Can't solve who said I can't understand no phone! And memory cards are not easy to damage! If so.


Rama immediately broke the phone, then knelt on the ground, looking for the memory card in the debris collection, found it! Rama shivered, holding a small piece of silicon in his hand, and put him in a zippered pocket.

Since this memory card is also connected to the phone, the data transfer function of this memory card is also blocked, which means that it is set as read-only.

But there must be an open way! This is the last hope! Find someone named Lester! Lin Xuan thinks he is very reliable, he must have a way! Please read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 332 ━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 first release, subsequent update chapters will only be released in the group, to see more Feilu TXT please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group, no resources You can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━━cover

I still agreed with it at first, I thought it was for the world! But no one told me I was a victim of this plan! That bastard bastard, I'm a useless pawn now! It's over, it's over! "

"no problem, no problem."

Helen was comforted when she lost consciousness up close.

"The arrest warrant of the United States does not work in law, and no one will chase it here."


knock on the door.

"Helen opened the door and picked up the messenger: "Just the messenger, calm down."

But she didn't notice a faint red mini-drone with a red light attached to the bottom of the courier box, and flew in.

"Signal Access"


The laptop makes a sound, "Accessing Schematic."

Lin Xuan sat in the driver's seat of the car, looked at the villa opposite, and then watched the progress of the access on the computer screen.

Franklin in the back seat moved Lin Xuan: "Dude, this villa seems to be much more beautiful than yours."

"Corporate is the most romantic person in the world."

Lin Xuan stretched out his hands.

"If a French man soiled a French woman's skirt, he would definitely have a romantic apology, dinner, or a confession and meter reading."

"If something like this happened in our house, it must have been seen in court."

The co-pilot Sanchez turned around to answer, and then turned to Lin Xuan: "Is there a result?"

Lin Xuan and the others wrinkled the interior of the villa with the temperature sensor, and shook their heads slightly: "It's a bit difficult, there are many people in her family! At least 20 people! It seems that some people are imprisoned, or they are deliberately allowed to cover.

In short, we don't take...action without knowing what she looks like.

The longer we are, the easier it is for us to reveal the whereabouts "There is one more problem, when we know it"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Of course it's killing..."

Lin Xuan immediately understood what he meant, and then looked around.

"That's really a problem.

There are residential buildings around.

How can I keep a distance and not be seen by others"

"At the same time, there are people who are preparing for the CIA.

They don't know where to eat ready-made food."

Sanchez continued: "They came earlier than us and they have to be taken advantage of by their surroundings."

The report said: "The FBI has arrived! But there is no sign of Mr. Lee.

Suspect it has been hidden and transported to a secret FBI base!"

"Mother's mother! Here they are!"

Shouting angrily, turning back and shouting, "All intelligence cyber hackers obey! Immediately put agents on the network covered by Ba Yue's location, and don't let them near Lee! All regional communications terminated!" "Understood! "


"Yes, that is the case now."

Lin Xuan called and took a sip of mocha.

"The look we need, the detailed look! Let's do that first."

Franklin They looked at the TV on the wall of the cafe and watched a French romantic drama no less than "Your Name".

He's unknowingly fascinated, obsessed with wanting to take a romantic trip with the tower after these things are done.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 333 ━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 first release, subsequent update chapters will only be released in the group, to see more Feilu TXT please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group, no resources You can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━━ Struggle

"Why Destroy Ba Yue"

"Is this an extremist group in the US why is there someone in the FBI and CIA"

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