Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 211 The witch who sells herself

Kuonji Yuju bit her lower lip, and her delicate white hands were slowly clenched.

Although the Bridge Giant was instantly killed, as long as the core Ploy is still there, it can continue to be summoned, but the outcome of this war has been decided.

The Venus goddess who seemed to be very familiar with Roland was enough to change the direction of the situation, not to mention that Roland never took action.

Miss Witch sighed quietly in her heart.

She is not at the end of her rope yet, whether it is a robin or another familiar, but when the opponent is an existence from the age of the gods, no matter how she thinks about it, she has no chance of winning.

Yuju Kuonji is a rational and intelligent magician. She always makes the right decision. Her workshop has been breached and her trump card has been cracked. Although she wants to curse the other party, this is obviously not the time.

Finding a solution is the right way, regardless of whether the other party is a magician or not, but since Roland can get along with Orange, he has revealed a lot.

Magicians are ruthless egoists. In order to pursue the truth, they can do many crazy things that completely violate ordinary people's views.

Kuonji Yuju is convinced that the other party must have spent so much effort for some deeper goals.

Although Roland said he expected the results of the witch's bloodline when greeting him, Kuonji Yuju didn't think this was the other party's true purpose, and those words seemed more like provocation to her.

After all, the witch's curse shouldn't be a secret to him.

Roland was also stunned for a moment when he heard the witch's question.

What he wanted to get most from Kuonji Yuju was, of course, the other person himself.

From his soul to his body, including the bloodline inheritance that vaguely brought a foreboding, Roland didn't want to let it go.

But if you want the other party to accept it now, it is inevitable that there will be a little resistance. Although he does not deny that he is a bad person, Roland thinks that he is still very kind.

For such a rough thing, you still need to do some foreplay first.

"Miss Kuuanji, I need your presence to help me achieve a certain goal."

Roland thought for a moment and said these words.

"my existence?"

Not caring about the other party's goal, Kuuanji Youzhu raised his slender brows, with a suspicious look on his cold and pretty face.

"What do I need to do? If it's just ordinary help, there shouldn't be such a big battle, right?"

"That's right, because I don't want you to disobey my orders until you achieve that goal."

"Isn't this the same as being a slave?"

Seeing Roland say such shameless words while Kuonji Yuju didn't even say a word, Aozaki Aoko was furious.

"If you want to understand it this way, there is nothing you can do about it."

Roland showed a harmless smile, "However, given the current situation, I think this is a very reasonable condition."


"Calm down, Aoko."

But contrary to Aozaki Aoko's expectations, her cohabitant, who had always had high self-esteem, did not show an angry look, but looked at Roland seriously.

"I cannot accept such conditions. If you are really sincere, at least time and certain restrictions must be imposed on you."

Kuonji Yuju's tone was extremely cold. She didn't believe Roland's words, but this was an unanswerable multiple-choice question.

Whether it was the mansion left by her parents or herself, they were things that she could hardly let go of.

But according to the current situation, will Roland give up if he refuses?

It's nothing more than tearing apart and forcibly destroying everything. This ending makes no difference to Yuzhu.

Since she couldn't escape the other party's clutches whether it was people or land, she might as well want them all.

But Kuonji Yuju is not willing to completely hand over the initiative to Roland. Therefore, she must carefully test the opponent's bottom line and try to control this bad luck within the range that she can accept.

"No problem, then, just do as you say."

Without even making a counter-offer, Roland agreed to the conditions of Kuuanji Youzhu with a very generous attitude. Then, he took out a piece of paper from his arms, made a few random strokes on it, and let it float towards Kuuanji Youzhu.

Kuonji Yuju's eyes flashed sharply as he took the piece of paper that looked very frivolous, but for some reason it had a heavy texture when he touched it in his hand.

"This is……"

"Self-enforced certificate, upgraded version, made by the magician of the Gods. Because she attaches great importance to contracts, the effectiveness is also very terrifying."

Roland narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly.

"Sign it, and the agreement between us will be reached. Don't worry, I didn't do anything behind the scenes in the contract. If you don't believe me, you can ask the goddess next to me. Although she is on the same side as me, she will not use her credibility. joke."

"Well, there is indeed nothing wrong with the contract. I, Ishtar, can guarantee this with my honor."

Seeing this familiar scene, Ishtar was also stunned for a moment, and then quickly made a promise in Roland's smiling expression. He looked at Kuuanji Yuju and opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something else.

But Kuonji Yuju had already lowered his head. Seeing this situation, Ishtar could only sigh softly, and looked at the two people opposite him with even more pity.

"The guarantee from the gods is unnecessary. I don't even have the ability to judge whether the contract is true or false."

At this time, Aozaki Aoko also came over. Miss Witch hesitated for a moment, but still gave a little space to watch with her friends.

