I want to lead a tribe to develop and grow stronger. This is not an easy task.

Especially the Berserker clan, they are not seen by Human Race themselves, they are treated as aliens, they are aliens.

Because of Berserker, other alien races, except for the characteristic of being mad, are almost indistinguishable from Human Race, and regard them as the same defense as Human Race.

That's why the Berserker clan was created, which is a bit like a sandwich in a sandwich biscuits. It is too difficult to be squeezed out, and there is not much room for survival.

So they can only survive in the peripheral zone of the empire. This place is also a good place they found after searching for a long time.

There are water sources, enough fields for planting, and tree resources and demonic beasts as food reserves.

Everything is pretty good, at least compared to the past, the bitter days of starving a large group of people in winter and selling a lot of things to be able to sustain it, it’s really much better. Up.

However, even so, there is still a very serious question in front of Haorak, which is the future of the tribe.

Today's resources can only meet the needs of a population of more than 500 people, so the population of the tribe must be limited to this number, not too much, otherwise it will not be able to bear it.

But the problem is that we need to eat and wear**. When this issue of food and clothing is solved, there is no need to worry about it. As long as it is a creature, it will want to meet another need.

In addition, there are no entertainment activities in the tribe at night, which can be used to pass the time. The long nights are also used for making babies and children.

So, in the last five years, there have been a lot more newborns in the tribe, which can be said to be the peak of the past 100 years.

This made Haorak realize that this is no longer possible. When these children get older, the resources here will not be able to sustain.

The problem is that there is never such a concept in the Berserker tribe and other alien races.

Population is productivity, labor, and combat power. If you don’t have enough food, you can grab it. It’s so simple and rude.

But Haorak doesn’t want his tribe to embark on this path of occupation and plunder. Although their nature is warlike, the battle they want is not like this. They want You must fight for honor, dignity, and protection. After you die, you can be remembered, praised, and praised.

Rather than endangering a party like bandits and bandits, after being killed, countless people clapped their hands and applauded, that was not what they wanted.

As for Lin Yan's solicitation, in Halak's view, Lin Yan's so-called employment is actually a kind of solicitation, which is still very attractive to him.

Because Lin Yan has made it difficult for him to refuse, and there are more than one.

First of all, for rice, Lin Yan will no longer trade rice with them, but you can let them grow rice on their own. The first thing that Daida brought back, and a book that deeply influenced Lin Yan, the postpartum care of sows, the ghost knew why he felt that this thing would come in handy.

Some simple techniques can still be taught, let them grow their own, raise them, and be self-sufficient.

Give a man a fish It is better to teach people how to fish and let them master their own skills so that they can live a better life.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Yan is lazy and doesn't want to make it by himself.

It is precisely because these conditions that Lin Yan put forward are too tempting to refuse, so Haolak considered for a long time, but did not express a clear rejection. After a long time of entangled thinking, Hao Rack did not agree with nodded, but he said that he would discuss it with several respectable elderly people in the tribe.

Lin Yan is not in a hurry, but he does not have that many time wasted here, so he can only give Haorak one day to think about it.

So, on the 2nd day, the atmosphere of the Berserker tribe became a little serious and depressing. Many people were aware of it, but they didn't know the specific reason.

In the morning, Flynn was also invited by Haorak, seemingly to attend a discussion meeting. As for what to discuss, Lin Yan didn't know, because he was not in the ranks of the invitation.

Lin Yan is not anxious about this and discusses it carefully. He is still very confident about the conditions he has put forward. He has already put forward enough sincerity. If such conditions are not accepted, then There is really nothing to talk about.

After a full morning of discussions, Flynn came back in the afternoon.

I snatched Lin Yan's tea as soon as I came back and drank it all in one breath.

"Extremely tired?"

"Very tired, especially since the participation is not in my own clan, I can't talk too much, let alone help you. "

"Is it necessary? I am still very confident in my own conditions."

"Indeed, which conditions you put forward made many people stand by you Here, most of the people have clearly expressed their support, and of course there are a small number of people who have expressed concerns."

"It is normal to be a little worried about the unknown. This is normal. Worry is a thing. Good thing, so that you will think carefully before making a decision, so as not to regret in the future and make excuses for yourself."

"You see it thoroughly."

"Because I have always been like this. I came here."

Since coming to this World, Lin Yan's worries have never ceased. Because of his worries and fears, Lin Yan has never stopped thinking.

Before doing everything, he will think carefully about three points. Many times Lin Yan has made a plan, at least several sets of action plans, this will be done, otherwise he has no sense of security.

"Once the decision is made, don't leave room for regret. I agree with you."

Horak walked in with a solemn expression Said.

"It seems that patriarch, you have made a decision."

"You have given enough sincerity. If it weren't for me to be a little worried, there is no need to discuss. I though It’s patriarch, but it’s about the future and destiny of the entire tribe. I still have to ask other people’s opinions."

"Understand, then use tea instead of wine. I wish us a happy cooperation."

Lin Yan raised the tea cup, the two sides clinked and drank it in one fell swoop.

In this way, Lin Yan and the Berserker tribe have reached an employment relationship.

"Then Lin Yan, how many people do you need over there now?"

"It should still be unnecessary for the time being, and I still have one thing to deal with in a hurry, so I will Let’s go."

"Is it important to be in such a hurry?"

"Well, it’s very important, I’ll go and take care of it first."

Lin Yan glanced at Flynn after speaking, Flynn suddenly remembered that his old friend should have arrived in Red Earth Town, Lin Yan was anxious to go back to absorb the elemental water.

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