Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1063 Who under the court sued this official

Chapter 1063 Who in the hall sues the official ([-])

In addition, the rogue intermediaries on the Songjiang Mansion side also think that those old gangs over there are not politically sensitive enough to grasp the correct direction of contradictions and fighting skills.

They can't use such language to describe it, but that's probably what they mean in their hearts.

After all, there are also a group of people from the old fight industry here, and they are very familiar with the old fight industry.

Attaching to party struggles and participating in political struggles is just a sideline of these old firms.

The main business is murder, arson, robbery, theft, collecting protection fees and so on.

Including but not limited to:

For example, forcing widows to remarry, or forcing widows to death.Generally, the widow's in-laws pay the money, because after the widow remarries or dies, the property can be recovered.So the relatives paid for these old-fashioned people to insult, humiliate and spread rumors in front of the widow's door. If the widow could not be killed by this, they would force the matchmaker to lose the family property.

For example, there are many professional immortal dance routines in "Xianbo Bian" written by Ye Quan, a literati in the Wanli period of Jiajing.For example, looking for a prostitute to pretend to be a good girl, looking for a rich one, showing off, and when the fire is aroused, the "father" suddenly rushes in with the "brother".

The rest, such as digging graves, setting fires, arresting people to sell kilns, and opening casinos, are similar to these and belong to their main business.They are also very normal criminal behaviors, criminals, it would be abnormal if they are not so shameless.Chivalry stories are not picking beans in shit, but touching a needle in a sea.

However, being employed by wealthy and powerful families to beat people, protect homes, rob real estate, and participate in party struggles is a sideline job.

The politics of participation in the old business is still dominated by internal conflicts in the old era.

As for the Songjiang mansion, after Liu Yu's re-split and integration, the group of dealers has been severely divided.

The many incidents I usually participate in are also similar to the situation of this waste salt reclamation, which belongs to the new problems and new contradictions at the "turn of the old and new times".

Mr. Liu Yu said that officials in Dashun don't even understand the issues between landlords and peasants, not to mention the conflicts between the emerging classes; Not professional.

And what are the Xindahang and Xinliterati hooligans here in Songjiang Mansion doing?

Some things, as representatives of the imperial court, are inconvenient for officials to do, such as enclosing land to build factories, who will do it?When doing it, how can we incite public opinion and ensure that there will be no large-scale riots?How to calm public opinion?

For another example, in some emerging factories, there was a movement of rice stickers, a group call for a rest, and the like.How can we divide, disintegrate, and quell these movements?How can we guide the strikers to sacrifice their leaders, and then calm down the chaos?

As the saying goes, the Tao is one foot tall, and the devil is one foot tall.

Others say that a rising tide lifts all boats.

Struggle, learn and progress in struggle, if you die, I will live, if you live, I will die.

Whoever does not seize the time to sum up experience and change means will fail in the next struggle.

Along with Liu Yu, the division here has been divided, leading from a regional dispute to a class struggle, and the two sides have been fighting for more than ten years.

These new firms attached to the emerging class business groups have extremely rich experience in struggle, and it is estimated that in another ten years, the hired class will be forced out of the professional off-duty picket team.

With this rich experience in struggle, the lackeys of the emerging capitalists, who have grown up, learned through practice, and made progress through practice, have an advantage over a group of old gangs that are attached to the big landlord and gentry class.


a few days later.

[In order to win over the people, the feudal lords waved the people's begging bags as flags.However, whenever the people followed them, they found that they had the old feudal coat of arms on their buttocks, so they laughed out loud and dispersed in a crowd】The farce officially opened.

Early in the morning, the citizens of the county city who were going to watch the grand play of Lord Qingtian calling the shots for the people found that a large number of poor people had flooded into the city.

They wore rotten clothes, and many of them had trousers that only reached their knees, and their exposed feet were soaked in sea water and the sun, as if they were a piece of pork liver that was so hard that it could crush teeth after being grilled.

Obviously, this is a group of salt households.

These salt households carried the portraits of heavenly and local officials, and chanted some blessing slogans as they walked.

The citizens in the county are no strangers to this. Every year on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, these salt households, salt workers, and salt workers will also organize such activities.

But it is not the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Moreover, these salt households seemed to be very different from the old salt households who came last time. They did not go directly to the county government office, but to the most crowded place in the city, just like the blessing activities on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Several huge incense burners were put out, and the elders in Yanhu put incense on the incense burners.

Although the citizens felt weird and knew that something might happen today, and today is not the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, they still gathered around to watch the excitement as they did on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

The statues of heavenly and local officials were placed behind the incense burner, and these salt households knelt down to worship.

At this time, a person came out of Yanhu and came to the incense burner.

This person... is not actually a Yanhu, his nickname is Chaoyandou.

Although there is a "salt" in the nickname, in fact, fried salt beans have nothing to do with Yanhu.

Fried salt beans are a specialty rogue.

On the Jiangsu salt area side, beans, especially salt beans, actually refer to broad beans.

But the beans in fried salt beans refer to soybeans.

