The Ship of Iron Ambition

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In terms of regional circumstances, the international situation of this newly established Lanfang Republic is like a dangerous situation.

The neighbors on the side, the two countries are dead, if they are not in Japan in the induction of Li Huimei, I just want to fight the US, the situation will be more bad. Fortunately, there are soft "North Korea" in Japan to grasp in Chinese. It is not afraid that the Japanese will turn on the face here. It is currently going to be a British. Fortunately, the altar tank in the British family is also very a lot. It is equivalent to playing new China. The consequences of the British will suffer from new China's new round of "revolutionary output" in the British in South Asia. .

For this newly established Chinese country, Lin Han's current positioning turns him into "Israel" in Southeast Asia. Using 100,000 Li Enfield rifles, build a military force who did not dare to ignore here. In anticipated the army of the Communist Party of China, the establishment of a strong grassroots militia organization, once the war, can mobilize more than 100,000 army. Unless the British two countries tear the face to give up the country, the Chinese self-insurance will not be a problem.

After the founding of the Republic of Lanfang, the new China has begun secret negotiations from the British days.

The content of the negotiations is related to the armed forces of the Lanfang Republic.

The fool knows that this lightning is established by the Lanfang's main force is from the PLA from the New China. Although there are only more than one million people, but as long as they need, they can "casually" the army to 100,000, 200,000 or even more - in the eyes of the two countries, the Lanfang Republic is new. China is furnished here.

After the end of the European, the heavy British lost, I really didn't want to play a war ax in Southeast Asia. The establishment of the Republic of Lanfang, but a poison thorn on the back of the British, it is really uncomfortable. This poison thorn, unplugable, uncomfortable, and uncomfortable in the UK.

As for Japan, since there is a North Korean key to be held in the hand, it can only acquire China's "Jianguo" behavior here. The Japanese grabbed nearly ten times in Lanfang in Garman Dan, profitable. . However, in Japan, I don't want to see Lanfang's unrestricted armament, so as not to waste myself too much military power in this unnecessary direction.

When the tripartite has a scruple, they can only sit in front of the negotiation table.

In March 1942, after a long discussion negotiation, New China, Langfang, Japan and the United Kingdom have reached a agreement in Singapore. The agreement stipulates three upper limit of armed forces in the Garimantan area. The two armies of the British Japanese are 30,000, while Lanfang is 20,000 people. It is also very satisfied with this Lin Han. A "small country" with only more than one million people, it is impossible to maintain a huge garrison for a long time, and new China does not have so much money in overseas. The 20,000 regular army is also the limit of Lanfang. After the Treaty signed, Lin Han listened from the new China's opinion, but took the initiative to compress the formal army's strength to 15,000 people. The subtraction of military expenses was used on the grassroots militia organization.

The most sensitive shipping safety of the British, because Lan Fang is on Singapore, card in the South China Sea Waterway, asked the British asked to limit the Navy construction of Lanfang. After negotiating, New China promised to establish a naval base in the Lanfang area, while Lanfang Guo only maintained a small amount of fish and torpedo troops and some small armed patrol ships to combat local pirates.

About the Navy's preparation, Lin Han did not have much opinion. He also believes that now the new China's navy is too fragile, and there is no meaning in this issue. I really want to pay evil here and the British, with the current national strength of New China, and more water sash is not an opponent. It is better to use the "psychological comfort" of "psychological comfort", but it is better to use military expenses. Once the war is, it can be better ranking through the means of special combat.

In the strategic form of the Lanfang area, the regular army of the peace era is not significant, establish a strong reserve militia grassroots organization system, and all the people are the focus.

In order to prevent the urgency, Lan Han passed Hanna, from Germany, from Germany, from Germany, from time to time.

At this point, the Chinese-emetic three melon is a feast of the Netherlands.

Chapter 358 McCarthy and Churchill Boundary Love Unlimited

The nearest heart of Wilky President has been very uncomfortable.

When the president, the health doctor regretted him in a routine, and his heart had a problem, pay attention to rest, and he can't overcome the cloud.

As a big president of the United States of America, there is a good body is very important. The problem is that the President Wilky has been confirmed by Lin Han, since the problem of being found in the heart, Roosevelt, who is taught by Lin Han. The equal number is the history - Wilky is died in 1944 in 1944, and it is still early than Roosevelt.

On January 30, 1942, President Wilky welcomed the "favorite" guest of the United States of America in Washington, with the "American Spy" Outside the British Prime Minister Churchill.

