The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambition Ship Men's Crossing Remember Chapter 426

This group of hammer-type attack tactics is the most effective way for new jet fighters to traditional piston fighters. This tactics used the flight formation of China-Yende.

According to the idea of ​​the coalition, the traditional piston fighter is a felt board, which is responsible for entanglement of the enemy's F8F, and the jet fighter is a hammer. The performance advantage is completely mastered by the opportunity to choose the battlefield as needed. Looking for the relatively weak locations of the enemy group to focus on assault. If you play a wave, you will go, and immediately climb the energy and return to fight again.

This air combat tactics is simple, but it is the most efficient means of the most efficient battlefield for this aircraft intensiveness. It is also the most important faculty and headache.

A wave of flows through the entire battle airspace, Li Hua is shooting more than ten times, and then she will take the two F8F and seriously injured. Then she climbed again, accumulating, once again dive the assault, and she fell down two F8F, she started to return to the replenishment.

Compared with the F8F, ME262 is far from the speed, climbing height, the tip speed, and the climb are far from the opponent. The driver of ME262 just insists on this hammer-type play, don't breathe your head and F8F play fighting, F8F is almost impossible to bite the opponent to shoot it.

But in the air-fashioned air combat, the jet fighter is not an invincible. When nearly three thousand aircraft concentrated together, when he attacked each other, it was a chaotic bomb everywhere. While you bite others, it is often a shot of others while shooting others. Such as Li Huimei, when two high-speed puncture attack penetrated the battlefield, her aircraft was also aimed at shooting, and the flow of flying in the air also hit her Driving ME262.

Ten 's five-point, only 25 minutes after the takeoff, Li Huai returned ME262. This attack, buckled to take off to the battlefield and returned to the airport landing, in fact, her time in the air is only five minutes.

ME262 per-door artillery bomb 132, when shooting, each shooting hits six artilleryballs, a total of 22 times. The 13M mm machine gun is slightly more, but it is only for each machine gun. When returned, Li Hua was only the remaining two MG131 machine guns also have more than 60 bullets.

When the plane accepted the ground and maintenance, the six bores were found in her fuselage, all in the air battle.

After leaving the slightest plane, Li Hua did not rest, and Li Hua was not a rest. When I participated in the air battle in Shanghai, I gave a novel fighter for her, I will continue to drive.

When Li Huimei landed and take off, there were eight FW290 on the airport to patrol the cover in the sky, which is to prevent the machine from taking the opportunity to come over the airport attack.

At 10:28, Li Huime returned earlier than the previous attack, she brought back the twelve bore holes on the fell and the body, and the engine on the plane also had a problem, that is In the air battle, a F8F was shot on her plane in the distance of her aircraft, and the engine was lighted.

When she was evacuated, her situation even had some wolves, and nearby US machines found that her ME262 was injured, and the shark of heard blood was swarmed.

Fortunately, her aircraft is in the state of the battlefield, although the engine is damaged, but the potential of the previously climbing accumulation can be transformed into the high speed brought by the kinetic or to make her temporary tail with four F8F. In the process of unwilling to chase her aircraft, the opponent is encountered in other directions to the help of rescue friends, and forced to give up this tempting goal.

This is Li Hua Mei in the air battle on the same day, closest to the shot. In the later generation, Li Huimei's head paint is a beige "13" landline is a near cheating, but the day's reality is her, her number one is in a large number of crashes. At the same time, I am also very wolf on the battlefield.

Even her cheats, the super trump on the best airplane has encountered a danger, which can be seen how fierce cruel in the air of the day.

On the other day, the northern seams were over, and there was a plane to be shot every minute, and the two sides were filled down the parachute flowers. The pilots of the two sides of the red eye use hit tactics in the air battle, and the enemy skydiving pilots are not uncommon. Even, because the aircraft density is too large, the plane in the air combat hits the "small probability" event such as the parachute floating in the air.

Chapter 501 opens the door of hell

In the air of the day, the Chinese airport specially parked three spare ME262 fighters for Li Huimei. After the injured ME262 will be thrown again to the ground emergency repair, Li Hua Mei jumped on the third ME262 again.

At 10 o'clock, Li Huimei returned safely, and this back her body was fortunately only discovered a bullet bore. In addition to the three enemy machines in the air, in the return process, the 13 mm machine gun was used to hit the F8F of the airport, and then the heavy F8F was shot down.

