The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambel Ship Men's Crossing Report Chapter 427

When the plane was already being hit, the atomic bomb was also thrown down, then he was parachute in the air, and he encountered the "direct hit" of the atomic bomb in the process of landing. Scientists are all tight, and the skin is cold.

"Former God bless us!"

Scientists prayed in their hearts, but their opponents are now known as "God's Messenger". They are praying, and they don't know what God will blessing the enemy of "God".

Just in the process of praying, although the alarm sounded, the gunman in the position of the machine tower is called in the communication device: "The six o'clock, there is an enemy machine! The speed is fast!"

Not only the B29 with the original bullet, the entire formation sounds the air defense alarm. A large number of ME262 jet fighters, under the guidance of the ground man's meat radar, launching a raid from the direction of the six o'clock in the direction of 6 o'clock.

The aircraft is not a person, and it is a very troublesome thing to perform 180 degrees in the air, while the largest community is knocked, but also a very complex flight problem. Although the F8F escorted for B29 is nearly two hundred, it is facing the ME262 interceptor group from the body, but it has lost the first hand.

The speed of F8F is more than 300 kilometers more than the opponent, and it is also turned to turn around, and the speed will fall to the horrible point. In the face of the ME262 chart of the ME262 cluster of the speed of the speed, the cover of the cover of B29 is not as effective as an effective interception reaction. The opponent will break through their interception network at high speed, kill the B29 cluster.

First, it is still a fire dragon in the ME262 wing to empty rockets.

In order to improve the hit rate, this batch of MW262 is a distance from about 500 meters from the target, and is launched a rocket.

More than two hundred rockets fried in the center of the B29 chassis, just a few blink of Wink, more than ten B29 played a sea.

The B29 bombard number named 219 is numbered in the attack of this wave of empty rockets. The body is also injured by the splash, one of the engines have an black smoke.

Chapter 502 Nuclear Wood New Year

"Note that various machines pay attention to! Apollo is in front of the other bomber group, the abdomen is seriously increasing, the number is 219, if the condition allows you to start attacking it!"

First broadcast once in Chinese, and then Li Huai has said it once again in the communication channel in the Communication channel.

"Apollo" is the pre-war of the military to inform the pilot, and the US military may be synonymous with the "large-scale anti-margin" weapon used in this war. As for the specific, the pilots only know a rough probably. The warnings they get before the war are, one but after hearing the enemy is about to use Apollo warning, it will immediately follow the corresponding "operating specifications" action.

When the B29 cluster is raided, the ME262 Driving Li Hua is not rushing in the forehead, but it is in the position of the middle rear. This attack ME262, which has been fully "erosion" beforehand, and she even took her own emotions and turned the fighters into their own emblem.

After the emotion, this has risen to her perception in the air, expanding to about two kilometers. The bad place is your own aircraft if it is injured in the air, the body will also be hurt.

There is too much in the number of B29 clusters of the opponent, and the pilots between rushing cannot be easily confirmed to confirm the target. However, Li Huamei pointed out that the rough direction, the fastener of the interception machine knows "some of the way".

"The third engine in the right is the goal of B29 is the goal!"

On ME262, which is lacquered is "17" (which is the fourth ME262), Li Hua, conveyed this information, while moving down the B29 that had already smoked his black smoke.

Two 13mm machine guns on her ME262 were first fired outside five hundred meters. When this time hit, the ground gave her installed bullets three-fold two, three points, one-point one, burn bullets, shot, shining balls The air is very obvious and is the best indicator.

Followed with two friends around Li Huimei under her shooting guidelines, approaching the target.

On the left, it is Li Huimei's "old friend", the German top ape trip pilot Marceo. This and she typically has excellent shooting ace, the flying pilot began to fire in the four hundred meters, and the dangerous distance of one hundred and twenty meter was stopped from being fired. Li Huamei controlled the global perceptuality confirmed that this B29 that was locked by Marceo and another friend machine at the same time, in just more than ten seconds, nearly 20%, more than ten years, more swallow 13 mm machine guns, four engines were thrown three, and the fire has been fired. And the people in the B29 cabin also flew over the baptism of violent rainfall, and the cabin workers were also heavy.

This B29 bomber with the original bullets is a low pendant to the sea from the airline of approximately 70 kilometers from the target.

Because the machine is not possible to fly to the target to cast the nuclear bomb, Li Huamei fills up once in the last moment, and then the number of 30mm shells will be raised, and pull up the head to give up the chasing and quickly leave this airspace.

When you are separated, Li Hua has issued a prior agreement in the three different languages ​​of German, English, and Chinese in the radio:

"The arrow has been broken! The arrow has been broken!"

Soon, this jet fighter unit that completed the first wave of booking assaults was out of the battlefield with the fastest speed, and then climbed at the full speed, and quickly rapidly chased the F8F of "grief and anger".

