Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1082 Fighting for profit

Chapter 1082 Fighting for profit
Lin Min thought well, but things quickly got out of his control.

In other words, he really underestimated the degree of hooliganism and struggle experience of the students in several prefectures and counties in Songjiang, Suzhou, south of the Yangtze River.

Just three days before the public hearing of this matter, hundreds of students from Songjiang Mansion came to the county seat and directly fought with students from Yangzhou Mansion.

This time there are no professional thugs involved, because the status hierarchy is here.But both sides are professional professionals who are engaged in business operations, and what they eat is this bowl of rice.

The two sides can be said to be evenly matched, but in the end the Yangzhou government still lost.

The reason is also related to Dashun's abolition of the martial arts system for selecting the "Soldier King".Dashun had abolished the martial arts system long ago.

In the original history, because the martial arts system was not abolished.This Yangzhou prefecture has to compete with several prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River for the limited number of places to raise scholars, so it is very difficult to win.

Because of this, Yangzhou Mansion has found another way, except for many Wu Juren.

But because Dashun abolished the martial arts system, compared with the original history, Bai in Yangzhou had no chance to take the path of martial arts, so the "martial ethics" of the students dropped drastically.

On the contrary, on the Jiangnan side, when a scholar came to become a hooligan, it originally originated from the issue of the dismissal of conscripts after the Suzhou government's anti-Japanese war.

Second, the Yan-Li School went south and was inherited by Yun Hesheng, Cheng Tingzuo and others.The beating methods of Baoding, Cangzhou and other places inherited from the Yan Li School were also transmitted.Although not much serious knowledge has been handed down, there are quite a few handed down street fighting methods.

This advancement and retreat, coupled with the experience of the struggle of students in Yangzhou Prefecture over the years, because the salt merchants do not like to fight and kill, more people are thinking about how to draw pictures, write plays, and compose lyrics to please the salt merchants , Zhishi officials, less internal fighting, so it is really impossible to fight.

The students from Songjiang Mansion, together with the famous rogue students from Suzhou Mansion, Changzhou Mansion and other places who were invited, knew it well.

If this happened in Yangzhou City, even if they were given ten more guts, they wouldn't dare to go.If you go there, you have to be beaten to death and thrown out.

However, it is not in Yangzhou City, but in the county towns on both sides of the dog-toothed area. What is so terrible about this?

As for why the students from Songjiang Mansion came to fight this fight, it really doesn't have much to do with Liu Yu.

Nothing to do with ideas.

Nothing to do with belief.

It has nothing to do with supporting scattered small salt households or intensive cotton plantations.

It's just about private interests.

Salt franchise.

Salt is something that everyone has to eat, even the emperor, it is impossible not to eat salt.

This thing is more profitable than running a casino.

The salt industry under the franchise, as well as the transshipment, sales, and logistics centers of the salt industry, can be regarded as "opening a casino."


Casinos are banned across the country.

But only one county and one prefecture are allowed to open casinos.

Then, it is a place that has always been dissatisfied with the central government and local autonomy to the point where county magistrates and prefects are often beaten.

Because of this "exclusive" qualification, that is to say, there was a strict hierarchy under the feudal dynasty, and only students were eligible to make trouble.

If there is no such hierarchical system, the common people of the two counties and the two prefectures will join forces to beat their heads and fight to the death.

The reason is the same.

What does it mean to reclaim waste salt in Huainan?
It means that Yangzhou has directly lost its status as a salt industry logistics center and a salt industry financial center.

Haizhou is far away.

If sun-dried salt is really used in the Lianyungang area, then the vast sales scope of the original Lianghuai salt areas such as South Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Anhui, Hunan, and Hubei will still have to eat salt.

Then, the salt must be transported by sea, via Lianyungang, to Shanghai.

In Shanghai, sub-packaging, distribution and transportation are carried out.

Then, Shanghai will replace Yangzhou and become the financial center and logistics center of the salt industry.

How does this benefit students?
Not to mention the students, even the lower-level ordinary people, the benefits are much greater.

What is the life of the students in Yangzhou?
The great salt merchant's fingertips show a little bit, which is enough for many students to live happily.

It's okay to fail the exam, as long as you have a skill, such as singing, writing poetry, painting, whoring, and playing, you may be able to fall in love with big businessmen, and you can live comfortably.

Even if it is to invest in the academy, if the academy is well established and the salt merchants provide a lot of funding, ordinary students who are in charge of the academy for 2000 taels will definitely not be able to get it.

Just think about it. In history, after the decline of salt merchants, some salt merchants could not make a living and had to rely on their wives to sell to make money.It can be seen how rich it is, and how can people be so extravagant that they can’t do anything if they are not rich. This is the real Sufeng family, the orthodox Sufeng aristocratic style, because the aesthetic foundation of the nobility is to get something for nothing. You have to reach the point where you can't work at all before you can be regarded as entering the threshold of nobility.

These students in Songjiang Mansion naturally hope that they can also live such a good life. The more big businessmen and wealthy businessmen there are, the easier it is to eat leftovers.

