do not be angry."

"Almost the same, remember, fight fast, don't drag the water, it's really impossible, let go of your monster and bite him!"

Beitang clenched his shoulders and cheered him worriedly.

This kid is so kind.

That's an absolute advantage, but in this big family it's definitely the Achilles' heel and totally unsuitable for surviving fraudulent situations.

She will leave here sooner or later.

If he doesn't change his temper, behind her is a woman who looks thirty or forty years old.

"I made the ginger soup and it tasted good, but not too sweet."

While speaking, the woman held the bowl in Yang's hand, as if she was proving that she was not lying and was showing off.

"Next time Miss Ben comes, please remember to put more honey."

After speaking, I moved the bowl to Lin Xuan who greeted me.

Lin Xuan took it and watched the woman wave to the woman behind her.

The woman found two dollars in a purse and shipped it to the woman.

"Do not,"

The woman felt the two dollars and shoved it into Lin Xuan's hand.


Lin Xuan put the money in his wallet and smiled at the two people in front of him.

"Second Mother, we should go back."

The woman behind whispered into her ears, the woman nodded, turned and walked away.


The woman yelled anxiously behind her, and hurriedly opened her umbrella and ran out.

"What do umbrellas do, will the rain stop?"

The woman's impatient voice came.

Lin Xuan put the porcelain bowl on the table, and then slowly walked towards the entrance of the store:.

She looked at the woman chasing the woman chasing the wind, then she looked up at the sky again, the rain really stopped.

There was only a faint vapor in the air, and it was all cool.

"Hey girl, what are you doing? The old man's voice came from behind.

Lin Xuan turned his head and saw the old man standing in front of the freshly picked longan meat and looking up.

"Don't move! This is what I'm going to use to cook,!"


Tao Jinshi looked up and saw Tao Yang standing outside the door of his room.

The hand he had just knocked on dropped, and he stood respectfully at the door, but he did not know why.

"What happened to Saburo"

Tao Jinshi put down the small basket with embroidery in his hand and said softly.

"If you're waiting for him and haven't come back yet..."

"I'm not looking for grandpa,"

Tao Yang said quickly, he took a step forward and walked into the door, "It's just... Auntie, I want to tell you."

Tao Yang's right hand was leaning on the side of the robe, and he was very nervous.

“Ok, can I take a spring trip in Qingming city”

"Invite friends"

She was even seen coming to the house.

I wanted to use a sentence I've never seen before, but I think Lee Kwang-yu rushed out like an arrow.

The ancestors looked around, but when Lan Linger didn't see Lan Linger, Lan Linger began to look into the distance.

In the end, it did find Lan Linger.

"She did go to Anzhai!"

Li Guangyu's hand trembled slightly on the fire above the brazier.

"I thought someone was peeking and I should have a look.

I never thought it was her! What a stupid girl!"

"Looks good, looks like a little adult everywhere.

Why do you want to go out Feilu reminds you: [-] things to read

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