The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions Men's Crossing Report Chapter 328

When he referred to the US industrial strength, Lin Han reported the fund's home of the US Navy during the history of 1945 in September 1945. When Lin Han told Stalin, American factory, the average of only twenty times of a free wheel In four days, Lian Dalin was shocked. As for 30 Essex-level aircraft carriers, thousands of destroyers' data, even if the President of History Li Yunshi is shocked.

"So, even if there is such a good start, as long as the Pacific War continues, Americans will die, Japan can only support for about four to five years, and then the US Navy will hit Japan At that time, Japan is only two options, one is to surrender to the United States, then withstall the United States to retaliate in the future. Another choice ... "

According to Lin Han's idea, because the US Navy lost a lot of experienced water soldiers, it caused the human being. Even if the warships can make it, they must completely restore strength, and counterattack Japan, it is likely to drag to 1946 or even It was 1947. But four years is also six years, this is not important. It is important that Stalin agrees with his ideas.

Lin Han turned his attention to Stalin, using Russian to him: "That is to help China and Russia, with the help of the Sino-Russian power to fight the United States. My thoughts are, Sino-German three countries, can join hands when it can be appropriate. Japan shot, grab it before Americans, occupation of Japan. Since Japan is too embarrassed in the United States in these years, it is very strong in the three countries '' revenge, and it is not very strong. And Japan When facing a comprehensive defeat crisis, I believe that Japan's oral people will understand that only the power of socialist camps can resist the comprehensive retaliation of Americans. And in this process, we can dy with Japan, pull into socialism. In the camp, you can also liberate North Korea. "

After listening to the lobby of Lin Han, Stalin drank black tea and frowned: "If we insert Japanese questions, it is likely to lead to a comprehensive conflict with the United States."

Lin Han knows that Stalin is a realist. Your own proposal is very tempting, but if you can't take out the benefits that make him satisfied, Stalin is not eagle.

"At our entrance, the United States who has across a Pacific Ocean is better than we kill the Americans and the United States. As for the Soviet Union and China's warfare ..."

When I said here, Lin Han turned his attention to his daughter.

Adolf Hanna stood up, from the briefcase around him, took out a document and handed it to Stalin.

When Dalin is looked at this document, Lin Han said to him: "Comrade Stalin, when I met on the Bay of Finland, I will talk to you, there is a question, you will be strange, why To the Soviet Union, there is no red iron ride with more than 60,000 tanks, and one is that one of the reasons is its existence. The birth of this thing, let the super big country do not dare to gestate the battle, let the world become more peaceful And this thing, he is itself, but it is the fierce thing to destroy the world. "

Stalin looked at Lin Han's daughter handed him to his documents, the above content has been translated into Russian, half-awaited, he put down the document, the face is serious: "This thing really exists?"

Lin Han explained: "Well, in the history of August 9, 1945, when Americans hit the native of Japan, I threw a lot in Hiroshima, and I also threw it in Nagasaki. The weight is probably five. Tons, but the power of the explosion is equivalent to 25,000 tons of TNT explosives. This is the early primary product. After the 1960s, with further improvement, Comrade Soviet Union threw a five thousand Ten thousand tons - the original plan is to throw more than 100 million tons, but because the power is too big, the venue of the big trial is not found, there is only half of the power, even if half of the power is reduced, it also fried on the ground It took a large diameter of more than 35 kilometers, and its square is 100 kilometers, and the human body is completely low. "

Stalin's face has become very unrestrained, he hopes to Hitler, Shen Sheng: "This weapon has been developed in Germany?"

Lin Hanqi replied: "No!"

Lin Han took the explanation to Stalin: "I know the existence of this thing, but the manufacturing process of this thing is confidential."

Stalin nodded and said that his face was slightly better. Stalin understands that the striker is combined with a country, how much the quality of the quality is terrible - Germany is lightly taking Western Europe, which is the consequence of the combination of Stalin believes that the country's strength and the striker.

"In order to make this thing in history, Americans have used 100,000 people. After three years, it has invested $ 200 billion, which consumed the three power of the United States! My existence, let us develop this thing, less Many detonation, reducing investment, but, this thing, with the current national strength of Germany, it is necessary to develop pressure on the development. So Aldoff is here to take this document, and the Comrade I want to develop this super-weapon with the Soviet Union. "

Chapter 383, three carriages

When Germany took the initiative to propose at Slin to jointly develop atomic bombs, Stalin's face was a lot.

Lin Han continued in front of Stalin: "I know that because of history, the Soviet Union and German comrades are worried about the crisis between the two parties. But with this thing, everyone has the ability to destroy each other. In that case, it will be more secure, and the words of our era are the nuclear bombs to make this world peace! "

Germany took the initiative to make nuclear bombs with the Soviet Union, which is entirely Lin Han.

Hannah was originally a nuclear bomb as a final throne of the Soviet Union, but a few questions in Lin Han convinced.

The first question is: Germany's current industrial strength, within three years, how many nuclear bombs can be made.

Hannah was asked, the answer given is a one.

Lin Han and Hanna have tried to take their own microscopic handling ability to consume the power of the faith, and extract the U235 required to make the original bullet from the uranium mine. But in the experiment, two people found that the consumption of faith, horrible is amazing, and the U235 extracted will be pitiful, and finally I have to do it.

With industrial and technology capabilities, the original bullet is made, even if it is a small amount of electricity consumption, electricity needs to be sea, and the copper is more amazing. If you really do this, the German armaments are seriously affected in the next few years.

A Hiroshima level atomic bomb, the killing of a city, is equivalent to a thousand machine bombings. The power of a military can destroy a teacher's strength. The deterrent is there, but even more is on the launcher instead of playing.

