The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Report Chapter 314

In terms of aircraft carrier, Americans have the same limited understanding of the Japanese Navy. The situation in their hands only knows the main aircraft carrier of the Japanese Navy, removes the big-scary super aircraft carrier, the home of the home is only the new aircraft carrier, Xianghe, and the old goods of the Treaty era and a ship Can only be used to train dragons. As for Fengxiang and Chugan two, I have already shed it into the sea in the East China Sea in 1935.

However, the US Navy also didn't know that the two of Canglong and Dragon began to build aircraft carrier in the beginning of 1940, and after two years and four months, it has also joined the Japanese naval sequence in May 1942.

Musash, Ruihe, Xianghe, Canglong, Feilong, plus Chicheng, these six aircraft carriers accumulate, the number of carrier machines can be equipped with more than six hundred, once the whole army is dispatched, the number of planes can be dispatched More than fifty percent of the four aircraft carriers of the US Navy.

Americans don't know, the Japanese Navy's construction, the original plan is to launch the Pacific War at the end of 1940, just because the UK is too low, miss the timing, so that the plan is dragged. At that time, due to the two ships of Canglong, Feilong, I just built the deficiencies in order to make up for the shortcomings of the number of aircraft carrier, the Japanese people were reminded by "Dahe Fuzi", launched the Shenwl-level aircraft carrier program.

The so-called god-level aircraft carrier is actually an escort aircraft carrier that is transformed into a business ship. Escorting aircraft carrier is slow, and there are fewer loads, usually can only be used to escort and anti-dive.

However, the Japanese appearance aircraft carrier is slightly different. Although they are a merchant ship, but in 1938, they considering the possibility of transforming into aircraft carrier in 1938. I have been reserved in front of the design. Transformed into aircraft carrier. Although relatively professional combat aircraft carrier is slow, the amount of carrier machine is insufficient, but the combination of the vintage treaty battle is enough to deal with it.

At the end of 1940, the Japanese secretly transformed six this level of aircraft carrier on the end of 1940. Due to the end of the war, four four ships were reused for freight. However, at the beginning of 1942, with the sharp deterioration of the United Kingdom, the Japanese Navy emerged, the four "aircraft carrier preparation ship" returned to these four. Six aircraft carriers on the surface changed to change, but actually due to reservation and pre-design preparation. The entire transformation process only used a month, and it did not work overtime, and the speed was very fast.

These six god-level aircraft carriers, with an average of more than 40 carriers, and the deck is overloaded, which can be forcibly increased to around 60. Although the structure is relatively fragile, once the six ships have played, the six ships added more than three hundred fighters all, and any enemy fleet did not ignore the existence.

The serious lack of understanding of the opponent intelligence is the second mistake in this war in the US Navy.

The third error comes from the decipherment of the radio password. This is the advantage of the US Navy, but has become a large trap of the US Navy because of the cause of the traveler.

In the Pacific War, the US Navy's advantages of the Japanese Navy are unclear. One of the advantages is to successfully decipher the Japanese Navy's military communication password, which has mastered all of their actions, which is obtained in several major battles. Freakant results, such as the famous Mid-Tao Caisten Battle, and the Joint Fleet of the Joint Fleet of the United Fetail on the island.

As a crossing person, Lin Han, know how history of Li Huamei may let the Americans caught this flaw.

Password security issues, Germany also exists, and the German Navy has also eaten the bitterness of password leaks in history. To this end, Hannah after the power of the power, the experts will order experts to improve and upgrade the existing Enny cryptography machine in Germany. After years of hard work, they finally develop satisfactory safety products. Then, the Germans also provided the design ideas and drawings of the improved cryptographic machine to Li Huime.

Then Li Huamei came out and asked the Japanese military to improve the existing cryptography. She gave the creativity and drawings of the German secret to related scientific and technicians, soon producing the rest assured cryptography. However, the Japanese Navy did not immediately replace the cryptographue, but always used the old, which was long-in-one cryptography.

The Japanese Navy passed Li Huimei, and in the case of confirming the naval password leak, the Japanese Naval Password has long been unknown. He deliberately uses old cryptography to conduct military communications. This trap has been dug a whole year, waiting for the most critical The moment is dying in the United States.

