Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1062 Who under the court sued this official

Chapter 1062 Who Sues This Official ([-])

This incident can also be regarded as a very common event that is basically encountered in a period of social transformation.

The original society of acquaintances in small circles gradually disintegrated with the development of the commodity economy and the development of industry and commerce.

The so-called middle-class citizens in the city are full of anxiety every day to ensure that they will not slip into class.

Port development and trade development have brought a large number of migrant workers, and these migrant workers have formed small circles because of their hometown, dialect, and accent.

And because they are migrants, they can only engage in some low-end labor in the city, and live in a remote place.

It is easy to generate rumors of mass panic, and with the development of the commodity economy, rumors of such specific panic will spread extremely quickly.

Similar events, such as that dark fairy tale, the piper of Hameln.When it appeared, it originated from German immigration to the Baltic Sea area. After this story came out, it was silent until the 17th century, when the civil economy developed, and this thing was dug out again.

Another example is the kappa in Japan, a group of coolies from other places. They are not one level behind the locals in terms of class or occupation. They do heavy physical labor by the river. Losing their own lives led to class decline, and gradually evolved the story of a kappa who eats children.

In short, the traditional male farming and female weaving, the pastoral economy, or the society of acquaintances in small circles, along with the development of the commodity economy, the differentiation of social division of labor, the development of cities, the entry of immigrants, the psychological panic of the urban middle class, etc. During the transition period, such similar events are very easy to occur.

And it is very easy to spread.

Similar incidents in Dashun's Songjiang Mansion added to the situation where outsiders came here and competed with the local bottom for jobs.

For example, wharves, building houses, digging rivers, transportation, etc., where manpower is urgently needed due to the development of the port, a large number of river workers who were originally dry water transport have poured in.

Coupled with the development of shipping, many people from Shandong, Hebei, Guangdong, Fujian and other places came here to discuss life.

The anxiety of the citizens, the fear of a large number of migrants during the transition period, and the struggle among lower-level gangs for job opportunities all make this kind of rumor full of viciousness.

To put it simply, it is the local gangs that have clashed with foreign gangs on the matter of doing coolies.

And these people from outside, either gather in different regions, or have underground religious organizations like waterworkers.

The locals made up a rumor.

It is said that among those outsiders, there are some who know how to do it. They will suck away the soul of the child and cause the child to die.

This matter is not purely groundless.

It is mainly due to the reduction of rice prices in recent years, the development of industry and commerce, vaccinations such as vaccinia, the popularization of simple hygiene knowledge, a slight improvement in living standards, but it is still far from the level of worrying about class decline, coupled with a large number of foreign populations, making The birth rate of children skyrocketed.

But in these years, the birth rate of children has skyrocketed, and the survival rate is still not high, and it is easy to die.

When a child dies, there are mass graves dedicated to throwing children.

The location of the mass grave is very close to the residential area of ​​those migrants.

And Liu Yu ordered that the dead children be taken in and burned as much as possible to avoid plague.So in those places, there is smoke every day, so it seems that a large number of children die every day?

There were already similar rumors, and local gangs and local gangs took the opportunity to spread such rumors.

As soon as the rumor came out, it immediately aroused the confrontation between locals and outsiders.

As for Liu Yu's solution...

It can only be said that it is very fucked and shameless.

He didn't go to refute the rumors, because he felt that in the current situation, the more rumors were refuted, the faster it would spread.

So he decisively led someone to arrest the scapegoat.

The scapegoats are a group of monks.

Monks also have to live that kind of life, especially some temples with real estate.

It is very normal to help tenants marry wives and monks sleep for the first month.

The so-called eighteen miles in front of the temple and behind the temple are all the parents-in-law's house far and near.

After arresting these monks, Liu Yu knew that this matter had nothing to do with the monks, but he did a very disgusting operation.

If a monk sleeps with a tenant's daughter-in-law, must he do other bad things?
Legally speaking, this is definitely not the case.He is morally corrupt, and it cannot be said that he must have killed someone if he died.

Liu Yu collected a bunch of real crimes, such as lending money, debt collection, sleeping with wives and daughters, and so on, all of which are true.

Of course, feudal ethics cannibalize people, and Liu Yu is really no joke.

After he revealed these things, several women hanged themselves that day.

Liu Yu can only pay money, so that the surrounding people who have similar situations will move to places that no one knows, such as going overseas.

The monk had to admit these things, and Liu Yu beat him up again, forcing the monk to say that these rumors were created by them.

Because creating such rumors will help everyone go to temples to seek safety, keep safety, and send incense and money.

Although, although some monks really can't control the things below, the market is also very clear about this.After the truth broke out, it spread wildly. If you want to say that the monk is wronged, he has indeed slept with other people's wives and daughters, but he really didn't spread such rumors.

But at this time, a monk couldn't bear it anymore, so he accepted the painting.

Once unjust, false and wrongly decided, rumors were used to break the rumors, and people firmly believed that this was the case, that monks deliberately spread rumors in order to create panic and ask for incense money.

After the matter was resolved, Liu Yu struck out decisively again.