Today, Churchill has long been notorious in British San Island. He and "Character Zhang Bolun" and called "two major sinners" that leads to the weakening of the Empire. Although the British fallen is the inevitable thing, it is also an inevitable result of the British innate, but pushing sinful to a few people to let them bear everything, always relaxing. So the "British and Washington Agreement" of "The Employment", "the British and DC Agreement", which became a big sinner referred to in the country.

The sin of the man, the hero of my country. Although Churchill has stinking the street in the UK, the US government is also very popular with the "old friends of the American people", enthusiastically receiving his British Prime Minister. Then, under the new accompanying arrangement of US President Wilky, he conducted a speech in a local university in Washington.

On January 30, Washington is sunny, it is a good weather in winter.

In the university, Churchill began a speech at thousands of American college students.

"Szshing from the Baltic Sea is close to Galai in the British Geely Strait, a red iron curtain in the European continent has dropped. In the back of this line, it is located in the capital of Central Europe and Eastern European, Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels. Belgrade, Paris and - All of these vicissitudes of urban and their residents are in the range of the enemy's Bolshevi. These places are under the increasing high pressure control of evil Germany and the same evil Soviet Union. It can only be weak. In Europe, there is only Athens and England, still radiosing its immortal glory, here civilians, can also determine its future. "


"In many countries away from the Russian border, all over the world, the fifth column of the Communist Party has been established. It is absolutely coordinated from directives from the communist center. In addition to the communist movements in the United States and the United States - there Also in the Baby Age - Communist Party, the fifth column, which is the increasingly serious provocation and danger of Christian civilization. This is some bleak facts that should be remembered the next day, this victory is The battle between the fats and the dedicated comrades of friendship in the freedom and democracy. If we don't have to come, look forward to these facts, it is too unwise. "


"The last time, I have witnessed the battle, screaming for my own compatriots and the whole world, but people can't enter. Recent to 1933, even in 1935, maybe Germany from later falling to its head on its head Save it, so that we all have been from Hitler and Stalin to strongly add human suffering. I have seen this very early, but at that time, people were suffering from the suffering of a war, and the transition of peace is desire for peace. The appearance of the appeasement policy. Due to the desire for peace, England did not stick to the 1940 war in the 1940 war, and yield too early. "

"The red iron curtain has dropped, the European continent is in a long afternoon. In the long night, only the United States of America, the United States, the United States, is also like the lighthouse in the storm, which exudes bright and hope in this long night. "

"The United States is in the top peak of world power. This is a solemn moment for US democracy. Having the greatest power, it is a fearful responsibility for the future. Looking at four, you not only feel Responsibility, I also feel worried, I am afraid that the achievements will not be able to achieve such a high level. For you, I have a chance here, a clear, glorious opportunity. If refuse, ignore , Or waste this opportunity, we will be blamed by the later generations. "

In the UK, he has been famous in the United Kingdom. After coming to the US Capital Washington, finally got the opportunity to send his personal voice to the world, and then a "iron-screen speech" that was carefully prepared by Churchill, advocating the "Red Raider", It was publicly preached in the United States five years in advance.

In the speech, Churchill arrested in Europe's threat to the free capitalist world, and touted the United States in the United States, advocating the United States and the United States to cope with this world.

The time is in the UK, just in the United Kingdom of Indonesia in less than two months, Churchill's "British Prime Minister" ran to the United States, talking about the red threat, encouraging the United States and Sude to fight against the Society of Europe, nature is also no Good heart, a taste of "two tigers".

Churchill's speech at George Washington University in Washington, did not achieve the sensational effect of his expectations. The British Looksche Gill is "" "in the Americans, he is just a politician who jumped up. In most Americans, they all believe that the United States is now in the West Pacific, the expansion of the Western Pacific is seriously frustrated and falls to such a place, because in 1940, the cactus was in Churchill, and signed a "waste". The Treaty of Paper is in general, and the results are almost pulled by the British.

For the "British and American Washington Agreement", the British believes this is a territorial treaty for defending the country. In the eyes of Americans, this agreement is like a "scam agreement", it is because of this agreement, let great beauty of the United States, missed the most vulnerable to them when the British is most vulnerable. Opportunity, the result led to this passive in Southeast Asia. Under "Hates of House and Uwu", the President of Ghana signed this agreement, and Americans did not have much good views on him.

Churchill's speech did not reach his expected results. Whether it is George Washington University or the ordinary American audience in front of the radio, it has heard, this is just two years ago, "old troops", this British fat man However, it is more exaggerated at the cold rice that is fried overnight.

