Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 159 You are all my wings!

Roland was completely covered in the light orange liquid without any resistance.

LCL liquid, this light orange viscous liquid water, has always been jokingly called 'orange juice', but as far as Roland's experience is concerned, the difference between them is quite big.

When being wrapped in this liquid, Roland felt that the power and thinking of his mind were being continuously amplified, as clear as a short-sighted person putting on glasses for the first time.

He could hear the voices of the adventurers below, the uneasiness and expectations in the hearts of the Orario survivors on the surface, and even feel the curious dungeon itself that kept trying to peek through the cocoon of the world.

The most important thing is that this liquid itself is also a good medium. It not only provides mental and physical protection, but also can maintain the existence of life. In it, except for warmth and peace of mind, he does not feel any abnormal emotions.

This is the most basic form of animals and plants that have flourished to this day, the water of life.

Roland had unconsciously transformed back into a dragon body, but as the surroundings were filled with water of life, his body was shrinking little by little, his sharp claws turned into white hands, and his scales slowly turned into skin, but Unlike the previous situation where one's own power was forcibly compressed, the power and divine power contained in the dragon's body were not restricted in any way.

The water of life just adjusted Roland's body into a form that was more suitable and comfortable for him.

But compared to this, Roland's mind and memory are also looking back like a picture scroll at this moment. It is really difficult to admit his weakness.

Strength and confidence go hand in hand. If you hold victory in your hand, it will be difficult to notice the things that have been run over. If you hold success in your hand, you will become unquestionable.

In this sense, it is no wonder that Roland always felt that it was not the right time to go to heaven in Xingyue. Perhaps even though he did not realize it at the time, his intuition of fate still told him that his spiritual state had not yet reached heaven. Require.

In this case, even if he does obtain a substitute beyond heaven, he will only fall short before the dawn of the new world just like Father Pucci.

Destiny is such an ironic thing.

He is not a born strong man, but someone who relies on luck and courage to climb up bit by bit. Although Roland had great power before, it was not much different from walking on the cliff.

But now, the road ahead shrouded in fog was clearly visible to him.

Human evil, thousand wisdoms, possibilities, fire demons, destiny, they merge into the original self bit by bit.

The true meaning of Adam is the original man.

After realizing this, Roland felt that everything around him became more vivid. The contradictory and complex feelings seemed to be intertwined between illusion and reality, arousing strong desire.

He greedily absorbs the nutrients around him, and his strength and mind are constantly evolving, towards the most perfect creature, the most ultimate creature, and constantly trying to touch the realm of God with a non-god body.

The sacred double helix began to surround Roland's body. Theoretically, there is no perfect creature. The unstable structure of human genes is the source of mutation and evolution.

It's just that this ability is limited by the physical body, so the void transformed by the power of the mind is so powerful.

But it is precisely because of this that people will call the illusory ultimate creature, the existence that symbolizes the end, that is free from the will of theorem and the world, in the name of 'god'.

And for the madmen who want to touch this realm, the world does not even need to lower sanctions, because the desire to explore itself is part of the sanctions.

Under a truly perfect body, those who have no measure will become flaws in perfection, and will eventually be backfired by this power.

There is no need to listen to what others say, so there is no need for eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

It is not afraid of hot and cold changes in the environment, so it does not need hair on its hands and feet.

Being immortal, one does not drink or eat, so there is no need for the internal organs.

It has no weaknesses, is immortal, and has no need to survive and reproduce.

So, Roland

——Stop thinking.

Roland only felt that he was in a dream, unable to feel the existence of his body, wandering around in a chaotic manner in the dark space.

Not knowing the passage of time, not knowing the rise and fall of things, the emotions of loneliness and emptiness swallowed up his soul.

——So, the mind begins to form barriers, becomes resistant to everything, indifferent to everything, and wants to destroy everything that does not belong to oneself.

While surrounded by the warm water of life, Roland's thoughts continued to sink in with this feeling, as if he had become a part of the water and a part of the world.

"Roland, open your eyes, I am Lilith."

"Wake up, my Adam."

Two familiar voices rang out, reawakening Roland's silent thoughts. He forced himself to break away from the warmth, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the girl in front of him.


"Two...real names?"

The surrounding sea of ​​life had disappeared, leaving only a pure white space. Roland felt that she was naked and floating lightly in the air. The two girls next to her were in the same state.

That expanse of exciting and delicate skin not only does not lose its sense of mystery because it loses the decoration of clothes, but also carries a different kind of temptation, like a porcelain doll, with the delicacy of a work of art, like the most perfect thing from heaven. The body like a creature floated within Roland's reach.

In the most primitive environment at this moment, Roland not only did not lose that worldly desire, but became even more obsessed with it.

He looked at the two people in front of him who were like twins, and gradually understood the current situation.

Except for the Key to All Spirits, there is nothing around. This is probably the so-called spiritual space, and the two people in front of it are Lilith and Zhenming.

Because of the difference in temperament, Roland quickly recognized the difference between the two girls. The one who was ethereal and ethereal, with a clear sense of alienation from everything ordinary, was Lilith.

The one who looked at Roland with coquettish and dependent eyes was his real name.

Under the pure light of the soul, desire and touch will be extremely amplified. Roland can clearly feel the two girls' emotions as hot as flames. Just by being watched, Roland feels as if his body is about to be ignited.

