0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 111

The earth is cracking and the sky is shaking.

I only took a few steps, but I wonder what kind of power it exerted, everyone here knelt down and bowed their heads in front of Aslan.

As if in awe of his amazing power.


Karman, who had been holding on to the end with an indomitable spirit, bit his lip.

Will he eventually come out like this?

If he continued like this, he felt as if his knees would break.

In order to prevent such ugliness, I had to draw my sword here.

Karman slowly put his hand on his waist.

And the moment he draws his sword.

“My king.”

A benevolent voice came from behind.

It was Pope Rehenna.

She radiated divine light and spoke to Aslan.

“Please take your anger away. They are still foolish and committing rudeness.”

Are Rehenna’s words effective?


The power that weighed on them all disappeared in an instant.

Rehenna came to her senses and shouted at the people who got up one by one from their seats.

“The descendants of light who serve Rahal.”

At the same time as that warm voice spread, Rehenna’s body slowly rose upward.

“We are those who serve the light. And those who follow the prophecy of light. We, the Church of Rayearth, and I, Pope Rehena, recognize Aslan, King of the Kingdom of Eli, as the prophesied Knight of Light, and anyone who opposes him opposes the will of the Light, and further rejects our Church.”

These were the words that came out of the Pope’s mouth, not from anyone else.

The people she supported were the same ones the church supported.

“Therefore, our mission is to follow the prophesied hero and save this continent from evil. We must follow the prophecy and follow the knight of light!”

Her soft yet strong voice was spreading throughout the palace.

And Aslan,


He waved his cloak and said as he entered the hall first.

“Let’s say welcome here. Let everyone come in.”

Looking at the back of Aslan, who entered with confident and dignified steps, they hesitated for a moment and quietly followed him.

* * *

A desolate and suffocating tension filled the entire hall.

‘Originally, it was gathered for the purpose of peace and harmony.’

So, somehow, we tried to have a meeting without arguing with each other and without trouble.

This is because all kingdoms must work together to stop the Techina tribe.


‘I sprinkled ashes from the very beginning.’

This guy’s bravado didn’t just watch it.

what is peace

It wouldn’t be strange if a war broke out between the kingdoms tomorrow.

‘But I didn’t do anything wrong in the first place, did I?’

They were the first to support Karman and ignore me.

Had it not been for that, my bluff would not have been so rampant.

‘yes. I just need to do well from now on.’

The beginning was a bit rough, but wouldn’t it be okay to lead it gently now?


But anxiously, Karman started talking from the beginning.

“I have to confirm here what I mean by what I said outside.”

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Just like that anxiety

“Do you have anything to confirm? Literally.”

He made my bravado boil over again.

“If you do not follow my will, I will make you pay for it right here.”

“Do you think you can become a conqueror who rules the continent just because you became a knight of light?”

“It’s not such trivial pride.”

I looked around at the people gathered in the venue and continued talking.

“If I truly wanted to conquer you, I would have done so long ago. The castle would have collapsed wherever my steps might have landed, and blood would have filled wherever my hands touched.”


“Do you really want that?”

My bravado was exploding without knowing the end.

“If all the kingdoms were turned into enemies, it would be difficult for the Eli kingdom alone to handle it, right?”

“I don’t need the power of Eli Kingdom. I will be able to deal with all of you with only my power.”


“Would you like to try it? Then try talking to any kingdom. I will descend to that kingdom right now and prove that my words are not light by any means.”


······Now I don’t know either.

Having done it like this, I opened my eyes wide and glared at the people gathered in the hall.


But, very fortunately, no one opened their mouth.

Everyone avoids my gaze and lowers their heads.

But Karman’s eyes were wriggling, and he was showing signs that something was about to explode. When the suffocating tension reached its peak and almost exploded.

“Stop doubting Aslan-nim.”

Rehena acted as mediator.

“300 years ago, all tribes on the continent joined forces to finally drive out the demons. However, the evil force could not be completely annihilated. And the oracle of Rahal came down to the church.”

She recited to them the oracle that had come down that day 300 years ago.

“He said that the knight chosen by the light will drive out the evil that disturbs the continent and finally annihilate it, so all nations must follow him on that day.”

Unlike usual, Rehenna’s voice was full of the Pope’s dignity.

“And look. Aslan is the one who received the Token of Light. Doubting him and not following him violates Rahal’s will and threatens the peace of this continent. It is true that it should cease to exist.”

Rehenna politely requested me.

“Aslan. Could you please show them the Token of Light?”

I held out my hand at her words.

