Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1083 Experienced

Chapter 1083 Experienced
I can't fight for the time being.

But the struggle of the students in Songjiang Mansion didn't stop.

With the rich experience accumulated in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, and the summary of new experience in the new era, the students in Songjiang Mansion can be said to be pressing every step of the way.

Although they didn't do anything anymore, in terms of public opinion, the students in Yangzhou Mansion had completely lost.

The previous political hooligans, in cooperation with professional thugs, have already won the victory in public opinion in this prominent part.

And these students, relying on this good foundation, after winning with their fists, they consolidated their victory even more.

The students in the Jiangnan area have become more and more mature in the struggles of the middle and late periods of the previous dynasty on how to control public opinion and how to incite public opinion.

For example, if you want to incite public opinion and spread rumors, you need to understand a truth.

It is to engage in public opinion, and we must not aim at the target without looking at the target.

If you really want to incite public opinion and spread rumors, you have to think about who you want to read and listen to your articles, speeches, conversations, and writing. Otherwise, it is tantamount to making up your mind not to be read or listened to.Archery depends on the target, playing the piano depends on the audience, writing articles and making speeches can be done without looking at the audience or the audience...

These things were really not taught by Liu Yu.

But it was really the students who realized it by themselves during the struggle in the previous dynasty.

For example, the classic case of "civilian copying Dong Huan" incident.

The first step, if you want to incite public opinion, create rumors, and gain an advantage in public opinion, you need to understand what the public really likes to hear and see, and can the public accept it?
Obviously, no.

Therefore, it is necessary to write a play first, called "Black and White Biography".

The various crimes and ugliness of Dong Qichang who will be attacked are written into dramas.

People like to go to the theater.

Put public opinion in operas that the people love to hear and see, and spread quickly.

Pay money, perform plays everywhere, and let the people watch.

In just a few days, the entire Songjiang and Suzhou prefectures knew that Dong Qichang was 70 years old, an old cow eating tender grass, and robbing women of the people.

By the time Dong Qichang reacted, it was a done deal, and the public opinion was completely out of his side.

It doesn't matter if it's true or not.

People who have watched the play know that Dong Qichang is a shameless old man.

Not only was it made into a play, but it was also written into a novel.

Also specially asked the storyteller to talk about this book everywhere.

It is a bit similar to Liu Yu's pornographic tabloid in the Netherlands, and these scholars who control public opinion also know very well what types of people like it.

So it is said that this "Black and White Biography", including the drama, is full of words such as "how to loosen her buttons".

When things get serious later, the follow-up public opinion will go to the next three channels. The people like to hear it, and it spreads quickly.

So much so that the author of this play and novel was killed by Dong Qichang in retaliation for speaking up and recording the truth.

And Dong Qichang also asked his domestic slave to go to someone else to beat the author's mother, and even stripped the old mother's trousers, tied them to a chair and so on.

Many details are vivid, just like seeing it in person.

So much so that a very special vocabulary was left behind, saying that when he was sued in court later, there was the phrase "stripping pants and making trouble".

As for the authenticity...

This is not important anymore, the news of this important color matching spreads extremely fast.

Citizens of course like to watch such plays, such novels, and listen to such stories.

And more professional novels such as "The Facts of Civil Copying of Dong Eunuch", "Miscellaneous Notes of Jingchuanzhai", and "Shuomeng" have also been circulated one after another, becoming more and more legendary.From how the 70-year-old man raped a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl at the beginning, to how the evil slaves at home tied up the old mother who upheld justice, how to take off his pants, etc., became more and more detailed.

Facts don't matter.

Importantly, the struggle experience of these previous dynasties has proven to be effective.

You must understand that the audience is citizens, ordinary people with a sense of justice, and ordinary people who like to hear about Xiasanlu.

It's useless to make some four or six parallel couples.

Just act.


This is a good way to incite public opinion, control public opinion, and walk into the masses at this time.

These scholars in Songjiang Mansion are all old fighters.

spread rumors.


Create hatred.


Wait, they are all quite professional, and they really don't need to be taught.

What Liu Yu played in Amsterdam, this group of people played it very well in the 43rd year of Wanli.

Just a little cowardly.

In the Zhou Shunchang incident, before Jin Yiwei was killed, the house was full of guests and friends, because the crime was corruption, not a big deal.

Waiting for the real trouble to kill Jin Yiwei, directly challenging the bottom line of the imperial power, and almost being charged with "all Wu people are against", the human feelings are cold and warm, and immediately "only three or five people" came to visit, for fear of getting involved .

Therefore, although these students were beaten by Liu Yu with rubber sticks in Jiangnan, they did not dare to do Liu Yu's affairs, fearing that they would be caught and that Liu Yu would deduct their tax refunds.

But now they are dealing with students of the same level as them, and behind them is a salt merchant who they think is bound to decline, so what are they afraid of?

For a time, all kinds of dramas, novels, and storytelling satirizing salt merchants, Yangzhou students, and depicting the miserable life of Yanhu, spread along the Yanhe River quickly.

Including but not limited to, in order to please the salt merchants, how these Confucian scholars made their wives dress up to hook up with the salt merchants; how those salt households were forced and deceived by these people.

At this time, there are more popular classic dramas here, and you can know what they are just by looking at the titles.

Originally, folk dramas are not so elegant.

In itself, such things as "The Monk Breaks 'Zhai'", "The Little Widow Goes to the Grave", "Yingying Wipes the Red Handkerchief" emerge in endlessly.

