Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1035 The Patcher's Despair

Chapter 1035 The Patcher's Despair

This kind of despair is not like the kind of despair that people of insight had sensed a huge crisis and wanted to do something in the [-]-odd years of Wanli in the previous dynasty, but found that nothing could be done.

Rather, this is the first year of Weixin in Dashun. Junggar was pacified, Japan was conquered, Nanyang was seized, and the Huaihe River was repaired. The flowers are blooming like brocades, and the fire is cooking oil. It seems like a prosperous age.

This kind of despair is the kind of despair under the fire.

It is the kind of despair that was felt in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century in history. Under the absolute prosperity of Europe, some people feared that "our civilization is about to erupt into a major crisis, and whether our path is right or not".It is not as simple as the fear of the possible outbreak of World War I, but something deeper about "the world", "civilization", and "the future".

This kind of despair can only be produced in the era of blooming flowers and raging fire.

It is a very extravagant, powerful despair.

Like the current Dashun, he can do whatever he wants, even such things as equalizing the land, he did it in Huainan with the support of some despicable means.

However, whatever you do is a fix.

You can do anything, you can do anything, but at the same time you know that the ship will sink in the end.

This is more terrifying than Wanli's forty years of despair.

Because at that time, I felt that after the destruction, there would be a new life, and there would be a way to lead to three generations.

But now, I feel that after the destruction is reincarnation, everything is meaningless.

In the forty years of Wanli, many people of insight felt that the Ming Dynasty would end, but absolutely none of them thought that it would end like that, so they were only regretful but not overly sad.

But in the first year of the new year, there are some people of insight who feel that the Dashun will end sooner or later, but half of them are full of despair and sadness.

Not Bei Da Shun.

It's sad for the world.

After criticizing the Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties, the new learning has been delayed for a hundred years, and some people already feel that there is a problem.

The old way seems to be dead.

It's new, what should I do?
This kind of sadness and despair of not wanting to fall into reincarnation, to put it more deeply, is actually just two sentences.

first sentence:
Opposing capitalism and supporting feudal aristocratic imperial power and reaction are not contradictory, not contradictory at all.

The second sentence:
Supporting the development of capitalism and burying capitalism are not contradictory, at least not completely contradictory.

These two sentences are where Dashun's current knot lies.

If you don’t want to be passively involved in the capitalist system by external forces and let yourself be reduced to a semi-feudal and semi-colonial fate, you have to engage in the New People’s Revolution.

Then you can only go in on your own initiative and engage in the old people's revolution.

A teacher student said this: replacing the oppression of foreign imperialism and domestic feudalism with a certain development of capitalism is not only a progress, but also an inevitable process.It is not only beneficial to capital, but also beneficial to nothing, or even more beneficial to nothing.

Liu Yu has been trying to do this.

However, Liu Yu knows exactly how terrifying and frightening this gluttonous monster is.Although now Yunan has gradually revealed himself, cannibalizing people without spit out bones, but this is so far.

The more one develops on one's own, the more attractive the retro-style reactionary fantasy becomes, and the stronger the reactionary forces become.

And this reactionary utopia is the most beautiful blueprint conceived by the old times.

But this most beautiful blueprint was considered impossible by the sad and desperate people of insight in the prosperous age of the old days.

Liu Yu was full of confidence.

But his confidence can only be full of confidence, because the economic foundation that shaped his confidence and three views is not the current economic foundation.

His confidence stems from a world of fabulous productivity development that sounds purely illusory at this time.

One is illusory myth, the other is helpless reality.

The above two sentences are the source of despair and sadness for people like Lianghuai Salt Envoy.

Funing's Guantian, Haizhou Salt Factory, Huaiyan Yinchang Tickets, Huainan Capital Reclamation, Southern Sichuan Salt Enclosure... can't get around these two sentences, so it's extremely awkward.

Liu Yu knew what he was doing, such as the salt field, he turned the workshop into a factory, and sometimes he pretended to be repairing.

It is impossible for Lianghuai Salt Envoy to understand the difference between these two words, so what he sees is only tinkering.

He and Liu Yu finished talking about the context of the Dashun Salt Reform. If it is farther away, it can be traced back to the sixth year of Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty; if it is in the middle, it can be traced back to the 14th year of Tang Dezong's Dali; year.

Looking back on the past, and looking at Liu Yu's targeted reform plan, he is completely different from the reform he envisioned at the beginning, and there are too many compromises to reality.

Up to now, the means and policies of reform have completely slid towards tinkering and drinking poison to quench thirst.

The Ming Dynasty’s law of guiding salt and hoarding business legal rights eventually caused big merchants attracted by salt to sit on the ground and collect money. The salt merchants who were really transferred were exploited.The top is not good for the country, the bottom is not good for the people, and it only benefits the salt beetle.

According to Liu Yu's analysis, the reform plan put forward by the reformers in Dashun means that small merchants will go bankrupt within ten years at the most, and big merchants will monopolize the salt tickets. It's still one thing to take your pants off and fart.

The current reform plan that considers reality means that the original salt households and merchants will go bankrupt, and they will either sell the salt farms at a low price or wait for death; Now, the new salt merchants secretly supported have risen again.