The key point is that the atmosphere in Songjiang Mansion is not good now. Many of the businessmen who have grown up with Liu Yu's trade policy over the years are either smugglers who used to risk their lives at sea, or they used to do business without money and got their first pot of gold. , Or it is a group of people who think that making friends with scholars is useless and it is better to buy stocks with money.

Those who pick and choose are not too willing to spend money.Moreover, Liu Yu has been engaged in a bourgeois cultural revolution in the Songjiang Mansion, advocating frugal investment, advocating skills, and advocating self-made.

This is completely different from the style of those big salt merchants.

Today, this is similar to "the only prefecture that allows casinos", and it is vacillating between Yangzhou and Songjiang. If the students in Songjiang prefecture don't know the huge benefits of this, then they will be damned.

It is definitely impossible for Haizhou to be the logistics distribution center and financial center of the salt industry. After all, it is convenient to go to Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, and Anhui by taking the Yangtze River waterway.It is also obvious that packing salt and shipping it to Songjiang Prefecture for repackaging is also conducive to anti-smuggling.

Songjiang Mansion has benefited too much these years, and the students are well aware of the local interests.

Fuzhou Mansion has been dissatisfied more than once, so why does it have to be exported in Songjiang Mansion?Why can't tea go directly to Fuzhou and be exported directly?
Guangzhou Mansion has been dissatisfied for a long time, why should all the western business houses be moved to Songjiang Mansion?Of course, Macau is in decline, but is it true that the government of Guangzhou is not in decline?Now the Cantonese embroidery industry in Guangzhou has declined rapidly due to the lack of access to Hu silk.

Over the years, Songjiang Mansion has benefited too much by relying on the policies given by the state and its status as the only exporter.

Even in the eyes of the students, the atmosphere is not good, and they are reluctant to make friends with them.But even so, the cold leftovers that were exposed made them very full. Naturally, they were looking forward to bringing over the profitable salt industry.

Not to mention anything else, just because Liu Yu followed the idea of ​​a great Confucian in the late Ming Dynasty to expand the city a while ago, many students made a lot of money relying on their own land and houses.

So, this thing...

To put it brightly, it can be said to be "the awakening of the people and support for the intensive land planting policy of the bourgeoisie" or the like.

In fact, it is actually two groups who are counting on the excess profits of the salt industry, competing for the position of the center of the salt industry.

This is essentially no different from farmers in two villages fighting for water.

It's just that the slogans shouted on both sides are a little disgusting.

The slogans on both sides are all in the name of the people.

Here in Yangzhou, it is said that the wasteland reclamation company competes with the people for profit, must control the permanent property of the people, and adopts a strict feudal status inheritance system for the real interests of the salt households. It must have the spirit of craftsmen, inherit the father's business, and be a good salt for craftsmen. .

On Songjiang's side, it is said that the students in Yangzhou are talking about benevolence and righteousness, but in fact they are just selfish.For the real interests of Yanhu, they should be freed from their miserable identity as Yanhu and embrace freedom.Embrace the freedom to starve to death, embrace the freedom to work in the saltworks, embrace the freedom to work as coolies in Nanyang plantations, embrace the freedom to sell to bonded laborers and go to Songjiang Prefecture to rub cotton sliver and comb wool.

As for the "people" in their mouths.

Part of it was just beaten up by hooligans a while ago.Many old people who were wearing shrouds at that time are recuperating at home now.

The other part is busy mowing the grass, and can't decide what to do in the future. If it really can't be changed, they have to cook salt quickly so that they can eat another month's rice.

There are no students, these "citizens", not to mention talking, can't even fart.

Liu Yu, who held the army in his hand, refused to let the army enter the city.

In the county town, the yamen servants and so on, usually the students in the county would not dare to control the troubles, but now the two sides are mixed together, there are more than 1000 students, scholars, and even juren, who dares to control it?

Fortunately, these students came rushing to fight, and before the fight, they put up their broken boots and fought on both sides.He didn't confront Jiedushi, nor did he force Jiedushi to ask for an explanation.

Fortunately, after the two sides started fighting, Liu Yu led his troops into the city.

The students in the Songjiang Mansion have suffered from Liu Yu's losses because of the previous land tax reform and other matters.

Knowing that Liu Yu really dared to do black hands, he really dared to let the army hit scholars with gun butts.

In the previous mu tax reform, field investigation, and average land tax incidents, the students in Song, Chang, Su and other places listed broken boot formations, but Liu Yu broke them with mounted police and used advanced weapons-Hainan, Nanyang and other places Rubber sticks made of imported rubber.

They were defeated in each county and prefecture, with a total of 150 and [-], and achieved a record far surpassing that of the later generations of Ogriff.

And because technology is the primary productive force, the saplings brought back by the expedition ship back then can be made into rubber sticks, which can beat those raw people to tears without hurting their bones, so no one died.Afterwards, the deal was done, and the sweet dates and tax rebate subsidies were given, and everything was fine.

It is useless to sue.

Therefore, when the students in Songjiang Mansion saw that Liu Yu had brought the mounted police into the city again, they immediately dispersed after gaining an advantage.Now that order has been restored, the students are temporarily unable to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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