Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 225: Made in Heaven, it can surpass even light!

"Have you finally noticed my plan? Aozaki Aoko, you are indeed an excellent magician, but it's a pity that it's too late."

Roland did not hide his intentions in the face of similar changes in the consumption-themed Fifth Law.

"Creatures will not be affected by the acceleration of time. They will be sent to the new world as liabilities. In order to achieve balance, when accelerated to infinity, the universe can only use the previous one as a template. In the timeline that we have traveled through, it will be repeated again, that is, 'reincarnation'."

Aoko could understand what Roland was thinking. The concept of reincarnation was not uncommon. The Möbius strip and the Ouroboros were both widely spread concepts.

She can continuously send her debts to the past and future, and she takes advantage of this by jumping left and right to avoid paying the price.

Roland gained insight into the timeline of the universe through magic. Based on this, when time accelerates to the end, what will be born will no longer be a new dawn, but the necessity that has already happened once.

The singularity that caused the creation of the universe is inevitable, and the singularity that caused the destruction of the universe is also inevitable. In the new universe, the position and distribution of the Milky Way, the solar system, and even all planets, the birth of the earth, and the emergence of human beings will all be unchangeable. things.

Even if there are external forces that want to distort this, in order to repay the debt represented by the creatures that were saved by Roland and came to the new world from the previous universe without destruction, the universe must follow this law and step by step eliminate those things that will cause accidents. factors are corrected, and this power is destiny.

Gods, planets, and restraining forces cannot escape this invisible bondage. The age of gods is destined to prosper and perish, and humans are destined to evolve into today's civilization.

People who met in the previous reincarnation are destined to meet each other, people who love each other are destined to fall in love, and all relationships will be preserved intact.

It sounds like this is a good thing. Aozaki Aoko is destined to inherit magic, is destined to become close friends with Yuzhu, and is destined to defeat that annoying sister.

Although Youzhu seems to be unable to escape from Roland's hands forever, it is no different from the future. Sooner or later, she will recognize this and gain happiness in her enlightenment.

The same is true for those whose lives are not going well, because they can foresee their next fate, but are powerless. In this case, they can only abandon those emotions and characters that cause uneasiness in the continuous reincarnation, and finally Enjoy all the happiness you can encounter in this process with a sublimated spirit.

In this kind of reincarnation, human beings may really be able to build a heaven on earth and gain eternal happiness.

But this is all from an individual point of view, from a magician's point of view, from a human point of view, and from a world point of view, this is simply despair like stagnant water.

All futures will be cut off, all possibilities will be wiped out, and this also means that the destruction of the world will become the real ending.

"Don't you understand what you are doing? Such acceleration will only bring about the arrival of the unchangeable end point in advance. If you continue to accelerate like this, even if you create a happy paradise in the new world, so what? What you have created Everything will be swallowed up by the result!"

Aozaki Aoko's face was pale, and what appeared on her face was not pure shock or anger, but an indescribable horror.

"Please, stop! Roland, if you decide to do this because of my disrespect, when you stop, I will give you as many lives as you want! Please don't continue!"

This is not alarmist. In the timeline that only magicians can see, Aozaki Aoko ten years later also understood the various endings of the world.

In a future where the will of the planet has come to an end, the iron-gray desert star has lost all vitality, and surface creatures adapted to the true ether are struggling to survive in the battle with uo, rushing towards destined destruction.

In the ending where the Great Source is exhausted, human beings use Mooncell's technology to achieve ascension and become information-based new humans. In the end, the distance between people is completely cut off, and even the concept of primates has disappeared.

In a universe that has broken away from shear and is composed of eternal fixed phenomena and followers, even though it is heading towards the sea of ​​stars, for an existence that cannot change itself, it is naturally impossible to talk about the future, and it can be considered half-dead at best.

Under existing conditions, destruction is inevitable.

And it is precisely because of this that one after another plans and disasters sweeping through human society will come, and it is incredible that the original intention of these plans is to save.

Regarding this point, the magicians and inhibitors have always just played the role of bystanders, letting each other walk beside the cliff, in order to increase the possibility of those crazy plans.

If these existing conditions can continue to increase, then the sixth method, which is absolutely impossible to be born in theory, will also have the possibility of sprouting.

