Lawyer's character

Chapter 55: Being deceived

Well, I understand what you mean, but I don't want to look for it yet. I have to start my career first. Fang Yi blurted out.

In fact, he has always had Cao Xiaohui and Fang Anzhi in his mind. In addition, he has just become a lawyer, the situation has not yet opened up, and he does not have much money, so he has no idea.

Fang Youcai sighed and went back to the house to sleep with his hands behind his back.

At this moment, a phone call disrupted Fang Yi's weekend schedule. Director Sun called Fang Yi and told Fang Yi that he would have a big client tomorrow morning and asked him to come to the office at nine o'clock in the morning and follow him to negotiate. If the negotiation was successful, he would be given a reward of 5,000 yuan.

Fang Yi did earn some commissions some time ago, but he had to spend money on food, drinks, and anything else. In addition, the Justice Bureau had not allocated funds for the legal aid case he had done before. Director Sun asked him to do consulting work for a period of time. He had less than 4,000 yuan left in his hand. While making dinner, he was still thinking about making more money so that he could buy a laptop for his son. As a result, Director Sun's call came in the evening. This was simply a God-given opportunity, and he naturally couldn't refuse it.

In the office, Son Zhengyi put down the phone and began to think about how to establish a relationship with Zhou Defa, the big client he was going to meet tomorrow morning.

This Zhou Defa, Mr. Zhou, is not an ordinary person. He is worth much more than Yu Mantang and his wife. If we can establish a relationship with this Mr. Zhou, the Justice Law Firm will be able to take advantage of his little leaked cases in the future. A year and a half.

Thinking that he was already seventy years old and still had to worry about the business as a whole, Sun Zhengyi couldn't help but sigh. If he could hold onto President Zhou's thigh, he could still run the business in the future. He could just kneel and lick President Zhou all day long. It's hard to decide whether or not this old face can make a lot of money.

Since he was going to see a big client, he had to bring a younger brother with him. He felt a little unsure about going alone, but there were only two people in the office. Zhao Zhongcheng's reputation was so bad that he would know what was going on after just a little inquiry. It's okay to fool ordinary people in business, but it's definitely not okay to meet big shots.

Chu Huai's academic qualifications are not good, and his professional ability is also poor. When the time comes to talk, it will not be embarrassing enough if people ask some professional questions.

We will definitely meet many colleagues this time. If these two guys go, just the look in their eyes will persuade Director Sun to leave. So even if he is killed, these two great gods will not follow him.

After much selection, only Fang Yi was the most suitable, with his diploma and recent achievements, so Director Sun called him and asked him to follow him.

After receiving a call from Director Sun, Fang Yi thought about it. After negotiating with the client, Director Sun gave him a reward of 5,000 yuan. When did Director Sun become so generous? If it is true, this client is definitely not easy to negotiate with. Lawyer There will definitely be a fee, or the deal may not be negotiated at all. Director Sun is deceiving himself...

Early the next morning, Fang Yi said goodbye to his father and hurried back with Xiaozhi, first sending Xiaozhi to his ex-wife. After seeing Xiaozhi going upstairs, he came to the law firm without stopping.

Director, what kind of big customer is so urgent? Fang Yi quickly walked into the director's office and asked.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We have a big local boss named Zhou Defa, do you know? Director Sun asked with a happy face.

I don't know, is this person very powerful? Fang Yi asked confused.

“It’s not very powerful, it’s very powerful.

In his early years, he followed a group of people to the South and made his first pot of gold by reselling jeans, tape recorders and televisions. Back then, I was a timid student of law, more cautious than courageous. Otherwise, I would have gone to the south to make money like him, and now I am worth hundreds of millions. Director Sun boasted shamelessly.

What is this boss Zhou doing now? Fang Yi disagreed and thought to himself: Just brag, you will brag to death, even the experts in the county can't brag.

In fact, there are people like Director Sun everywhere, and Fang Yi has seen him before. He is timid when doing things, hesitant to look forward and backward, and he does not dare to try or rush forward. In hindsight, he is very skilled, as if he knows everything and is omnipotent. In fact, if you give him a chance to do something, he can't do anything well.

As soon as they are born, people are divided into three, six or nine levels. Some people are born to be adventurous and brave, while some people dare not leave even if they pave the way for them, and they can only talk and talk. The difference is so big!

Seeing that Fang Yi didn't follow up on his words, Director Sun was a little embarrassed: President Zhou is very powerful now. Have you heard of Defa Group? The headquarters is in the capital, so it belongs to him.

Because his hometown is in a natural village below our county, in order to support the development of his hometown, Mr. Zhou invested hundreds of millions of yuan to build a large cement factory with hundreds of employees. The cement plant is currently under construction and will be officially put into operation next year.

Originally, we had no chance to meet Mr. Zhou, but Mr. Zhou's old mother passed away not long ago, and he wanted to hold a funeral for his mother in his hometown village. It is said that many law firms in the county and city will send people there, mainly to take this opportunity to become familiar with each other and pave the way for future business expansion. Sun Zhengyi said.

Director, such a big company should have its own legal advisor. Did we really have a chance in the past? Fang Yi frowned and said.

The key is here. Defa Group has its own legal advisor, and it is also a large law firm in Beijing. However, the cement plant they built this time is in our county. Their legal advisor cannot quench their thirst. Less than.

Even the city's lawyers saw this opportunity, but they also found it inconvenient to travel back and forth to the county. Let's set up a separate point, it's not worth it. This leaves us with an opportunity. Sun Zhengyi explained proudly.

After listening to this, Fang Yi felt a chill in his heart. It seemed that Director Sun had deceived him this time: first, the reputation and reputation of Zhengyi Law Firm in the county were not the best; second, the lawyers in the firm could handle minor disputes fairly well. As a legal consultant for such a large company, I have no experience and no ability to deal with complex problems. I am afraid that I will be rejected immediately as soon as I introduce the lawyers and law firms; 3. If this newly-established company is really To make money, a big law firm in Beijing or a big law firm in the city can send one or two lawyers to be stationed there, and distance is not a problem at all.

Seeing Director Sun's high-spirited state, Fang Yi was embarrassed to pour cold water on him and prepared to follow him. Quan thought it was time to see the world.

As soon as they left, Director Sun and the two drove out of the county.

Director Sun originally wanted to go to the funeral supplies store to buy a large wreath and send it to him, but the clerk told him that it was out of stock. It was sold out yesterday. The goods were being adjusted in the past two days, and he would have to wait until tomorrow morning at the earliest.

Director Sun couldn't afford to wait, so he called and asked around, and found out that there was a wreath-tying craftsman in the village below, and his family should be alive. He took Fang Yi to the village and bought the largest wreath.

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