Zongwu: Madam, please respect yourself

Chapter 120 Leisurely Peach Blossom Island (Please vote and subscribe.)

Li Qingluo hurriedly went to Peach Blossom Island to select a place and prepared to start building her Mantu Villa.

Because the requirements for her Mantuo Villa are relatively high, she must first choose a place before going to places like Fujian or Lin'an, Zhejiang to recruit craftsmen.

Wang Yuyan was temporarily assigned to Guo Fu and planned to live with Guo Fu.

Wu Gong was taken by Huang Rong to live in a separate room in the bamboo forest.

"How's it going? Have you remembered the route in?" Huang Rong asked Wu Gong, "Do you want me to take you through it again?"

Wu Gong shook his head: "That's no need. I've looked at the traps along the way. It's almost impossible to cause any harm to me. You can remember it by walking a few more times. If you go the wrong way, just treat it as a deepening problem." impression."

Huang Rong pursed her lips and lightly licked her lips with her tongue.

The wind on the island is strong, and although it is equally humid, the temperature is hot and not as mild as that of Jiangnan and Fujian.

If you are not careful, your mouth will soon become dry and flaky.

Hence the need to constantly lick your lips.

However, this situation should improve after the body adapts for a period of time.

Wu Gong also licked his lips subconsciously, and a smile gently formed on the corner of his mouth.

"Mom, it's windy on the island but it's also humid. I wonder if you have anything that can moisturize your lips. If you do, give it to me. I don't want my lips to be peeled and cracked when I wake up tomorrow morning. But it’s very painful.”

Huang Rong rolled her eyes and looked around cautiously. Some of them said with a guilty conscience: "Go, go, just drink some water and moisten it. Don't pretend to be pitiful here. I'll take you to your house!"

The two of them walked in the bamboo forest one after another.

Walking in the bamboo forest, the air is fresh and there is no unpleasant fishy smell at all.

Is this why bamboo is planted on the island?

In addition to setting up the maze, the more important purpose is to purify the air, otherwise the smell of the seaside will still be unpleasant.

"These bamboos were planted by your god-grandmother when I was just born. In order to grow these bamboos, your god-grandfather and god-grandmother spent a lot of time digging an underground canal to successfully grow these bamboos. After the bamboos took root and were carefully cultivated, they finally got used to the harsh environment of the island.

Of course, necessary pruning is also necessary. If it is not pruned on time and at certain points, the bamboos will grow dense and thick, completely blocking the route to the island. "Huang Rong stretched out her hand and gently pointed at a crooked bamboo, flicked her fingers, and the whole bamboo was immediately split into two from the middle. Then Huang Rong took the broken part and threw it into the depths of the bamboo forest.

"This matter was originally arranged for Fu'er, but now it should be done by brothers Da Wu and Xiao Wu. Don't laugh, this is your job too.

I will mark a corresponding area for you, and every morning you will be responsible for breaking off all the crooked bamboos and throwing them into the depths of the bamboo forest. "

Huang Rong looked at the gloating expression on Wu Gong's face, and immediately said the words that made his expression freeze: "If I find you being lazy, you will be finished! Believe me, you will definitely not be able to bear the punishment." "Yes." After Huang Rong finished speaking, her face showed an expression of gloating, like a girl who had succeeded in her conspiracy, looking young and cute.

"Godmother!" Wu Gong suddenly screamed, wanting to beg for mercy. After all, this job sounded tiring and boring.

This kind of work is the most boring thing to do.

But it was a pity that Huang Rong had no intention of paying attention to him and walked forward on her own.

And he quickly cleared away all the crooked bamboos in front of him.

She was extremely fast and extremely skilled. It seemed that she had done it thousands of times and had already formed an instinctive reaction.

Wu Gong sighed and could only follow her.

This bamboo-like maze is really confusing.

After all, all bamboo is emerald green.

Under the reflection of these green bamboos, the human eye will soon become confused.

Therefore, once there is a fork in the road, the wrong choice will occur.

"Ever since this bamboo forest was designed, only two people have been able to get there by luck." Huang Rong's voice came from the front, "Of course, there is one person who cannot be counted as lucky. This person is your uncle. He forced He tore it all the way in and was invincible with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. But then he got a good beating from your godfather.

After all, these bamboos are all his hard work.

It's better for me to plead, otherwise he will have to grow bamboo here for the rest of his life. "

"What about another one?"

"That's a man named Zhang Cuishan. There are seven knights in Wudang, called the Wudang Seven Swords. This Zhang Cuishan is one of them. His luck is extremely good. Although his kung fu is not very good, he just relies on his own intuition. Break through forcefully. Of course, that happened several years ago. I seriously doubt that it was your godfather who set you off. After all, the most terrifying thing about this bamboo forest is not the traps and mazes in it, but your godfather's flute. .

