Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1036 The Great Success

Chapter 1036 Great Success ([-])

The guards around him are like wolves and tigers, they are like wolves and tigers on the battlefield, and they are even more like wolves and tigers when dealing with ordinary people.

Without saying a word, he rushed over, dragged and dragged away the man who was kneeling and crying for injustice.

From time to time, there were shouts and curses, like bandits.

"Grandson, close your dung door!"

After the cries faded away, Liu Yu frowned and stared at the local salt officials and local officials.

After a long time, Liu Yu let out a hey and laughed.

"Is he bold? Or are you standing behind him to embolden him?"

A younger official took a step forward, knelt down and said, "Duke, a scholar, you should cultivate awe-inspiring spirit! Now that you have awe-inspiring spirit, you are naturally as bold as an egg!"

"The Duke only looks at the Salt Corporation, but doesn't he look at the bankrupt people?"

"Thousands of people cry out for misery, and thousands of surnames mourn for the same, yet this company prospers. This is against the law of heaven! It is against the law of humanity! This is not a royal government, but a hegemonic government!"

Liu Yu nodded, still with a smile on his face, and said: "Get up. What an awe-inspiring spirit. Well said! The previous dynasty was destroyed, and the world was in danger of perishing. This dynasty has reshaped the style of scholars. It is really gratifying to see it today." , gratifying!"

The young official took a huge risk to say these words. Hearing what Liu Yu said at this time, his blood was so hot that he couldn't find a way to spit it out, as if the punches accumulated for several months could only be punched on cotton.

After the saltworks were repaired, in just a few months, this well-capitalized large company adopted the most ruthless means to compete.

The current policy is that the company produces salt, the imperial court buys it with points, and then sells it exclusively to merchants, who buy tickets and sell them.

The newly established large company, relying on advanced technology, high productivity, and sufficient capital, quoted the lowest price to the imperial court before the sale of autumn and winter salt tickets.

If it is burning grass and firewood to cook salt, not to mention the price, if the price is higher, it will still lose money.

The only way is to go bankrupt and work in the saltworks to earn money.

If the salt is also sun-dried, the production cost cannot be lowered at all because of insufficient capital and insufficient technology.Of course, the main reason is that those "field owners" who hoard salt fields in private still want to squeeze them out.

This thing, in theory, the saltworks in Huainan and Huaibei are all owned by the imperial court, and salt households only have skins but no bones.

But not to mention the present, even later generations, when the land is collectively owned, there are also private sales of land.Later, when agricultural subsidies or demolition came, I don’t know how many disturbances caused by the “land sale” broke out across the country.

Legally, it cannot be sold, the contract is not established, and it is illegal.

In terms of reason and customary law, there is no way to do it.We can only come up with a saying that "historical facts must be respected".

Not to mention these days.

If you don't sell it, you will die now. If you sell it, you will be exploited in the future, so you can only sell it.

In addition to renting, the technology is not enough. Now that the big companies are lowering the price, life is really difficult.

Discussions in large companies are very simple and rude.

It's price reduction.

Burning grass and firewood to cook salt, if this can be used for free solar energy, then I really think that Dashun's firewood is all over the place for free.

And those who sell salt are forced by the company to fail to operate, so they will naturally choose to sell.

The company will buy the operating rights.

But after buying it, I will definitely not travel so far and invest in such a remote place.

Instead, they flattened the salt field directly, circled the land, and threw it there.

Relying on advanced technology and strong capital, the price has been suppressed to the point where salt tax is even cheaper than private salt that burns grass to cook salt.

The bankruptcy of the small handicraft industry was fueled by Liu Yu, and Yu Yanye and his party took effect within half a year.

Now he really has too many lice and doesn't want to keep them anymore. The Huainan Land Reclamation Company just broke out a big incident and killed many people.

It has only been half a year since the salt reform in Huaibei, and the people are living in dire straits.

Then he really couldn't talk nonsense.

He was wronged.Because of the reason, the righteousness, and the three outlooks at this time, he is very wrong.

The officials who are now standing up to plead for the people may have colluded with the private salt dealers, but they may also be really pleading for the people, righteous, and unyielding.

Feeling unreasonable, Liu Yu could only say, "Yes."

"It has been 2000 years since Taigong boiled the sea and Guan Zhongguanshan used prison pots as utensils and firewood as cooking."

"During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, there was a technique of windmills to attract brine; in the middle of the former dynasty, the method of drying salt came out. As a result, in Changlu and Fujian, firewood was plowed into farmland, and pot stoves were covered into hills. It was not forced by power. It’s really natural.”

"Nowadays you are full of awe-inspiring spirit and embracing the sacred teachings of heaven, why do you want to go against the principles of heaven and act against nature? Don't you hear the ancients say: 'Those who follow the sky will prosper, and those who go against the sky will perish'?"

"Today's big companies bring in millions of capital and dozens of iron bulls. They attract the tide to get the brine, and there is no doubt about the future; transpiration and crystallization, the division of pools is strict. How can those small producers be defeated?"

"If they sell the market to get a contract and use capital to sell, they will still be a minority shareholder. Wouldn't it be great if the price of salt is getting lower and the common people are getting more profit?"

This kind of reasoning cannot be argued.

To put it mildly, this is a matter of three views.There are only quarrels, not debates on the issue of three views.Even in the era of pre-Qin Mo debate masters, they knew that they must first set up any definitions for everyone before continuing to debate.