After being accelerated by Roland, those parallel worlds and possibilities that were born in this universe that has continued to the present will become fixed matters, taking up most of the resources of the universe until the opponent's hardware completely collapses.

"Then what?"

As if he was finally moved by the pestering Aoko, Roland looked at Aozaki Aoko, because as time accelerated, just the action of lowering his head caused a vague phantom to appear all over Roland's body, and the space around him was like a blur. Faintly twisted like rising sun flames,

"Even if I stop accelerating, won't those irreversible fates cease to exist?"

Roland blocked Qingzi's mouth with a very simple question.

For this answer that could be given with just a nod, Aozaki Aoko froze on the spot.

Many magicians deny the existence of gods and even fate, believing that character, talent, and experience are the fundamental factors that determine the future. This statement is certainly correct.

But fate will not cease to exist just because it is not noticed.

Even if things are not fixed, it is the instinct of the world to choose the more convenient path.

It is precisely because of this that even if it continues to evolve, many paradoxical parallel worlds will occur, creating so-called world divergences.

Trapped in emotions, imprisoned in blood, buried in ideals, or swallowed up by one's own existence, all these have invisible pushing hands.

In this world with a predetermined outcome, many paranoid tragedies come from their inability to see their fate.

As an outsider, Roland neither wanted to be a big devil nor was he forced to be a savior. In order to avoid the indescribable fate that would trick him at any time, he simply took advantage of it first.

"Other people don't matter at all, but for me, the future is an endless road. To embark on it, I must have a transportation vehicle called the world. I like this place very much, but unfortunately, it is It’s locked.”

Having said this, Roland had a faint smile on his lips.

"As for removing this lock, I am still not good enough to do it now, so I used a more cunning method. Since this transportation tool has been locked, I will add another lock. Wouldn’t it be better? It would be better for everyone to just stop riding. It’s better to be patient, but I’m sure I won’t be the first to give up.”

"It really suits your style..."

Although he had a clear understanding of Roland's unfathomable lower limit, Qingzi still felt a breath holding in his chest and tightening uncomfortably after witnessing this scene.

"You are indeed still the bad bastard. Wouldn't such a tricky approach make you regret anything?"

"There will be shadows in the heart, don't regret in life... This kind of boring thought, like rat droppings in the toilet, will only lead to a person being indecisive and ultimately missing everything."

Roland's smile became more obvious.

"I, Roland, only have the simplest idea in my mind, the only one, which is to win and control everything. That's all. Only this idea can bring me a sense of satisfaction! Regarding the process and what method to use, etc. Yes, it doesn’t matter at all!”

Aozaki Aoko was speechless.

She could say that this statement was unreasonable, but in the end nothing would change. The true red heart wall was proof of Roland's growth to this day.

Seeing that the magician was rendered speechless by his own paranoia, Roland suddenly laughed uncontrollably.

When did the young man who felt overwhelmed in the cold wind in the park reach this starting point?

Recalling what I have done on this road, even though I have always been wary of the shortcomings of having a high self-esteem, the transformation along the way, coupled with the special nature of Qi Ling's golden finger, will inevitably make people worried.

But one thing was clear to Roland from the beginning. Even if there were changes, it did not mean that he was no longer himself.

The so-called self is essentially the logical proof of continuity.

As long as your next step can still overlap with your last step, and you will laugh for the same things, there is no need to fear or worry. The parts that are tempered and sacrificed in this choice are proof of growth.

No matter when or where, Roland is Roland.

"Speed ​​up! The new world that belongs to me, Roland! The paradise I expected!"

Amid some maniacal laughter, Aoko, who could barely capture the sunrise and sunset on the timeline to calculate fuzzy time, also completely lost this sense. The alternation between light and day and night was almost imperceptible.

The sun has turned into an indistinguishable band of light, with the same magical beauty as the current world.

Aozaki Aoko stepped out again. After breaking away from the existing timeline, she was also adapting to the unbridled view of the universe and adjusting the flow of time to shorten the distance between herself and Roland as much as possible.

If he had only been that close just now, he would never be able to get close to Roland for the rest of his life. Among this ability called Made in Heaven, he was the only one who was not affected by the acceleration of time and was at the same time flow rate as the universe.

