The beauties below are like clouds, flowing like clouds and flowing water, serving the big brothers.

As soon as Qin Xuan went in, he came over - a pink-headed woman.

"Hey, there's a bit of a face here too.

Come in quickly, what kind of Qin Xuan do you like comes in, he just said to the woman in front of him without saying a word.

"I'm not looking for girls, I'm looking for He Runfang."

Upon hearing this, the woman took two steps back.

"How can you find such an old woman without so many young girls looking for her."

Ninth uncle squinted when he heard this, Qin Xuan in front of him.

I thought to myself.

"It turns out that Qin Xuan Shangxian, I have written down this mouthful."

Qin Xuan immediately frowned and glared at the woman.

"You don't care what I like, call her over to me, and I have all the money."

The woman laughed.

"Come on, I've seen everyone in this dance hall, since I like He Runfang, then I'll go call.

But I don't know if she's here or not."

The woman went for a long time without hearing a sound, and after a while she suddenly shouted from the corner of the second floor.

"Ah, who's coming..."

As soon as Qin Xuan heard it, he was shocked that things were not good, so he and Jiu Shu took three steps together and flew directly to the corner of the second floor.

The two of them arrived at the same time and just pushed the door.

Then I saw the woman who came just now, hiding in the corner and shivering.

"She she she... dead..."

As soon as he heard this, Qin Xuan went to check it immediately.

Indeed, this He Runfang died on the bed.

As soon as Qin Xuan arrived here, He Runfang died, which was too strange.

Uncle Jiu went over and looked up and down.

"Nothing else, this person's death looks like he was forced to die, but it doesn't look like it was done by humans..."

"But in broad daylight, it's not too long since she died like this, and ghosts and monsters shouldn't appear in the daytime.

This is how the same thing"

Dead people in the dance hall.

This He Runfang, who can be considered a celebrity on weekdays, both big and small, died today, which is too strange.

Before anyone gathered, Qin Xuan immediately went over to check up and down, lifted her clothes, and looked at the skin of her arms and the soles of her feet.

When I finally observed it, I found a strange shape on the side of the foot, and immediately called Jiu Shu.

"Ninth uncle, come and see, does this profile look like something?"

When Uncle Jiu went over, he was immediately surprised.

"Black Lotus"

Qin Xuan nodded.

Suddenly, Uncle Ninth seemed to remember something and slapped his thigh.

"That's right, I said where I've seen it.

When Zhao Zirong died before, I went to open up his tomb and excavated his body. There was also a black lotus on the palm of my hand.

What's more important is that in the blood mill, the enshrined in the ancient temple are all black lotus flowers."

Upon hearing this, the woman last night had a black aura in her body, and when she fell, there was also a black lotus flower on her forehead.

All factors, there is a black lotus.

Qin Xuansi came over to think about it, and looked at the ninth uncle in front of him.

"I see......"

"These people are still shooting..."

When Uncle Jiu heard this, his brows furrowed.

"You know who it is"

Having seen so many so-called things about the supernatural clan, all kinds of people can understand it.

When he saw the black lotus flower, he naturally knew which sect he belonged to. He looked at the ninth uncle and Qin Xuan in front of him and came out of the dance hall.

"It will come eventually.

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