The second question of Lin Han is that Germany secretly engages in the original bullet, it is possible to completely confidential, don't you let the outside world know?

The answer is impossible.

Manufacturing nuclear bombs is a huge system engineering, with American as an example, use a whole 100,000 people, involving countless departments, this kind of thing is impossible to keep confidential.

Germany is not more than closed Soviet Union and China, once Germany began to make the original bullets, the United States, the Soviet Union will know, and then only trigger the nuclear weapon research in the Three Kingdoms. Although Einstein left Germany because of the relationship between travelers, he has developed atomic bomb in the United States, and his role is only firmly confident by Roosevelt. Even if this plane Roosevelt and the Aubenheim are dead, the United States also loses many nuclear experts because of the assassination of Germany. But as long as Americans want to build, they can still find enough nuclear physicians to pile up atims.

In the Soviet Union, even if there is an interference of Sude War, the Soviet Union is also secretly engaged in nuclear research, just the cause of the war, let them stop this. But now Sude Peace, Germany enters the atomic bomb research and manufacturing, and the Soviet Union will give a message, and then follow the beginning.

In this way, Sude will form competition, the consequences of competition, will deepen the feelings of untrust of each other.

Lin Han asked the third question is whether Germany is prepared to live and die in the Soviet Union in five years or ten years?

The answer to the mother and daughter of Hanna is: not willing.

Both two now admit that as long as Sude is fighting, no matter how the winning is, the last end of the third empire must be destroyed. Even if Germany is victorious, British and America will never let go of the chance behind this time.

Then Lin Han asked the fourth question: In this case, the Germany is more than one or two years, even in three or four years, what is the meaning? It is not anxious to throw it, it is just a display, what is it? It will also affect conventional arms and waste a lot of resources.

Since the Soviet Union joins the nuclear club is inevitable, why not join hands with the Soviet Union and develop nuclear bombs. On the one hand, the mutual trust can be increased, and the second can greatly reduce the cost of development, and the three Soviet Union can also provide a natural nuclear test site.

In the end, the mother and daughter of Hannah were convinced by Lin Han.

The reason why this topic will be proposed on the tripartite talks because Germany is also ready to make China share nuclear technology.

According to Lin Han's theory, the two is more dangerous, while the tri-pole coexistence is the most stable architecture.

Now the socialist camp, when the family is temporarily only in Sude, although the potential is endless, it is too weak, and it is still not possible to become the third pole.

China is powerful, and takes more than a million square kilometers of land in the north, and the Soviet Union forced to separate Mongolia is very nervous. The threat of Sino-German hits the Soviet Union, which is far more than 100 times higher than the threat of the Soviet Union.

To know that Japan is just a marine country with 60 million people, and China is a mainland country with 500 million people. The soldiers can almost say unlimited.

Now in 1942, the founding of New China has been established. After five years of hard work, China has established a preliminary industrial system with the help of Germany. In terms of industrial strength, China is now better than China in 1955. In history, in 1955, New China, the founding of the country, three years of North Korea war, the military expenditure is great, affecting the national construction.

And this plane, although the new China also played a world war, but the war only took one year, and after the war, it was more than the north, and the northern sliced ​​land, the national strength did not drop.

In the same period, for the need for the Soviet Union, Germany is extremely enthusiastic to help China for industrial construction, nor is it "small air" in history.

In 1942, New China has had the ability to start from producing tract, and Germany will even sell the No. 3 tanks from the elimination to China, and the four tanks, the thirty tons of leopard tank design. Also sold to China. Now China is too thin, it is not possible to produce leopard tanks in the moment, but in turn in the past two years, it can solve the problem of the domestic production of thirty-ton four leopard tanks (Note: China in 1959 Started with 59 sets of tanks, the book, China's production of 30 tons of leopard, the seventh year after the founding of the country, should be reasonable).

According to the current development speed of new China, after 1944, the third level of China's socialism will become a threat to the Dalin.

At that time, the three-legged three-legged three-legged three-legged three-legged. At that time, even if Dalin sent a crazy to play Germany, he will also have to consider the threat of China's China will face in the East Line.

So far, the relationship between Sino-German is very friendly. What is the new China? What is the new China, and a large number of international students have studied in Germany every year. Those 20,000 German Communists, along with most of their families being placed in China, and become the source of China's important technicians.

The intimacy relationship between Sino-German has long been a fear.

Stalin wants to fight for China, but to fight for China, it is necessary to open it to China in Germany, but I think about the million square kilometers of land cut from Mongolia and the Saulan, Stalin is a very headache.

In order to deepen the Soviet system, the Soviet Union has also been open to China in the past few years, but the Soviet Union is not like Germany, which can let go of Germany.

In China, the Soviet Union has a congenital disadvantage.

Although there are many parent-scented people in the new Chinese regime, after the travers of Lin Han, the power of the CCP is equally powerful, and over time, it is constantly enhanced - Because there are a large number of international students to study in Germany, after these people come back, they will basically become a dendritic. Germany has so many "psychological shadows" in China that is not like the Soviet Union, and both parties have consistent and complementary interests in many places.

Help China's industrialization, just help Germany eliminate the backward industries, and upgrade the industry, and further deepen the relationship between Sino-German, and earn huge profits.

Armed China, let China nuclear wiranification, headache will only be the country around China, will only be Stalin. Threats from the east, the Soviet Union is more dare to gently start.

In the 1942 Daihe talks, in the red camp, the pattern of China Suds Sancai carriage has been initially formed.

At the beginning of September, when the Filipino campaign ended, the three talks also reported a paragraph.

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