Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 587

"Did I do something wrong?" Tosaka Tosaka regretted entrusting Sakura to Makiri's dirty inkstone. Although Makiri's house has been destroyed now, the Holy Grail War is not something Sakura can participate in!


There was a torrent of magical power blowing from nowhere, which no one expected.

In everyone's gaze, the magic power rolled up gradually solidified into a line, turning into a stubborn figure.

The shadow stood about two blocks closer to the sea than the four lanes of the battlefield of lancer and saber.Yes, his posture can only be described by shadow.

The tall man with broad shoulders was covered in armor.But it is different from the silver armor of Saber, which is tightly wrapped around the body, and the luxurious gold armor of Archer.

The man's armor is black.There is no exquisite decoration, no bright "color" color.

Extremely black like darkness, like hell.Even his face was covered by the helmet.Deep in the small cracks of the helmet, only the rashes of the eyes burning like fire can be seen.

"King of Conqueror, did you invite him too?" Lancer didn't dare to stare at the black knight carelessly, but still teased the rider in a frivolous tone.

Rider frowned upon hearing this."Invitation, well, there was no room for negotiation from the beginning."

The only thing the Black Knight released was a murderous intent.Even the whirlwind generated by its magical power is like a groan of resentment, which is horrifying.

berserker, anyone knows him.Such fluctuations full of murderous aura can only make people think of frenzied heroic spirits.

"Then, little master. If that guy is a servant, what is his magic power?"

Webber was asked by the rider. The short master just shook his head blankly."Can't judge. Can't judge at all."

"What? You are not the most powerful master, can't you clearly tell who has high mana and who is not, right?"

Once they become the master who has made a contract with the heroes, they are all granted perspective that can see through the abilities of other servants.The Holy Grail War invited heroes to participate, and only granted the master this special ability.It is impossible for a generation master like Alice Phil to have this ability.Rider's official master Weber can compare the ability difference between rider and other servants, and then formulate strategies to make the battle situation develop in a favorable direction.Now Weber has grasped the ability of saber, lancer and archer in front of him.but……

I can't see his identity!The black guy and the man who just appeared must be servants.But I can't see their ability at all!"

Hearing Webber's embarrassed explanation, the rider frowned and stared at the black knight again.Everyone present was watching the black knight's every move with suspicion and alertness.But there are two exceptions.Mu Hantian said that it didn't matter, but Archer's red eyes did not have any doubts and "lost". He just looked down at the berserker with pure murderous intent.

The black knight looked at himself standing on the street lamp with a terrifying stare.The Golden Spirit accurately caught the black knight's gaze.

"A humble person has a mean and dirty look. For a person of noble status, it is unbearable humiliation for someone to look at him like this. And you dare to disturb my gathering with friends." As the archer's voice sounded , The golden "color" ripples waved behind him, and four shining instruments slowly emerged.The direction pointed by the sword head and the spear head is the berserker, which is the first priority to kill.

"Treasure! "Sex" has a c+ grade or higher treasure, and there are four at once!" Webber's surprised voice rang, and everyone looked at the archer a little solemnly.

"I want to smash you into pieces to relieve my hatred. Bastard." With the grim declaration, the gun and the sword flew in the air together.

You don't even need to touch it, and you "shoot" the weapon that you don't know where to appear. This is why it is called a golden "shooter".But it is very unusual to use the treasure so hastily.For the heroic spirits, treasures are their own children. To throw such important treasures recklessly like a stone is a very hasty throw.

Nevertheless, the destructive power is huge.The road was blown up, as if a bomb exploded, and the asphalt turned into dust and splashed around, covering all vision.

In the misty dust, the long black shadow swayed and appeared.berserker is still there.He moved his foot a little, and the pavement on the soles of his feet turned into rocks and cracked.As a result, among the guns and swords that Archer threw, the gun flying slightly behind deviated from the target.The sword that was supposed to fly in front to "shoot" at the target did not cause any damage.

why?Because that sword is in the hands of berserker.

How many people have a clear insight into such a rapid offense and defense?At least neither Weber nor Alice Phil could understand what happened.

The correct process is to fly the sword first as the first blow. Berserker grabbed it easily.The berserker then used the acquired sword to repel the spear that came next as the second blow.

"Is that guy really a berserker?" Lancer whispered nervously.

Rider also muttered and responded."Although he lost all his rationality after going crazy, he is indeed a great fighter."

Treasures were originally only in the hands of the exclusive heroes that they would become the weapons for this heroic spirit.Even in the hands of other heroes, it is impossible to use it flexibly.It is really unimaginable that he can play such a stunt to accurately repel the treasure spear that followed immediately.

However, the archer was not surprised, but furious.All the expressions were removed from the gorgeous face, leaving only the freezing zero-degree killing intent.