On the one hand, new urban areas are divided, and the urban areas are rebuilt to disperse the migrant population.

On the other hand, using the previous small-scale fighting between the two sides, a large number of low-level thug leaders were decisively arrested.

This caused the underlying organization of Songjiang Mansion to rapidly disintegrate.

Some people, relying on their prestige, became "West Travelers" in the industry, organizing the coolie workers at the bottom to fight against the emerging capital groups.

Through the split, the local bottom layer and the bottom layer from other places were mixed together, and through the strike of the maritime terminal, the local estrangement of the bottom layer was gradually reduced.

Another group of people became professional hooligans and professional thugs of emerging capital groups.These people include not only the original local dealers, but also a group of professional hooligans from foreign waterworkers.

This group of professional hooligans has to be supported by emerging capital, and they are responsible for fighting against the dock workers who were deliberately organized by Liu Yu secretly.

Emerging capital also urgently needs a group of professional hooligans to protect their industries and prevent employees from going on strike.

The low-level employees are divided into hooligans and workers, which makes the hooligans in Songjiang Prefecture professional. Everyone exchanges experience with each other, and hooligan skills rise rapidly.

For example, the hooligans in the north learned the method of "beating people to death later" by the hooligans in the south through the exchange of experiences and discussions.

The professional hooligans in the southern fight industry can beat people for three months or half a year before they die.That way, they can get away with it.

For another example, the hooligans in the south learned the ruthlessness of the hooligans in the northern waterworks department through experience exchanges.

Gamble your life at every turn, and negotiate with people from both sides to see who is more ruthless to yourself, and whoever is more ruthless to yourself can scare others.Moreover, if one dies, there are internal arrangements for funeral arrangements and taking care of family members.

The emerging class has money and has to live in the city because of business. They also need these professional hooligans to look after their homes and nurseries as thugs, and to beat strike workers when necessary.

At the same time, a large number of redundant scholars in Songjiang Prefecture also quickly moved closer to the emerging class.In this group of people, whoever stutters will go with him.

But the foundation of the emerging class is shallow, and they often encounter people who hinder the construction of factories for reasons such as "broken Fengshui". This requires special and famous rogue talents to fight against those people.

It is not the same as those attached to salt merchants in the north.

The rogue scholars of Songjiang Mansion are gradually transforming into "professional litigators".

Because the emerging class is not qualified to participate in politics and party struggles.And the direction of the "armed struggle" here is mainly to fight against the strikers, so professional hooligans and cultural litigants are gradually taking shape.

On the Songjiang Mansion side, Liu Yu has been "changing traditions and customs", constantly erasing the pastoral atmosphere of "Songjiang prefect coming tomorrow", encouraging each other to sue each other, and legal settlement, which can be regarded as giving birth to the professionalization of cultural hooligans.

On the other hand, the talents of the salt merchants still maintain the "civil and military" division, because they can participate in the politics of the court, whether it is the clan or the literati circle, they all have entered the court as officials.

The literary ones are in charge of public opinion, and the military ones are responsible for beating people during party struggles. Scholars still have privileges after all.

Let’s take a closer look at this matter. This is called social development that promotes social division of labor.

Moreover, the class struggle of the emerging class quickly drove the division.

Hooligans also have social division of labor and specialization.

Some are responsible for beating people, some are responsible for swearing, some are responsible for killing people, some are responsible for creating public opinion, and some are responsible for litigating.

The more differentiated, the stronger the specialization.

The more professional you are, the more experienced you are in dealing with this kind of thing.

After all, the group of salt merchants in the north have used the same routines for 200 years, and the local hooligans here are very familiar with these routines.

However, the hooligans here in Songjiang Mansion are not static, but gradually began to undergo social transformation.

Industrial strikes, have seen them, and know how to suppress them.

Public opinion is unfavorable, I have seen it, and I know how to reverse it.

The conflict between the emerging class and the landlord has not only been seen, but also the mainstream conflict in the first 20 years, and it has been experienced in many battles.

The land reclamation company over there paid the money and found an intermediary.

The intermediary directly stated that if the money is in place, they will definitely win against the group of old antiques over there.

The reason why the intermediary is full of confidence is that the intermediary is not stupid.

Obviously, the host behind this incident is Liu Yu, who should be able to stand up in the upper-level struggle.

And as long as the upper level can stand up, the following things will be easy to handle.

There are the above struggle logic, unspoken rules and rules.

The lower layer has the lower layer's struggle logic, rules, and unspoken rules.

As long as the superiors can stand up, the intermediary believes that with the development of Songjiang Mansion over the years, why haven't they seen all kinds of things?The group of salt merchants in the north are not capable after all, mainly due to the lack of actual combat training, and they are probably useless over the years.

Now that Dashun has accepted all the original rules, including the Yanyin system, etc., there have actually been no real struggles over the years. Literary hooligans have degenerated into talking and arguing about righteousness. Can the common people understand?
As for the Songjiang mansion, they have been training for more than ten years.How to beat workers on strike, how to incite public sentiment, how to beat people to death without paying for their lives, and how to describe white as black are all practiced.

(End of this chapter)

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