Lin Lu closed her eyes, because the scar scarf split Lin Xuan's.

In an instant, Lin Xuan turned red.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 492 ━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 first release, subsequent update chapters will only be released in the group, to see more Feilu TXT please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group, no resources You can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━━finally

Lin Xuan replied, "Yes."

Watching the two on Friday, they took their time, and finally focused on the flower and wine moon.

He smiled "haha"

, got up from the chair and said loudly: "Okay!"

After the speech, Master Friday walked in front of Lin Xuan: "For so many years, the clouds in Guancheng are very strange, the dark tide is surging, and there are many comings and goings.

Two years later, he became Closed Friday's "Twelve years are really long.

Humanity is warm and cold, red and painful, but eventually it will pass."

Speaking of this, he seemed to remember something, but Zou Shen walked to the only table and asked the three of them to stand together.

All three of them were standing in front of the table.

Zou Shen jumped up, groped for a while on the roof... and then fell to the same place.

After that, he reached out and patted the table.

Zou Shen's strength was great, but the table only vibrated slightly, and the table was not damaged.

Only four feet were stuck on the ground.

After the table legs fell into the ground, the ground shook.

The plank at the bottom of the table was opened, a square stone sank, and finally stopped, revealing the secret passage.

Zou Shen jumped off the building first, then the three of them followed.

After the four of them entered the office, the legs of the table were lifted from the ground, the stones were lifted again, and the planks closed gently as if nothing had happened.

Zou Shen took an oil lamp and led the three of them to walk on a secret road.

After walking for a while, Xu was so deserted, Zou Shen suddenly said: "Brother Pan, this storm is always here.

"The forces of all parties are ready to move, the next moment.

"A few days later, this thing is together, and I don't know how much it will do."

Lin Xuan nodded, and then said, "However, there are storms in the Lagoon Lake, but there are always several generations."

Zou Shen smiled after listening, Hua Jiuyue and Feng Yi'an said, "It's true."

After finishing, he took the three away for a while, then stopped.

Zou Shen said: "Yes."

The secret road was deep, cold, and long, and only a faint light from an oil lamp in Zou Shen's hand.

The three of them walked slowly, but did not expect to arrive so quickly.

Zou Shen deliberately walked the secret road for so long.

These four are in less than one tenth of 10% of the secret path, but if you keep going, they're all traps and nothing else.

After Zou Shen stopped, he took out a small: hollow silver ball from his arms.

He walked into the left wall and shook it gently.

After a while, I heard "rumbling" from the left wall

, and the sound is getting closer.

Eventually, I see that the left wall opens up another channel.

This channel is very short, only three 3.

At four meters, the vault at the end is faintly visible.

Zou Shen said: "Three three please."

After he finished speaking, he went in, and three 3s followed him.

The passage behind him was blocked by a stone gate.

The secret room is small.

After the four of them entered, they saw a gray-haired old man sitting on the bed in the secret room.

A hollow silver ball is placed beside the old man.

Also, there is only a small table and a cupboard on the side of the secret room.

There was a candle on the small table, slightly shiny.

When the old man came in, he slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were cloudy and dull, as if they were dead eyes.

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