After confirming the above content word for word, Kuonji Yuju's eyes wandered over a certain line of text for a long time, and finally raised his head with some doubt.

Roland had no intention of talking at all and just spread his hands.

"In addition to my previous core requirements, if you feel dissatisfied with other conditions, you can raise them directly with me."

Kuonji Yuju stretched out her slender fingers, her eyes full of hesitation.

The reason she looked at Roland was not that any of the terms were too strict, but that they were too loose.

In addition to the fact that he must obey the other party's orders, Roland also imposed restrictions on himself in the contract.

Whether it was to ensure her property and personal safety, or not to issue orders that would cause her to strongly violate her will, even the time was not long, only one month.

Originally, the witch lady had planned to spend at least ten years working for others in vain. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the Clock Tower. Many wealthy magic families will give high-quality magicians high bonuses. To finance, if the other person is really talented, you have to work for them for several years to pay off the debt. If you can't pay back the debt, you will be absorbed into the family and become a branch.

"Youzhu, you can't sign... Even if there are restrictions, but with this guy being so powerful and yet having such a bad character to play this kind of cat-and-mouse game, I don't know what he will do with this vague clause in the future!"

Aozaki Aoko clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

"I can only accept it," Kuonji Yuju said in a rather calm tone, "I lost this magic battle, and everything from the position to the technique was cracked. As a loser, this price is already tolerable. "

Although she was comforting her friend in a low voice, Kuonji Yuju seemed to be looking for reasons for herself.

She held the contract in her hand tightly, her expression changing.

She was still hesitant to compromise.

Even the loose terms cannot change the fact that this is essentially an unequal contract of sale. Once signed, she may not even have the right to commit suicide.

A shaken heart cannot change the facts. Kuonji Yuju is keenly aware of the inexplicable chaos in Roland. Unlike Aoko, the other party is an anomaly and will not be denied by vague reasons.

Finally, when the witch began to struggle, Roland ended all her delusions with very simple words.

"Miss Kuonji, you don't want to see anything happen to the inheritance left by your parents, right?"

After hearing this, the girl sighed, but Aozaki Aoko signed her name on the contract with helpless eyes.

"I hope you keep your promise."

Looking at the witch who seemed to accept her fate, Roland laughed secretly in his heart.

Although she behaves very coldly and decisively, in essence, this fairy tale witch, like Aozaki Aoko, is just a child who grew up in the countryside. Compared to those guys in the city, she is still a little too naive.

He had accidentally exposed part of his bad character because he was so complacent before, but the other party still didn't break out of the magician's fixed thinking.

The reason why Roland doesn't care about time is because when this contract becomes 'real', it becomes part of destiny, and external time is not a limit at all.

However, it doesn't matter even if there is no such thing. Roland gave such a two-way contract and arbitrarily compromised on his own conditions in order to create the current situation. As long as Kuonji Yuju cannot disobey him, then the new You can sign as many copies of the contract as you want.

After leaving Fuyuki City and going back ten years ago, there are indeed benefits. For example, a certain well-known thing is no longer well-known.

No... there is still someone who knows.

Thinking of this, Roland turned his head and looked at Ishtar next to him, his eyes flashing.

While no one was paying attention to her just now, the goddess was tirelessly counting the number of gems in her hands.

"One, two, three...ten."

Roland had heard such a subtle and smiling voice no less than five times.

At this moment, Ishtar felt sincerely happy. Although she had obtained more gems than this when she possessed Rin before, they had to be divided in half after all. How could there be such a fragrance that is unique to her?

"Ishtar, are you satisfied with the form of this cooperation?"

When Roland spoke, Ishtar also raised his face from the shining gem and said seriously.

"What do you want to do? Say it first, I will not sign any contract with you, even if it is made by the gods!"

"I just want to turn this employment into a long-term one. I just need to make a verbal agreement. Every time I call you, I will give you ten gems as the base price. I will give you bonuses based on the strength of the enemy. We will end the contract in person. What do you think?" how?"

Hearing Roland's words, the arrogant goddess first showed a hint of joy, and then pretended to be reserved.

"Because of the fate you have established with Rin, this goddess agreed to this contract."

"So. The deal is established. Now, let me prepare the gems for your help for the second time."

"Hey, you still have to prepare for this..."

Before the smiling Ishtar showed a confused expression, Roland stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. The next moment, before the goddess realized what had happened, she turned into a stone statue again.

Roland quickly took back the gems from Ishtar and threw them one by one into the shadows.

In a sense, this goddess is even easier to deceive than Yuju Kuonji. She can't walk when she sees the gem, and she even forgets to ask her about her current state.

Of course, for Roland, this is undoubtedly a lot more convenient.

"One, two...ten, very good, they are all here," he stretched out his hand and touched Ishtar's head, showing a pleased expression.

"What a pleasant transaction. I will continue to work hard next time, Ishtar."

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