When landing, the ground found that her ME262 has already emptied all of the ammunition. If it is not a friend machine to help the gun, she will have some wolf when she returned. The American fighter is not more vulnerable, the biggest advantage is to be cumbersome, to defeat them, the most effective weapon is still a large diameter machine, 13 mm machine gun is relatively low.

When Li Hua was going to make a fourth time, the empty pipe on the ground stopped her, forcing her to rest for forty minutes to allow her driver attack.

At this time, the military received alert, and there were large batch of B29 clusters to fly from the northeast to the north island.

After confirming that Americans have successfully carried out nuclear tests, Sude is aware that they will use nuclear bombs in Japan's war, and even "desperately".

It is not too difficult to confirm that the means and way of Americans throw nuclear bombs is not too difficult.

It is still nothing more than the missile technology, nothing more than the aircraft bombing and submarine are shore and detonated.

The latter may not be large, one is since the sacred impact, the countries have made the submarine in front of the warship from the preliminary and beautiful submarines. While the US Navy has been desperately expanding in the past three years, the development of the submarine is not much attention. If the American submarine carries nuclear bombs to the Japanese coast, it is too dangerous. It is too dangerous. It is estimated that the Americans don't have this courage to be rissed by the warship. The two times this time is not very powerful, and detonated in the coast of the city. That is, listening to a sound, the power is not big.

I want to go, Americans are the most likely to take off from the airport takeoff B29 or B36 bomber on Aura.

After the war broke out, according to the historical facts, the War of the Lindhan made this period of this period should have developed the Sample of the B36, and it is unknown. But regardless of B29 or B36 as an atomic bomb, Americans can walk only Aura to Hokkaido route.

Marshall bombed Japan's means, I have long been in the pre-judgment of Sude.

Then, in the sea, the sea, the sea, the sea, the Northern Voice, which has a long-term remote radar reconnaissance warning machine takes off from Japan's local and the Soviet Kamchatkan Peninsula.

The B29 bombers that are maded in the same type of bomber in the same type of bomber in the two. On the radar screen of the remote radar warning machine take off from the Kamchat Peninsula, it is an extremely obvious radar reflection signal.

They were found in the four-hairculating machine that was cruised by the air in less than an hour. During this period, Meisu has not officially declared war, and the Soviet marker is coated on the North Pacific patrolling, and the aircraft is also used to modify the early warning machine. The American plane is not convenient to shoot. What's more, the Soviet early warning machine was found to be targets the target of 80 kilometers away. It is not exposed.

Then, this intelligence quickly passed through the radio feedback to the Eurasian Union Command in Tokyo.

Then, although the fierce battle of the Hokkaido Island and the fierce battle of the US Navy Airborne hit the extent of white heat, through the "crossing person", I guessed the U.S. Joose the Eurasian coalition of the United States. The main attention is all concentrated. "Sneak" approached B29 chassis.

Let Japan eat a two-year-old nuclear bomb, for the Lin Han family (except for the big and more affordable), it is "happy" good things. The only problem is to consider the mood of the big and well, can't let Japan eat too much "mushroom", and avoid B29 to throw nuclear bombs to throw a greater loss.

In a word, Japan is not related to "mushroom" by the United States, but it is not "accidentally" playing to let theself also eat the "mushroom" of the US Emperor "accident".

After the third attack of Li Huimei, Li Huai took the northwestern China and the German Air Force Base in the northwest direction of Hokkaido, all temporarily stopped sending ME262 fighters to the battlefield. At this point, the planes supported in the air also rushed to the battlefield, and the mission of the US Haihang blood was handed over to others.

At this time, the jet on the airport in the two grounds began to do prepare for the interception B29 cluster. While the ground personnel rushed to repair the holes in the air warfare, they were plunging, while plusing the fire dragon knife to empty rockets.

When making a hit preparation, there is a plane that is from time to time, and some are the Chinese planes who have been returned to the repaired maintenance, and some are the planes take off from other airports, and they have to fall nearly. There are even the British meteor and vampire fighters to land in this airport. According to the agreement before the war, the airports of the Sino-German are prepared to have other national fighters and accessories, which is to cope with this situation.

At this time, the entire North Seaway became a new mainland and the two parties of the two parties in the old continent. Even if the famous county from the northern islands is empty, there are many F8Fs that come over.

