Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 328 If you want to win a heart, you have to eat the forbidden fruit

"Do you want me to demonstrate?"

Hearing the gentle female voice ringing in his ears, Roland also subconsciously turned his head.

Does Jibril feel particularly proactive today?

As a rather carnivorous guy, between Roland and Jibril, everything that was supposed to happen had already happened naturally.

What's strange is that Jibril didn't have much feeling about this aspect when she fell into Roland's clutches. After confirming the possibility, the girl became quite proactive.

Although she is not very mature in all aspects, and because she is recovering, Jibril is growing older every day, and her curiosity is getting deeper and deeper. Therefore, Roland is really working hard compared to simply enjoying it.

But to be fair, even if he was not completely satisfied, Roland was still very happy during this process with the Flügel's talent and terrifying physical fitness.

In normal times, he would naturally not refuse to respond to Jibril's request, and he wouldn't care even if Hubie was nearby. Anyway, the other party is now disconnected from the connector, so there is no need to worry about the online mode.

But perhaps because Jibril's teasing words triggered some pattern in Hubi, the little girl sat upright and looked at the two people hugging each other with eyes that were emotionless, as if they were recording a serious matter.

This feeling is too subtle. Am I a lion on the grassland?

Because he recalled some documentaries from his previous life, Roland's rising desire immediately dissipated a lot.

"Hubby, what are you doing?"

"[Answer] Record the demonstration method of obtaining hearts from different races." Hubi sat upright, without any awareness that he was ruining the atmosphere. "[Question] Your excitement has gradually declined. Is it because this machine is not ideal as an observation object?"

"This is no longer a question of whether it is ideal or not," Roland sighed with a wry smile, "If you are unwilling but unable to resist the atmosphere, it's just a sight that gradually sinks. Being stared at by such cold eyes always makes me It feels like I’m filming some kind of science and education film.”

"If Lord Roland wants to film it, I will welcome it," Jibril chuckled. "It would be an interesting idea to use Lord Roland as the male protagonist to evaluate the sixteen races."

"No, it's too unsatisfactory to waste time on this on the eve of the establishment of the Elkia Grand Alliance... Although I don't deny that this matter is indeed very exciting."

Roland shrugged and took Jibril's hand away from his body.

This behavior made Hubie tilt his head.

"[Question] Master, do you want to stop this demonstration?"

"Yes, let me find another suitable template for you. It is indeed a bit strange to be recorded like this."

He picked up Jibril in his arms and prepared to go to the other side to continue what he had just finished. However, a small white hand had already grabbed the hem of his clothes.


"[Answer] The record will become an important sample for analyzing the heart. Compared with the distorted secondary record, I want to record it personally." Hubie was silent for a moment, then stared at Roland's pupils and said these words .

"[Request] If the master doesn't want to be watched by this machine, how about exchanging the demonstration and recording objects?"


Looking at the expressionless girl, Roland raised his eyebrows.

Although I really want to reject Hubi righteously, but as the old saying goes, human beings always make compromises.


"Happy to oblige!"

Because she saw the interesting development, the dissatisfaction in Jibril's eyes was immediately replaced by a curious gaze. She gently flew out of Roland's arms and quickly used several spells to transform the interior of the rocky mountain where Roland was. It is a place that no detection equipment can find.

Then, she began to observe Hubie's reaction with interest.

Wearing a robe with a hood that hung down to her knees and rabbit ears, the cute and petite girl looked at Roland with an upright face as if she had not yet understood the current situation, with a dark and unclear smile flashing in her red eyes. Light, thin lips parted lightly.

"[Question] Has Hubie's request been approved?"

Hubi raised his pretty face slightly, and his eyes, which exuded inorganic light, were staring at Roland quietly.

"Permission granted."

After confirming that Roland's answer was another formal affirmation, Hubi walked directly to Roland without hesitation.

Roland took a deep breath, restrained his inner urge to hold him in his arms and rub him around, and then asked the first question before officially starting.

"But before that, Hubby, do you really understand what you should do?"

The girl tilted her head slightly and looked at Roland.

"[Confirmation] Communicate through skin-to-skin contact, synchronize thoughts and thoughts by imitating the same actions, understand each other's thoughts, and thus infect the key substances that lead to the soul. Is this an analysis error?"

