Lawyer's character

Chapter 54 Li Laoqing

Fang Yi took his son to the amusement park for a whole morning. At about noon, he went to KFC to have something to eat, and then rushed to the village.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon when we entered the village. As soon as we entered the village, Fang Yi smelled the smell of food. This smell of food was not the smell of cooking at home, but the smell of banquets during weddings and weddings.

When he walked into the house, his father Fang Youcai was sitting on a thick cushion made of corn husks, smoking dry tobacco. When he saw Fang Yi and his son entering the house, he raised his head and said, Why are you back here? Have you had lunch?

After eating, I took Xiaozhi to the amusement park for a while in the morning. As he said that, Fang Yi carried the suitcase into the house, then turned around and came out, washed his hands next to the water pipe and asked: Dad, I bought you two A bucket of elderly milk powder, high in calcium. You can drink it later.

I'm in good health, why would I buy that thing? It's quite expensive! After hearing his son's words, Fang Youcai said this, but his heart felt warm.

Dad, who is doing business in our village? As soon as we entered the village, we could smell the banquet. Fang Yi continued.

Li Laoqing from the east end of the village is gone. His nephews and nephews are helping with the funeral arrangements. There is a funeral today. I just came back from his house. Fang Youcai took the brass pipe pot away from his mouth. said.

Who is Li Laoqing? Why don't I remember it? Fang Yi wiped his hands and tried to remember, but he couldn't get the number right.

You study away from home all year round and spend little time at home. It's normal that you can't remember Li Laoqing.

He is an old boy with three brothers and two sisters. Back then, his father favored boys over girls and loved him the most. When his family usually eats, his mother and two sisters are not allowed to serve it. During the New Year, they buy some delicious food and stick to him.

Later, his brothers and sisters got married and got married, and they all got married, but he was the only one at home. To put it bluntly, the new term is gnawing at the old age. He was idle at home all day long, wandering around the streets.

There were quite a few people who introduced him to people, but he relied on his family's good conditions and was so good at choosing them that his parents didn't even see him get married until they died. Later, his brothers and sisters could no longer control him, so they left him to hang out in the village and remain a bachelor for the rest of his life. Only you can make money.

Oh, I remember. When I was a child, my mother once steamed a lot of potatoes. I took a few potatoes in a porcelain bowl and took them to the door to eat. He came to the door of our house and told me to try it.

As a result, I watched helplessly as he gave me a bowl of potatoes to eat. After eating, he wiped his mouth and left, and I burst into tears. My mother came out to see me crying like a tearful person. After asking about it, she told me to stay away from him in the future. He was just a bastard. The Lord awaits death. Fang Yi recalled the past.

Yes, that's him! This guy is really not that good.

At that time, pot menders came to the village. The villagers brought leaky pots and basins to others and gave them craft money.

Li Laoqing also brought a Lv basin to let others mend it. Just mend it, and it is not mending for anyone. After the repair was done, he was asked to pay, but it turned out that he was fine. He told them to go home and get the money, but ended up going to a neighbor's house to chat for a while, and then went out to meet the mender and said that he had no money at home.

How can this be done without paying for the work? They are craftsmen and they rely on their crafts to make a living. Li Laoqing was really embarrassed. He told people that he had no money and asked them to restore Lu Pen to its original state without any repairs.

Anyone who encounters such a customer will be angry. If he can't afford to offend him and can't afford to hide, he will put away his business, put on his bicycle and leave. Fang Youcai said expressionlessly. But it could be heard from his tone that he looked down on Li Laoqing.

Grandpa, why don't they go to court to sue him? Do you want money for crafting? Fang Anzhi, who was playing with the black dog's neck, suddenly interjected.

The yamen door opens to the south. If you have a reason, don't come in if you don't have money. It's not enough to go to the court for something as big as sesame seeds and mung beans. Besides, people can't afford it, so it's not worth it! Fang Youcai looked at his grandson with a smile.

Li Laoqing is so cunning, he must have saved a lot of money! His nephews and nephews should be able to get some benefits by helping him handle his funeral affairs. Fang Yi said with a smile.

What benefits are you getting! Yesterday I went to have a banquet, and the villagers chatted and said that he borrowed money from the canteen at the entrance of the village and left a note worth more than 3,000 yuan. He still hasn't paid it back. Now it's better. He's dead. , Who can I ask for payment from?

There were only two dilapidated houses in the house. His nephew and his nephew planned to sell the house to Li Jiu's family next door in exchange for money to pay off his debts. If there was any surplus, they would cover the expenses for the funeral arrangements. This was also the intention of his brothers and sisters.

After saying that, Fang Youcai put away his pipe and pot and straightened up: The old man in the village told him back then, Lao Qing, you have to get married and have children to raise a heir, and you can't cut off your incest.

Li Laoqing was just thinking. He said that this is how people live their lives. If there are children in this generation, who knows if they will have children in the future. Instead of spending money to build a house, marry a wife, and raise children, it is better to have children by yourself. Be happy and save yourself from working for them all day long.

This man has his own life! Everyone has their own way of living.

After saying that, he took the little black dog and Fang Anzhi out to play with his hands behind his back.

yes! A person has one life, and he can only run his own life. It doesn't matter what others say. Fang Yi looked up at the blue sky.

When the sun went down, Fang Yi prepared dinner, put the food and wine on the table, and waited for the grandson and grandson to come back for dinner. After a while, Fang Youcai came back with his grandson.

Grandpa, why do those people on the roadside always point at us? Fang Anzhi muttered and asked.

Don't worry about them. They're just a bunch of idle talkers after dinner. Fang Youcai spat and said harshly.

No need to ask, Fang Yi also knows what the people in the village are pointing and talking about on the roadside. It is nothing more than this matter about the Fang family.

There is a group of bored old women in the village who like to gather outside the village entrance shop after dinner, chatting about things like home, family, home, and knitting sweaters while eating melon seeds.

Even if a big yellow dog ran over, they could still chat for more than half an hour, which is so idle that it hurts. There is no big or small incident in the village that can be hidden from them, and this group of people relies on this to survive.

After dinner in the evening, Fang Anzhi went to bed after running around all day. Fang Yi and his father smoked and chatted casually.

Aunt Li from the village next door to us came over yesterday and wanted to introduce her niece to you. It is said that the girl is serving dishes in a restaurant in the city and she is very nice. How about you... Fang Youcai didn't finish his words before he was called by Fang Youcai. Yi interrupted.

Dad, don't worry about me. I'm almost forty, let's make money first! Fang Yi felt helpless.

Fang Youcai stood up, went outside the door, knocked on the pot, cleaned up the ashes, and then walked back with his hands behind his back: She is a young girl, although she has no education..., you will not suffer any loss if you get divorced!

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