction, wouldn't they go to the other side to light the fire? We have to guard this ceremony from moving, and we have already lost the wind from the very beginning. In addition, our scouts can't clean up the nearby area, so they can't stop these small movements."

As soon as these words came out, someone in the nearby group snorted coldly, and even refuted on the spot with disdain:

"Master Reef, if you think you can go out and fight the aborigines with three or four people and wipe them out, you can try it yourself, and we will wave the flag behind!"

The reef's complexion immediately changed, and he glared at them viciously, about to explode.

"Be careful, he's coming!" Phil shouted hastily, and the two groups of people fell silent.

The armored cavalry has passed through the smoke, and is slowly running towards the binding crystal in the center of the ceremony.

"It's a bit weird. He gives me the feeling of a ghost, without any breath of life. Am I facing the death knight?" Medicius muttered to himself, frowning.

"How is it possible? Don't worry, my lord, the Creator will not let us face the death knight," Medihus' confidant, the warrior known as the fanatic, grinned and said, "We put so many people in front , will definitely be able to block him, then the fatal blow will depend on you."

Medi Hughes nodded slightly, and said seriously: "My lord Reef, let's get started!"

Reef nodded, raised his shield and charged forward with a roar.

His running speed was extremely fast, and he rushed towards Griffith like a whirlwind. His momentum was no less than that of cavalry, and he collided with armored cavalry in a blink of an eye.


Griffith was also hit, and he drew his horse sword and slashed towards the reef.

"Heh!" Reef raised his big shield, and the horse sword made a loud noise when it hit the shield, and the ears of everyone nearby were buzzing.

"Defense team, step forward!" Angus, the deputy, shouted, "Raise the shield, alternately defend and contain!"

The shield guards rushed forward, blocking Griffith's way, even if he slashed left and right, he would not retreat half a step.They held maces and short swords in their hands, and greeted the horses and knights as soon as they met.

In the billowing thick fog, an armored cavalry and four shield guards fought in a melee, with the sound of heavy blows and collisions one after another.

"Melee team, go!" Medihus ordered, "Range team, spread out and start attacking!"

Six or seven feathered arrows roared out, and some of them were nailed into the armor, making a muffled sound.

The hit shooter burst into ecstasy, and the cultists beside them with daggers and big swords also swarmed up, circled around Griffith's back, and stabbed him in the back and the horse's legs.

A wave of violently fluctuating magic power condensed in the air, and a tumbling frost storm appeared at the front of Medihus' staff.

"Through him!"

Medihus didn't even need to read out the configuration command, a sharp ice spike shot away.The wizard beside him had also thrown fireballs and poisons, which hit Griffith's body in a blink of an eye.

The tall armored cavalry was beaten tremblingly, and the horse neighed and collapsed.


The cultists who were still under siege didn't dare to be careless, so they drew their swords and chopped off the armored cavalryman's head.

"This is winning?" An Jiao wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Is there still a mutation? The second stage?" A cult member asked uncertainly.

"In short, cut off his head first," said Reef, "don't surround yourself here, spread out, what to look at!"

At this moment, the lifeless armored cavalry suddenly seemed to melt, melting and rotting together with his horse.

Oops!The reef yelled, and hurriedly looked towards the rear of the team:

"All turn around, he's behind us!"


The trot of the horse has transformed into a thunderous dash!

After entering the cover of smoke, Griffith released the flesh and blood puppet.He himself flanked under the cover of smoke, making a wide arc around the blurred field of vision, leaving the shield guards and melee cultists behind.

In order to avoid the sound of the horse's hooves from being noticed by the cultists, he kept trotting along the way.The scuffle at the rear and the excited yelling of the cultists completely concealed his whereabouts, until he estimated the distance and turned around to occupy the flanks of the wizard and the archer, and began to sprint, the cultists still didn't notice.

When the flesh and blood puppet finally couldn't support it and began to disintegrate, Griffith had already accelerated unscrupulously, rushing towards the wizards and shooters.

(End of this chapter)

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