"How dare you touch my treasure with your dirty hands? Are you so anxious to die? Beast!" The archer's surroundings shone again.Surrounding his stalwart face, a new group of sixteen treasures suddenly appeared behind him.

Not only guns and swords.There is also an axe.Both the mallet and the spear.There are also some weird weapons that do not know their purpose and quality.

All the treasures are polished as bright as a mirror, and they are rolling with huge magic power.Each treasure embodies a sense of mystery that is not inferior to "color". These are veritable treasures.

If it was surprised at the beginning, then it is already horrified now, the heroic treasure is not just one.Some heroic spirits also conceal three or four super weapons equivalent to the power of treasures.But no matter how many treasures there are, there is a limit.

As soon as the golden archer uses the treasure, it is like an endless piece of equipment, released one by one and used "sexually" at a time.And since the battle with the assassin last night, he has never used the same treasure.

"You hateful thief, let me see how many treasures I can bear!"

The archer gave an order, and the group of treasures floating in the void scrambled to kill the berserker.

The roar shook the night air, and the explosion of flashes seemed to sweep the entire night sky.

These treasures have produced such a huge destructive power, it is hard to believe that they are just throwing weapons such as swords.

The roads of Warehouse Street were rained down by countless treasures, as if experiencing carpet bombing.

Chapter 715 Retreat

The archer's onslaught did not stop.The treasure fell like thunder, and the momentum seemed to blow up the location of the berserker and even the entire block.Keep attacking.The attack did not stop, but gradually became more and more intense.For unknown reasons, the berserker, the target of Treasure's attack, showed no sign of falling down.

Everyone was stunned with surprise.Everyone realizes that they are in a tense scene of confrontation with most enemies, and they have a sense of crisis that is imminent, but the scene at this time is indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

Berserker, first stretched out his left hand and grabbed the first spear that flew, plus the sword in his right hand, brandishing the spear and sword with both hands to his heart's content, blocking the treasures that came in succession one by one.

Berserker's tactical skills are not only sophisticated, but also more gorgeous.Although it was a treasure taken from the archer, the berserker was not uncomfortable when used.The treasure is like the extension of his hands, and he uses the treasure freely.No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are driving a treasure that you can use all the year round.

Watching the battle between the two, the rider seemed to be at ease and whispered triumphantly."The more weapons the black guy intercepts, the stronger it becomes. The golden guy throws treasures uncontrollably, sinking deeper and deeper. He really doesn't know how to deal with it flexibly."

Just like the calm analysis of the Conquer King, berserker faced the onslaught of the archer's treasure without any concessions.Not only that, every time a more powerful treasure comes.Berserker threw away the treasure in his hand and grabbed the new treasure that was flying.The treasures were constantly replaced in his hands.

With the extremely miserable roar, the last of the sixteen treasures was also knocked to the ground.In the vacuum-like silence, in the diffuse dust, only berserker stood tall.Except for him, the warehouses, streets, and all surrounding buildings collapsed.

The black knight held a battle axe in his right hand and a single-edged scimitar in his left hand.The remaining treasures were scattered at the feet of berserker, or "plugged" in the surrounding rubble.None of the treasures pierced the black armor.

The berserker casually raised the remaining two treasures in his hands without any preparation, and threw it towards the archer.

Maybe there was no clear target for the throw, or maybe it was because I didn't want to stab it when it was thrown. The axe and the scimitar hit the ball on the streetlight where Archer was standing.The scimitar "shoots" in the center of the ball, the axe hits directly near the top of the ball, and the iron pillar of the street lamp smashes to the ground like butter.

After the ball on the street lamp was divided into three equal parts, it also made a sound of hitting the ground and collapsed.However, he was the only one standing on the ground safe and sound.Before Tie Zhu's body was broken, the heroic golden spirit jumped and fell on the ground casually.

"Asshole... Are you telling me, who is looking up at the sky, to stand on this ground like you!"

At this point in the battle, Archer's anger has reached its limit.Engraved deeply between the eyebrows, the wrinkles that stand up turn the beauty into a fierce look.

"You are disrespectful to me, enough to cause you to die thousands of times. The bastard standing there, I will kill you without leaving a piece of armor." The archer was too angry, and his eyes were like burning red lotus. He yelled while glaring at the berserker.Around him, a group of weapons appeared again, and the space was twisted.

This time there are thirty-two shining treasures.Even the rider fell silent in surprise.

Archer's angry eyes stared at the berserker, and he turned around calmly.

He cast his eyes to the southeast.Over there are the hilly areas and high-end residential streets of Fukayama Town.There is the seat of Tosaka Prefecture.How many people have noticed this?

"Suppress the king with your highness and the like-is my anger? You are getting bolder and bolder. Shichen..." Archer hung up the corner of his mouth in disgust, and spit out such a sentence in a low voice. The countless treasures unfolded around him hid the brilliance together, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

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