The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Report, Chapter 307

The US Navy soldiers in the scene are very clear. Once there is a fight against the fire, the power is in a disadvantage, there will be no less cheap here.

After this, the danger of moving the fire is confronted. After two hours, Kimberley will have passed the emergency contact with Washington, and finally, I finally gave the fleet to leave, returning to the Filipburn Manila.

Afterwards, US newspapers reported that "the most humiliated day of the US Navy" was reported. The US Navy takes the opportunity to provoke public opinion, and ask the Congress to increase the construction of the Navy.

On the same day, Members of the ten members of the British Tangning Street were happily stood up and applauded after getting the US Navy retreat. In the Southeast Asia, the "Poor" Royal Navy relies on the use of Japanese evil dogs, successfully pressing the "Hungry Tiger" in the United States, and has a big supplement in the Dutch. It's a great good thing.

Although the old allies are robbed, it is extremely hard to eat, but the Empire of the British Empire is indeed a real benefit. Because of this incident, the British Prime Minister Adee has risen rapidly in the country's public opinion support.

"The next thing is to consider abolishing the topic of the Treaty of 'British' Churchill Sign."

On the thirteenth day, on some newspapers in the UK, similar sounds have begun. In order to recover the national vitality of the country who has lost heavy losses, now the UK is going to go up and down, it is increasingly watching the "British and American Washington Agreement" is not pleasing to the eye. .

In order to pour a scoop oil on this day, On December 13th, the head of the head of state, Hitler issued a congratulatory Angle, the British government, celebrated the "success" of the joint action in the South China Sea. It claims that the two countries have successfully stopped the US Navy from entering, greatly maintaining peace cloud cloud in Southeast Asia.

Although everyone knows that Hitler is completely ignorant, the German's "friendly" attitude is still to see the views of the Germans in the dark British.

In the last month of 1941, whether it is the British or Japan, the two governments doing things are all digestive digestive Dutch colonies. And because of this incident, the contradiction between the United States and the British Japan has been drastically deepened and is publicly put on the desktop.

When the United States reflects this matter, the general attitude of civil and media believes that this is the "Zeng of the Cactus Ghana". Many Americans suffer from the heart of 1940, if the President Ghana is listening to the "suggestion" of the Germans, and the colonies of the British people together, so now, at least Southeast Asia is the United States of America.

At this time, the American found a thing in terms of watching: In the Indonesian incident, the United States is completely unpredictable, and there is no one of the allies.

The entire United States is up and down because humiliations suffered in the Nata Islands are boiling. Because of this incident, the US Congress passed the Navy's expansion plan. Americans fever-headed, even publicly shout out "The United States of America to build a strong super fleet than the navy in other countries in the world."

I feel fear in my heart because I find yourself without helplessness. Because of fear, it is desperately strengthened, but it has caused concerns about the concerns of his country, and it is more isolated. When the US Congress passed the huge shocked plan, there was a more embarrassment in the UK.

After listening to the sable plan of the United States, Li Huamei suggested to the Emperor in the first time: "The time is mature, it is time to reveal the British, the empire wants to challenge the US Navy's idea."

Chapter 356 Fire

On December 12, when the Japanese fleet was a fierce armed confrontation in Nata Sea, members far in the Dutch Embassy in Western Europe, got up early in the same day, but found that the entrance of the embassy has been Water is unreasonable by countless white people.

The Dutch in front of the embassy, ​​shouted to "defeat Bolshevik!", "Evil Red China to die!" The slogan of "evil red China", and the national reporters who heard the news, but fortunately, in front of the Chinese Embassy in the Dutch, I took a very memorable photo.

Several Netherlands's young people, holding a huge placard, wrote a few square characters on the card: defeating the Chinese imperialism.

In the 21st century, the scene often appeared on the streets of Japan or Southeast Asian countries, but because of the emergence of Thin Han, the Netherlands in the 1940s was staged in advance.

If Lin Han is fortunate here, he will see this scene. He will not help with his vomiting: "I will be relieved to see the motherland."

On the same day, in addition to the Chinese Embassy in the Dutch, the entrance of the Embassy in the Netherlands in the Netherlands in the Netherlands, and also was full of spontaneous protests. Although the Dutch is in a terrible way to be in the three countries in China, it is a little ingredient in the upper leaders, and there is no excessive protest against the people. In addition to being throwing countless rubbish, the Embassy has smashed a little glass. There is not much loss.

In the face of the three joints, the Netherlands's resistance, the final is only too late.