Your godfather's flute is very terrifying. He can use his internal energy to produce vocal music, which can make people overturn their abilities and cause them to suffer extremely serious internal injuries without even realizing it. In this way, even if there is a map, it is impossible to walk in. "As Huang Rong was talking, she suddenly stretched out her hand to hold two thick bamboos, and then pulled them hard. There was originally a dead end in front of her, but with this pull, the bamboos that seemed to be growing on the ground were actually pulled. It moved, revealing a green path behind: "Remember this mechanism. When you see these two bamboos, hold the two bamboos and pull them back. The speed must be fast, otherwise other mechanisms will be triggered. ! "

Wu Gong nodded thoughtfully and continued to follow Huang Rong.

"This Peach Blossom Island turned out to be your godfather's secluded place, so this continuous set of mechanisms was installed to prevent outsiders from coming in, so that he would not be disturbed.

But later, because of Fu'er's birth, the island became noisy. Your godfather is a very quiet person and can't stand the noise.

But he couldn't bear to let go of his granddaughter, until Fu'er grew up to ten years old. He really couldn't stand being pestered by Fu'er to play around every day, so he sneaked out after dinner one night, leaving only a piece of writing to tell us. He went out on his own, and then he didn't know where he went.

Originally, we went out this time to find your godfather, but instead of finding your godfather, we found a little bastard like you. "As Huang Rong spoke, she turned around and reached out to grab Wu Gong's ears, staring at him fiercely: "Little bastard, do you remember what I just said to you? "

When Wu Gong's body is not inflated, his body is no different from that of an ordinary teenager.

Being dragged up in the air by his ears like this made him feel a lot of pain, and he immediately grinned and nodded desperately: "I heard it, I heard it, don't worry, Godmother! I will definitely not go looking for you."

Huang Rong then released her palm.

"Let's go, I'll continue to take you to see."


"You are so beautiful!" Guo Fu looked at Wang Yuyan's face that looked like a fairy descending from heaven. Although there was a hint of jealousy in her heart, she still expressed her most intuitive feeling.

The woman in front of me is so beautiful.

It was unimaginable that she was a human being and not a goddess.

Guo Fu is actually not ugly. As the daughter of Huang Rong's excellent genes, she has perfectly inherited Huang Rong's appearance. But compared with Wang Yuyan, she is still inferior.

After all, Wang Yuyan's father is Duan Zhengchun.

Although Duan Zhengchun is a scumbag, he is also extremely handsome. Otherwise, there would not be so many beautiful heroines in the world falling in love with a person like him. In addition, Wang Yuyan's mother is Li Qingluo with peerless appearance.

Under such circumstances, Guo Fu was defeated easily.

Wang Yu smiled sweetly, glanced sideways at Da Wu and Xiao Wu who were stunned and curled his lips unhappily.

She didn't like being looked at like this, it reminded her of Duan Yu who had been pestering her.

However, it would be great if Wu Gong could look at himself with such an expression.

Guo Fu immediately noticed something strange about Wang Yuyan and immediately drove Da Wu and Xiao Wu away.

Before, she could unite with Da Wu and Xiao Wu to bully Yang Guo, but that was because the little beggar was too annoying, acting like the boss of the world and the second in command.

But now even though she was jealous of Wang Yuyan, she couldn't do anything to let the two boys bully her.

Besides, Guo Fu seemed to like Wang Yuyan's gentle tone.

After all, she is just an inexperienced girl, her emotions are written on her face, and she is not easy to hold grudges, not to mention that this grudge is just her one-sided jealousy.

Wang Yuyan was held by Guo Fu's hand and walked deep into the bamboo forest. The two of them chatted while walking.

As we chatted, the conversation turned to Wu Gong.

"Sister Fu'er, do you know who the biological parents of brother Wu Gong are?"

Guo Fu shook her head and blushed slightly: "I don't know either, but my mother told me that he found Wu Gong in Lujiazhuang in the south of the Yangtze River."

"I think the gold hairpin on your head is very beautiful. Where did you buy it?"

"Ah, that was given to me by a man. I like it very much! How about it? It looks nice, doesn't it?"

"Oh!" Wang Yuyan was silent for a while, then said: "Then do you like him? Do you like the person who gave you the golden hairpin?"

Guo Fu was suddenly startled and her cheeks turned completely red. However, she did not tell the truth. Instead, she grabbed Wang Yuyan's hand and ran deep into the bamboo forest: "Your house is over here. Mother said that you can stay with me for the time being." living together.

My room is next door. If you need anything, just knock on my door.

There are a lot of snakes, rats, insects and ants on the island, but don’t worry, I will help you sprinkle it with realgar powder in a while, and it will be gone after that! "

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