For these things, many scholars have come up with pseudonyms and rely on this to make a living.Nowadays, writing such scripts and storytelling is as simple as a rabbit gnawing on celery.

Soon, under the people's simple concept of good and evil.

Salt merchants are bad guys.

Salt households do not want to cook salt.

Those who speak for the salt merchants are bad people.

Such a simple point of view spreads quickly, and storytellers tell new jokes every day.

However, among these jokes, there are also private goods about politics and economics mixed by some professionals.

Although Lin Min had heard about Jiangnan's Broken Boot Formation for a long time, he really didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Now that Liu Yu had led the troops into the city, Lin Min was completely at ease, knowing that the matter would not cause any further trouble.

After seeing Liu Yu, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Everyone talks about benevolence and righteousness, and all they think about is business."

"Emperor Hongwu of the former dynasty had twelve rules for students. The first one was that students were not allowed to discuss politics. The so-called benefit of the world, students were not allowed to speak. It is even more strictly forbidden for students to sue and sue for their own affairs. All reputations will be removed.”

"That's why Mr. Lizhou wants to practice the ancient law of school administration, but it is actually a violation of the regulations. After all, you must first correct your mind before you can do things."

Liu Yu thought in his heart that this thing has nothing to do with righteousness of heart. The premise of engaging in politics and the premise of political conception is that people's hearts must be righteous. Isn't this bullshit?

It is not a day or two for the students to do this.Isn't this just a normal way of manipulating public opinion and pouring dirty water on opponents?
Isn't it normal for local councilors to fight?

"Master Lin, I have invited some great Confucian scholars from the south of the Yangtze River to come here. It is normal for the students to make a fuss about this matter."

"After the quarrel is over, after the real verdict, how to determine the nature of this matter, we still need to control it. It is a grand event for scholars to write these things clearly and bind them into a book."

"At that time, there will be those who are not convinced, so the period will be ten years. After ten years, let's see whether life in northern Jiangsu is good or bad."

"Within ten years, no further discussion. What do Master Lin think?"

Lin Min knew that if Liu Yu didn't know the attitude of the invited Confucianism in advance, he would definitely not invite him.As for whether they have been bribed or bought, that is beyond what I can know.

In this world, there must still be many Confucian students who are genuine, benevolent, and compassionate.

From what it means, Liu Yu is planning to turn this matter into a big discussion.

At that time, those Yangzhou students will definitely be humiliated.

But after the humiliation, there is an argument to be had.

This debate is quite necessary.

It's a bit similar to the Salt and Iron Conference, but it doesn't take place in the middle of the court.

It can also be regarded as a general liquidation of some ideological confusion in the middle and late Ming Dynasty on issues such as economy and taxation.

Especially the salt industry.

Including whether private individuals should be allowed to mine salt at will, whether salt should be taxed, whether the salt introduction system should be abolished, etc.

After all, since Emperor Taizong, the imperial court has established an attitude that the knowledge of the Yongjia Yongkang school is relatively good.This can be regarded as ancestral training.

In Liu Yu's opinion, if the economic thinking issues involved in this can be guided through this discussion, some new trends of thought can be formed.

Through the debates and records of great Confucians, it will be published after sorting out.

Political things must not be touched.It's too early to touch it now, and without an economic foundation, it's a tree without roots to engage in these things.

Even if it is Huang Zongxi's school deliberation ideas, let alone whether the feudal semi-autonomous system of Xiangxian can be implemented, only that the emperor is definitely not happy to see these things.

It itself is living and developing in the cracks, and now it is best to bring the topic to purely economic issues.

It is mainly based on some economic thinking of Wang Fuzhi, Huang Zongxi, Gu Yanwu, Tang Zhen, etc., combined with some discussions on industry and commerce extracted from the Yongjia Yongkang School such as Ye Shi.

It is nothing more than such as whether wine should be taxed, whether tea should be taxed, whether salt should be taxed; the role of merchants and great merchants in the country, which aspects of taxation the country should control, and so on.

It can also be regarded as laying a good foundation for Jiangsu's next comprehensive tax reform and industrial and commercial tax system.

Of course, the most important thing is to "remove the dross and extract the essence" of some reflections on the late Ming Dynasty and economic thought.

Liu Yu is still full of respect for those thinkers in the late Ming Dynasty.It's just that the economic reform plan they proposed was an overcorrection for the special situation in the late Ming Dynasty.

Whether it is the poll tax that sounds ridiculous now to replace the land tax, the full liberalization of control over merchants, the abandonment of the use of gold and silver, and so on.

They are all reflections on the special circumstances at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

It's not that it's all nonsense, but that the thinking is very deep, but not universal.

It is a reflection on specific circumstances such as the chaotic politics at the end of Ming Dynasty, the magical south of the Yangtze River, the occupation of land by vassal kings, excessive subordinate officials, treacherous postings, and the yellow book of land and people.

Now that Sunan has solved the key labor issue, the entire taxation logic has changed.Under such circumstances, it will definitely go astray if we continue to think about economic issues in a specific situation.

Therefore, this time, the main thing is to solve the problem of "seeking a sword in a boat".Don't let those great Confucianists think about economic issues following the reflections of the late Ming Dynasty. Many things have changed.

Through this time, issues such as salt administration, land reclamation, and land enclosure should be used to guide them to think about what is going on with the economy.

Now that ideas such as "rich merchants, the country's order"; "market regulation, self-leveling of salt prices"; "the rich feed the poor" have sprouted, we should try to guide them to think deeper. s things.

(End of this chapter)

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