He supported Liu Yu's method, on the one hand, because it was clear that he had obtained the emperor's consent.

Another reason is that Liu Yu postponed the onset period of the poisonous poison for 20 years; and his plan, according to the deduction he was convinced by Liu Yu, would only take ten or even five years for the poisonous poison to occur.

The assumption of this deduction is that the wealthy merchants of Dashun are slow to respond, and it takes two or three years to realize that they can stock up on tickets and sell tickets without selling salt.

However, before he came, he fantasized about treating the symptoms once and for all.

An ambitious person dreaming of treating the symptoms and the root cause once and for all, finally found that no matter what he did, the greatest progress and all he could do was to extend the onset of the poison from five years to 20 years.

Even before he died, he could see with his own eyes that the once-and-for-all salt government that he had fantasized about would collapse again, poisonous poisons would break out, and reincarnation would take place again.

What would this feel like?
What a powerless despair?

This sense of powerlessness.

It is difficult to visualize.

It is also very easy to understand.


a few months later.

But the winter month of the first year of the new year.

Lin Min, the envoy of the Lianghuai Salt Administration and the Jiedu envoy of Jiangsu Province, came to Haizhou again.Like a few months ago, Liu Yu also came.

Accompanied by some local officials, they all stepped into the Huaibei Qingkou Salt Field Headquarters, which was emitting thick black smoke.

The company's head craftsman in charge of technology followed the officials, explaining as he walked: "My lords, the eighty days before and after Xiaoman every year are the best seasons for salt production. Because the weather is the hottest at that time, it is the most suitable for expropriation and No rain."

"Now that the winter moon is about to pass and the twelfth lunar month is here, it is time to catch the tide."

"The sea water in the twelfth lunar month is called a cold wave; before and after the Lantern Festival, it is called a lamp tide."

"Only this second tide has the highest concentration."

"Because the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, the tide will be like a pool. Evaporate in advance, and wait until March [-]th to start spring sweeping."

"In the past, we dried salt like this. If we wanted to attract tides on weekdays, we had to wait until the [-]th tide and open the gates, because the tides were stored like a polder river."

"Nowadays, if you use a steam engine to lift water, you don't have to wait for the [-]th tide. As long as the coal arrives, after March [-]th, when the weather is good, you can continuously attract the tide."

While talking, he led Lin Min and Liu Yu to the place where the tide was drawn, and introduced in turn what these large and small grids were for.

"Water should go first into the depressions, from the depressions into the big life. Then from the big life, into the first, second, and third small depressions. Then into the big high, the second high, and the third high. Then into the brine pool. Finally, into the sun grid .”

He used all the terminology of drying salt, and the new learners around him who came to learn technical operations quickly explained: "Dawa Pond is a tidal pool. The rest, from Dasheng to Dagao and Ergao, can be collectively referred to as Evaporation pool. The brine adding pool can be called the regulating pool, and the final grid is the crystallization pool.”

"The role of the steam engine is mainly reflected in two places."

"One is between Yinchao River and Wachi. Because if you don't use a steam engine, you need to use windmills or pedal waterwheels to introduce it after the Yinchao River gets brine. If you don't use people, you have to wait for the wind."

"The second point is that higher dams can be built between the sea and the tidal river to prevent accidents caused by the impact of the tide. There is no need to wait until the [-]th to open the gate to take sea water. As long as it is needed, sea water can be taken at any time. "

"The salt content is the highest during the cold wave and lamp tide. This is the truth known from the Song and Yuan Dynasties. But I don't know why. Ordinarily, it should be higher in summer?"

This young man who came to learn technology gave a simple explanation, simplifying some awkward professional vocabulary into evaporation pools, crystallization pools, etc., which are very easy for Liu Yu to understand, and Liu Yu roughly understood the flow of them.

A group of people in the distance are taking advantage of the winter to build a road there. The simple horse-drawn railway has been extended for four or five miles.

The craftsman hurriedly said: "Originally, the Pangtou River was built between each drying yard, so that the salt can be transported out. But if the river is built, it will worry about flooding every summer, so it has to be repaired every year. Now the company builds these railway tracks according to the blueprint of the imperial court, and transports the salt to the public place for sale and weighing, which is quite convenient."

"In addition to pumping water now, borrowing steam engines, so coal is used."

"Coal is produced from Xuzhou and other places, and goes down the river to Luoma Lake and the Qiangwei River."

"The coal is unloaded at the Qiangwei River Wharf, and it will be transported to the steam lifter by this railway in the future. It is quite convenient..."

The craftsman was explaining the many conveniences now, when he heard someone shouting loudly in the distance: "I am wronged! I am wronged! My lord! When I have wronged, I will ask Master Qingtian to make the decision!"

"The villain was originally the owner of the salt farm here, but now the price of salt is too low, we really have no way to survive. The Qingkou company deliberately lowered the price. The householders in Renchangpu can no longer survive! Master Qingtian! Master Qingtian! Make decisions for the grassroots!"

Several local officials nearby were expressionless.

Lin Min was a little embarrassed, and was about to ask, but Liu Yu didn't even look back, and waved and shouted: "Left and right, cross out!"

(End of this chapter)

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