Without even a moment to think, Hubie gave the answer expressionlessly.

"That's the theory, but if you can understand each other's thoughts just by having a skin-to-skin contact, humans wouldn't have to work so hard."

Roland looked at Hubie who was already sitting on top of him and said patiently.

"But it doesn't hurt to give it a try first."

For a girl who already has a strong self-will, Roland will never be bound by the so-called sense of morality. As long as she can make the other party fall, it doesn't matter if she is a bit bad. Anyway, moral integrity cannot be eaten.

However, Hubei prefers the process of dyeing it with his own color bit by bit, as pure white as a canvas without any stain.

Anyway, even if the process takes a little longer, nothing will change what happens next.

Roland reached out and stroked Hubi's soft hair, his eyes lingering on the girl's body.

Hubi still had no idea how dangerous his situation was, and moved his thighs slightly to make his posture more stable.

Along with this action, a piece of fair thigh skin was inevitably exposed under the hood of the girl's wide robe.

Roland also took advantage of the situation and hugged Hubi's soft and delicate body. It was obviously a machine, but the smell of the girl's body could not smell anything strange at close range. Only a faint fragrance could be transmitted to his nose.

The next moment, Hubi's whole body was attached.

The touch of the smooth and warm skin and the girl's confused eyes made Roland take a deep breath and look at Hubie expectantly.

Then, as Jibril watched, the atmosphere between the two was suddenly enveloped in peaceful silence.

When Roland's enthusiasm cooled down a bit, Hubie took the initiative to speak.

"[Question] You are not excited about this machine because it is not attractive?"

Faced with this question, Roland was a little bit dumbfounded.

After seeing Roland's expression, Hubi seemed to realize something. He imitated Roland's way of stroking her hair, stretched out his hand and touched Roland's cheek.

The temperature of the machine's palm is not very high, and there is a slight cold feeling in the delicate fingertips.

This cautious exploration made Roland feel a little itchy, and the unsettled tingling feeling, as if a tiny electric current was traveling on his skin, was strangely comfortable.

The sensory stimulation made Roland, who was about to speak, shut his mouth again and let Hubi do whatever he wanted.

Hubi did not speed up the progress, but used a very gentle force to gradually increase the range of contact.

Although it seems a bit inexplicable, for the Ex-Machina, this may be to confirm that the information is recorded in detail, but to be honest, even if there is no need to demonstrate this excuse, Roland will not resist this behavior.

While Roland was thinking, Hubie had already finished stroking his cheek. Then, the girl's fingers just paused for a moment before touching the neck without hesitation, and gradually spread towards the abdomen, as if to It's like engraving Roland's existence in your mind.

As the lower position became more and more unique, Roland inevitably snorted.

This completely different reaction from before made Hubi speed up the frequency while looking at Roland seriously.

"[Understanding] The so-called skin-to-skin contact is indeed a metaphor for the act of reproduction."

"Huh? So Hubby means..."

Roland pretended to be serious, but Hubie never intended to be secretive.

"[Conclusion] You can obey your desires and ravage this machine."

"Huhu, you are indeed a piece of scrap metal that doesn't understand emotions," Jibril, who was in the air, showed a bright smile because of Hubi's speech, and sighed in a proud tone: "What do you think of Lord Roland? It’s just that this kind of little trick is as natural as breathing to this adult. At most, it is still far away from exploding like a wild beast!"

"Like breathing, isn't that a bit too much? Where did I come from as an innocent boy?"

Roland endured the shock-like feeling and responded helplessly to Jibril.

Although she always has good intentions, for some reason, Jibril always unconsciously puts Roland on a far-sighted and exhaustive level. Now the human race can so smoothly connect Roland's various scandals and murders. incident, her respectful attitude cannot be separated from it.

Hubie didn't stop what she was doing. She looked at Roland with a cold expression, which was enough to make an ordinary girl's blushing behavior not make her feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable.

But after hearing Jibril's words, she responded with a calm voice.

"[Understanding] That's it, the pattern is loading."

After a stream of information flashed through her eyes, the girl's mechanical actions gradually became more skillful.

