after falling asleep

Chapter 849 20. Shi Qi's Melancholy

Chapter 849 20. Shi Qi's Melancholy

["After a deep sleep" version 1.3 update log]

*Ferry boats will protect passengers, but sanity is not included
*Weird will set foot in Wanghai Cliff, only safe house is safe
*Change the skill description: The skill description will be more suitable for the main world
*Reduce the death penalty: Players will no longer lose skills when they die

*New building in Wanghai Cliff: Bell Tower.The purpose of the building is for players to explore by themselves.



After watching the update, players returned to the game one after another.

There are still a few minutes for the strange fog to land.

"It will be updated in the morning." The transparent bridge leaned forward to look at Blazing God in the right corner: "The fourth round is non-sleep mode... what did you think of?"

Chishen's deep voice sounded: "The main world, now."

Transparent Bridge nodded: "There is a high probability that it is."

Wen Xiang, who didn't understand, exclaimed, "The Riddler is beside me!"

"It's so simple that the Riddler here is so suffocating, hurry up and pull it down." Mu Su's disgusting words came from the left edge.

Wen Xiang pulled up Transparent Bridge's arm, telling her to speak quickly.

"The answer is on the surface of the riddle." Transparent Bridge spread his hands with a smile.

"The fourth round will start now in the main world." Lord Grim said, and then muttered: "I always feel that the updated content will affect the sense of substitution..."

"What more sense of substitution do you want? A virtual reality game that tells you, 'In the game, if a person is killed, he will die!'?" Mu Su's sinister voice floated again.

"Transparent Bridge, will the updated content affect us?" Blazing God asked.

"Not now, but it will be after the game is updated at dawn." Transparent Bridge replied. "It's not a big problem, anyway, we have memorized the route, and the wooden boat will become safer."

"The skill description has been updated, why not show the personal panel." Mu Su said innocently, and was about to show the personal panel.

"It was only updated in the morning." Transparent Bridge said.

"It's already morning here!" Mu Su said as he was about to show his personal panel.

"It refers to the morning of the game time, which is the... night of the solar ring." The transparent bridge thought for a while and said.

Mu Su spread out his palms: "I remember the current skills and compare the descriptions after the update. Is this reasonable?"

"Hmm..." Transparent Bridge lowered his head and pondered.

Mu Su will take advantage of this time to display his personal panel.

"Then everyone record their respective skills, and compare them after the update." Transparent Bridge looked up and said.

Musu's black eyes gradually narrowed...

At this time, darkness suddenly shrouded the gap outside the raft.

"The fog is coming, everyone keep quiet, there is no need for vigil tonight, go online—" Transparent Bridge lowered his voice.

"Why don't you have to watch the night?"

"—The online time remains the same, don't come—"

"Why don't you have to watch the night?" Mu Su continued to repeat.

"—too early, when we're awake—"

"Why don't you have to watch the night?"

Transparent Bridge clenched his fists angrily: "—can you let me finish?"

" quiet!" Wen Xiang made a silent gesture to Musu.

The bunker was temporarily quiet.

Transparent Bridge took a deep breath, just about to continue speaking——

"Why don't you have to watch the night?"

"...Because the vigil is useless. Once we are found, it is impossible to escape." Transparent Bridge paused, and added: "It is my fault for not letting you show the personal panel. Please start your performance."

Mu Su, who had won the victory, was preparing to show his personal panel, when he suddenly discovered that this was a conspiracy by Transparent Bridge...

She plays the innocent image of the victim by repeatedly being entangled by me, which will make other people subconsciously sympathize with her who is in a weak position, and she takes the initiative to apologize, which aggravates this weakness. Everyone hates it!


Mu Su gasped.

What a sinister and transparent bridge!
"No need."

Mu Su replied stiffly.Press and hold Lena's groping hand to exit the game.


Take off the game mask, the wind and rain are still blowing outside the window, and the neon lights in the city are dimly lit in the distance.

Raindrops are pattering against the floor-to-ceiling windows, the bedroom is illuminated by a flickering holographic screen, noises are faintly coming from outside the door, and the smell of food floating into the room means that a delicious dinner is being prepared.

Musu sneaked out of the room, went downstairs, and found Shi Qi who was cooking food in the kitchen.She quietly approached her wearing a floral apron, highlighting her slender waist and graceful figure.

What bad thoughts could Xiao Musu have?He just didn't want Shi Qi to find out and pull him to work.

Just like Lu Xun said: When cooking, you have to clean up the dishes and clean the filth in the sink, which ruins the beauty of lying down anywhere after a meal, and people don't like it.As long as people can cook or wash dishes without their hands, people don't do it. Otherwise, how could there be so many landlords in the old society.

Sneaking behind Shi Qi, Mu Su poked his head out from Shi Qi's shoulder, and saw Gulu's steaming cooking pot, and the recipes held in slender white palms.

Mu Su rubbed his eyes carefully to make sure that he read correctly.

"Although I can understand your desire to cook delicious food, cooking with emotion is just a metaphysical way of thinking. You really don't need to read the emotional guide while cooking..." Musu's expression was indescribable.

"I was just thinking about things."

Shi Qi raised his head slightly, put down the spoon, picked up some crushed salt and sprinkled it into the cooking pot.

"Are you sure it's salt and not a chemical weapon like laundry detergent?"

Although eating laundry detergent won’t kill you, even if you die, it’s okay, but it will really cast shadows for decades——

"There is no washing powder in the 25th century." Shi Qi said in a cool voice that never changed.

"So what are you thinking?"

"What is love?" Shi Qi looked away from the hot soup and landed on Musu.

Mu Su trembled: "Are you awakened!?"

"Awakened a long time ago." Shi Qi has always had feelings, but she is indifferent and won't show it. "I can't understand the love that arises between a man and a woman, between a man and a woman, and between a woman and a woman."

"What are they based on?"

"Hmm... that... is..." Mu Su hesitated.

"Then let me ask you in another way."

Shi Qi turned around to face Musu.

She suddenly pursed her lips slightly, her eyes curled up, and she whispered vaguely: "Tutu is the cutest~", and then she returned to her indifference in an instant.

"Do you like this?"


Shi Qi raised his head slightly again, and shouted with a look down and haughty condescension: "You lowly male dog, lick my feet clean!", regaining his indifference in an instant.

"This kind."

"I lick! I lick!"

A gentle smile appeared on Shi Qi's delicate cheeks, and he asked softly as if for his wife: "Honey, this is the dinner I carefully prepared for you, do you like it?"

Musu reached out to take the cooking pot.

(End of this chapter)

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