No matter how fast you go in the material world, you can't get close to the opponent.

And with Qingzi's movements, everything blurred in his field of vision, like a colorful canvas.

Even if it is just a personal adjustment, it means leaving the original ecology and coming to the accelerated reality, but as long as the voice standing in the sky is still there.

Aozaki Aoko held her breath, with a high fighting spirit in her eyes. Even if the final result may be meaningless, if even the magicians give up, there will be no hope in this world.

"Magic bullet type adjustment, time axis acceleration"




The magic circle continued to unfold, making a harsh sound like the friction of a blade. The girl's red hair swayed like a burning flame.

Infinite magic power, infinite speed, and the awareness to bet the fate of all mankind, constitute the current Aozaki Aoko.

She couldn't keep up with the acceleration of the world, but at least she was able to keep up with the fifth method and not be left behind.

Even in Roland's opinion, her speed may be like that of a slow old man, but as long as she can be touched, it is meaningful.

The cyan glow continued to rise in the magic circle that enveloped it like a spiral, breaking through the sky and making an appalling noise when it collided with the material world.

At a speed that forcibly breaks through the limit, Aozaki Aoko's state becomes miserable every second, far better than Orange before.

The limbs were cut off directly, the internal organs and bones were kneaded together by the pressure, and the body was arbitrarily squashed and stretched by the space. Such pain was enough to make any determined warrior give up on survival, but the girl just took a breath of cold air and died. He bit his pale lips and didn't even make a groan.

If she hadn't kept throwing her injuries into the past, she would have died countless times.

But such efforts have also brought amazing results. Although the world's scenery is still as blurry as a disrupted oil painting, the lives that Aoko can still perceive have stopped for a long time.

At this speed, for those creatures, there is no difference between Aoko's acceleration and time-stopping.

But Roland still stood there, as if he didn't notice Qingzi's struggle at all.

"Stop it!"

The girl stood up and moved forward, blasting her fist that held the stars towards the god who played the music of all things with a sacred melody.

However, her fist stopped firmly in front of the vague phantom-like figure.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move forward an inch. Even the fifth method that could adjust the timeline seemed to be powerless.

But this is absolutely not right. Even in the new universe, magic is part of the rules of order. This should also be irreversible, otherwise Roland would not have to go out of his way to help him.

Unless... Roland is not in this position at all.

"Is it an afterimage? But I clearly touched it. How did you do it to form a physical afterimage in such an acceleration that time almost stopped?"

"It's very simple," Roland chuckled and turned his head slightly, "Qingzi, this is naturally because,

——Made in Heaven can surpass even light! "

"Then, let me say it again, time is starting to accelerate."

Then, the dazzling light at the end occupied the magician's entire field of vision.

Even though Qingzi kept her calm as much as possible from beginning to end, this feeling of powerlessness and weakness was the first time she felt it after gaining magic.

Except for the magic residing in her heart, she lost all perception. First, life on earth came to an end, and then the entire universe accelerated its demise.

When Qingzi regained his senses again, the first thing that appeared was the strange feeling of being as warm as his mother's arms and unable to distinguish the environment, and... the embarrassment of being naked.

"Where is this?"

Qingzi looked confusedly at the endless void where there was no light, but couldn't even make a sound. She could only tentatively stretch out her hand, hoping to use this move to regain a little bit of her own existence.

And, more importantly, why is there no unnecessary response from the fifth method that was clearly understood when the world was destroyed?

But then, another familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"This is the end of the universe. Even the singularity that destroyed everything has disappeared, but the singularity that gave birth to everything has not yet appeared. Nothing exists, and there is nothing."

That voice was full of playful laughter.

"Here, even the timeline is a 'nothing' that has never been born, so naturally there is no object that can be consumed by magic."

--heavy bomb.

For Aozaki Aoko, these soft words were no different than dropping a bomb in her heart.

She stood there in shock, her face full of disbelief.

"You're thinking……"

"That's right, it's what you think."

Roland's whole body began to light up with initial glimmers of light, and he answered Aozaki Aoko's questions with a smile.

"Qingzi, as promised,

——I'm here to challenge you. "

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