"Student. That, classmate?"

In front of Chen Wenwen, the tall and beautiful girl asked again. She observed Chen Wenwen's face carefully and made sure that the other person was about the same age as herself, "Are you really okay?"

On the surface, Chen Wenwen reacted a lot slower after she sat up, and her eyes were a little straightened. She didn't realize the concern of others until the end, and her eyelids dropped quickly, not daring to look at the concerned and puzzled girl in front of her. He just grabbed his phone and shook his head and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry. I'm fine."

"Are you sure you're okay?" The girl looked at Chen Wenwen's lost look hesitantly, feeling that the girl had either just broken up in love or just failed her exam.

"It's really okay." Chen Wenwen whispered, still buried her head and did not meet the girl's eyes.

After getting an affirmative answer and feeling that the other party doesn't need help, the girl stopped asking.

"The library station is here." The announcement sounded, and the library station has also arrived.

The subway gradually stopped on the platform, and the flow of people in the carriage began to surge forward. The girl approaching the door and the boy who was inseparable beside him were also forced to move forward along the flow of people, interrupting this sudden conversation.

After putting some distance away from Chen Wenwen and blocking his sight, the young boy next to the girl suddenly asked in a low voice, "Boqian, is there any problem with her?"

"It shouldn't be." The girl withdrew her gaze blocked by the flow of people, looked forward and lowered her voice and replied to her companion, "I just care a little bit, she has a little 'smell' on her."

"Smells like a branded shampoo?" the boy quipped.

"No, no kidding. It's the 'smell' you know what I mean."

"Then why don't you ask her a few more questions?" the boy asked.

The girl was silent for a moment, then shook her head, "She shouldn't be our target, my domain acuity has always been very high, and there is a high probability that she has only been in contact with people of blood recently, leaving behind factors that can touch my domain. "

"Mere contact won't cause your domain to respond? Does the contact you mean mean something deeper." The boy choked on half of his words, because he was quietly stepped on by his companion.

"This is the orthodox jurisdiction. Some things are not within our jurisdiction. This is mentioned in the detailed report of the mission. One thing more is worse than one thing less. Besides, what we are looking for is not someone who has had close contact with mixed races." People." The girl gave the boy a blank look.

"What we're looking for is the Dragon King." The boy said softly, "I know, I'm not kidding, if you think it's okay, then it's probably okay. But to be honest, I still think it's ridiculous. The line is looking for the Dragon King? Is the brain hole of the above people too big?"

"The subway is the place with the densest flow of people, and there have been rumors from the Orthodoxy and the Secret Party that there are suspected traces of dragons infesting here. Coupled with the 'disaster' in the coastal city before, it is easy to put two Things came together."

"But I still think it's unreliable. How many times have we changed trains? 5 or 6 times? It's impossible for the Dragon King to commute by subway, right? They're all Dragon Kings, do they still have the heart of Beidiao? ’ the boy sighed.

"Don't ask me, if you think there is a problem with this, please report to the higher authorities." The girl remained unmoved, gently rubbing her temples to relieve fatigue, "We will get off at the next stop, and change to another line to continue sweeping."

"You have a lot of experience in missions, you have the final say. Do you want to slow down? Don't get tired, or I will have to carry you back again, and you will have to chase me like a donkey."

"Is that what you call backing? You're obviously resisting!"

"It's not that big of a difference."

He quarreled with his partner every day, and the boy helped the girl with a disgruntled look pull the shoulder strap with the half-decayed world tree emblem on the shoulder bag, and looked out the window of the train with his head tilted.

The white billboard flashed away in the black tunnel, and the reflections of the passengers in the windows were dyed pale by the gleaming white light, and everyone's face lost its color, appearing so solemn and serene.The boy closed his somewhat sore eyes for a moment, then opened them subconsciously and looked around. There was nothing abnormal in the train compartment, and the noise of the tracks outside the train could be heard from time to time.

The subway train gradually decelerates to the station and prepares to stop. The people in the carriage are staggering due to the inertia. The boys and girls are holding a ring and standing straight, making people feel that even if they don’t need to hold their feet, their feet are rooted in the ground. After the parking was secured, the boy squeezed towards the car door while yelling to pass.

Chen Wenwen, who was still in a daze after a daydream, also felt the inertia of the train stopping, and subconsciously prepared to get up and get off. The next stop of the library on Line 4 was the zoo, and the stop just now was the library. It's time for her to get off.

She struggled to squeeze through the crowd, and at the same time looked at the car door hoping that it would not close so early. The man and woman who seemed to be lovers who talked to her and cared about her before had successfully opened up the crowd and squeezed to the door smoothly thanks to the strength of the man. Get out of the car.

The subway stopped for about 40 to [-] seconds. Chen Wenwen didn't approach the door in advance because she was in a daze, which made her get off the station in a hurry. I don't know why. In the past, there would be a lot of people at the zoo station. But today, no one got off the station.

