after falling asleep

Chapter 865 36. The beta test of this chapter of Battlefield 2042 is not very good

Chapter 865 36. Battlefield 2042's beta test is not very good this time (Wu Jing shakes his head)
Smell the rotten smell of fish, touch the wet, cold and greasy fish body, and see the fine tentacles wriggling around the edge of the fish's mouth.

The fish here itself will cause sanity points to drop.

Yinghua grabbed the greasy fish tail and shook it twice, the fish seemed to be dead long ago, only the tentacles in the fish's mouth wriggled slowly.

"You deformed fish."

Mu Su, who was excitedly grabbing the fishing rod, froze and suppressed his smile: "You are deliberately finding fault, aren't you? Do you want it or not!"

"If you have a good fish, I will definitely take it."

Yinghua was about to get close to Musu, when the player who was occupied by Musu suddenly explained: "These fish seem to be deformed...the other fish has two legs."

A player brought the fish, which also lacked scales and rotted like a corpse. Two frog-like hind limbs extended from the belly of the fish close to the tail.

"I can see that all the fish here have special skills." Yinghua smiled half a smile, glanced at Musu who was staring at her sideways, and left with the two fish.

After sending Yinghua away, the player realizes that his position is occupied by Musu, with his fishing rod in his hand, and his small stone sitting under his buttocks.

He took a few steps forward to return to his position, and stretched out a hand obliquely to the distance.

"Hush...that's Musu, don't you want to die?"

"But that's mine..." The player pointed to Musu's back in aggrieved way.

"It's good to hang out, and you can explore the environment." Ye Jijin persuaded the overwhelmed player, watched his back go away, and said with a long sigh of relief: "Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda..."

Just as he was thinking this, a surprised shout sounded from beside him.

"What are you doing!"

The player holding the fishing rod was surprised and asked Mu Su who was hanging something on the hook.

Ye Jijin changed his position and saw Musu scratching something on the hook, his scalp tingled.


"Why put eyeballs on the fishhook..." After the words fell, Ye Jijin began to worry about whether he was a little reckless.

"As bait."

"Do you still need bait for fishing?"

More and more players came to watch.

"Are you mentally ill or am I mentally ill? How can a fish bite without bait!" Mu Su saw Mu Su.

"Just bite—" Ye Jijin suddenly realized. "I forgot that this is a game, and the hook doesn't have its own pheromone... No wonder I can't catch any fish."

The other Jiang Taigongs woke up one after another, and fished out the tree branch fishing rods without bait or even hooks.

"Twenty-fifth century waste." Mu Su sneered, and threw the bait with eyeballs into the bay.

But to a certain extent, the player who can still catch two fish without bait is indescribable...


Tens of seconds after the hook with the bait was thrown into the sea, ripples suddenly appeared around the bay like a typhoon shelter.Colliding, annihilated, born, but close to the shore.

The front end ripples over the hook.There was a brief silence, and the branches and fishing rods suddenly tightened.

Mu Su immediately raised his fishing rod and threw the fish that were biting the bait ashore.

Ye Jijin, who has not yet left, sees in a trance: under the bright sunshine, on the blue seashore, fresh and tender sea fish flying up, smiling faces full of joy, crystal water splashing——

The player rubbed his eyes vigorously: under the gloomy clouds, the light gray oppressive Dead Sea, the rotten dead fish-eyed sea fish with hideous fishhooks, Musu staring at the same dead fish-eyed fish, the muddy sea water splashed everywhere——


The sea fish slapped on the rock, bounced a few times weakly, and died quickly.The remaining tawny tentacles, like sea anemones, squirmed in the eye sockets.

A big fish weighing nearly six pounds.

It is far bigger than the two fish that many players spend time and try their luck to catch.

Maybe it's just a coincidence?Or...not a coincidence!
The players who came to watch quickly saw Musu take the bait again and throw the hook.And almost as soon as the hook fell into the water, it was pulled, and Sui Musu lifted the rod to reveal a sea fish of the same size.

Players hurled themselves into the muddy shallows that were still boiling, realizing the lure of the eyeplant.

For the next few minutes, they numbly watched Musu repeat the process of swinging and raising the club.

And there are more and more dead fish spread on the rock beside him.

When the bulging pockets became empty, Mu Su stopped the massacre of sea fish and put down his fishing rod.

Musu called the players over and said: "I feel pity for these people, because they have been here with me for half a day and have nothing to eat. I don't want to let them starve for the night, I'm afraid they will be sleepy at night." to the crowd.

The players looked at each other, unable to understand its meaning, but it did not affect their understanding of its meaning, picked up the twisted and grotesque dead fish, and returned to Broken Mountain along the mountain road.

The players staying on the Broken Mountain simply arranged the hall and blocked the two passages with rocks, leaving only the narrow passage that allows them to pass through normally.

"You...why are there so many of you?" Wang Wenwen was stunned at what they had gained.

"Musu caught it."

The left-behind players, amidst the chatter, quickly figured out the truth.

The players sliced ​​open the belly of the fish, took out the internal organs and weird parts, threw them into the room on the corridor, and set up several bonfires to prepare the fish.

Although they seem to lose sanity points, they have almost no smell after removing the parts that should not be there and roasting them black.

The sanity value of the first player to eat fish is only slightly reduced, and it is hard to say whether it is because of the problem with the fish or the resistance in his heart.

At this time, night is approaching.

Qianye and the others walked out of the cave at dusk, just in time to see the boat that brought them to the shore in the distance recede into the deep sea and quietly go away.

"Did the ship break down when we disembarked?" Wang Wenwen frowned.

"It's broken down." Sticky Phlegm replied elastically, "I saw Tianmo and the others put down the anchor."

Qianye looked at the wooden boat that disappeared into the strange mist, and heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, we didn't stay on the boat... let's go back."

The distilled water is continuously accumulated, and the grilled fish is cooked faster.

Because it's just a game, no one can resist eating grilled fish that looks like black charcoal.

Players start to feel sleepy after eating—since they have satiety, the rest function naturally comes with it.

Leaving the vigil players behind, the others descended around the warming rocks.

Compared with the last round of the tournament, the fourth round of the tournament, which means survival and exploration, is destined to be slower, unless the players are accidentally wiped out.

In fact, many players try to reach the island along the Musu route to act as foreign aid-as long as there are players alive, the tournament can be passed.

It's just that even if it goes well, it will take time.

"I don't know why, maybe it has something to do with Ultraman. The disappearing light is sleeping on the bottom of the sea, and we must be awakened by the little snail. The ultimate world is in the bowl of Grandpa Niu. It is delicious with mutton steamed buns. It would be even better if Tuli informed the clansmen of the home planet..."

Reluctantly looking at Musu who was lying on his side, sleeping and talking in the game, Qianye hugged his legs, pressed his chin, and continued to think about what to do next.

The sound of slow breathing came and went, accompanied by the crackling of the campfire sounded around.

The night here is quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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