Pokemon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System Chapter 348

"Wonderful frog seeds, seeds."

Luo Yi is calm, and it does not place the momentum to rush to the wonderful frog seeds, but said to the wonderful frog seeds.

"Seed seed!"

Wonderful frog seeds heard, immediately released a seemingly unpleasant seed from the big seed on the back, flying to the galloping Bangira.

That's it?

I saw the wonderful frog seeds released the seeds and the seeds, and the Bangura flashed a touch.

If it is a lot of parasitic seeds, it may also perform dodge actions, but just one, can you become?

It's really a wonderful frog seed that I can't do, and the disdain in the eyes of Bangira is more.

In the face of direct shooting, Bangura is too lazy to avoid it, continue to rush to the wonderful frog seeds, think about how to make a weak frog seed in a weak, and feel comfortable.

At this moment, Bangira suddenly launched the eyes of the wonderful frog seeds, and suddenly flashed a bad feeling.

And at this time, the pool flying, and I also quickly reminded.

"Be careful! Bangira, that is not parasitic seed! Skater!"

Feel the anxiety in the pool, Bangura's heart is shocked, although I don't know why the pool is so afraid of this small seed, but I am busy with the trust of the pool. Avoid the side.

This Banglai's figure seems to be cumbersome, but the flexibility is not low, far on other magical treasures, can even match some high-speed magic baby!

The pool flying over the eye.

After your own training, the speed is not a trouble, and the sophisticated seeds have just exploded seeds. In the case of Bangura, there is definitely not to contact the tail of the class Gira.

The facts are also similar to that of the pool, the emergency turn of Bangura, very simply opens the explosion seeds of the wonderful frog seeds.

And the speed of the explosion seed, the speed comparison of Bangula, can only catch back behind Bangira.

"Hey, this time, I won!"

Seeing the pool of the battlefield to the forefront of the battlefield, I have imagined a wonderful frog seed by Bangura, and the scene, it could not help but show a comfortable smile.

He is finally able to find a look at a point in Luo Yi.

"Don't think you have a little early?"

Wen said, Luo Yimo shook his head, then looked at the pool.

The smile of pool flying, suddenly stiff when he said this sentence, because he did not see any urgent face in Luo, but still the face of the face.

What is the means? No way?

The pool fairy face, his eyes turned back to Bangura, this look, suddenly scared.

"Bangura! After you! Quick! Skate!"

The pool flying urgently reminded that Bangira did not know, so the next consciousness came to you, this look, letting its pupils are a shrinkage!

The seed that was originally opened far away, suddenly burst out of extremely fast speed, and the speed is evenly residual!

Just a glimpse, the seed fly behind it!

It should be, it's okay?

This moment of Bangura is calm down, and a small seed has no threat to himself. Even if it is fast, the seed is not strong. The hard steel is like, it is straight to the seeds.

The heart is determined, and the tail is moving, thinking that this inconspicuous seed is directly slammed.

Bangira's action pool flew in the eyes, a spirit of the heart, and the cold sweat was down.

"Heaven, that is not a normal seed! That will explode! You still have a tail, avoid it!"

However, the pool flying, where there is a fast movement of Bangura, just exported, the tail of Bangira is on the seed.

boom! ! boom! !

In the instant of Seeds in Bangila, the seeds contained in the seeds are expanded in an instant expansion!

Bangura was exploded in an instant, and then fell in the woods, and smashed a magical baby, overwhelmed a lot of trees.

Miserable, a bit miserable.

Luo Yi couldn't help it with a whistle.

The power of the explosion seed is too terrible, almost all with the high-explosive thunder, so close to the explosion, Bangira can be seriously injured.

Chapter 60 will explode!

Call you Xiaoyu me.

Looking at the direction of Bangura, the eyes flashed in the eyes.

The wonderful frog seed captures the stunning look before Bangura explosion, and the heart is happy.

Although it has seen a lot of shocking love in the Walland cave, every time it can feel a pleasant emotion.

What happened to have not evolved? What happened to evolution? Still not shooting ~ You can fight you!

"Bangura, you are fine?"

After returning to God, I want to go to see the situation in the class. It's okay, Bangira did not hit the seeds, stood up, reappearing in his field of view.

Although the appearance of Bangira is very wolf, the anger and the war have shown that it also has the powerful power.

Seeing, the pool fly a breath.

Bangura's defense is much better than the fast dragon, so resisting an explosion seed, but it is only one more, if you come again, the pool is not thinking that Bangira can still stand.

"Bangji !!"

The anger of the returning Bangulang's eye is almost essential.

It looked at the wonderful frog seeds that had nothing to do.

Even if the heart is angry, but at this time, the Bangura's eyes have a jealous look.

It has never seen a wonderful frog seed has such an attack.

The seeds that can explode, the power is so huge, it is simply incredible.

"It's evil, it's too ordered! Do you dare not use the seed ?! Come on a true battle!"

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