She reluctantly squeezed to the door in the last ten seconds, and when she was about to get out of the car, the mobile phone in her hand suddenly rang, "Li Song" by Xin Band, she looked sideways at the screen of the mobile phone, and found that it was a stranger She also recognized the number when she saw the number. This number is the same as the sender of the previous long text message.

Just when she was stunned for a few seconds and forgot to continue to squeeze forward, the subway door closed, and there was no one in the subway passage outside, only the two good-hearted boys and girls walked forward together, looking around from time to time as if Like looking for something.

The subway continued to move forward and entered the tunnel. Chen Wenwen stood in front of the door for several seconds, finally sighed lightly, accepted the fact that she had passed the station, and picked up the phone that was still ringing to connect.

"Hello?" Chen Wenwen asked tentatively.

"Hello? Chen Wenwen? Phew. You are finally willing to answer my call." There was a young and intelligent female voice on the other end of the phone, with a slightly comfortable magnetic sound, which sounded very pleasant to the ear, making it easy to develop a good impression.But for some reason, he was slightly apologetic when talking to Chen Wenwen.

"No, I'm not mad at you. I was wrong last time. I'm on my way to your office now."

"Is that the time we set last time? I remember it was." The sound of flipping the notebook came from the phone, "Ah, I found it, 01:30 in the afternoon, yes, I have reserved the time for you, now You don’t have any problem coming here directly.”

"Well, I'm sorry, I took the subway and may be late." Chen Wenwen said apologetically as she stood in front of the subway door and looked at the passing tunnel outside.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you are late for a while, we have plenty of time this afternoon." The woman on the other end of the phone said gently, "The most important thing is that you can come, and your willingness to cooperate with me to chat is more important than anything else. You Your parents are very concerned about your affairs, and they often call me to ask, and I have explained to them that you don't have a big problem, it's just that there are some knots that need to be untied."

"I know I just have some things to explain to them." Chen Wenwen said in a low voice.

"Are those things still bothering you? Let me ask, Wenwen, are you still having nightmares?"


"Wenwen, the past is over, and those bad things should indeed be let go. I know that some things are not easy to forget, and I also know that you really need help, you are indeed sick and need treatment, This is a very serious mental illness, not the 'groaning without illness' that other people say." The voice of the woman on the other end of the phone was very slow, "I will wait for you in the office, we will see you soon, of course, remember not to do it this time. Wrong station!"

Chen Wenwen nodded in agreement, then hung up the phone.

"The zoo station is here." The radio announced the station.

Chen Wenwen was stunned for a moment, then looked up at the subway map on the door. The green light at the library station was off, which symbolized the flashing green light at the zoo station, which meant that the subway would stop at the zoo station soon.

The flow of people began to surge, but Chen Wenwen stood still and stared at the route in a daze. Was there something wrong?
It was clearly marked on the subway line that she got on the bus at the east gate of BJ University and had to go through six stops along the way to reach her destination, the Zoo Station. The previous stop of the Zoo Station was the Library Station.

When she woke up from a nightmare before, she vaguely heard the library station broadcast on the radio, and the next stop was naturally the zoo station, but because she didn't squeeze the door in advance when she was calm, she missed the time to get off, so the next stop It should be Xizhimen, the interchange station between Line 4 and Line 13. But why is the zoo station still in the voice broadcast now?

Wait, broadcast?
Chen Wenwen raised her hand and gently covered her forehead. Did the zoo station be broadcast on the radio when the subway stopped at the last station?

She suddenly thought of something and looked around. She didn't see a familiar figure.Yes, the pair of students who looked like a couple got off at the last stop.

Her memory is a little confused, is the upper station the library station?Or she got it wrong then.It’s true that I can’t remember clearly, because of the insomnia at night, she is in a particularly bad mood. Could it be that she has misremembered, or without her knowledge, an extra station was set up between the zoo and the library, and the voice of the subway line The broadcast has not had time to update, so the vacancy has not been reported. At that time, the platform outside the window that she saw by chance at that time was empty because of the new station?

The subway stopped, and the crowd behind suddenly moved, pushing Chen Wenwen forward.

The feeling of pushing and shoving reminded Chen Wenwen of something bad, her head was cold, she quickened her pace, left the carriage and stood on the platform, surrounded by a bustling crowd of people passing by her side back and forth, what was originally in her mind The tangled confusion stopped in an instant, replaced by a slight shortness of breath, a faster heartbeat, and a slight trembling all over, showing a little panic.

Without thinking about it, she quickly put this not-so-big weird question behind her, and walked quickly towards the exit of the subway with her head lowered and her arms around her arms.Now is not the time to think about this, even if she has never been to the station, she is quite in a hurry as she just asked for leave after class from Peking University.

After all, just like the intellectual voice on the phone said, at 01:30 this afternoon, she made an appointment with her psychologist.

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