Americans also understand that "the enemy is shot down in the airport is the best means to hit the enemy plane", and there is a US machine to fly in the airport and want to touch it. The two airports in the name of the name, the Chinese and Germany have retained a security work that strengthens the flight group for the airport. The patrol machines of these full-time defense airports have not stopped from the beginning of the war.

At eleventh point, on the airport controlled in China, Li Huai took the fourth attack in the 17th ME262 fighter. Almost at the same time, nearby Germany airport also took off for forty two ME262 jet fighters.

The two parties totaled the same type of jet fighter in the air, then climbed to the height of 1,000 meters in the air, flew in the direction of the Northeast B29 cluster.

Marshall raised the carrier to the B29 chassis, the biggest mistake is that he did not expect the coalition to put a large number of fighters into the battlefield and became the protagonist of this air combat.

Compared with the F8F cappere of the EMI, Yingde can easily climb the air combat. And the advantage of F8F Panda is between 70,000 to eight kilometers, although the limit can reach 12,000 meters, but this is only a height, and it is not very significant in actual combat. When the height of 10,000 meters is height, the engine performance of the R2800 palae bee engine with the secondary machinery boosts begins to decrease.

The B29 bomber uses an exhaust gas turbocharger engine, and the exhaust turbine boost engine guarantees that it has excellent performance in the meter height, and can be combined with this bomber, it is used to use the same type of engine P47 lightning fighter. Although the fungus performance of the Navy is higher than P47, the high-altitude performance of the secondary machine pressure-up engine is not as good as P47.

When these sixty jet fighters rose to the height of 1,000 kilometers to cruise flights, although there are more than one thousand fifty fifth F8F sky, but there are no f8fs that can climb such a high effectiveness. Blocking them, barely climbed to this height of F8F is also due to insufficient performance of engine intake, not to mention the cruise speed of the jet fighter exceeds more than 300 kilometers of the piston machine, so the air interception is all inseparable.

Americans think that the sky that dispatches four thousand fighters to the Hokkaido can provide the biggest safety protection to the B29 nuclear attack machine, but I have never thought of that the opponent's "bad" advantage of the spray fighter to the piston battle, ignored The quantitation of the US military.

The first batch of ME262 for B29 clusters, mounts empty rockets, and goes to the target. Then, the British also organized a batch of meteor fighter chances to dispatched later.

Responsible for guiding this two-wave interceptor champion is a cruiser of Tianlong Air Defense Cruiser in the north of Hokkaido. In addition to performing air defense tasks, it is also the way of human meat radar, constantly correcting the direction of action of jet.

At the same time, close to the two hundred B29 clusters, divided into two flying formations of hundreds of flights from ten kilometers, and flew to the direction of the island under the escort of the F8F Panda fighters.

After entering the interception of the enemy fighter, the flying flying flying height is placed eight kilometers. This is not the best height of the B29 bomber, but it must not be it, because if it is flying higher, it will be separated from the advantage of the escorted F8F.

Among the B29 charts of this batch box formation, there is a B29's outer and the surrounding B29 slightly different, and a huge hemispherical protrusions are arched under the machine; far away, as if one is difficult The big bird, it will fall in the abdomen by a giant card.

This B29 is equipped with a nuclear attacker of the atomic bomb. On the machine, random scientists are the last inspection work for this atomic bomb. And the positive deputy driver at the head, while driving, looked up at the sky while nervous.

Their aircraft is now at the first goal, and only more than 100 kilometers of the island, and then flying for twenty minutes, it will arrive. But the more near the goal, the more threats from the Navy are warned.

The air combat in the entire Hokkaido has lasts more than three hours, although the US Navy has dispatched more than 4,000 fighters, but still can't compromise the enemy's air defense air force here. The biggest threat to the opponent from a "no propeller" and "wing will be fired". This type of aircraft is high than all piston machines, and the speed is more fast, and the F8F of this party cannot be effectively intercepted in the air.

Although there is nearly two hundred F8F fighters, this number 219 bomber is located 219 in the formation center, but its aircraft has no sense of security.

"If this plane is being hit by the Japanese before the investment, what will I do? When you fall, do you want to cast this thing casually?"

On the machine, American scientists who are checking the original bullets are recalling this idea in their hearts.

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