The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions Men's Crossing Report Chapter 327

But I know how Hannah and Lin Han, a famous wild horse fighter, how could give up this excellent fighter.

In 1940, the European War is still in progress, and the two commanded Hunder's Henders' brothers, with the development ideas of wild horses fighters as a reference, and began to design the German version of the wild horse fighter, which was named HE151.

The wild horse fighter will have been rated as one of the main, main reasons for World War, and he was the first fighter who used laminar wing design and mathematical void dynamics in World War. The laminar wing design aircraft, its performance is to be taken to the engine (refer to liquid cooling) horsepower to 1500 horsepower or more, you can fully exert your own unique advantages.

In the 1940 European War, the aircraft engine in the two countries is still struggling below 1400 horsepower until the end of the war, the two countries have developed 1500 horsepower or more air-cooling engines, at this time, the aircraft of the wing design Birth is worth it.

In 1941, in 1941, the design idea of ​​the wild horse D-type was successfully developed from the wild horse fighter, and the aircraft did not add the liam tank, the maximum voyage exceeded one hundred kilometers.

After 1941, as Germany successfully turned left, and the Soviet relationship was further improved, the international strategy situation, it was unlikely to face war in the short term. Although this fighter has been developed, he has helped the hero.

At this time, Germany's foreign strategic direction has turned to "the death" Americans. Under this idea, the military interaction between Jide is accelerating.

In February 1941, a Japanese military delegation visited Germany and the German military will allow Japan to watch the New Equipment Air Force's HE151 fighter, and let the Japanese pilots take flight.

After flying, the Japanese trial flippers praised, afterwards, Li Huimei took the opportunity to encourage, one side, wanted to buy, one party desperately wants to sell, the Japanese will soon be able to believe in low prices, get the full design of HE151 and Manufacturing drawings, and related production fixtures, in September in September, the German movement is fast, and even the Japanese did not think - Japanese didn't know, in order to deliver faster, Germany is Even the production line of Hunder just built the HE151 fighter machine is sent directly to Japan.

In Hannah, she "spends little money" can make Americans more blood in the Pacific Ocean, which is not.

Chapter 381 can't be unbeaten

After the design of the German Hama HE151, the Japanese aviation department has just introduced the latest Merlin engine production line from the UK, and tried to install Merlin engine in the German wild horses, and the results have also been successful. The Japanese named the aircraft used in Germany and installed the UK engine.

However, due to the low production level of Japanese mechanics, Japan's first 1560 horsepower Merlin engine quality is very problematic, and the military is very unsatisfactory. The Japanese have to use foreign exchange from the English and Germany to import hundreds of engines instead of domestic goods.

When the Battle of the Philippines, I participated in the flying fighter fighter, half used is the Mercedes-Benz engine produced by Germany, half of the British Merlin Engine.

Whether using the Mercedes-Benz engine's flying swallow or the flying swallow that uses Merlin engine, it has used the secondary boost design, and the combat performance of more than six kilometers or more is excellent. The American plane in the same time is very tragic.

In June 1942, the US landing fighter has three P38 lightning, P39 flying snake, and P40 Battle Eagle.

All the three of the three aircraft is all the same: in order to save money, the booster pack is cut off, so that the performance is seriously decreased when 5,000 meters.

On the Filipino battlefield, the US B17 bomber is between 70,000 ms to eight kilometers. This high is also the best combat height of famous wild horse fighters in history, and the "original wild horse" fetal dead belly. So the performance excellent B17 heavy bomber, at the air battle, there is no matching fighter escort.

When the US bomber is dispatched, these three fighters cannot climb to the battle of the bomber to escape. In terms of fighting performance, these three fighters are not the opponent of the "Japanese Wild Horse" (Feiyan) of the German heart or the British heart. The pre-war prefers more intentionally gave the P39 and P40 seized in the European to the Japanese, and the performance of the Japanese fighter is as good as.

As for the P38, this fighter that can only rely on HHR tactical air warfare, can only bully zero-style fighters in history, and the speed of acceleration is poor, and it is more difficult to see the speed than him.

In order to better give Americans, and use actual combat to find B17 effective way to prevent the B17, Germany has long been regarded as a test site that tests new weapons.

When the Battle of the Philippines, Germany also provided a BF110 interception machine that replaced two-stage boost engines in Japan to deal with B17 bomber.

When the ordinary fighters and BF17 are handed over, the hit dozens of 20 mm shells can effectively hit B17, and the B17 specializes in developing improved BF110, but there is a powerful 30mm MK104 machine gun or a 40 mm Aircraft cannon, as long as a few or even a hair can shoot down the BF17, when the Battle of the Philippines is over, the Americans are arranged in front of the forties B17, which is also covered, most of them are hit, and the capture of the airport is paid. After the war, a B17 captured by Japan will give the German.

Before the war, I was all known to the other party. The opponent was more secret of the two countries in the English Germany, and the Filipino battle, the US army had a stronger force than the history, but lost than the same period, no matter The air is still terrible.

During the Battle of the Philippines, the US Army passed the report of the front line soldiers and the inspection of the victims of the enemy.

MacArthur escaped from the Submarine wolf to the Philippines, the telegraph was continuously complained in Washington: "This is a unapproved war. The United States of America is in Japan, and the United Kingdom has three rogue countries at the same time. ! "

McAri is not known that he can safely escape from the Philippines by submarine, which is completely the result of Hanna intentionally.

After the Battle of the Philippines, Hannah's "exiting" cruiser as an anti-submarine warruily, in the Philippines outside the Philippine, under her guidance, in the two months of war, the Japanese Navy sink, captive the United States Eleven submarines, the US Navy is arranged in the water submarine in the Philippines. It is almost empty by her.