From simple caressing to gentle kneading, although he was more unfamiliar with this aspect than Jibril at first, relying on the function of the analytical body and the fact that Roland could be found as a reference at any time for comparison, Hubi's rapid Make progress.

Seeing the huge contrast between the emotionless, calm and firm eyes and the extremely contrasting feelings on his body, Roland couldn't help but feel excited.

The attack was as fast as a bolt from the blue and then immediately calmed down by a gentle breeze. Amidst Roland's dry laughter and increasingly heavy breathing, Hubi stopped his attack with an expressionless face.

She studied the light in Roland's true red eyes that made her skin become hot unconsciously. After confirming that it was not fleeting, she nodded calmly.

"Miss Hubie?"

"[Confirmation] The apparent fluctuation of the mind has affected this machine, and the synchronization rate far exceeds the maximum value required for fusion."

This situation of no improvement made Roland frown slightly, but although his fair skin was slightly red, Hubi still did not forget his purpose.

"[Request] Breeding behavior with this machine."

"Hmm... Indeed, after all, the conditions have been met, so this request is natural."

Roland also showed a calm expression, "But - I refuse."

He is not a gentleman who can remain calm under such circumstances, and he does not intend to disappoint Hubi in this matter, but...

"Before you do this, you should have the corresponding configuration first."

Roland said helplessly, spreading Xiubi's forehead.

“I really don’t mind the vise-like feel, but it’s a bit insensitive to doing it with a real vise.”

Although Hubie is indeed an attractive girl on the outside, her skin is entirely made of cold machinery. As a combat weapon, she does not need to have this function, and naturally she will not have human-like organs.

Except for the necessary core, other parts exist to better exert the performance of the body. Even the internal organs do not exist, so naturally there will be no structure for such activities.

Although with Roland's current physical strength, if he really wanted to do it, it would not be nonsense, but the outcome of the destruction of the Hubi machine and the death of everyone is completely foreseeable.

Moreover, in the final analysis, Roland's xp is not as free as it is.

Seeing the troubled expression on Roland's face, Jibril's petite body kept rising and falling due to the violent laughter, and her face showed joy visible to the naked eye.

"[Negation] Without ingesting the necessary viruses and the source of life, the initial construction of the mind cannot be completed."

There was a look of dissatisfaction on the girl's face, and the force of her attack became a little stronger.

"It's useless even if you say this. Let's replace the accessories first!"

Just when the two of them were looking at each other in a stalemate, as if they were angry, Jibril, who was watching the fun and not taking it too seriously, said with a smirk, "That's not right, Lord Roland, have you forgotten that there is an idea to get the best of both worlds?"

"[Question] What is that?"

"Hmph," Jibril said proudly: "In the human race's spiritual equipment experiment, because of their weak bodies, there is no need to perform steps to synchronize their minds. They can directly use what they call the Sea of ​​Life. To sublimate.”

"Although we upper-class races have a little more trouble, after completing the synchronization, this principle can still be used. However, compared to the simple sea of ​​life, we need a higher concentration of substances to be able to do it. this point."


Roland's lips twitched when he realized what Jibril wanted to do, but he didn't make a sound to stop her.

This kind of behavior that seemed to be acquiescing made Jibril even more happy. She looked at Hubie and said in a persuasive way.

"The human species calls the Sea of ​​Life the Blood of God, and the substance that allows us to break through racial restrictions and possess a heart can undoubtedly be called forbidden fruit, so..." At this point, those who have never tried this act before Jibril also showed a hint of blush on her face.

"If you really want to win a heart - eat the forbidden fruit!"

Hubi didn't even hesitate for a moment after getting the answer. Although she was aware of Jibril's emotions, this theory was indeed correct. She slid her body down and spoke softly.

Even if he couldn't see Hubie's pupils at this moment, Roland's body became stiff, as if he was trapped in some heavy restraint.

Jibril, who was watching this scene intently, floated to Roland's side, opened her pale lips, and pressed them against Roland's earlobes. She gently stroked Roland's hair with her fingers, half teasingly, half sincerely. said softly.

"...Swallowed it, swallowed it!

——Lord Roland, how do you feel now? How does it feel! ? "

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