The difference in this abbreviation proves that this guy obviously came from the north, probably from Shandong or around Gyeonggi.

The nickname of fried salt beans comes from the fried soy beans in the north. If they are not well fried, they are as hard as stones.

And Jiangnan also has fried salt beans, but that's not what it means.

There are also cultural differences in this fried salt bean in the hooligan world.

The hooligan circle in Jiangsu Province, that is, the old line of business before Xinghaiyun, has the connotation of "culture": they steal things in the local area during the day, and they deliberately get caught by others and turn them over to the government.The party robbed halfway, beat the twister violently, and then urinated on himself.After a long time, no one dared to take care of stealing during the day. This is the fried salt bean of the southern gangster world.

The "cultural" connotation of fried salt beans in the northern hooligan circle is: the master blackmails in front of the door. According to the law of peace and mud, if he dies in front of the door, the owner must also bear certain responsibilities.So, if you want to blackmail, or want to get out in the hooligan world, the first step is to get beaten.

Don't fight back when you are beaten, let others beat you.But because if you beat someone to death, you will have to face a lawsuit, so you don't hit the vital point.It's just saying hello to the most important places, not only hitting, but also pouring salt water on the wound.

But if the gangster snorted, he would lose.But if he was beaten all over his body and didn't make a sound when he poured salt water on his body, the blackmailed side would be convinced: give money, admit it, and can't afford to provoke it.

This is how the nickname of fried salt beans came from.

He is not a Yanhu at all, but today he wants to fight "for the interests of Yanhu".

Because the agent found him and offered him a good job, 120 taels of silver, which is considered a sky-high price in the low-end hooligan world.

Fortunately, he came here early from the north, and he has been in Huaibei area for a while, so he is quite familiar with the dialect here, otherwise the agency would not be able to entrust him with this good job.

You only need to chop off a finger, and then cut off a piece of meat on the chest, and you will be given 120 taels of silver, and you only need to chop off the little finger.

Such a good job, if there is no language requirement, I am afraid that I will fight for my head, how can I get him?

Now the hooligan world in Songjiang Mansion is also seriously involved, and most of the time it hires professional high-tech talents.

For example, when suppressing hired workers to fight for wages, you must hire someone who is serious enough to ensure that no one will be killed; for example, when you want to kill the leader of the hired workers quietly, you must hire someone who can not die immediately after the beating, but leave internal injuries. Die in a few months.

These are all in the field of "handicraft technology", and there is a master-apprentice inheritance system. Hooligans like fried salt beans who ran from the north to the south of the Yangtze River to make a living can't squeeze into this academic circle, so they can only do things that don't require a professional technology thing.

There is nothing technical about chopping fingers and cutting one's own flesh.The intermediary said that the doctors are all ready, and the doctor will stop the bleeding after chopping off the fingers. The retired naval doctor used to saw the legs and arms of people on the ship. The death rate of the people he sawed was only 50%. Injuries are absolutely fine.

Chaoyandou touched the knife hidden in his waist, thinking that he had to wait for a while, and cut it after it was heated in the incense burner.

Throwing it into the incense burner like this will make it sizzling and oily, and the effect will be better.Now that I have received 120 taels of silver from others, things must be done beautifully.

Beside the fried salt beans, stood two or three scholars.

These few talents are also well-known in the fighting circle of Songjiang Prefecture.

They are mainly in charge of cleaning the ground, and because of their status as scholars, they are high-end thugs.

The literati hooligans on the Songjiang Mansion also underwent a second division.

Some of them became professional litigators.

Another group of people became professional public opinion guides.

Because the situation in Songjiang Mansion is different, these talented thugs who are in charge of guiding public opinion are also very successful.

Many people who cannot keep up with the times have been eliminated by the times.Especially those who are still clinging to the old ideas, old methods, and old technologies to make a living, have failed in transformation, gradually become lonely in the new era, and can only work as the most low-end hands-on talents.

Scholars are not necessarily weak scholars, they can fight a lot, especially the experience of the previous dynasty. When fighting against the government and government servants, people with the identity of a scholar must be the first to fight. .

Some talents who have grasped the trend of the times, but because of professionalism and talent, they cannot be professional litigators-survivors are biased, and those who can get along in the new era understand that they need to go deep into the masses, especially the industry and commerce of Songjiang Prefecture In the context of excessive development and increasing citizen class, we must pay special attention.

Only by going deep into the people, understanding the people, and getting close to the people can we effectively fool the people, incite emotions, and play with public opinion.

The direction is wrong, the more you know, the more reactionary, this sentence is quite reasonable.

These hooligan scholars who have successfully transformed themselves under the alternation of the old and new eras, in the relationship between the emerging class and the old class, capital and feudalism, industrial capital and landlords, factory owners and feudal guilds, workers and feudal guilds, workers and factory owners in Songjiang Prefecture. In all kinds of struggles, constantly hone skills, master the essence, improve skills, and continue to mature in the struggle.

They are mainly responsible for guiding emotions and washing the ground on weekdays.

Their main job today is to guide emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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