Damn, it hurts.

My brain is still unclear.

It must be swollen by now.

Jin Yun was angry! With another slap, he stopped.

It may indeed be that the body is getting smaller and the pain is more pronounced.

I gleefully pulled my body onto the table, and when I couldn't control it, I sniffed it and tears fell.

Jin Yun's anger has vanished by half.

Saw people lying motionless on the table.

Sounds like crying.

I remember that whenever the girl saw herself, she would follow Jin Jin's brother Jin Yun's brother and shout.

The sound made him helpless and warm.

Any delicacy is also handed over to him.

Think about whether you are too heavy.

Is this still a child? Jin Yunfang hugged the man gently and turned around gently: "Do you know what's wrong?"

Huanhong nodded, tears still hanging on her eyelashes! Jinyun looked at her pitiful appearance and said softly: "Don't you know next time don't talk about going over the wall and going to someone's house, yes, what if you are a bad person" Lin Xuan grinned and cried out of control.

He went up and grabbed Jin Yun's neck and face and buried it on the man's shoulder, swallowing and saying, "I know, I won't do it next time."

She wouldn't be so stupid to climb someone's yard! Joy doesn't actually want to cry, that's okay.

Although I'm ashamed of hitting my head.

But you don't have to cry! She attributes this to a child's instinct.

After being beaten and wronged, the body's natural response is to... cry.

Jin Yun was so sad to see her cry, he actually cried other children's children, still a child who liked him very much.

If her brother knew...he watched happily, slapped happily on the back in a soothing way.

Hurry up and shed tears! After a while, the red and swollen eyes will not be good to go back.

Fortunately, I have been gone for a long time.

I closed my tears for three minutes, let go of my hands, and bowed my head again to apologize: "I'm sorry... Brother Jin Yun, don't be angry."

Jin Yun took out a handkerchief and gently wiped away his tears.

"Okay, I'm not angry anymore.

Brother Jin Yun is also wrong, no matter how angry he is, he shouldn't hit you."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "I typed something wrong."

"Okay, okay, let's go back!"

Jin Yundao said.

Nodding happily, he turned and stepped on the stool and climbed to the wall.

Jin Yun stretched out his hand and said, "Okay! You go to the gate of the courtyard! The joy disappeared before the wall.

"What are you doing"

After Lin Xuan's feet landed, Huanxi heard the voice of the King of Angkor.

Lin Xuan was frightened by the sudden sound and almost stepped on it.

Why don't you be a man and don't do bad things! Mainly it's easy to feel guilty..."No, no, no... what did you do! Good morning, bro 5! I went to see bro 2 and 6.”

Lin Xuan lowered his head, wanting to run as soon as the voice dropped.

The collar, stunned by Zhi, said: "You asked me good morning an hour ago, let's talk! You are all snoring.

It must be doing a bad job! Are you just climbing the ladder? Did you climb over the wall of Jinyun's house? What did you do?"

The Five Brothers Chi responded quickly and reached the key to joy! Please read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 467 ━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 first release, subsequent update chapters will only be released in the group, to see more Feilu TXT please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group, no resources You can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━━Over the wall

I must have taught her to be good so that she would never dare to come back."

Jin Yun said lightly: "Knowing the truth is very important, there is no need to...

She has apologized to me.

But despite her youth and pleasant temperament, she should always know that some people are wise.

Fear that one person has a problem unknowingly.

"Jin Yun's sincerity, he actually likes to be happy.

The girl is usually indifferent to him, sticky and annoying at times, but this is really good for him.

If it wasn't for this young man, with his clear eyes, he would have thought that this man had tried him.

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