Hua Yuncan has no time to take care of this.

At this point, I just want to know what makes my body so poor: so poor.

"Don't talk nonsense, please show me what poison I got"

Chu Rou was laughing at the moment, but he still helped Qian Qian Hua Yun to quickly analyze the material composition in her body.

Finally came to a conclusion.

"This old man has a great plan.

First, take a psychoactive drug daily, add some magic drugs, and finally add this drug primer to properly make you a three-year-old 3-year-old.

Unfortunately, unfortunately, I'm afraid your body will be ruined!"

"To be blunt, if I'm stupid, can you still finish the task, hurry up, is there anything to fix"

"no problem, no problem.

Fortunately, you haven't cultivated your daily poison, which will only make you: weak.

The most poisonous thing is not the human heart, that's a fact."

"Psychotropic Drugs"

"Yes, like narcotics, sedatives, etc."

At this moment, Chu Rou is like a treasure trove of knowledge that can help Lin Xuan solve the mystery.

Lin Xuanqian's heart is even more painful, just a family property, a house owner, let his brother fight with him three or five times,,, and deliberately hurt himself.

Sadly, the family property was never coveted, which is a big irony.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 401 ━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 first release, subsequent update chapters will only be released in the group, to see more Feilu TXT, please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group, no resources You can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━━ Dilapidated

"What are you doing"

"Nonsense, come with me."

Hua Yun turned her head to rest, too lazy to care about Chu Rou! The next day Hua Yuncan was too lazy to talk to Xiao Duo anymore.

He changed his clothes and shouted Xiaoduo to follow.

However, men's clothing is still required so that you can travel easily.

Master Hua basically no longer controls flowers and money, and now he has no major problems with his body.

This makes Qian Linxuan no longer have to ask the host every time he travels as usual.

The street is still as prosperous as ever.

I walked back and forth a few times, and I rarely found a beggar.

Hua Yunqian turned around and asked the little Danny around him.

"The dynasty was so prosperous that you didn't even beg"

"From my knowledge, this place is not without beggars, but managed in a unified manner.

On the outskirts of the city, a poor man was established with this name.

It will create a boom."

"Wow, you should be so fake"

"Do you know who temporarily manages this place"

"Where do I know, I'm one of them."

"This is Lord Ye's world, he is not only good at fighting the world, but also good at ruling the world!"

"Oh, this guy is also very good at governance.

Ah, my aunt.

Separate them, would it be prosperous? It's such a bluff.

But whoever controls, you take that village"

"Why go to that village, you can't just walk here without fear of contracting any infectious disease or similar."

"I'm not afraid, it's not that you have the best seller to help me, I'm not afraid!"

"Do you take me as a talisman?"

Hua Yuncan looked different, stopped caring, and moved on.

Following Little End's map, he soon came to this village.

It's a village, but a slum.

The houses here look far away and there are no decent houses.

All thatched houses, and importantly, some families don't even have thatched houses, occupying only a small plot of land surrounded by branches and dead leaves.

I approached and carved on a stone: Happy Village.

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