There are not only [-] Yinde Points, but also [-] Five Emperor Coins!

According to the system introduction, Qin Xuan also learned the difference between the so-called five emperor coins of ten thousand people and ordinary five emperor coins.

The five emperor coins for ten thousand people are the five emperor coins that have passed through [-] people since the Qin and Han dynasties.

Although it is not a magic weapon, its effect is no worse than a magic weapon!

"I'm bound to get these five emperor coins for ten thousand people!"

"I want to see what kind of monster it is and what it can do!" Qin Xuan was naturally ecstatic when he saw that the quest reward was so generous.

Afterwards, he and Qiusheng rushed in the direction of the demon energy.

Not a moment later.

They finally met Wencai.

I saw a small grassland not far ahead.

Wen Cai was lying on the green grass, and was grabbed by one leg by a person who looked like an old woman from the back, and dragged him away.

The moonlight stretched her shadow very long!

Under the night, seeing this scene is really strange to the extreme.

Qiu Sheng's face suddenly turned pale, and his lips trembled.

"Uncle Qin Xuan, this... what kind of monster is this? Actually dragging Wen Cai away!" Qiu Sheng's throat was dry, and he swallowed hard and asked.


Chapter 48 Devour Me?Do you have the patience? (5)

PS: Today's [-]th update, brothers who like this book remember to support it a lot!By the way, about the matter of urging more votes, how should I say, as long as you dare to vote, the author will dare to write, accept as many as you want, don't be afraid! ! !

"Stop! Put down Wencai for me!"

Suddenly, Qiu Sheng shouted loudly.

In the silent night, his voice resounded on the prairie.


Hearing Qiusheng's cry, the old woman behind her stopped and turned around slowly.

Under the moonlight, Qin Xuan and Qiusheng finally saw the old woman's appearance.

He has black hair all over his face, a pair of small green eyes, two big white teeth that are very prominent, and his nose is more like the nose of a small animal.

With her appearance, Qiu Sheng almost fell off the paper horse.


Qiu Sheng swallowed in panic.

"Uncle Qin Xuan, this... What kind of monster is this? Could it be a legendary monster?"

In fact, not to mention Qiusheng, even Qin Xuan was shocked when he saw the old woman's appearance, and his face was surprised.

Because the other party looks too much like a mouse!

That's right!

Especially the two big white teeth and the faint green eyes, which are just like a mouse.

At this time, Qin Xuan suddenly remembered some legends he had browsed on the Internet in his previous life.

He narrowed his eyes and said indifferently, "It should be the Grey Immortal!"

"Grey Immortal? This is obviously a monster, why is it still a fairy?" Qiusheng asked suspiciously.

"Grey Immortals are not immortals, don't confuse them!"

"Have you ever heard of the Five Immortals?"

Qiu Sheng shook his head, "I haven't heard of it!"

Hearing this, Qin Xuan shook his head and slowly explained to Qiusheng.

"The five immortals, also known as the fox yellow, white willow and gray immortals, they also refer to the fox, the weasel, the hedgehog, the snake and the mouse!"

"Of course, the five immortals referred to here are all animals that have been cultivated for a certain number of years and possess certain Taoism."

"In the north of our country, there are many convenient places to worship them and worship them day and night!"

"But the five immortals are divided into orthodox and loose cultivators. The orthodox five immortals are naturally enshrined by the main family, and the incense is constant!"

"As for loose cultivators, they can only rely on themselves, like humans, they have five immortals, good and evil, and evil, who steal, plunder, and plunder and commit crimes. Some even feed on people and practice evil ways to turn into demons. "

In fact, Qin Xuan doesn't know much about the Five Immortals.

What he said was just what he saw on the Internet in his previous life.

"So, this monster is also one of the Five Immortals?" Qiu Sheng seemed to have opened the door to a new world. This is the first time he has heard of the legend of the Five Immortals, and even Ninth Uncle has never told them about it.

Small animals can practice cultivation, which sounds a little far-fetched!

"To be precise, this monster is one of the Five Immortals, the Grey Immortal, that is, the Rat Spirit!" Qin Xuan said lightly.

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