The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Report Chapter 313

For the British government, "Warship Girl" latest plot is very good for them to explain to the national, why don't be defeated in a strange war, will be easily defeated in a strange war: It turns out the real reason, it is The United States of America, which is the "allies" and "just friends", is the behind-the-scenes that leads to the defeat of the British Empire. For the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party, the Labor Party said that there is an American and "Mason" to carry a black pot for them, it is really a good thing to fall.

On June 15th, the British government publicly announced that unilateral abolition of the "British and American Washington Agreement", and the United States and the United States has deteriorated.

"His Shetra, the British reaction is better than we imagined! They have agreed, once the war broke out, can supply my country's oil, the oil, and the war during the war, you can pay extra assistance every year. One million tons of oil. "

Japan's horizontal mustage shipyard, the big and level battleship of the big warrior, the letter of the battle is completed, and the secrets of the secrets in the previous month will carry out the Haihang test, and now I will return to the factory for the final adjustment. In January 1940, it began to lay a keel's battleship. After two and a half years of construction, this is about to officially join the Japanese Navy.

Li Hua is now in the letter of the warship, to accelerate the improvement of the ship. On the 16th, the Joint Fleet of the United Fetail, the officials of the United States, personally saw Li Huimei, in the sho, and he met this Japanese god.

In the lounge, Li Huime played the big and well-smashed, who was looking at a Chinese book, after hearing the good news brought by Yamamoto 56, Li Huai calmly:

"Yamamoto, you have to remember, the era has been different. Any war, it is very important to occupy the highlighter of morality before launch, this is the so-called day."

Li Hua Mei is watching the book, the name is "Lin Han Fairy", which is the "Fairy Tale of the Fairy", the famous writer of Lin Han, issued a fairy tale month, not only in China, but also in Japan.

Since the Japanese already identified Lin Han's "God Ming", every word he said, every word, Japan, is very valued. The "Lin Han fairy tale" in the Japanese high-rise is very high, called "some seemingly interesting fairy tale, including extremely far-reaching meaning." There are two things in the fifty-six, the favorite "Lin Han fairy tale", one is "Yang Wang to dominate", and the other is "Mawang blowing horse."

This time, the Japanese military has achieved the huge advantage of public opinion propaganda before the war of the United States. It is the meaning of "Mawang blowing horses" in the publicity war. Perfect reflection.

Yamamoto fifty-six sighs: "A few years ago, you settled the book, the comics launched, this time I have achieved a very good promotion effect in countries in the world. Not only in English, even Europe continent, Red, or even There is also a branch, not China, they have introduced this comics now, as a promotional product propaganda. "

In these years, "Warship Girl" is the most successful "cultural work" of Japan, and he has the British version, French version, German and even Chinese version, and the Soviet Union, in the near future, because of the huge propaganda effect, the Sovier It also reveals the obsessment of the introduction.

The "Warship Girl" introduced by China and the Soviet Union has been added according to the requirements of the two countries, and the private goods they want by the publicity department of the two countries. The Soviet Union is not mentioned. The Chinese side is completely the result of Lin Han's planning. For this comic, Lin Han even personally went to Beijing, met Li Yunshi Chairman, and spent a long time, talking about Topics in publicity.

In the "warship girl", the image of President Li in the comics is a girl wearing a green army, and a girl who has two kinds of sheep scorpions on his head. He Hao comrade is a black short hair, a smart female secretary image. When Lin Han took this comics to Li Chairman and Wuhao Comrade, when they were given to their appreciation, the performance of "super real flow" in the comics, the performance of several highest leaders, thundered. Nerm.

After a week, after a week, the leaders of the new China agreed to issue the "Warship Girl" in China, but considering the need for China's national conditions, this comics have been created and revised again after entering China. Outline and details, many places are even by the highest leaders, and is the highest work of "approval level".

In the Soviet Union, I saw that the Japanese passed a comic, the "the world's largest capitalist country", or the "capitalist country's last fortress", black into this, and realized that this comic in the national The huge political value, they have recently issued the Soviet version of this comic in Japan - of course, with the Chinese people, this comics after entering the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union also organizes a batch of painters and literature. The home is "re-created" and add the private goods you want.

Li Hua Mei put down the book in his hand, and the five birds in the mountains: "We are going to wait now, that is, the US Navy will come from Pearl Harbor next month, and then hit it!"