When detached, all the pilots of all jets have been instructed in advance, and wear the ink color goggles to prevent in case.

However, it is probably because it is too miserable, the member of the cabin is completely destroyed, and the sea is planted to the sea, and there is a fragment on the sea. There is no legendary stagnative mushroom cloud.

Less than five minutes after the "219" machine, the US Pacific Battlefield, the US Pacific Battlefield, which is located in Aura, has received the darkness of the secret: the first cello chord break.

After seeing this telegram, MacArthur's face has become very difficult.

And "the string of the second cell", which is also collapsed on the edge.

The meteor interceptor group sent by the British has a total of more than forty-five, and twenty is similar to ME262, using a 30mm MK209 machine gun design of British products.

Due to the difference in the position of the airport, when the British stops the second wave of B29 chassis, the goal is to choose from Japan, only less than 60 kilometers.

According to the prior ministerial prior, the British is also less enthusiastic about intercepting nuclear attacks. They intercepted the purpose, more for testing in actual combat, the jet fighter intercepts the strikes of the four bombings.

The second wave B29 chart is closer to the island. At this time they got the cover of the remaining F8F, which was originally here, and the surrounded Ma Ma is like a flies full of covered fighters.

I don't want to lose my own British jet fighters here. I use the German tactics. After the detour goal, I will work hard to climb, get absolutely high advantages, then I have dive it, first is the rocket attack chart, Then close it to the machine.

The B29 cluster of the jet fighter attack should be taken, and its team commander adopts a completely different counterparts with the front team. When the British jet fighter climbs climbed behind its chance, it has been warned from escorting F8F fighters. In the face of the jet fighter, it occupied the absolute advantage, the nearby F8F can only breathe hiped to climb the opponent game, and the result is of course very tragic. When they climb to half, the opponent has arrived at the scheduled place in advance, and then puddling down.

Unlike the first wave of adherence to the team, the leader of this formation is facing this situation, when the English machine is still climbing, when the B29 bomber is dispelled, command all B29 bomber. Free flight.

Nearly hundreds of B29 suddenly be poured into the ground, the green beans were scattered in a few minutes.

This is extremely correct tactics.

The air combat in front has proven that the jet fighter in the dive stage is not the piston machine of this era. When they easily break through the interception network of F8F, it is found that the quarry originally rowned. Si scattered.

The meteor fighter group pursued, the empty rocket launched simply took a few unlucky B29. Then I have to pursue the b29 that fled four times. But these dispersed goals are very small, plus all around, and the spirit of "dead proud friends is not dead", the British interception is not very "desperately desperate", they just bite casually A goal, finishing the shells in ten seconds, then accelerating the battlefield that left the dangerous battle in the class.

When Li Huamei arrived at the Yingde coalition, flying the best B29, can see the goal of the island in the air.

"Don't rush down immediately, let's turn in the sky!"

Looking at B29, Li Huai also took a little bitache, but she and the British, which may be too enthusiastic about the possible nuclear attacks that may exist in the second wave of B29 chassis. Her task of this time is just to add more "psychological stress" to the US chart, force the target "to the island to throw away the nuclear bomb."

The actual situation is also just like Li Huamei.

Just suffered from more than forty meteor fighters, I saw that the other party easily broke through the interception, hitting more than 10 B29, after injuring more than 20, these B29 bombers have been smashed.

The goal of their trip is to bomb the largest domestic island in the northern island and choose the island. The B29 bomber number "66" is equipped with the atomic bomb, which has already entered the island.

Then, at the height of 8 kilometers, the abdomen of the machine was opened, and a huge white umbrella flower was opened.

Whether it is the air of Li Huimei or a hundred kilometers of Lin Han "father", Lin Han "father", all discovered this "large-scale anti-weapon" has been cast.

If the US B29 is later, Li Hua is going to order the ME262 cluster to attack.

When I saw the huge umbrella flower bloom in the air, Li Hua got the new dark language instruction in the communication channel with the fastest speed.

"The arrow is shot!"

After a few seconds, the pilots who were fighting in all countries in all countries were all over the ground empty tube. They heard the instructions of the superiors: at all costs, immediately back to the island flight, detached from the battlefield, and don't forget to wear a dedication glasses.

Almost at the same time, the F8F of the F8F drove, and heard the instructions that asked them to withdraw the air or evacuated to the island.

Former moment, I was still choosing the pilot of the enemy of my life, I was like a veteran of my life, and I gave up the air combat in the whistle that heard the final, and I gave up the air combat, and then did the same thing: back to the island, Open your horsepower flight, escape this place.

At the choice of the island, I have been watching the anti-air cannon, and I have stopped shooting in five minutes before the B29 chart.

The residential commander got an urgent instruction from the Tianlong Cruiser, ordered the Island defenders to remove the upcoming huge explosion in the fastest speed.

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