The crisis of Indonesia in Southeast Asia, thoroughly ignited the fuse of the Three Kingdoms of the United Kingdom Japan. However, it takes a period of time before the wire burns to the end point.

In the last month of 1941, the attention of the world was concentrated in Indonesian region. On the 12th, when the US Navy suffered a humiliation in the Nata Islands, after the UN, he was forced to negotiate. On the 15th of the month, US President Wilgi ordered, ordered the Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, including the aircraft carrier The seven main warships, with dozens of auxiliary battleships, and the goal is the Port of Manila, Philippines.

For a time, the gunpowder flavor in East Asia rose sharply.

Just during this sensitive period, the Japanese aspects sent secret links with Tangning Street, first secret contact, began to lavish, and the British discussed English and hit the topic of the US Navy in the West Pacific Sea. For the Japanese, in the future, the British can pull the British to their own chariots to deal with American ghost animals, nature is the ideal scene.

However, the top of the forefront of Europe, who is at the same time with Sude's two pressure, which has courage to challenge Americans at this time. The Japanese "Good Weight" British received it, but they only want to kill people, borrowing the Japanese hand to let the Americans flowing on the dry blood, the British people continue to express the British Empire in the future of the future. It is neutral to show Japanese "goodwill", but only words do not raise the topic of the military to help Japan.

Li Huime also knew the characteristics of the British Empire, "mixed sticks", this will not expect British to play with the United States. She just wants to take this opportunity, and I will take the opportunity to ask for more benefits and secret support to the British.

Chapter 357, Ranfang Republic

After all, Japan is far away in the United States. Many important weapons and equipment are difficult to have self-produced. If you can get secret support from the British, you can provide critical materials. In the future of the Pacific War, you can place more Americans more blood.

In the last month of 1941, in Christmas, Rudolf, Vice President of the German Nazi Party, secretly visited the UK under the point of Heitler's head.

Hez brought Hitler Prime Minister's "goodwill", I hope that Germany can all intend to fight against the United Kingdom "to live in the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

In order to please the British, the Germans took the lead in admitted the "interests" of several colonial big islands that the British government was strengthened.

Of course, the contradiction between the Yingde in this time is not much less than the contradiction of the British and American, and the olive branch stood out of the Germans, the British government did not easily. However, from this incident, the British government saw that once the British and American war, the Germans are unlikely to stand in the United States.

When the two countries, the two countries showed more and more strong anti-American tendencies, the UK government at this time has already discussed topics of unilateral abolition of the "British Washington Agreement".

In December, the British government has just taken the Indonesian area, and is in the "digestive" stage. It is temporarily dare to go so far. For the British, the best situation is of course the Japanese people immediately declared war. When the US pays are attracted by the Japanese, the British government will easily abolish this agreement.

But Japan, because of the influence of Li Huime, I really understand the mentality of the British government. They took the initiative and the UK, of course, not coming to Japanese Lei Feng. Purely wanted to get more benefits before going to start with the United States. The strategic goal of this and the United States, the strategic goal of Japan is to destroy the US Navy, and the situation will take Filipbin in the past, so that the US Navy's power can be completely exempt from Southeast Asia.

Similar to the British, I have just taken a Japanese aspect of the Indonesian big island, and time digestion is needed, so recently, I can't turn their faces with Americans in the past few months.

In addition, the diplomatic exchange between Japan and Germany, the Soviet Union even continued to seek all aspects of support. Even the Soviets who have no conflict conflicts in the United States are also happy to see Japan and the United States.

In the dark planning of the Lin Han family, from Europe to Asia, a secret combined anti-US camp is being formed.

The big drama staged in 1941, just laughed in the Chinese and Estai, the Dutch's cry, and the Americans' anger.

Time enters 1942, January 1, that is, the new China established four years, on this day, in the old land of the Netherlands in front of Pontian, in the forefront, the representative of overseas Chinese, Xuanzhou-taughter, dressed in a traditional Chinese dress, standing on the heights, solemnly announced to the whole world, solemnly: "Larafang Republic of China has disappeared", announced today, and This newly established country named: Lanfang Socialist People's Democratic Republic.

At this point, the socialist family adds a new member.

The brothers of the socialist camp in New China, the Soviet Union, and Germany have recognized this newly established Chinese country in the first time.

The most surprised the world is that China's world-envited Japan, not only sent special envoy to the Ranfang Republic's founding ceremony, but also recognized this Chinese country in Nanyang, but also built ambassador between the two sides. Level diplomatic relationship.

