Zero no ambassador: my harem

Zero Demon Envoy's My Harem Chapter 172

Hoshi headed to the study the Queen shared with him, which had a fairly high level of security and was perfect for talking about secretive matters.

Chapter 3: The Kingdom of the Goblins

Hao Tian met Julio in his study.

Still a blond and handsome man, but now more vicariously tired than when Romania still existed. The information from Furkai showed that Julio, in the name of the former Pope, had been trying to integrate the power of the various churches, priests, and bishops on the continent, but unfortunately the archbishops of the various countries had not given in to each other, and had yet to decide on the next Pope. The words of Julio, who was weak in power, did not convince and obey those archbishops.

Although it was regrettable, it was more in the interest of each country to have the priests split, so no matter what Anrietta, Willus, Joseph, and Alice all acquiesced and secretly supported the archbishops of their respective countries so that they could tear the religious forces into four pieces and no longer threaten the rule of the royal families of the four countries.

"Julio, I remember that you Romanians knew something about goblins in the first place. Can you tell me what you know about them?" Horton asked.

"Goblins? What's with the Secretary of State's sudden interest in goblins?"

"Actually, a goblin came to see me today. I was a little confused by what he said. Well, that's enough explanation. Now, tell me everything you know."

"As you wish. Goblins, who are as intelligent as we humans, live in the great desert that is now the eastern part of the human world, and every found oasis in the desert has goblin houses and villages, with large communities living just outside the great oases. Incredibly, despite the high degree of autonomy of the many villages and communities, they still identify themselves as belonging to one nation, Nefertis. The kingdom of the goblins, Nefertis, has no king, but instead adopts a system of councils in which each village and community has a varying number of councilors according to their strength, and the councils made up of these councilors are the highest authority in Nefertis. It seems incredible, then, how they can make quick decisions when hundreds of people are bickering and arguing. If there was a natural disaster or war, would they be able to respond quickly?"

"Heh, the parliamentary system?" Hao Tian scoffed somewhat, "Alright, go on."

"The Goblin Clan they don't believe in the Originals, instead they slander the Originals as [Demons], they believe in nature and use different magic than us, with the help of nature, we call it [Life Magic]. Every single one of their goblin tribe is capable of becoming a magician, can you imagine a human nation having tens of thousands of magicians, including thousands of [Line Level], hundreds of [Triangle Level], dozens of [Quadrilateral Level] and a few [Five Star]? According to the information sent back from the half-demon we sent to the goblin side, the goblins have always had [5-star], and they seem to have bizarre ways to pass down the power of [5-star] from generation to generation. Fortunately, the goblins' breeding ability is weak, and not every [5-star] is able to leave behind offspring, or else 7 [5-stars] would be scary to hear."

"7? Why the number seven?" Hao Tian opened his mouth and asked.

"That's because in the historical mythology of the Goblin Race, 6,000 years ago, seven [Sages] teamed up to expel the [Demons] from Hell from the Goblin Kingdom. The [Sages] is the Goblin Nation's name for the [Five Stars]. One of the [Demons] refers to the Originals, they are so brazen, it was clearly the [Originals] who felt that the desert was unsuitable for human survival, and that's why they took the initiative to take humans to the west to find land suitable for survival, which is the Halkinia Continent where humans live today."

"Are you clear on the way the Goblin Race's [Five Star] inherited power?"

"How is that possible. The half-goblins sent out to lurk are of low status in the Goblin Kingdom, so there's no way they would know about such a confidential matter."

"Well then, what about the number of goblin armies and the number of magicians?"

"The Goblin Nation has no concept of an army; every one of their goblins can be a wizard. The goblins of a village or community are an army of magicians, right? But there are also goblins that are independent from the village communities and belong to the council with high strength, they are called [Life Guardians] and number no more than a hundred, the weakest of them are also the oldest [Triangle Class]. There were 13 [Quadrilateral Rank] inside the [Life Guardians], and among them, there were three [Great Magicians] (Magic Power 15.9, who couldn't go any further because of their constitution). As for the number of magicians in the Goblin Clan, except for the underage goblins, their population is the number of magicians, which is around 30,000."

"30,000? Is the goblin population so small?"

"There is a limited number of goblins that the oasis in the desert can support, plus the limited breeding capacity of the goblin race, so that's the number. It's also fortunate that the number of goblins is small, if there were 300,000 goblins, humans would be captured and enslaved by the goblins again, right? Do you know, Secretary of State, before [The First Ancestor] appeared, the goblins themselves didn't like manual labor and had been capturing and enslaving other creatures, including us humans and the Goblins, pig-headed people and other sub-humans that existed before. Thanks to [The Ancestor], he led us humans to leave the Goblin race and own our own land, and taught us the power of [Magic]. So, come and believe in [Origin Ancestor], and [Origin Ancestor] will bless you."

"Sorry, I'm an atheist."

"God? What's that?"

"Just forget about it. Moving on to the Goblin Clan, do you have a map of the Goblin Clan? Can you tell me the distribution of the Goblin Clan roughly."

"In general."