At the end of May, 1942, when the US Navy was high-profile from Pearl Harbor, the Americans were located in the Pacific Radio Saving War, and then listened to a large number of essays from the Japanese Navy headquarters from Tokyo.

"Be sure to constrain you, do not maliciously provocate the dangerous move of the US Navy."

"Strengthen the tube bundle of fleet officers to prevent unique behaviors from cauting!"

Monitoring to all kinds of Japanese military communication, all of Tokyo's training in the foreign naval, the content is similar, and the command commander is required to strengthen the tube bundle of the departure to prevent the second mid-colonal deer in which you have an exclusive thing.

In addition, there are some more interesting texts, and the content is nothing more than, once the US Navy conflicts with the British Navy, the Japanese joint fleet must show the position of "goodwill neutrality" in the first time, there is no dangerous move to appear cloud cloud .

After seeing these deciphered communication telephones, the US Navy's high school officials let go, and there is not much to be sharpened.

On the way to the Philippines, an interesting thing happened.

On June 10th, the US Navy's intelligence agency, listened to the Japanese Navy issued a telegram of a Japanese submarine in the Pacific. From the content of the telegraph, this latent ship is on the US Navy's route, and you will meet with the US fleet one day.

In the decipherive essay, the Japanese Navy Headquarters repeatedly asked the yacht to have a long-term water sailing, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings in the next day.

The next day, the US fleet of Xi Xi quickly encountered this "lonely" Japanese submarine in the Pacific ship. At that time, the yacht was long according to the requirements of Tokyo, but not only the submarine surfaced, but the whole boatman Also stand together on the deck to the US fleet team. This behavior greater satisfied with the American self-esteem. At that time, the American reporter accompanied by the camera was taken with the camera, ready to take the country, and borrow it again.

During this time, the only thing that Americans do correctly, is the main battleship of the Philippines to retrace the maintenance of Pearl Harbor, and then start from the second largest white fleet to Southeast Asia, finally did not make a stupid thing.

Chapter 365 Strategic Deception

When the country has political and diplomatic games, if you can know the bottom card in advance, it is a very cool thing, because this is a first hand everywhere in the negotiation.

After June 1942, due to the high-profile movement of the US "Second Dayau", a series of chain reactions occurred in Southeast Asia in the West Ocean.

The British who was thrungered by the American military provocation, from the home flipper, barely dispatched two George five-level battleships and a glorious aircraft carrier to the Southeast Asian area, "should pay", the main ship They even got an escort aircraft carrier past full.

Plus the old ship arranged here, the British Navy in the Southeast Asian maincomer, thereby increasing to five battleships, a combat aircraft carrier, three escort aircraft carriers. This is already the biggest sea motor power that the British takes out the bottom of the home.

If the British Navy and the Japanese Navy jointly united, it is quite in the US Navy that can be competed with the afar road in Southeast Asia.

But the UK is the UK, Japan is Japan, and both two are not unconventional. After June, the US intelligence department has a good news by continuously deciphering the military communications of the Japanese Navy.

Japan is very afraid of confrogation with the United States, repeatedly requested the fleet to strengthen the tube to prevent anything that will happen to the US Navy. On the other hand, the secrets intercepted by Tokyo in the United States have shown that the secrets of the Japanese Embassy in Washington have shown that in Washington, the Japanese ambassador in Washington is in the United States.

The Japanese Ambassador to US Ambassador in Washington is completely manipulated by Tokyo, which is at all from Tokyo.

From May Americans waving a great, high-profile announced that they would carry out military exercises in the South China Sea, while the British trade negotiations, Japanese ambassador, and at this time, I also jumped out of the show.

When the British and American countries began negotiations, the Japanese Ambassador stood up and praised that both parties had a significant contribution to protect the world before the negotiation table.

When the negotiation is in a deadlock, the Japanese ambassador stood up, standing on the British, said that the Americans refused to make a great regret,

When the negotiation continued to fall into a deadlock, when the British represents anger, the Japanese ambassador stood up and claimed to be great concern about the future of the United States.

When the negotiation rupture is instant, the Japanese saying is a serious concern to the peace situation in Southeast Asia.

When Americans re-confirmed that the exercise will be carried out as scheduled, the speech of the Japanese ambassador has become unable to set it.

