0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 112


We have to spend this dark night relying on the light of the moon and stars, but this place was different.

Here people gather in one place, carrying lamps with both hands emitting divine light.

“A lot of people came today too.”

Before long, Aaron walked out in front of them.

“Welcome to the prayer meeting to honor the greatness of peace and light on this continent.”

Aaron, too, was holding a lamp that radiated divine light brightly.

“Look at this lamp. Because of this Round Table of Swords, this lamp may seem very unfamiliar to those who are new to Eli Kingdom. Unlike other lamps, this one is not made using oil or candlesticks. Because, as you can see, the divine light is burning within it.”

Aaron opened the lid of the lamp and showed what was inside.

“There is holy water right here. It is much more powerful and holy water than the holy water you know. And the creator of this holy water was Aslan, whom we serve with all our heart and soul.”

The fire from this lamp was from holy water.

And it was Raphael who developed this lamp.

It was a truly mystical lamp that ignited holy fire with holy water.

“Oh oh······.”


The people gathered at the prayer meeting nodded at Aaron’s words and looked in wonder at the lamps handed out at the entrance.

“Aslan is a prophesied being acknowledged by Heaven and the only one who can save this continent. But he never emphasized that fact. You didn’t even talk about it. Because his humility is deeper than the sea. It is like a heart that loves and cares for our people.”

As Aaron spoke in a mournful voice, the people gathered at the prayer meeting nodded in amazement.

“But when he is angry, his power is enough to make the heavens tremble. With every step he takes, the earth cracks open; with every voice he speaks, the sky opens. Such a great and mighty One spoke today. Those gathered under his name will never be destroyed.”

“Oh oh······.”

“Such a word…”

Aaron did not hide from the crowd what had happened during the day.

“His power could have brought all kingdoms to their knees, destroyed their armies, and reduced the lands of their people to ashes. Nevertheless, rather than using strength, he first asked for a warm conversation and gave a warm hand first. To save even one more person from evil.”


Aaron was crying with tears in his eyes.

“Aslan is such a person. The royal palace is still insignificantly old, but what about here in the Kingdom of Eli? Everything has become new, and we live a comfortable and peaceful life more than ever. And he is still sleeping in that cold, run-down royal palace today.”


“How can that…!”

“Aren’t we supposed to build a new palace right now?”


Aaron shook his head at the crowd’s reaction.

“We also raised several suggestions, but he never gave us a yunheo. It will be like that this time too. I want to spend even a penny more for the people.”


“You are truly a saint…”

Upon hearing the story, they began to shed tears one by one.

“I know that there are many people from other kingdoms besides those from the Kingdom of Eli, who have come to this place today. What I want to tell them is that our King Aslan is a man who has no personal greed. I want you to know that I am a person who only thinks of this continent and its people.”

Then Aaron raised the cup in front of him.

“Come on, let’s all raise our glasses.”

The crowd also put down their lamps and raised their glasses.

“For the light.”

Everyone shouted in unison at his words.

“For Aslan!”

Then, he drank the holy water from the glass all at once.

“I would like to thank all of you for gathering here tonight as well. then······. See you in part 2. May the warmth of the light and the bravery of Aslan be with you today.”


It was the sound of the crowd shouting as if the entire castle were about to leave.

“This is the famous prayer meeting.”

“Yes. Every time a prayer meeting is held, hundreds of thousands of people gather. Furthermore, I heard that it is so popular that even other kingdoms come from far and wide.”

Elberstein smiled as he looked at the children running around with lamps and the smiling adults.

“Isn’t there any particular sanction in the church?”

“Isn’t the pope of the denomination attending the prayer meeting? How can the church oppress a prayer meeting that even the Pope approves of?”

“I see. Aaron, he made a really meaningful gathering.”

This prayer meeting, first hosted by Aaron, has grown in popularity over time, and now hundreds of thousands of believers gather, and its popularity is so great that people from other kingdoms come to attend the prayer meeting.

Elberstein, having attended the prayer meeting he had always heard of, could see why it was so popular.

The more I learned about Aslan’s outstanding exploits and how much he cared for his people, the more I felt that his faith burned.

“Encourage our kingdom people to actively participate in this prayer meeting.”

“Yes, I will.”

Elberstein looked at his surroundings with a very satisfied face, then suddenly looked at the kingdom in the back.

“The kingdom of Eli has changed so splendidly, how could the royal palace be so old? What a wonderful person. Are you saying that you will only spend money for the people, as Aaron said?”

Since Elberstein is also a king who leads a country, he knows how difficult it is to spend money only for the people.

“Today, too, I realize how inadequate I am as a king.”

He was also a king who was highly regarded in the kingdom, but he always compared himself with Aslan and realized that he was lacking. And every time I promise

He said that he would become like Aslan, whom he serves as his lord.

“Let’s hurry up and join the second part of the prayer meeting.”

“Yes, my king.”

Elberstein’s steps toward the second prayer meeting were very light and enjoyable.

* * *

“Hmm- yes. It tastes like this.”

I was sitting back in a chair and receiving a refreshing massage.

“As expected, magic massage is the best.”

This chair has a magic massage function, so it was the best pleasure to receive a massage like this every night.

After getting a massage like this, lying on a soft bed will make you fall asleep.

“As expected, I was good at spending the money only on my bed.”

My servants several times suggested that I remodel the palace and completely change it.