Julio took the white paper Hao Tian handed over and used simple triangles and rectangles to draw the general outline of the human world, then drew a large rectangle to the east and circled it a few times.

"300 kilometers east from the middle of the Halgenia continent is the oasis where the Goblin Clan Council is located. This oasis is surrounded by numerous small villages. Then 300 kilometers to the north west of the council oasis, one of the three major tribes of the Goblin Clan, the Giles Tribe, is there, no more than 60 kilometers from Kelmania. 200 kilometers to the southeast of the Parliament Oasis, one of the three major tribes, the Lune Tribe, was there. The last of the three major tribes, the Ayr tribe, is 300 km east of the council. The goblins of the three major tribes are between 3000-5000. There were also seven medium-sized tribes with goblin numbers of 500-1000 spread out near the three major tribes. There's no need to mention the other small tribes and villages with populations of up to 200, and some of the small oases live near only one goblin family and are used as estates for goblins of status."

"Pause for a moment, so which tribe is the [5-star] of the goblin tribe?"

"This is information from 3 years ago, the Goblin Clan's current [5-star] would be a Goblin from the Ayr Tribe called Boonut, right?"

"Then, the Ayr tribe is the moderate faction of the goblins. Then, which tribe is the main warring faction among the goblins?"

"You actually know this. There is indeed a difference between the main warring faction and the moderate faction among the goblins, with the moderate faction mainly coming from the Ayr tribe that is far away from the human world. And the main warring faction comes mainly from the Giles tribe that is close to the human world. The Lune tribe has little inclination. Part of it agreed with the moderates and part of it agreed with the main warriors. The Pope's coronation observed the movements of the Goblin Clan every year, and now the main war faction should be suppressed by the moderate faction that had [Five Star] Boonut's location. It's only right that the human world won't be disturbed by the goblins."

"Is that so? The Pope has really done something remarkable. However, how did he observe the Goblin race? Can you really know that much with the information coming back from the half-goblins you sent out?"

Hao Tian stared at Julio with a suspicious gaze.

Julio remained silent. Should we tell this one about the [Round Mirror of the Originals] or not?

Chapter 4: The Ancestor's Round Mirror

"Don't want to talk about it, I won't force you. I'll trust you for now."

Julio: Secretary of State Hao Tian was the commander of the human alliance against the fire elves, so he shouldn't be on the side of the elves.3 years of relying on your personal power to find the user of the Void is really not very rewarding, so why don't you just confess here and borrow Torristine to find the user of the Void?

"Wait, Secretary of State, in your position you should have heard of [Void], right?"

"The [Void], well, I do know some of it. It's a magic handed down by the [Origin Ancestor] that is extremely powerful."

"[Void] is a magic that can only be used by those who were chosen by the [Patriarch], the Patriarch had predicted that there would be a great catastrophe in 6,000 years, so he divided the power into four parts, 4 Void users, 4 Enablers, 4 Gems and 4 Secret Treasures. The Pope's crown is one of the users of the Nothingness, who can observe any corner of the world by infusing the power of the Nothingness with the "Round Mirror of the Patriarchs", which was handed down from Romania. This is how the Pope's coronet observes the movements of goblins and elves."

There should be observation of the rest of humanity as well, right? Hao Tian's mind was made up.

That Pope was actually a Void user? What about his demons?

"The user of the Void should have a corresponding enabler, right? Died in battle with the Pope three years ago?"

With a bitter smile, Julio took off the white glove on his right hand and held it up in front of Hao Tian's eyes.

On it was a line of ancient writing, though Hao Tian didn't understand its meaning.

"Oh, isn't this [Wendalf]?"

Hao Tian's longsword Dever at his waist spoke in surprise.

"The right hand of God [Wendalff], you are the Pope's ambassador?" Hao Tian was surprised.

"As you said, although I wanted to die in battle with the Pope. But the Pope entrusted the [Circle Mirror of the Beginning] to me to search for a new Void user, and that's why I stayed alive. Unfortunately, there was no way to identify the users of the Void, and I searched for three years without finding anything. Hopefully, Secretary of State, after you know about the Round Mirror, you will be able to search for a Void user and use the power of the [Origin's Round Mirror] in the right way."

Hao Tian was silent for a moment.

"I, am not a person like the Pope's Corona."

"Yeah." Julio was a bit bitter.

"Actually, I'm [Gundaluf]." Hao Tian suddenly spoke up.

"What!!! You, I don't see any ancient writing on your left hand, ah?" Julio really showed a surprised expression.

Hao Tian brought his left sleeve up and a line of ancient writing was branded on his left arm.

"It's actually true, but shouldn't the ancient text of [Gundaluf] fall on the left hand?"

"It did start out on the left hand side. But it probably moved position when it was resurrected."

"Since you are [Gundaluf], a user of the Void?" Julio was a little surprised.

"It's Louise. It was Louise who summoned me to this world in the first place."

"Really? You too, it was the Pope who summoned me to this world in the first place, gave me warmth, and told me to read and write."


"Alas? Earth? What's that?"

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