
Trevor's shovel felt the hardness of the plank: "Well, at last, the truth will be revealed..."

Lin Xuan shook his head, looking helpless.

Trevor's shovel was dug from the coffin slab.

As long as it is opened, it can only reach the people inside.

He hesitated.

The action 1 year ago was the biggest vote for him and Lin Xuan, Brad and other partners.

The entire Alaska coffers totaled $20 billion but have been evacuated.

On the way, he was ambushed by the FBI.

Brad and Mike were both shot.

Under heavy pressure, Trevor had to escape alone.

He burst into tears when he heard about Mike's death and Brad's imprisonment.

He shouldn't run away.

Even if he dies, he should die with his good brother.

When he went to Lin Xuan's grave to blame himself, everything appeared in Trevor's mind like a movie.

If he hasn't met, does he still cry for injustice because of his dream of being a pilot? When he knows that Lin Xuan is not dead, he is overjoyed and rushes to the Los Angeles Xuan for a reunion and plans to bring Brad out .

He and Lin Xuan, and a man named Franklin, raided the CIA building, invaded the biochemical laboratory, explored the Amazon rainforest, and made a deal with the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

Original adventure life.

He is my best brother.

He is my only family.

Do you trust him again? Trevor's hand gradually let go of the shovel... No! Fifteen years ago, why did the FBI ambush on the escape route? Lin Xuan held his heart.

Why does he survive Whenever I mention Brad to Lin Xuan, why does he desperately change the subject Also, if Lin Xuan is still alive...that...the grave.

Who is "Bang!"

The board was relieved.......

After 15 years of weathering, only bones remain.

But that golden tooth won't be weathered.


Trevor snarled and dropped the shovel, "You don't think I can't see, Brad, what are you trying to say now?"

Lin Xuan obviously had some pitiful words: "Listen to people, in order to survive, we must do something.

Including We've Been: Around the World.

But there's a mess in the middle..."

"A little messy"

Trevor jumped to the other side of the pit opposite Lin Xuan, "Then what do you think should be Brad in prison and I in the coffin.

Are you in the house or the two of us in the coffin, are you in the house?"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 329 ━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 first release, subsequent update chapters will only be released in the group, to see more Feilu TXT please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group, no resources You can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━━ Nonsense

"But I make money with them.

It was at least the chance God gave me, and I took it! So now I have it all!"

The doctor nodded: "So what did all this bring you?"

"Bring... a life of depression!"

Lin Xuan jumped off the sofa.

"A big lifeless house, a pile of useless waste paper, a daily cuckold wife, a laid-back son and a daughter filming outside!"

Looking at Lin Xuan like a patient, he closed the notebook with satisfaction: "Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan.

You have to speak up and let them radiate out and stay in your heart forever.

It will crash."

Lin Xuan gave him a grateful smile: "Thank you doctor, I'm much better now."

"Oh, sorry, today is here."

Ferrand shifted his gaze from his watch to the door.

"How about the same time next week"

"Listen to you, doctor."

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