The lights on both sides are very bright.

When walking in the middle, Lin Xuan had to raise his hand to cover his forehead.

The middle-aged woman standing on the porch covered her face, her body trembled from the mood swings and tears leaked from her fingers, which appeared to be the family of the deceased.

Next to him, he saw Zhang Zhang━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 is the first release, and subsequent updated chapters will only be released in the group. To see more Feilu TXT, please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group , Those who have no resources can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━ salute him, and shouted: "Team Zhang! When the woman heard the action, she put down her hand and her face was ugly.

She grabbed Lin Xuan's arm.

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Chapter 316 ━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 first release, subsequent update chapters will only be released in the group, to see more Feilu TXT please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group, no resources You can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━━ Responsibilities

"Finally it's time to stop working."

He Liang breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the results on the computer, he was relieved.

After sending the artwork to the group, he closed his eyes, trying to keep his nerves on edge for a while....

However, He Tiangong did not become a beauty, and arranged for a phone call into He Liang's ear.

He Liang was torn between sobriety and confusion, and when he heard the phone ring, he had to crawl to the end of sobriety in a panic.


"Hey Xiao He, when are you coming today?"

He Liang heard the familiar voice, glanced at the calendar on the table, and remembered that today was the day to clean the old house.

He Liang will clean the old house every six months since he moved to his new home.

The caller was Mr. Chen Shudian, who helped clean up together.

"Uncle Chen, I just finished my work and can go now."

"Oh, well, please pay attention to road safety."

Chen Bookstore used to use "hey"

Speaking of voice, this rare function cannot be ignored.

"Let's make it up in the afternoon."

After hanging up the phone, He Liang said to himself.

He Liang turned off the computer, checked the items on the table, and went to the door with a car key.

There was another person over there, He Liang walked through the door first.

"why why do you come to work early in the morning"

The man greeted with a smile and said, "Would you like to eat?"

He Liang waved his hand and said, "I was full yesterday.

If I don't come, then you'll have to be scolded by the editor again.

"I do not have.

I didn't drink too much yesterday.

You see I didn't come to work."

"You still smell like wine.

I just posted the manuscript to the group.

Please check and share your work."

The man still showed a smile with white teeth, "It was a pleasure to be with him."

Seeing He Liang walking around, he salutes him hiply, "Make sure the mission is completed!"

Then he reminded: "It's hot outside, pay attention to the sun."

As he said, he shook his shirt.

Seeing him like this, He Liang didn't know what to say, so he had to walk towards the elevator with a smile.

The tall but unusually naive person is He Liang's colleague Zhang Liang.

In addition to...correcting photos, he is also responsible for enlivening the atmosphere, creating laughter and adding fun to the boring work life.

but "boring"

The term may not be appropriate.

After all, there are young people of the same age and the same dreams here.

He Liang did not put pressure on them because of Fang's pressure level 1, but patiently taught them professional knowledge.

Therefore, they will not have any psychological burden.

In my spare time after work, it's like a college community, which is very harmonious.

Outside of the company, I really feel the summer vibe.

The wind blew gently, and a whirlwind came from his face, and he fainted, sweat condensed on his forehead.

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