In June 1942, before the war, Japan has not only achieved the advantages of beauty in the promotion war, but also the work of diplomacy.

Based on the unilateral tear of "British Washington Agreement", it is now bold to hear in the Japanese people, fear that Americans tear their faces to grab their colonies in Southeast Asia. Privately, in order to encourage Japan to fight against the United States, there have been countless benefits.

In addition to oil, the British government also promised Japan. Once opened, the United Kingdom also provided secrets to Japan with thousands of high-quality two-thousand SAB air-cooled engines, while providing high quality aviation fuel, and serving Japanese needled Spare parts and ammunition.

In Germany, Germans have sent hundreds of engineers and technical workers a few months, entered Japan, helping Japan establish and modulate the production of new air-cooled engine production lines, and directly to the new engine production.

Although Japanese, although the technical support of Yingde has developed a more powerful Rongjie engine, the laboratory can be developed, and it can be made without equal to the factory. The gap between the quality of the workers, the mass production of the new two thousand horsepower air engines encountered great problems. Under such a situation, Germany took the initiative to send a team of mechanics and engineers to the Japanese factory to help, and the hand-held church Japanese workers were really helping Japan.

In order to help the Japanese, the Germans also helped Japan established a long-wave radio listening station in the south of Taiwan, providing an extremely precious transistor computer to help the Japanese Navy's decipherous work.

Transistor computer, this is a Han family's overtreatment products from this era. With this transistor computer, the Japanese Navy has taken great inexpensive passwords in deciphering the US Navy. When the transistor computer is involved in the rules of the British Navy password in the European War, it has achieved huge results. This time, in order to help Japan put more blood to Americans, Germany also has a great effort.

In order to help Japan better armed, Germany also sells a large pile of influenza seized in Japan with the price of scrap iron. There are a lot of artillery in Japan's three in-laws, and now it is in the same way with the British, these English artillers are not problematic in the supplement of ammunition and parts.

The most exuberable thing is that now Japan Haihang's dive bomber is no longer a waste such as the nine or six ship attacks in history, but the Germans have a "low price" and sell more than cost. Give Japan's FW190TF combat bomber. As a "add" of this transaction, Germany is even a symbolic price of a mark, and the full set of drawings will be given to Japanese. In June 1942, Japan has been able to have self-produced Germans. Shipborne fight bomber.

When the Pacific War in History, due to the limited aircraft engine power, Japan's dive bomber can only be equipped with 250 kg of bombing, while the US aircraft's mount weight is also 500 kg, and the Japanese Navy is not small in this regard.

After getting the FW190 naval product and production technology provided by the German, the Japanese Navy was flattened in this regard and the US naval gap.

Because there is an English and strong country behind the Japanese "injection skill", plus successfully repaired China, neutralize the naglose, such a good war situation, plus "big and wells" this god murder, now Upper and under the Japanese fleet, they have such a big confidence challenge the US Navy.

Seventh volume of the Pacific War

Chapter 364, the strongest loaded fleet in history

In late June 1942, the situation in Southeast Asia has begun to become increasingly nervous.

Since the British and American government began a long commercial negotiation in Wampton, the United States has been strengthening military power stationed in the Philippines, especially the navy.

This plane, after the 1940 Yingde negotiating, after Europe peace, the US Haiwai International has not stopped mobilizing and expanding the speed. After the cactus passed the stage, the President of Wilky, and the New Top, still continued the Ghana Scanning Policy.

In June 1942, the total number of US domestic army has exceeded 500,000. For the two countries of Europe, the number of the quantity of the Army is not "too big", but the 500,000 force is enough to play a local war in Southeast Asia.

In terms of naval, two North Carolina level, three South Dako level battleship, and all the US naval sequences have been acceded in June. In order to form a strategic oppression of the Pacific Navy to form an absolute advantage, these five battleships, two North Carolina level battleships and two South Dako level battles, all by the US government in the Pacific direction, belonging to The Pacific Fleet of the Hercived Jimer Navy will command.

Today's Pacific Fleet, in terms of size, is the first big fleet of the world.

Today, the US Navy's family is as follows:

Battleship: Florida-level: Jior BB31 / AG-16, arrivals in the first ship Washington Navy Treaty ".

New York-level two: New York BB34, Texas BB35.

Two Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania, Arizonna.