The thoughts and emotions between the three people are not concealed at all, and can be directly conveyed to each other, happiness, sadness, happiness, and joy.

Everything is magnified to the extreme, and pain, sorrow, and joy have all lost their mystery because of this direct blend. If this place was said to be heaven, Roland would believe it.

But he just stared at the two girls in front of him quietly, feeling the purest desire in his heart.

Want to reproduce, want to evolve, want to be born.

The moment this idea appeared, a pale golden light suddenly appeared in the depths of Roland's eyes. This was the light that belonged to the heart and soul.

Dazzling light emerged from his body like lines, weaving intertwined threads, linking to Lilith and Yingman's true name, dragging them to Roland's side.

"Master, you are the only Adam whose true name is forever."

Yingman's real name affectionately hugged Roland's arm along the silk thread, and moved her body closer without any sense of disobedience.

"Lilin, you have absorbed the power of Adam, given birth to fruits, and have the qualifications of a 'god'."

Lilith didn't resist at all and pointed at the true red orb deep in the center of the pure white space.

Just by looking at it, Roland could feel the opponent's ever-expanding and boundless power. Around the orb, twelve kinds of divine power were guarding it, wrapped in demonic energy, just like guarding a palace. What connected them was exactly It is the power of the Third Law: Cup of Heaven.

Looking at what looked like a second organ, Roland understood its existence.

That is, after absorbing the Sea of ​​Life, he absorbed the prize of Adam's power, the Fruit of Life. After combining the power of human evil, he already has the qualifications of a god, although in terms of the amount of life and wisdom, There is still a gap in the level, but when it is completely completed, the moment it blooms will definitely be the most beautiful scenery.


Roland raised his eyebrows, turned around and looked at the two girls beside him.

"So, is this the final moment?"


The two girls said in unison. Because their minds were completely connected, every time one of them finished speaking, the other would follow it up without hesitation.

"Now we are in a state of spiritual connection and harmony."

"This is proof that the walls of our hearts complement each other, but it's not enough."

"Only when this outer soul form completely disappears can you complete it with us."

"Then, you will completely revive in this world with new strength and posture."

The girls, who were like twins, held each other's hands and stared at Roland.

"So, who are you going to choose?"

By choosing Lilith, Roland will become an individual who harvests the world, completes everything in the world with a god-like attitude, and then leaves.

By choosing EVE, Roland will destroy everything in the old world, give birth to new life, and become the master of the new world.

When Roland chooses one person, the other's power will become subordinate. But even when faced with such an existential choice, the two girls still showed goodwill.

"This is also the final trial. If you can't resist the impact after completely losing the wall of the heart, your current personality will disappear."

At this moment, they still care about everything about Roland. It is because of their spiritual connection that Roland can understand their attitudes towards him.

——Sincerely for you.

Without any selfish motives, just like waking up themselves who had been immersed in the wall of their hearts and stopped thinking before, they think about everything with the attitude of Roland as the center of the world.

This scene is like a reenactment of a myth. In ancient Eden, the first human being was Adam, and the first woman was Lilith. Then because Lilith was dissatisfied with her status being lower than Adam, she fled. He entered the Garden of Eden, was named the devil, met Satan, and gave birth to lilin.

In order to compensate Adam, God used Adam's rib to create Eve, and they jointly reproduced mankind.

But Roland didn't intend to be bound by the myth and complete a tragedy as golden as glitter.

Although he is bold and arrogant, since he is someone who intends to dominate the world, he should naturally act rebelliously.

What's more, according to the myth, this is exactly the choice Roland should make.

He is both lilin and human, Satan and Adam.

"Then there's only one answer."

Roland held the hands of the two girls and gave his decision.

"——You are all my wings!"

The so-called choices are just words used by children to comfort themselves because they are powerless.

As a mature adult, of course Roland chooses, I want them all!

After making the choice, Roland's strong desire also spread to the consciousness of Lilith and True Name.

Roland's consciousness seemed to be drunk, and a different kind of blush appeared on the faces of Yingman and Lilith.

In the pure white space, the three figures merged into one, and their souls began to blend together.

And in this moment of indifference, Roland also felt the pain of the absorbed soul light, like a heavy rain, like a sharp blade.

But he didn't even have the option to avoid it, so he could only bear it with tenacity.

With every second that Roland endured, he felt like he was becoming more and more disfigured in this Lingchi-like pain.

But on the contrary, while his mind was suffering from the damage, it was also infecting the incoming attacks bit by bit, turning them into materials to fill his body.

It erodes in one second and is eroded in one second. It is very fair, just like the rules and theorems of the world.

Amidst the worried cries of the two girls, Roland's emotions continued to rise, like steel after being forged.

"What is the equal right to think... If this is the case, then why can I still see those gears?"

Roland knew it from the moment he obtained the Key to All Spirits.

In this world, there will always be some people who are favored. In one world, it takes all your strength to reach them. The power that belongs to gods alone may be just the starting point in another world.

Under the influence of the wall of the heart, all barriers no longer exist, but there are still some characteristics that cannot be concealed.

With a scornful attitude, he looked down at all the pain that was inflicted on him, and let out a ruthless laugh.

"{THE WORLD!}, only my time!

——Wyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! "

Thanks for the tip, Mr. Very Casual! Thanks for the tip from Lost Memories! Thanks to Zero2 for the reward!

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