To put it bluntly, this is a class struggle.The struggle of the small producer against the big bourgeois; the struggle of the cottage industry against the big factory.

Class struggle is a matter of life and death, either the cottage industry or the big factory will die, and there is no way to reconcile it.

Liu Yu said that what he did was "the principle of nature" and "the way of heaven is inhumane".

Conversely, people also say that what they do is "the principle of nature" and "there is righteousness in the world".

On the theory of qi, Liu Yu is not qualified to participate in the debate. It is an internal debate within Confucianism, and Liu Yu has not even figured it out.

Now that he said this forcefully, the other party didn't listen to it, and his chest was full of anger, and he yelled.

Instead, he was very unconvinced and wanted to continue arguing, but was interrupted by Liu Yu with very domineering words.

"I am the Duke of the court. Why do you argue with me as a small sixth-rank official? Even if the court argues, even if His Majesty decides to discuss salt and iron, it will not be your turn."

When the official heard this, he was even more stunned and said a lot of words, but Liu Yu didn't listen to a word.

He is also experienced now and has seen a lot.

Just as he wanted to bury Dashun, he did it for 20 years to strengthen the imperial power.

If you want to destroy the hierarchy, you must first climb below one person and above ten thousand and rely on the hierarchy to subdue all opinions.

This is the curve that spirals forward.

It can be regarded as understandable that the Revolutionary Eagle and the Lena River debated the Balkan issue and whether to divide the land of the peasants.

The ideal is straight, but the reality forces people to go around in circles.

The young official didn't stop, and for a moment, Liu Yu even missed those officials who had set up shrines for Wei Yan.

Dashun regained some noble spirit of the scholars, and now everything is troublesome.

The direction is wrong, the more courageous the more reactionary.

After waiting for a long time, the arrogance of the young official had vented a lot. Then Liu Yu asked Lin Min beside him, "Master Lin, what do you think? This time you and I have entered Beijing, His Majesty rewarded the salt government and other matters, and it's another debate if we don't keep it all." .I'm going to say that you are a reformer who is determined to reform the salt administration."

Lin Min's cheeks twitched involuntarily, and he said, "Duke, let's go on and see the steam lift water."

Regardless of whether or not to argue about avoiding this topic, Liu Yu smiled, and everyone moved forward.

Lin Min was in a state of confusion, he really didn't know how to evaluate this matter.

Nowadays, Dashun's navigation skills are improving very fast, from Jiangsu to the capital, it takes only ten days to go there by boat.This Jiedu envoy from Jiangsu is located in a place where the imperial court's finances and taxes are important. It is not like Sichuan and Shaanxi, but he has to go to Beijing every year.

To talk about the reform of the salt administration itself, it depends on the point of view from which to evaluate the success or failure of this reform.

From a salt tax point of view?

From the perspective of salt tax, the Huaibei salt administration reform this time can no longer be evaluated by success, but a great success.

Liu Yu had told him a long time ago that from the perspective of salt tax, this success can be regarded as "greedy work for self-interest".

To put it bluntly, on the first day of the abolition of the canal, the Huaibei salt administration reform, from the perspective of salt tax, could not have failed.

Just by cutting off the smuggling channel of rice boat smuggling salt, the salt tax of Huaibei Salt Administration can be directly increased by at least [-] to [-]%.

The problem is that the Huaibei salt administration reform was carried out almost at the same time as the abolition of the canal and water transportation.

The emperor understood, and so did the ministers. This was a clear indication that the emperor supported the salt reform.

The smuggling of Changlu salt is a commonplace, but there is a problem.

If they were caught every time Changlu salt was smuggled, then would there still be smuggled salt?
But the reality is that illegal salt is rampant, so it proves one thing in turn, the smuggling of Changlu salt is very serious, and most of them have not been caught.

So, how to quantify the impact of the abolition of water transport and the elimination of Changlu salt smuggling on the reform of Huaibei salt administration?
It can't be quantified, because if it could be quantified, then there would be no fucking salt smuggling.

They were all caught and registered, and they were called smuggling.

Is Huaibei's salt policy reform a success of the new salt policy?Or the success of waste canal water transportation?

It depends on the emperor. If the emperor wants to continue the salt reform, then it is the credit of the new coup law.

Since this factor cannot be quantified, we can only look at the salt tax.

Salt tax, white money, this can't be faked.

Liu Yu put in a lot of votes, because he was simply rushing to abolish Huainan Salt.

Now Huainan still boils the salt method, and the cost is extremely high.

Liu Yu put so many votes in Huaibei all at once, and there are a bunch of accountants in his shogunate, who have the head counts of each county in their hands. Don't they know how much salt to put?
Knowing that, and putting in excess tickets, it’s time to tell those salt sellers: Are you stupid?The salt in Huainan is so expensive, and the salt here is so cheap. You are a group of smugglers, don't you know how to smuggle to the Huainan salt area?There is a specialization in the art industry, do you still need me to teach you how to smuggle salt?
Can Lin Min understand these little things?

Although Huainan and Huaibei are both Huaihe Rivers, for him, the salt envoy of the Lianghuai Rivers, the palms of his hands and the backs of his hands are full of flesh.But he himself is also a reformer, and he thinks that it is a waste of money to get Long and not look at Shu.

Naturally, he turned a blind eye to this kind of thing.

Anyway, it's all Dashun's salt tax, and it's not that Yangzhou's silver is more fragrant than Haizhou's.

(End of this chapter)

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