Pokemon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System Chapter 347

"Old class?"

That's right, Pox Fei released the magical baby released, and it was Luo Yinxuan, and also took the Bangura!

"Is the magical baby in the service, or the two of us really have? It is also a magical baby."

Luo Yi got a lot of Bangura on the court, I couldn't help but say a sentence to the pool.

"Oh? Do you have a Bangura?"

Tell Fei heard the words, slightly a little surprised, but the spin is smirk.

"As a magical baby training house in Bangira, what do you think of my Bangula?"

During the speech, the pool flying face appeared.

No, Pi Fei believes that the Banglaira that is carefully taught, the world dares to say, but at least the crowd must be the king, at the Guandu area can't find the second only.

Therefore, the pool of the words, the brain has emerged, or the god of the 10,000 evident, or the look is good.

Just, then, the color of the pool flying is stiff.


Little head, as if it is a reply, let the pool fly unexpected.

Just just ok? Does this guy don't give you a look?

The pool flying antique blames, we want to have a row, and want to see the envy of the envy of the hidden hidden from Luo Yi's gaze.

However, the pool flying only saw Luo Yi's calm and said that it didn't seem like a word.

No eye!

The pool snorted in the heart and immediately gave the Roan a one-free label.

What is ok? ! Do you have your Bangula? Have my Bangira half?

The magical baby trainers who have not been able to get Bangira are also forbe, this Luo Yi does not have a Bangura? I can't see the outstanding things of my Bangura?

Yes, no eye!

On the other side, Luo Yi, I saw the dislike of my own eyes, my heart suddenly, smiled slightly, I didn't explain.

The evaluation of the poetan Banjira, Luo Yi is the truth.

The Bangura, which is flying is really good. Whether it is the body of the body or the horizontal momentum, there is no one's strength.

It's hard to imagine that Pool fly on Bangira, how much is it?

But I don't know that Luo Yi can also have a Bangira, and Luo Yi's Bangira, the strength is not the world's other Bangulalla!

Luo Yi's Bangura, not Luo Yi Blow, if it is angry, combined with the strongest ten class Gira in this world, I can't calm down the desert storm!

Luo Yi's Bangira can really crown the name of the desert tyrant!

Under the contrast, Luo Yi can say that the Bangira, who is flying, has been able to say that it is recognized!

After all, in the eyes of Luo Yi's Bangira, it's just a little fart that I am learning!

Feel the eyes of Luo Yi, the Banguila, the pool flying, slightly, the gap spoke, and the momentum of the body suddenly climbed!

It feels that he has been despised!


Bangira rushed on Luo Yi, and the thick left and foot fierce, and the ground caused a pain. I am shaking! Even cracks of cracks!

It is obliquely glanced at the two-eyed frog seeds, and the heart is more complained about the pool.

For it, the strength of the wonderful frog, can't compare it with himself, and somehow, Pi Fei actually wants to go to the horse, it is an insult to himself!

The feelings of Bangura scorn, the wonderful frog seeds have no fluctuations, and there is no way to persuade Banglai with threats.

This kind of despise your own eyes, in the third floor of the Waid Cave, I have seen countless times!

The little frog seeds open their mouths and smile.

The third floor of the Walnog Grottoo is just like this, there is no exception, and it is doubtful to you!

This Bangura is not exception!

Thinking of this is shocked by this proud of the Bangura ring, the wonderful frog seeds can't wait to start fighting immediately.

"Kid, my Bangira, can not be more than other Bangira, even my fast dragon is tribute to it, and your explosion seed is no use!"

The pool is satisfied with his own prestige of Bangira, and the rhetoric is said to Luo Yi.

"Oh? The explosion seed is useless? Is it?"

Luo has been watching the pool, watching the taste, and the corner of the mouth raises the curve of evil spirits.


Looking at the eyes of Luo Yi, I don't know why, the pool is suddenly treated, there is a bit of cold, but he quickly pressed this strange feeling, say soon.

Chapter 59 repeats the same mistakes!

In the self-confidence of the pool, Luo Yi took a look at his eyes, and he was only a smile.

"Then come."

This time, pool flying is not polite to show him the height of the predecessor, directly commanding his own Bangula to launch an attack.

"Bangira, rush up! Don't give it an opportunity to fight!"

Pool Fei has a big hand, and the command panel is said.

He is very confident to his Bangura strength. Although it does not think that Bangira can defeat the crystal steel snake released before Luo, but also easily hit the wonderful frog seed!

As long as it avoids the seed that will explode.

In the heart of the pool, I thought about it, staring tightly at the wonderful frog seed, refused to let the movement of the baby seeds every second.

"Ha ha."

Luo Yi saw the eyes of Pool Fei, the heart suddenly turned to the idea of ​​the pool, the mouth could not help but laminated.

It is difficult to really think that the explosion seed is not 970%? Or ... I thought that the baby seed could only release the seed?

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