And Mike Art can safely escape from the Philippines, because German password decipherous teams, with the help of the transistor computer, has completely decipherled the US Navy's communication password, know where he will take the submarine, Hanna is in key At the time, I gave him a horse. Otherwise, this whole day, this whole day, I like to make a show, I will eat a few deep water bows with the submarine, and then go to Hailong Wang family.

In the process of falling in the Philippines, there have been some things that make Americans crazy.

After the war broke out, because the entire Pacific route has been fully controlled by the Japanese Navy, a large number of American merchants who stay in Asia did not dare to return to the local local, they can only detour the other end of the Maxa Strait from the earth.

As a result, these American cargo ships through the Malacca Strait, soon, after entering the Bangladesh Bay, they immediately met the Japanese in advance to armed breakdown here.

Although these breakders are converted from the ship's ship, but it is more than enough for cargo ships that do not have armed. Some American freight wheels that do business in India have also encountered a breakdown of Japanese organizations in the Indian Ocean, and they have been captured.

From June to August, the Americans were in the Indian Ocean and Bangladesh, which lost a full 16 freighter, and lost goods.

These five ocean breakdown are also the Germans sell to Japanese, they are all old things in the European war. When the European wars, six breakdows were arranged in Asia, and they were robbed to the British cargo. In the 1940 wars, Japan secretly provided replenishment to these German breakboarders, while Germany will be killed for low-cost replacement to China and Japan.

After the war, the German did not want to bypass half of the earth to open these boats back to Germany, and sold it to the middle and Japanese countries. China has received a better performance as a naval training ship, and Japan has bought the remaining five under the suggestion of Li Huimei.

When you buy a ship, you will be a little inconsistent, but after the two months of breaking operations, I saw the American cargo ship and a lot of ship materials, the Japanese, who made a big earned special, but regretted not Buy the last ship.

Chapter 382

August 15, 1994.

This is the third three-party talks between China and Suide, the Beidaihe, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, is being held in a significant conference.

The contradiction between the United States and Japan's War broke out, the United States and the British days, for the Sino-Sudan Government, this is the opportunity to wait for a long time.

Since the famous "Leningrad conspiracy", Sino Sudo jointly unveiled the second World War, the three governments decided to meet each other in a few years, discuss the world, um, it should be said to be Communism pushes the topic of climax, but also with this triphat talk, discussing a strategic partnership between each other, increasing strategic mutual trust, and eliminating the "constant misunderstanding of each other", and the mutual truth crisis.

In the field of ideology, in fact, Sude Sude is a bit not pleading to each other, but the biggest contradiction problem is temporarily between Sude.

In the eyes of the Soviet and the Chinese, Germany is a "national socialism" that is unclosed, Hitler and Daguik Co-Cozen Association.

And Germany is also very clear, about who is the topic of authentic socialism, take pragmatic attitude, Germany's propaganda, but also statement that Germany is still in the transition stage of capitalism to socialist transformation. It can only be considered a "primary socialist stage", and it is also repeatedly stated that Germany only wants to do a good job in its own economic construction and national planning, unintentional and Soviet Union compete for communist sports leadership, and give the Soviet face at this point.

German aspects are given to Trump at the expense, exchanged the guarantee of the Soviet Union of Romanian internal affairs. The Soviet Union agreed to the "revolution" of Germany and Western European countries, and the Soviet Union did not intervene.

In the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union was frightened by Germany to fight France in one month. The results of the full UK Navy were frightened. In the military pre-registration of Germany, it is also a continuous layer of encryption to scare ourselves. So, so far, when Germany doesn't want to fight, the Soviet Union is not asked.

At present, Sude is "very satisfied" on the current European "peace".

The three now gathered in the North Daihe River in China, the topic discussed, is the two Japanese countries that are playing in the Pacific.

Depending on the United States for the enemy, knowing the history of Germany and China, you want to secretly support Japan in this issue so that Japan can give more blood to this largest capitalist country.

Supporting Japan, Germany's problem is that the distance is too far, and the things that can be supported are limited, and can only "send" some high-absolute weapons. Although China is very close to Japan, industrialization is currently being limited, and it can provide products from Japan. Today's Soviet Union, there are both industrial resources, close to Japan, to homogenize Japan, more appropriate than two.

Of course, when three talks, I won't say so naked.

Germany's statement is that with the Supreme War, try to burn the fire of the world's communist movement to these two countries.

China has agreed with the proposal of the Germans and then asked the view of the Soviet old brother.

Three talks began in this premise.

At the beginning of the talk, Germany first announced gap data collected about the industry, the capacity of the Japanese and Japan, when these data were listed, all people understand that if there is no strong support, this war Japan It is doubt that it is undoubted.

"For this reason, we have to secretly help the Japanese."

Lin Han also attended the tripartite talks and appeared at the meeting at the meeting - a week before he just "separated", then returned to China by the German ship.

"My suggestion is that we can export steel, arms, oil and chemicals in large quantities. Do not pursue earning profits, only to pursue Japan can last longer. In order to continue the war, Japan People can only leave every copper plate in the family. The financial valves of Japanese imperialism, they are greedy, in this war, in order to pay the capital from abroad, they will only increase the pair The crowd of domestic civilians. As the war continues, this crush will become more and more cruel ... When the class contradictions come to a hair, when the Japanese domestic revolutionary time is mature. "

"On the Pacific Battlefield, although the US Pacific Fleet is completely destroyed, as long as three years to four years, with the United States industrial strength, it can easily manufacture more than 30 Essex-based aircraft carriers and thousands of destroyers!"

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