However, some people have heard a little mystery from the iron screen speech of Churchill.

Joseph McCati born in the north of Wisconsin, a family of Irish small farmers. In 1939, he relying on the age of Virtue, the seventh district of Wisconsin, and successfully became the "youngest judge" in the history of the district.

When the judge, McChae himself, but because of behavioral life, and some "gray" futures speculation transactions, gambling and alcohol, the reputation has been in the local area. For McCarti, which is ambiguous to the political, there is too much negative News is not a good thing.

Personal morality is very bad, it is a "advantage" of the party congression politicians rather than "shortcomings". Although McChaxin's morality is poor, it is a pole drilling.

On January 31, from the local radio station, after listening to the recording of Churchill "Iron-screen Speech", McChaki's mind touched, just like "opening a door", countless inspiration rolling out.

On the night, he immediately participated in the stock, and the news is collected, and it is busy after a night. McCarthaki flew to Washington on February 1, I would like to talk to Churchill to meet. Who knows Churchill at this time, it has been flew to New York, and the two passed.

So McCarti is chasing in love, tightly chasing NEW YORK in Churchill. On the night, the two-eyed red McCarti knocked on the door of Churchill.

On February 2, Churchill announced the "body and sound, no guest", but began to discuss in the room and McCham.

After several days of preparation, February 6, Churchill held a reporter reception under the free god statues of New York, and started another round of speeches.

Before the speech, gathered in the surrounding reporters and listeners, I originally thought that this is "old tunes, I want to put the United States to the European War", who knows the first speech, not Churchill, and It is a stranger named McCarthy.

Before the start of the speech, the reporters of the meeting received a speech that were issued in advance. After seeing the title of the speech, all eyes are shining, because the title name on the manuscript is: "Communist in the State Council."

In his speech, McCartin claimed that in his hand, there was a "one list of 200 people", "these people are all members of the Communist Party and Spy Network", "Secretary of State is known to the list of Communists, but these people still In drafting and formulating the policy of the State Council. "

McCarti's speech is like a sunny day, which makes the United States to go up and down. After the silent McCarthy became a political star in the country overnight, and the whole of the United States, it was also stimulated by McCarti's speech.

In the next few days, McCarthy continued to fly to the Salt Lake City of Utah and Renault in Nevada, repeating his speech in New York.

McCarthy speaking in the New York speech is a big wave, and it has passed to Berlin and Pontian a day. Hannah is to get this news through the intelligence network in the United States in the United States, and Lang Han, who is relatively occasionally occasionally occluded, and Lin Hao is a telegram through Hannah. .

At this time, Lin Han is already the highest head of the newly established "Lanfang Socialist People's Democratic Republic", the specific identity is the chairman of the country of Lanfang, and the party chairman of the Lanfang People's Party, Lanfanghai The general commander of the three armies armed forces, and the top of the top of the top 100 is a lot.

Good in Lanfang is just a "nose small country", there is not much thing to manage, plus the help of new China, such as the specific matters of military and grassroots construction, will be pushed to the new China Consultants. Lin Han's highest head of state, many times just a robot that is signed.

For a pile of heads, Lin Han is also forced to wear it. His organization is too young, and he uses herself who does not have to use the old habits, and see "awareness" and "old guy" in the era of the Republic of China. "They" extremely not pleasing, the last few care positions can only sit alone.

When the head of Langfang's head of Langfang, Lin Han has truly interested in this month, which is on two pieces of promotion and education.

Propaganda, nothing more than publicity to the local Chinese, essentials, and considering some political films that hide their own goods. Since there is a bunch of editing teams from Germany, he just said that it is natural to understand.

As for the education, it is a big event. The Chinese in Southeast Asia have a deep influence in the old thought of the times, how to smash the old ideological system, and establish a new ideological system in accordance with the new era. It is extremely important.

When I received the telegram from Hannah, Lin Han was sitting in a bunch of "historians" from China, holding the historical textbooks and political textbooks that I have just promulgated in New China in my hand, turned over, the brain is in the case How to modify these historical textbooks and political textbooks can we pass the private tlege entzers you want to pass to the next generation.

This is a non-small engineering volume, Lin Han and "experts" discuss the chairpeed room, filled with history books. Historical textbooks from New China have been "left", but in Lin Han, those who have a lot of truth, still not enough. When receiving the telegram, those old students borrowed from New China, they are now looking at Lin Han now, they see the textbooks after the revision, evaluation and qualitative after Lin Han, China Two thousand cultural traditions were destroyed by seven or eight eight.

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