On the surface, the judgment of the Japanese side is standing with the British, talking with the tone is also more tough step by step.

But the US intelligence department, from the listening message, and the intelligence obtained in the deciphering diplomatic password text is completely another matter.

Tokyo issued the telegram of the Embassy in US Embassy, ​​they asked Japan to support British in the public, but asked them to say that they would not be too big for one time, but a little Lately "layered layer plus code", but simultaneously can't talk about it ... Angry Americans lead to the situation where the situation can't be packed, and the lines of the lines they say, some even Tokyo passed the telegram. of.

During the negotiations of Washington, there was a day ambassador to anger, and the self-freedom played, and he said that he had too much, and the result was only two days. The ambassador was pulled back to the country. "Tax". And by the intelligence collected by the Japanese Embassy in the United States, this ambassador is a tough eagle person. He is dissatisfied with the weakness of Japan's current governments, and is still in the embassy and The special envoy from Tokyo is quarrel.

Through the sound of the "complaint" of the Hawker Ambassador, the US intelligence department knows that the upper day of the Japanese is very clear that the gap between them and the United States of America is huge, and the depths of the inner are not dare to fight the United States. . The mouth of the gun is aware of the British, just to take the opportunity to ask for more benefits to the British, the generous people are.

"Attack the American fleet, and the Americans are fighting? Don't be a joke, how many of the chimneys of the US people, and then talk about this joke here. I have come, I will see me in myself, tell me in a straightforward. The big Japanese empire will definitely not fight the British in Southeast Asia and the US Navy. Now I support the British here, just don't have a posture. Long Tianjun, your external task is just a posture, don't fake the game For the words, it is too much, causing an unpredictable crisis suddenly broke out. "

At that time, the special envoy from Japan was so reprimanded that the Eagle Ambassador, his words were also installed in the embassy of the embassy, ​​and then transferred to the president through the intelligence department. After knowing the base card of the Japanese, the US government confirmed that "the British League" is just a false alliance. So before the negotiatory table is more tough, and finally lead to the rupture of negotiations.

After negotiation rupture, as the US fleet starting from the Pacific Ocean. The speech of Japan's ambassador to US ambassador is getting stronger.

At this time, it has become: "If the US government wants to fight in the South China Sea, destroy the atmosphere of the peace here, we will reserve the power to make further reactions."

And this tough rhetoric, it is privately issued to the Navy's "Whole" telegraph, requiring all fleet commanders to prevent Japanese characteristics.

When the fleet is getting closer to the Philippines, the speech of Japan in the United States, but the requirements of Tokyo, the upgrade has become "The resulting consequences will be borne by the US government."

In response, it is the secret display of the US Navy Intelligence Sector. The Japanese Navy Headquarters requested the water-sided ship that is trained in the Pacific parade with the submarine troops in the Pacific. Water surface must be prohibited to avoid "misunderstanding" with the US Navy.

"The words are getting harder and harder, but it is getting soft and soft!"

Self-righteous Wilky President I have already learned the top cards of the Japanese, it was so laughing and talking about the Japanese face. He even joked the Secretary of State. He got up every morning. The most wanted to know the Japanese of "exquisite", and today I said what "joke".

On June 12, when the US fleet passed the Pacific Wick Island, Japan had a "small" "turmoil".

A large number of Japanese people go to the streets, protesting the government's weak practices in Southeast Asia.

It turned out that in these days, there were "Hawomen" inside the Japanese to issue flyers in the people, claiming that in the US fleet is about to arrive in the Philippines, the Japanese government has not transferred the joint fleet to the Southeast Asian colonies of "potentially in dangerous eggs". And his dedication, instead, in this "turning point of the destiny" quietly retracted the country. According to the content on the flyer, now the Japanese Navy's main ship is parked in the Hakodate, North Hai Road, and Younon takes "Shocked Turtle".

The official is standing out to rumors that the Joint fleet is training, Hakodate, and Yamon band without fleet. After the official explanation, finally advised the second two people who were organized to go home - it is the second, all the Japanese junior high school students who are brainwashing by the militarism.

On June 13, the newspaper in Tokyo "Chaoyang Daily" reported a news, and I went out a few fleets stationed in the Hakodate.

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