Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 586

"That one……"

"It's a pity. I wanted to make this lovely student happy. Webber, a mortal like you, should have a stable life that belongs only to mortals."

The owner of that voice had keen eyes and saw the solidified fear on Webber's face.With a terrifying and icy joking sound, he continued as if toying with Weber: "I can't help you, Mr. Weber. Let me give you extracurricular tutoring. The true meaning of killing each other between magicians— —The horror and pain of the killing, I will hand it over to you without reservation. You feel very honorable."

Webber has no time to estimate the vicious ridicule in the words, and deep fear hit his heart. This is not a game. At this moment, he is truly involved in the battle called the Holy Grail War.

This is a bloody fight between the magician and the magician!

At this time, something gently and powerfully hugged the young boy's little shoulder, which was trembling alone with fear.

Webber was startled and panicked by the gross but gentle feeling.

The hand of the sturdy servant-the rough and discrete fingers, can only be an object of fear for the short master.

"Hey, magician, according to my observations, you seem to want to replace my little master and become my master." The rider asked the lancer master who didn't know where he was hiding. In fact, his face was full of malicious pity. The smile made his face crooked.

"If this is the case, it would be extremely ridiculous. The man who became my master should be a warrior who fought with me on the battlefield, not a coward who dare not "show" his face."

Silence is falling, only the anger of the master who has not shown up spreads in the night air.

Rider suddenly laughed loudly, this time facing the empty night sky, laughing out loud."Come out! There are others. Hidden in the dark to peek at our comrades!"

Both Saber and Lancer "exposed" surprised expressions.

"What's the matter with you? Rider" faced Saber who asked him, Conquer Wang smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"Saber and lancer, you fight face to face, it's really amazing. The sword halberd made such a crisp clashing sound, I am afraid that more than one hero will be drawn out."

Alice Phil was terrified in fear. It seemed that Kirishu, who didn't know where he was hiding, was seen through.But all the rider has in mind is other servants.The rider wanted to send the deafening sound to every corner around, and yelled again.

"Poor. It's so pathetic! The heroes and heroes gathered in Fuyuki. Don't you have any impression of the spirit displayed by Saber and Lancer here? With a real name worthy of boasting, it is really cowardly to keep peeking here. The heroes will panic when they hear this, huh?"

After a loud laugh, the rider gently tilted his head and mouth with a fearless look, and finally looked around with provocative eyes.

"The heroic spirits who were invited by the Holy Grail War, gather here now. Cowards who are afraid of "showing up" their faces will not let the Conqueror King Iskandar insult you. Give me enlightenment!"


"Are we going out? Master." asked Yu Zaoqian who was beside Mu Hantian.

"How about it, Sakura, do you want to go to that stage? That stage that will surely dazzle the dark world of Fuyuki City tonight." Mu Hantian looked at Sakura in his arms.

"Well, my brother must be the strongest among them." Ying squeezed her delicate fist.

"Haha, well, let's go down." Mu Hantian chuckled lightly, holding Ying, just about to show up.

At this moment, below, a golden "color" flashed, like the arrival of a majestic king.

"Yeah, Gilgamesh is here." Looking at the light that suddenly appeared, Mu Hantian's body stopped in a daze.

At the top of the street lamp bulb about ten meters above the ground, a figure wearing a golden "color" flashing armor appeared.Webber saw his dizzying great face and couldn't help holding his breath.

"That person is..."

Although I only saw him in a short moment before, it left such a strong impression.It is impossible for Weber to read it wrong.What stood leisurely on the high streetlight must be the mysterious servant who used overwhelming destructive power to ruin the assassin who invaded the Tosaka mansion last night.

There is no heavy equipment in his body that is not covered by armor. It is impossible to be a master.And if he appeared in response to the rider's call, it proved that he only had the judgment to regard the rider's arrogant words as provocative, that is, he could not be a violent berserker.In this way, only the last person of the three knights, archer, is left using the method of elimination.

"If you don't put me in your eyes, two people who are called'kings' without knowing how high and thick the sky are, two popped out overnight." As soon as he spoke, the golden hero curled his lips extremely unhappily, and the "dew" came out. Contempt for the three servants who are currently facing each other.

Although the archer's proud attitude and tone are exactly the same as the rider's arrogant self-esteem, it is fundamentally different.The voice and eyes of the Conquer King are not as cold and ruthless as Archer.

The rider also didn't seem to expect that there would be someone with a tougher attitude than himself, and he was quite flustered, scratching his chin with a look of confusion.

"Even if you speak badly... I, Iskandar, is still a famous conqueror in the world."

"The hero who is truly a king, I am the only one between heaven and earth. The rest are just bastards."

Archer simply made a declaration that was more than insulting.At this time even Saber was surprised that there was no one on the ground, but the rider looked at it with tolerance, a little surprised and sighed.

"How about you just report your own name for the sake of this? If you are also the king, you wouldn't even be afraid of your own reputation, right?"

Rider was so "inserting" in the science, Archer's red eyes became more and more proud and angry, and he stared at the giant man under him.

"Are you asking me? Are you bastard asking me?"

"Hehe, don't put the bastard on your mouth all the time, it will only make people hate you." The soft voice sounded as if expounding, and the master and servant in the audience were stunned again.

Not far away, Mu Hantian walked out slowly with Ying.

"It's you!" The archer was stunned when he saw Mu Hantian's appearance.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Mu Hantian doesn't want to say anything anymore. Damn, why are people in every world who know me now? I don't know how to meet me at all.

"We haven't seen each other in 5000 years, Mu Hantian!"

"Damn!" Mu Hantian can only use this word to express that his heart has been trampled on by the god beast grass mud horse.

Chapter 714 War

"We really know each other?" Mu Hantian confirmed again.

"Yes, have you forgotten? By those so-called gods..." The archer "showed" a sad and nostalgic look, staring at Mu Hantian.

"No, I still remember your name, but the current situation... can't tell it. Haha. Introduce myself, my name is Mu Hantian, and I came here as a hope job."

"The eighth man!" Everyone was shocked.


In the dark "color" alley, the breathless Ma Tong Yanye, whose bloodshot eyes quietly stared at the golden "color" heroic spirit appeared, and the cracked corner of his mouth was a crazy and broken smile. .

"Finally... came out, the heroic spirit of Shichen... just tear him up like this, let me take a look at your regretful face!"

"Berserker!" roared, and then a flood of unknown magic power surged.

"Wait, that is!" Jian Tong Yanye, whose eyes were bloodshot from previous hatred in the dark, just gave the order to make berserker attack, but after seeing the petite figure in Mu Hantian's arms, he calmed down again.

cherry!How could Sakura be held by that servant?

"Damn dirty inkstone! Let Sakura participate in the Holy Grail War! Damn! Chrono! If it wasn't for you! Sakura wouldn't participate in the Holy Grail War! Ahem! I'm going to kill you!"

Tosaka family...

"What's going on?! Sakura why is there!" Tosaka Tokino cried out a little gaffe.

"Calm down, teacher!" Yanfeng Qili said.

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