Taking Lin Han's character, he is very reluctant to stand in the front desk, the head of the head of the head of the head, he just wants to be a white paper fan. However, Lin Han established this Southeast Asian Overseas Chinese Organization, and its backbone members are too young - except for a few people, the big ticket is the "young people" up and down. A little older person, almost all people who have helped people in the new China.

The newly established Lanfang Republic can say that it is the youngest country in all countries in the world, leading the team.

The main reason for this factor is that after the Northeast China in 1932, Lin Han began to collect people, and when building their organizational groups, collected and reused people, almost all the students who have just been in the age of 20. Because he didn't have to hobbily hobbies, plus Lin Han has always been intentionally promoted these students who are treated as the heart of the belly, so in his organization, the average age of the backbone is really scary. Middle-aged people who have joined Wang Yaxi and wear farmers have been very genous.

Lin Han has always been looking for a personal place to sit on the big faucet. It is convenient to hide in the background remote control command. However, when the country is founded, it will not find a prestige, and the famous gas is enough to sit in this position "alternative" . He didn't want to sit in this position, but the left and right men included a dried student, all consistently recommended him, and finally he was very unfortunately by the "yellow robe to bother", boarded the chairperation, and passed a "open-national emperor" addiction .

This new Langfang Republic is the capital of Pinonian. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were 20,000 military, hundreds of guns, twenty tanks, more than forty planes, with a total population of about 1600,000, including China, including the overseas Chinese from all over the country And support from the mainland of the motherland reached 13 million. And its land is "excavated" from the Tolita Indonesia, the land is about 50,000 square kilometers around the land. Compared with Old Lanfang, this newly established Lanfang temporarily includes a small corner of the western Garimantan Island, compared with Lanfang Guo, who is destroyed by the Dutch, no matter whether the location is still large. As for Brunei, this is still under the control of the British, and is now the British colonies.

The establishment of the Republic of the Lanfang Republic has been "support" of the Japanese, and the land range is in advance in Japan. Lin Han only occupied the corner of the west of Garim Man Dan, and the remaining parts were all occupied by the Japanese.

On the same day, when the pioneer city government, the newly established Lanfang Republic had made a short military parade. First of all, thousands of Liberation Army, and the British Li Enfeld rifle is parallel through the rigor, and pay tribute to Linhan standing on the stage.

Subsequently, eight vehicles from China Support 2 tanks rumbling the chairpers, and then pulling the guns of the artillery. And the cavalry troops that have been made up in seven spells. The biggest weight show, the military parade, there are twenty HE112 fighters whistling on the head.

Compared to the military parade ceremony, the military parade, the military parade, let the protagonist's Lin Han is full of taste during the process of participation. When he raised his hands through the troops of the Chairman, the mind was always recalled before I saw the "Monkey Small" military parade in Southeast Asia. He also said that he still ridiculed "nose country "Wrong", but now, he has become a state-headed "nose small country", and also held a similar military parade.

After the founding of the Lanfang Republic, the first decree issued by the "head of state" Lin Han is universally compulsory military service system, and the "military nationalism" of all the people is committed, requiring all ages of the Lanfang area, as long as the physical license must accept military training.

In terms of weapons, New China has supported more than 30,000 Li Enfeld rifles to the Republic of Lanfang - all seized from the British in the war in the war. Hannah also supported more than 70,000 Li Enfield, which is of course the trophy of the European war, as for the Brony Machine gun and the Lewis machine gun. British weapons are not mainstream in the two equipment of Sino-German. For both these weapons, they are excessive, just use Lin Han.

Not only that, the new China will also transfer the production line of the domestic inch rifle bullet to Lanfang. After the war, New China is unify the caliber of weapon ammunition, and the acupuncture diament is being eliminated.

After Lin Han got this batch of weapons, he used his previously established grassroots organizations, and the help of new China, soon, this batch of rifles was released to the grassroots organization in the grassroots.

New China's largest support for the Republic of Lanfang is not to send tens of thousands of liberated army to help build a country and stabilize local situations, but send a large number of cadres to help Lin Han established local grassroots organizations. Nowadays, the so-called Lanfang People's Liberation Army, in the formal army is "veterans" from the mainland of the motherland. Although Lin Han was prepared for ten years for the founding of the country, Lin Han has also secretly cultivated a large number of talents, but the establishment of the Lanfang Republic was still lacking. Relying on a large number of cadres sent by New China, they set up a relatively stable national system.

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