Three new Mexico: New Mexico BB40, Mississipase BB41, Aida BB42.

Two of Tennesi: Tennessee, California.

Three collapse of Colorado: Colorant BB45, Maryland BB46, West Virginia BB48.

The above fourteen battleships are all products of the Treaty era, and the old things over fifteen years or even more than 20 years. Among them, three Colorado battleships in the United States, two of the two long-level battlesses, the two Narex-level battlesses in the UK, and the Treaty era is the biggest diameter artillery (406 mm) battleship, by the naval people "BIG 7" (World Seventh King Battleship).

If it is not two Russian premimation and two inner Warda-level battleships, sold to the British Kazi during the war, today's US Navy's strength will be more powerful.

In this fourteen battleship, only the West Virginia and vintage Fronda-level Utah battles were arranged in the Atlantic, and the remaining parts were transferred to the Pacific region of the West Coast of the United States.

In addition to this voter, the US Navy Pacific Fleet has also received two North Carolina-level battleships and two South Dakota-level battleships in 1941 to June 1941. So in June 1942, the US Navy's quantity of the battleship in the Pacific is much more than 14 of terror.

In terms of the aircraft carrier, the US navy is slightly less, but it is placed in the Pacific Ocean, and there is a Lexington (CV-2), Yorkun (CV-5), enterprise number (CV-6), Hai (CV) -7), the rumor number (CV-8) these five ships.

Before the United States of America, in May 1942, the two Pennsylvania and three new Mexico-level battleships, as well as a Lexington aircraft carrier, and a Lexington aircraft carrier after the United States. Targeting Southeast Asia Strategy. It turned out that the North Caroluna battleship here returned to the Pearl Harbor Shipyard for some transformation improvements in the past year.

When May 1942, President Wilky announced that the US Navy should conduct a large-scale military exercise in the South China Sea. When you fear your British, the US strong Pacific Fleet is actually a division.

The fourteen battleships, five of which are moored in the Philippines, and ten other are in Pearl Harbor and the West Coast of the United States. The positions where the five aircraft carriers located in the Pacific Ocean are also seven zero eight falls, and the four areas.

The President of Wilky is actually prepared in March that year. The assembly of such a huge fleet, the other end of the Pacific for more than six thousand kilometers to force the Earth to threaten others, the resources need to be mobilized, and the project is extremely huge.

Even now, the United States has been prepared for two months, until the end of May, complete the assembly action of the fleet in Pearl Harbor. That vot was in the Philippines' s battleship, and during this period was recalled to Pearl Harbor for maintenance.

On May 28, the British and American Washington negotiations again talked again, "Britain Washington Joint DC" was abolished. On the same day, with a large fleet of 14 battleships, four aircraft carriers, plus dozens of destroyers and cruisers, and dozens of auxiliary fleets, a total number of large-scale fleets, extreme High-profile leaving Pearl Harbor, began to move to the Pacific West Coast, prepared and previously stationed in the Filipino branch.

Out of this, all American warships are all painted into grayish white, and the US domestic media will move the navy's actions, called the second big white ship.

At this west, although the US Navy can be called high-profile, all up and down, up to President Wilky, the commander or captain of the Middle-to-Fleet, and there is no mental preparation for war. Although the fleet decisions are met, the officers and men are required to do the mental preparation of the war. However, in recent days, plus today's US Navy is unprecedented, Americans don't believe this west, there will be a guts to challenge the US Navy's majesty.

At this time, the United States seems to be in the past, and the Westbound is that after the world of the big white fleet, the powerful United States of America once again to the world "show muscles" "to force".

Pride, transition confidence, is the first mistake of the US Navy.

At this time, the Pacific West Coast, the US Navy's opponent, in addition to the fearless ship left in the same old treaty era, only one of the new battleships of their name, even if the tonnage is exaggerated to 60,000 tons Super battleship big and number. The ship is a nail in the eyes of the US Navy, but the Americans have four newly equipped sixteen-inch guns in their hands, and the four-year comparison makes the US Navy confident in this area. As for the Japanese newly underwater, the big-grade wavy battleship, because the Japanese confidential work in the ship sable, plus the Japanese body is a relatively closed country, and the US side does not know about this battleship. The specific situation, even I don't even know that the Japanese Navy has just got the second big and level battleship to join. (Note: Almost in history)

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