Chapter 58 of the World of Syndrosis and Womanhood


Baili Qianchuan was lying alone on the bed, holding the back of his head with both hands, his eyes flashing all at once, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a smile.

After all, it’s still so cool.

In one day, he actually had two girlfriends, which he would not have dared to think about before.

However, because Tan Lidu became his girlfriend, his system side quests could not be completed.

Can’t you just destroy your own girlfriend, right?

But the power of the alien knight in her body, it doesn’t seem to be good if it is not cleared, it is more reliable to clear it.

If she wants to transform, she can buy her a set of transformation equipment through the system.

Just do what you say.

Baili Qianchuan walked around the system mall and found what he was looking for.

[Player Drive, Price: 10 bonds].

[Prototype all-round action X transfer cassette, price: 6 bonds].


Consume 16 bonds, and leave 10 bonds.

The player driver and prototype all-around action X turn play cartridge appeared out of thin air in Baili Qianchuan’s hands.

Looking at the two familiar things in his hand, Baili Qianchuan smiled faintly.

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid’s drama, he has also seen it, this set of equipment, is what Tanli should have.


The next day.

Tanshi Group.

Office of the President.

“Chikawa-kun! People miss you~! ”

As soon as Baili Qianchuan came in, Tan Li ran up with small steps, and a flutter fell into his arms.

“Why, how to look like a little girl, how to say that you are also the president of the Tan Group, pay attention to the image.”

Baili Qianchuan complained while holding Tan Li Pocket.

Actually, what a fragrance….

“There is no one in the office, what are you afraid of, people just miss you, people still want to build a business empire for you, you see I came to work so early.”

“It’s really good,” Baili Qianchuan touched her hair dotingly, “Work or something, let it go first, I have something to talk to you about.” ”

“What’s going on?”

Tan Li looked at Baili Qianchuan with big eyes.

“The power of the alien knight is not good in your body, so I decided to help you clear it and then give you another power.”

Baili Qianchuan took out the player driver and the prototype all-round action X to play the cassette, and gestured in front of Tan Libi.

“What is this?”

“This is the power that suits you, but before that, I need to clear the power of the alien knight from your body, are you willing?”

“Of course, as long as I can help Chikawa-kun, I can do anything, but how can I eliminate the power of the alien knight in my body?”

“You become an alien OOO, I will use the power of OOO to defeat you, and the power of the alien knight in your body will disappear.”

Tan Libi nodded without hesitation, “Okay, then come on~”

Baili Qianchuan put the player drive and cassettes on the table, and the space-time drive appeared on his waist, and then said to Tanli: “Transform.” ”


Tanli Pocket’s body lit up with purple light, the light flashed, and Tanli Pocket turned into an alien OOO.

Baili Qianchuan secretly shook his head, but he didn’t expect that he still wanted to kick his girlfriend, what a sin….

I already knew that yesterday was a little ruthless, and I solved the heterogeneous OOO with one kick.

Sin is blamed, but the result is still good.


“Kamen.Rider.Zi-O! (Kamen Rider Time King!) )”

“Armor.Time! (Armor Moment!) )”

“TAKA! TOKA! BATTA! (Eagle!) Tiger! Migratory locust! )”


As the side shot effect falls, Hyakuri Chikawa transforms into the OOO armored Shiwang.

“It may hurt a little, you bear with it.” Baili Qianchuan said lovingly.

Tan Li grinned and said easily: “It’s okay, there is no need to be burdened, just come on, as long as I can help Qianchuan-kun, let me do anything.” ”

Hearing this, Baili Qianchuan’s heart was touched.

How does it sound, something damn touching….

“Bear with me, I’ll control the power.”

“Finish.Time! (The end moment!) )”

“OOO! (Oz! )”

“Scanning.Time.Break! (Scan Time Crush!) )”

A hundred miles of thousands of rivers jumped up, three O-shaped coin-like apertures appeared in the air, through the aperture and kicked down, intersecting with the alien OOO.


A flame burst open, the flames gradually dispersed, Tan Li lay on the ground, a piece of watch rolled out of her body, and disappeared with a bang into powder.

“Little pocket!”

Baili Qianchuan lifted his transformation and stepped forward to help Tan Li Pocket.

Tan Libi slowly opened his eyes and said gently, “Qianchuan-kun…”

“Are you all right?”

Just now, Baili Qianchuan had already controlled the power, and reasonably speaking, it should not hurt Tanlibi, but he still couldn’t help but want to care about her.

Probably because I kicked her, I feel guilty….

“It’s okay~” Tan Li answered with a smile, stood up under the help of Baili Qianchuan, and glanced at his hands, “My strength has really disappeared.” ”

If no one could knock her down before, even if she was temporarily knocked down, she could stand up an infinite number of times.

But just an ordinary blow from a hundred miles and thousands of rivers really made her power disappear.

Is this the power of love…?

“It’s okay, come and try your new power.”

Baili Qianchuan picked up the player’s drive and cassettes on the desktop and handed them to Tan Libi.

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