after falling asleep

Chapter 848 19. Dig 3 grids and cover the top of the head

Chapter 848 19. Dig three squares and cover the top of the head
--Nothing happened.

The game wasn't created by Mu Su, how could he be whatever he thinks.

"These islands were once a piece of..."

Transparent Bridge murmured.

The evidence is the fractured mountains scattered on several islands, which disappear abruptly at the edge of the islands like broken spines.

The broken stones become reefs and are distributed around the island.

Blazing God and the others rowed the oars, and as they approached the broken Lennon Islands, the outline of the island became clearer.

They saw hills, rivers, woods... and houses.

Although these are all falling apart with the change of landform.

"How do we explore after landing?" Lord Grim asked.

"Let's not explore first, find a place where we can spend the night safely." Transparent Bridge said.

The distant Lennon Islands are 7 nautical miles away from them, and at the speed of the raft, they still have at least two hours to row there.

Once on shore, they will have less than three hours to find shelter before spending the long night.


Blazing God suddenly let out a sigh.

Transparent Bridge asked and looked away.

"I gained the sailing skill." Blazing God showed his panel.

[Navigation (Normal) Skill Level: 1]

Improve the ability of all sea voyages: 1% ship stability and 1% ship speed will be increased during sea voyages.

"We haven't got it yet, maybe because you put in more effort." Transparent Bridge said.Because Blazing God and their raft were in front, their contribution accounted for a greater proportion.

"Take turns paddling...Wait, do you have skills?!" Mu Su snickered and pricked up his ears.

"There has always been." The transparent bridge looked.

Then I saw Musu reaching out to snatch the oars of Blazing God and start rowing.

For the first time, Musu took the initiative to work!
Although Mu Su works for skills.

Although Musu's help made the speed drop suddenly.

Blazing God silently picked up the other oar and rowed, restoring the speed of the boat that had plummeted.

Transparent Bridge thought that Musu would not last too long, but Musu didn't let go of the oar until he was about to land, and the sailing skills were already quietly lying in Musu's skill bar.

The sound of the waves on the shore came to the ears, and it was about to land, and the players rarely felt excited in their hearts.

Maybe it's because the veil of the main world has finally been lifted, maybe it's because they are likely to be the first players, or even the first players to set foot on the Lennon Islands.

"Will we meet NPCs?"

Looking at the stretch of broken islands, Wen Xiang asked in a low voice.

"Probably not..." Transparent Bridge replied.

The node of the eerie invasion was Plowland, and that was 1000 years ago.

The chances of human existence are slim to none.

"Not necessarily." Blazing God didn't think so. "The sea breeze is corrosive, and it only takes a few decades for a wooden house to disappear."

But now, a group of wooden houses can be seen faintly on the island in the distance.

The sound of the waves became clearer, and paddling was no longer needed. The waves surrounded the two rafts connected to the beach.

The moment the raft touched the beach, a line of subtitles slowly appeared in front of the players.

[The raft shakes gently]

【Stranded on the beach】

[Walking off the raft wetly]

【Set foot on the forgotten broken island】

【Sobbing sea breeze circling under the clouds】

[like a mournful whisper]

[In the old days, this was home]

【It is still...】

The subtitles faded away.

Players set foot on the beach and look at this broken land.

The irregular islands are surrounded by reefs and beaches, and there is a forest in the depths of the island tens of meters away from the coastline.

A jagged low mountain stands on the west side of the island.

A strange look suddenly appeared on Transparent Bridge's face, and he glanced at Musu.

Blazing God and Lord Grim also had the same expression.

"...The game has indeed been updated." Transparent Bridge said helplessly.

"Eh? Why don't I know." Wen Xiang looked blank.

"Settings, startup items, and then check the automatic prompt for update." Chishen said.

Looking at Musu again, he snorted proudly and raised his head high.

At this moment, the main world time is 4:23 pm, and there is still an hour and a half before dark.

They have to find shelter before the eerie fog arrives.

I don't have time to cut out and watch the update.Players look around and discuss which direction to go next.

Blazing God took advantage of the gap to return to the shallows and dragged the raft ashore.

Yinghua and Wenxiang tend to the distant wooden house, the disadvantage is that they are far away, on other islands.If there is sea water across them, they will not be able to get there in time.

The Transparent Bridge, Blazing God, and Lord Grim tended to go to the short hill on the edge of the island, where they could help them observe the surrounding terrain and observe the situation.The disadvantage is that if there is no suitable refuge in the short mountain, they will have to stay in the outside world for a night-maybe they will disappear directly into the long night.

The iron triangle formed by Musulina Kalian is led by Musu. They tend to dig holes on the spot, cover their heads, and spend the night underground.

Not a bad proposal, but because the players have done this kind of thing before, it feels the most feasible.

An hour and a half was enough for them to dig out the hole where they hid themselves.

It's just that the Lennon Islands are not as safe as Wanghai Cliff, and no one can be sure whether the earth pit can hide them.

"According to what Musu said, let's dig the soil." Transparent Bridge finally decided.

They didn't have much time left. Whether they climbed the low hill or went to the cabin, they had to go through the woods.

No one knows what is hidden inside.

Blazing God finalized the hiding place: the front of a huge rock more than ten meters away from the waves.

The rocks behind block the direction of the island forest, bringing a sense of security, and the location does not have to worry about being submerged by the tide.

The players start digging.Yinghua approached the edge of the forest and found a few thick branches that could be used as shovels.

"Musu, you can also gain skills by digging sand, come and try it!"

"Come to provoke me!" Mu Su's eyes lit up, and he pouted his buttocks and muttered while digging: "Dig a hole, bury some soil, count one, two, three, four, five..."

There were still ten minutes before dark, and the players successfully dug out a pit that could accommodate them.

and gain skills.

[Construction (common) skill level: 1]

Improve all construction-related abilities: When constructing, the durability of the building will be increased by 1% and the construction speed will be increased by 1%.

The life skills given are different from what Musu imagined, but what kind of bicycle is needed.


Transparent Bridge jumped into the wet bunker, and the others followed.

Blazing God pulled the raft covered with a layer of fine sand to the edge of the bunker, and finally stepped into the bunker, and a piece of gravel rustled down.

"If we can survive tonight, we will be able to officially explore the main world." Transparent Bridge is eager for tomorrow.

clap clap clap-

Mu Su's applause came from the side, and he said in a strange tone: "I suddenly have expectations for not reporting tonight."

"It doesn't matter if you fail." Transparent Bridge shrugged, leaning on the wet sand, looking up at the gloomy sky. "We have memorized the route, just repeat it."

"But don't relax too much... After all, you have to sail for three days once you come here."

In the deep sea in the distance, a strange fog loomed.

Players haul rafts to cover their hiding places.

(End of this chapter)

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