Tanisha swallowed the watermelon in her mouth.

"He was with us before, why are we suddenly ignoring us now"

"You mean he may have betrayed us"

Franks was the first to bring up the topic.

Tanisha rushed to Lin Xuan and said, "This may be an accident, don't forget that Merryweather never let us go, they will soon find out that Lin Xuan is not dead and continue to deal with us.

In short, I don't see my fellow being a traitor."

"I don't want to either,"

Lin Xuan said casually.

Franks looked at Lin Xuan and then at Tanisha: "Let's go to his house and ask him what happened in person"


SMS alert tone.

Mr Carrington's target car appears in the movie factory.

Black vintage cars were used for filming.

Find a way to get it in your hands and give it to me before zero.

Devon Weston "Come to work, looks like we'll have to do it another day."

Tanisha held out her hand.

Franks turned off the phone: "No need.

I do it myself.

You two go to Richie."

"After finishing the work, I hope to get some useful information, understand"

His tone was so cold that they felt threatened.

"Do you doubt us?"

Lin Xuan seemed to be irritated by this tone.

Franks breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You can't say that, but the situation is..."

"You doubt us!"

Lin Xuan broke the wine glass, stood up and shouted, Tanisha stood up, but she seemed to be hesitating who to help.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 337 ━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 first release, subsequent update chapters will only be released in the group, to see more Feilu TXT please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group, no resources You can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━━ Surprised

That's right! Soon, the chef found something like a cellar, which is very strange, why there is a cellar in the basement? The electromagnetic gun is in it! "Guys! I'm done here! Evacuation!"

The chef pushed the sealed trolley into the elevator and began to ascend, "What's up with Mike?"

"It'll be ready soon!"

The elevator door opened, and the chef pushed the cart outside as if he was carrying goods, but was stopped by two team members: "What's in here?"

"Weapons to be shipped to the Seattle base."

The chef said calmly.

The two team members immediately opened the sealed trolley. The person on the right looked at the electronic lock that was opened, and the person on the left asked, "Since you took them out from the basement, what is the password for the door?"

The chef was silent, the two team members did it on purpose, and they already saw that something was wrong with them.

When he was about to take out the silencer sword and take a gamble to kill them quickly, a cold tube suddenly held the back of his head: "Don't move, move it and it will kill you!"

The chef was surprised and was too careless.

Slowly raise your hands in surrender.

The one at the back...the team member showed a triumphant smile: "Fight with us and you will return..."


The huge roar was accompanied by a slight earthquake! Luckily, the chef didn't hurt his ears early, but the three team members didn't react. Then the sliding shovel dodged the bullets of the two previous players who had reacted and opened the knife, banging their heads.

The roar did not disappear, the sound of the swordsmen of the team members, and the chef pushed the cart to continue to evacuate when no one found himself.

"Nice job! Ronaldinho!"

Trevor saw blue light waves from the towers of the base, and the powerful energy cannon instantly turned the three tanks to ashes! He cheered happily, replaced his rifle with bullets, and activated his ability again to rush out of the truck cover. Killed a large group of players, "Who else wants to die!"

"Traver, obviously I controlled the energy cannon!"

Lester's dissatisfied voice appeared in the earphones, "That one over there..., you're not bad, but you're still a little tenderer than me."

Ronaldinho said nothing and continued to work.


Mike, who jumped out of the second-floor window, hit a player, and Mike slapped him in the back and knocked him unconscious.

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