Chapter 866 37

The earth is gradually waking up, a ray of morning light breaks the silence of the night, and the hot heart is beating——


A sudden scream streaked across the hall of the auditorium.

"I still like cats more than tofu... Ugh..." The sleepy Mu Su was awakened by the noise, and his deep black eyes opened, gradually turning into lifeless dead fish eyes: "Screaming... There is a new case... ...The famous detective Musu is dispatched!"

Including Qianye, the sleeping players in the game woke up one after another, and soon got the bad news from the screaming Ye Jijin.

Two players are missing.

Ye Jijin remembers the players around him before going offline.When he was online for a few minutes, he found that they could not be found in the entire lobby.

"Is it the case of the disappearance in the secret room..." Mu Su listened with a pipe in his mouth, and the smoke covered his slightly narrowed black eyes.

The sticky phlegm tendons are elastic and curiously moved to the side: "Where did you get it?"

"I bought it for 100 shillings." Mu Su pouted at a fishing colleague who was still sleeping.

"It's expensive, is it a rare item?"

Mu Su, who is too lazy to count the words, directly shows the attributes of the pipe.

【Old pipe】



[A pipe that is severely corroded and in poor condition.It takes a lot of force to let the smoke go through the flue, and it has no value for collection and use.Holding it in your mouth may make some of your points more convincing, maybe】

*People usually light crushed tobacco and put it in their pipes instead of smoking wood chips. 】

"Uh...that's sawdust?" The note made the sticky phlegm sticky and elastic.

"Huh?" Mu Su slanted over, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"I have tobacco leaves here!" The sticky phlegm was flexible and immediately offered the gray-brown tobacco that was almost crushed into powder.

"Smoking is prohibited in public places!" Mu Su put away the tobacco powder in front of his eyes, turned to the non-existent camera, and said seriously: "Smoking is harmful to health, and quitting smoking starts with me."

The sticky phlegm is elastic and he doesn't know whether smoking is prohibited in public places or smoking is harmful to health, so he decides not to say anything.

At the same time, Qianye and others confirmed that the missing two were not in the hall, and the players in charge of the night watch did not notice that they disappeared.

"What is missing?"

The awakened Yinghua turned over and jumped up, quickly breaking into the thinking crowd.

"I just can't find—"

Amnesia's reply was suddenly interrupted by Yinghua: "I asked you to translate, what is missing!"

"Translate what? It's just missing..."

"Translate it for me, what the fuck is missing! What! Fuck! Call! Fuck missing!"

"The disappearance means that two players disappeared without warning last night. We are investigating the reason for their disappearance." Mu Su squeezed past the gathered players and came to the center of the vortex, explaining calmly.

Seeing Musu's new image, Qianye was slightly stunned.

"It turns out that this is called missing." Yinghua suddenly realized.

"Is it made of that rock in the cave?" Tianmo said.

"I'm not sure yet... Tianmo, how many people can you bring up to have a look?" Qianye made arrangements.

The stained stones were temporarily put on hold last night due to nightfall. They just temporarily blocked the entrance of the cave...

Soon the two players ran back to the auditorium panting, bringing back news that was close to the truth: the stones blocking the cave were removed.

"What about the rest?"

"Tianmo and dream go to check if the stone is still there."

Qianye frowned slightly, and wanted to say something, but Mu Su suddenly said in a low voice: "It's too reckless. It is very irrational to approach the suspect alone. But for the remaining survivors, it may be good news. At least The murderer is identified."

"This is not a detective game. Confirming the murderer will not allow us to pass the level smoothly." Qianye replied.

Obviously, players are not reproducible.

At least until the players trying to come log in.

It's just that to everyone's surprise, Tianmo and Dream returned safely—or Tianmo supported Dream, whose feet were limp.

They brought back incomprehensible clues: the stained stones were still there, and the dark color progress remained unchanged.

If the disappearance was related to the stained stones, Tianmo and Dream would not be able to come back, especially since Dream also had nightmares due to getting too close.

"I don't think it's the stone... er, the murderer." Tianmo said at this time.He has no proof, just a feeling.

"Maybe it's because the night is different from the day?" Wangwen Wenqie said.

"Aren't you too into the show?"

Musu occupied the high ground of IQ like never before, and his soul asked: "Why don't you just ask those two players why they didn't have it?"

The hall was eerily quiet for a few seconds.

"Cough... We all added friends when we were on the boat, who should contact them."

"Let me do it." Wangwen Wenqie could only rely on finding something to do to relieve the damn embarrassment.

"Oh, wise man." Shi Musu, who fell into a well, never hesitated to stretch out his sinful feet to those who fell into the cesspit: "Maybe the two of them will stay together forever."

Disappearances brought players online one after another.Not long after, news of the missing duo came.

"They said they didn't know. They didn't even know that they were dead. They just found out that they were back to Wanghai Cliff when they went online." Wangwen Wenqie sighed.

Which is bad because they can't even find the killer.And being able to sneak into the auditorium without disturbing anyone and make two players disappear... can make more people disappear.

"Get out of here. Now."

Qianye immediately decided to evacuate.

They initially planned that Mount Disruption Island might be their base, but it was clear that it was no longer safe.

"Do you still have that rock in the cave?" Wang Wen asked Qie Wen.

After a little hesitation, Qianye shook his head: "The point now is to keep no one from quitting the game."

"But our main mission has not been completed yet."

Looking at the task bar, the main task is still in the state of [Explore the first island (not completed)].

"...Okay, let's leave the cave first and then discuss the next step."

Everyone has woken up, the players discarded the bonfire and collected firewood, and left the auditorium with only water.

The team of players walks through the corridor.Wang Wen Wen Qi skipped the doorless room and suddenly observed something out of the corner of the eye.

Stopping, he retreated the same way to the door of the room where he felt strange.

"What's wrong?" Qianye asked him after noticing the situation.

Wangwen Wenche, who was staring at the house, showed a bitter smile, heaved a sigh of relief and tensed up again.

"I think I found those two people who were missing..."


The two cold and gray corpses were thrown into the corner of the wall like waste.Their abdomens were thrown away, and all organs disappeared, only a magic circle drawn by runes stretching towards the dark red blood.

This is also the room where they discard the guts of the fish.

Now those internal organs and the organs of the two corpses have all disappeared.

It was a bloody sacrifice.

Maybe there's a traitor among us...

Qianye secretly observed the players surrounding the room.

"We have a traitor among us..." Mu Su murmured vaguely with an extinguished pipe in his mouth, feeling a lot of strange eyes coming down, pulling his neck: "Why are you all looking at me like this! Do you suspect that I did it?"

"Ah... I actually said it myself..."

There was chatter from the surrounding crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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