Then, a token of sacred light emerged, illuminating the inside of the palace.

“Oh oh-“

“That’s the legend…”

Their eyes were markedly different.

That was the power of the Token of Light.

The proof that he was chosen by heaven, and the justification of becoming the representative of the whole kingdom and stopping the devil.

This was the role of the Token of Light.

“Neither the token of light, nor Rahal’s prophecy, nor the will of heaven, none of it matters.”

However, I soon made the token of light disappear.

“Then what is important?”

I looked at them and spoke.

“I want to protect yourselves, your kingdom, and your families.”


Their eyes were focused on me.

“When the kingdom of Mann was attacked by demons and stood on the verge of extinction, no one reached out to help. However, I helped them with my single body and drove out the demon army. Until now, if there was a place where demons had been tormented, I ran to it wherever it was. You all turned away.”


A heavy silence followed.

“Then I realized. that words cannot reconcile with you. That is why I will use my strength if I have to use it, and if I have to destroy someone, I will do so without hesitation. The reason I showed off my strength to you was to become one even by doing that.”


“But if what you want is a hero-”

I slowly intensified my voice.

“I will be your hero.”

It soon exerted a roaring effect and spread to them.

“I am not a hero. Whether Rahal chose it or not, it doesn’t matter to me. Also, the choice of light is not important to me either. Nevertheless, the reason I take this path is because I can bring you who have been scattered together.”

A quiet silence passed.


And it was none other than Karman who broke the silence.

“They say it’s something you don’t want, and you don’t even want, so why are you even doing that?”


The reason is simple.

“To save this continent.”

to save my life

“I see things differently from you. What I think is different from you. You dare not understand my will. You will never understand or know what I am looking for and what I am moving towards.”

Furthermore, I want to escape this game.

that was what i wanted

And to do so,

“So do my will for yourselves and for the sake of what you want to protect. Then you don’t have to fear any demon attacks. As long as I am Aslan, nothing can destroy you. i won’t allow it I will protect you wherever you are.”

The power of all kingdoms was needed.


Once again a heavy silence hung over me.

And Krael of the Mann Kingdom, who had been silent all along, asked me.

“The ancestors drove out the Techina tribe 300 years ago and only sealed it. I couldn’t kill them. Do you mean that you can accomplish something that even Ryla Khan, who was the strongest on the continent at the time and said he still cannot match his strength, could accomplish?”

At that question, the bravado that had risen to the top of his head soared through the top of his head.

“I didn’t have Aslan at that time.”


“This is my answer.”

After saying that, I got up from my seat.

“Would you gather to fight in my name or self-destruct?”

And he said as he walked out of the enclosure.

“The choice is yours.”

* * *


The place where Aslan left left a sense of emptiness, as if something precious had been lost. Do you mean leaving like this without deciding anything?

no. Maybe that’s why I got out of my way to think about it and make a decision here.

“How can I do this…”

“If you don’t follow me, you will destroy yourself. Are you saying that you will soon destroy it with your own hands?”

“How extreme…!”

They were at a loss as to whether they should follow Aslan or just ignore him.

Then Krael spoke.

“Aslan-sama is right.”


“When you all turned away from us, I saw. The majesty of Aslan, who descended with light and single-handedly wiped out the numerous demon corps. It was never a human power. It was something far beyond that. It will be difficult to understand unless you witness its wonderful power firsthand.”

Krael’s eyes twinkled as if the events of the day were vivid.

“Our kingdom will fully follow Aslan. As he said, to defend our kingdom.”


Now, the place where his gaze was directed was Karman.

The reason why they shake so much is because there is Karman, who is the balance of power.

He was silently looking at the spot where Aslan had left.

‘Are you going to serve as a justification for us, Aslan?’

Karman saw the person named Aslan again today.

‘I thought it would be no different from many kings who were tired of conquest.’

He only thought that Aslan was going to subjugate the kingdoms and conquer the continent and rule them in the name of the Knight of Light.

But Karman saw it.

Aslan certainly had no intention of subduing these kingdoms.

If so, what is he looking at?

‘I can’t figure it out at all. I don’t even know what that man is really looking at.’

Despite having that amazing power, Aslan was looking at something else rather than conquering the continent and becoming the strongest number one.

I didn’t know what it was, but it was certain that it was a divine and tremendous ‘something’ that I couldn’t dare to imagine as a human being.


Karman no longer had to show his pride.

At first, I thought he was a man unsuitable for the Token of Light, but now it was different.

Perhaps the token of light is a privilege given to those who can use that power righteously without any selfishness?

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