But don’t I know

It means that the amount of money that goes into remodeling the palace is enormous.

With that money, it would have been better to build a new castle.

However, since I had no intention of living in an old place, I changed the furniture in the sleeping quarters and office where I am staying.

“They cook well here, and the amenities are well-equipped, so this is paradise.”

All it takes is a cell phone to watch New Tube, but that was really disappointing.

“I passed the hangobi well today, so I deserve a break.”

The final agreement was reached today.

The war between the kingdoms is banned for the time being, and the place where the devil haunts is to help each other to stop it.

In other words, it could be seen as a union of all the kingdoms on this continent.

And the leader was me.

“I thought Karman would definitely object.”

Where did he change his mind, Karman obediently followed, and the other kingdoms also bowed their heads on their own.

“Now we just have to block it.”

But what to do after all the demons have been stopped?

What if the game still doesn’t end…?

“Let’s not think about that now.”

Because it’s important to stop them first.

thud-! Kook-!

But then I heard the sound of something exploding and woke me up from my sound sleep.

“What do you mean?”

Is Aaron holding that strange prayer meeting again and playing with firecrackers?

But the sound was close for such things.


At that time, a knight urgently called me.

“What’s going on?”

“Chi, intruder! Someone has invaded the palace without permission and is now fighting the red dragon flame!”


no. What kind of madman in the world has invaded our palace and is fighting the red dragon?

I opened my celestial eyes to see that madman’s face.

As eyes of golden flame formed over the palace, the situation outside was revealed to me.

and there,

“You’re still up and running, old witch.”

“jackanapes. I will pluck out that long tongue today.”

Eltihi and the red dragon flame were trying to spread the sword of hell with magic.

I said with a short sigh.

“What are you both doing?”

Their movements stopped at the sound of the roar of the battlefield.


“Kuh-! Uh, how…”

Both of them trembled and tried to hold on with magic power, but it was useless.

“You dare to ask what I am doing in my palace.”

At those words, the red dragon spoke first as if it was unfair.

“No, I was just eating delicious food as usual, but after all, this old lady appeared and took me…”

“Madame? You really wanted to die today, so you went crazy.”

I calmed Eltihi, who was about to get excited again.

“Eltihi. It looks like you came here because you have something to do with me, so stop making a fuss and come over here.”

“······· Tsk.”

After releasing the mana he had been holding in both hands, Eltihi glanced at the red dragon.

“I’ll see you later.”

“Heh, like that or not.”

Apparently, since both of them have lived together for a long time, it seems that they know each other.

Of course, it didn’t sound like a good relationship.

It wasn’t long before I greeted Eltihi, who entered my bed.

“To use magic without permission in my palace. That’s rude, Eltihi.”

“that’s······. I am sorry.”

Eltihy sat down and glanced at me.


“What was that? Those strange eyes and voice. I couldn’t move my body carelessly.”

“It’s just a catch technique.”

“The only thing that keeps the Elf Queen immobilized is the catch technique. Sometimes I wonder if you’re really human. Judging by the red dragon’s behavior, it sounds like he’s acting as your pet here. What kind of human would have a dragon as a pet?”

“… tell me why you’re here, Eltihi.”

“You talk as if you’ve come to a place I’ve never been to.”

At that, I responded with a calm face.

“The fact that a woman came to a man’s bed in the middle of the night is misleading enough.”


Eltihi then shouted in exasperation.

“What, what do you mean by that!”

“It makes no sense. That’s how people see it.”

“Hey, you’re talking weird. I didn’t come here with that intent!”

But for some reason, Eltihi’s face seemed to be blushing.

“Hmmm. I came today because I have something to tell you. The reason I didn’t bring my subordinate is because it’s something no one should ever hear. I heard that you recently received the Token of Light.”

Upon receiving the Token of Light, Eltihi has arrived.

I knew why she came.

Because this too is part of the story.

“yes. I know you well.”

“That’s why I came here. The fact that the Token of Light has appeared also means that a great crisis is coming to this continent. And there is something prepared a long time ago for this day. Only a handful of people on this continent know…”

I interrupted Eltihi as I slowly poured my drink into my glass.

“I know why you’re here, Eltihi.”

“yes? no. You will not know.”

“Isn’t it because of Lyla Khan?”

At those words, Eltihi’s eyes opened so wide that they couldn’t grow any further.

“Uh, what the heck, how…”

“I know you have come to me to awaken Lyla Khan from his slumber in the depths.”

Her trembling voice continued in disbelief.

“How the hell do you know that? Even Rylakan’s descendants do not know. What the hell is a guy like you…”

of course.

I’ve been playing this game for so long.

This is one of the events that will happen when you receive the Token of Light.

Resurrection of Rylakan.

no. To be precise, it would be right to wake up the sleeping Lylakan.

But my seething bravado couldn’t say it straight away.

“I know all things, see all things, and understand all things. Do you think there are things I don’t know about on this continent?”


Eltihi just stared blankly at me without saying a word.

Intoxicated by that gaze, I drank a glass of wine.

‘Lyla Khan. It’s finally time for you to come out.’

According to the game settings, if you were to choose the strongest person on this continent, you would pick Karman first, but if Lailakan wakes up, the story changes.

Because his character is

[Heaven and Heaven, Infants alone]

Because there is no one stronger than him on this continent.

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