Innolux looked very angry.

After saying a few words to Mu Handao, he resigned.

After Yin Lezhi left, Mu Hantao rested in his ears alone, enjoying the rare tranquility.

Suddenly, Mu Hantao heard a voice, like a child's laughter.

He thought to himself, there were no children in the Jiangxiang villa, where was the playful voice. After hearing his ears strangely, he followed the voice, through the corridor and the yard, to the hall.

A faint voice came from the hall, trying to pretend to be outdated: "The avenues of the world are infinitely empty..."

Another grown man's voice said: "Tower, do you understand this empty state? The childish voice stopped, "I don't know."

The man seemed to touch the child's head and said, "Look at the person."

Mu Handao opened his eyes wide in surprise outside the hall, then stepped forward and opened the door.

At the door, five-year-old Mu Handao sat solemnly at the table, and beside him stood a slightly blessed and very happy man.

The man said again: "The so-called emptiness, you don't have to know its ultimate, but our Mu family..."

At the same time, Mu Hantao trembled outside the door: "Father...Is that so, is the father and child dreaming?"

The man was not influenced by Mu Handao outside the door.

Mu Handao took an incredible step.

Mu Qukong's voice and shadow were like a bubble, and it disappeared together even with the five-year-old self and the dim candlelight.

Mu Handao's raised foot was in the air, and fell down in the middle of the night.

He smiled bitterly: "I said I must have missed my father too much before I had any illusions."

That scene just happened when I was five years old.

At that time, Mu Qukong was teaching Mu Hantao the original intention of Jiangxiang Villa.

Mu Hantao shook it and slowly bent back: "Father, please teach me one more time."

No one answered him.

Some are just wind and whistling on the mountain.

"Leadership! Wake up!"

Mu Handao looked around blankly: "Who?"

Who is calling him why did he wake him up? He didn't wake up? Only I heard the sound getting louder and louder, Mu Hantao's eardrum was sore, and his skull was aching like a nail.

Mu Hantao flicked his whole body, sat up, panting heavily.

Wait a minute, isn't he standing now? How did you get up? Mu Handao was shocked by this realization, his eyes were clear again.

He sat on the ground between his ears, surrounded by a group of sad people.

When he saw that he was awake, he hurriedly stood up: "little master, can you hear me?"

Mu Hantao frowned: "What happened to the second uncle?"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 572 ━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 first release, subsequent update chapters will only be released in the group, to see more Feilu TXT please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group, no resources You can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━━ Go back

Everyone responded one by one, Lin Xuan turned the horse and was about to drive when he saw the man stretch his arms to play hooligans, stopped in front of the horse, and said, "I can't ride a horse!"

Lin Xuan confessed to him at a glance, and then extended his hand to him.

The man grabbed Lin Xuan's hand and was pulled by her.

Suddenly, the fragrant aroma penetrated into his nostrils.

Say what's on your mind: "You're so cute."

Under the mask, Lin Xuan frowned and severely sprained him.

When he gets hurt, he immediately becomes: honest.

He had to stop and accompany Lin Xuan and others to continue to protect the body.

After they left, the two showed up with the probe in the woods.

One of them looked in the direction of departure and said in frustration, "Master, this is running with other people."

The other nodded slowly and agreed: "Master, finally, run with the others!"


The two immediately.

Looking at each other, they all nodded stupidly: "Okay!"

One of them jumped directly to the height of three meters and was shocked: "Master finally ran with the others!"

"Go back and tell the master! How important!"

"Go and tell the master why"

He thought about it for a while, then said, "The dowry is, of course!"

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